US2 lps SPRING 2013

Kaitlyn Korda
4/8 to 4/12
Objectives: SWBAT…
Skills Covered:
Unit Title
Midterm Exam Review
Define and describe various terms
from the first half of the course in
order to categorize content into
what they know, don’t understand,
or cannot recall to complete their
6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Define and describe various terms
from the first half of the course in
order to categorize content into
what they know, don’t understand,
or cannot recall to complete their
6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Define and describe various terms
and concepts from the first half of
the course in order to assess
student understanding of content.
Note Card, Textbook, Study Guide
Note Card, Textbook, Study Guide,
Eno Board
Mid Term Exam, Pencil
1. Do Now: Why do you think
teachers allow students to use
notecards/cheat sheets on their
major exams? (5 minutes)
2. Review Parts of Study Guide
(Key Terms, Study Questions,
Essay Questions) (25 minutes)
a. Study Guide: Students will
review the study guide,
highlight/identify parts of the
worksheet that they will need to
study most and cross out the ones
they will not need to study. (30
b. Notecards: Utilizing their study
guides and what they identified as
pertinent to study, students will
begin composing their notecards.
Students may use the computers to
make their notecards but are
advised no notecards should be
copied and must be created by
each individual in order for usage.
(20 minutes)
4. Exit Question: Which content
will you review most when studying
for the exam? (5 minutes)
Work on note cards and study
guide to help review for the exam.
1. Do Now: Read through and
choose which essay you would
answer for the exam, what
arguments would you bring in to
support this question. (5 minutes)
2. Introduction to Essays for Mid
Term (5 minutes)
a. Essay Review: Teacher will go
through how to write essay outline
for the mid term exam. Students
are responsible for discussing the
questions and the various evidence
they will need to support the
questions. (30 minutes)
b. Notecards: Students will
continue reviewing information to
decide what information goes on
their notecards for their exam (20
4. Exit Q and A: Students will
answer various multiple choice test
questions to help review for their
6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Essential Question/s
1. Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
(indicate vehicle used)
Continue working on their notecards
and study for your exam!
No Class, Blocks 1 and 2 Finals
1. Do Now: List any last minute
questions you may have regarding
content on the midterm exam. Pass
up your notecards to be checked.
(5 minutes)
2. Introduction to Expectations
regarding the Midterm Exam (5
3. Mid Term Exam: Students will
complete one 5 paragraph essay, 6
document analysis questions, and
74 multiple choice questions to the
best of their ability.
4. Exit Question: Now seeing the
types of questions on the midterm
how will you change your study
habits to do better on the final?
Kaitlyn Korda
3/25 to 3/28
Objectives: SWBAT…
Skills Covered:
Essential Question/s
Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
Unit Title
World War II
Interpret primary sources and
paraphrase content regarding
Japanese Interment in the form of a
WebQuest in order to write a letter
to future Japanese Children to
express their hope for their futures.
Japanese Interment
Utilize the Band of Brothers
depiction of Easy company in order
to visualize the D-Day invasion of
Take notes and engage in
discussion regarding the War in the
Pacific in order to discuss the
decision to drop the bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Utilize content from their power
point and Band of Brothers in order
to imagine they are different
perspectives looking at images from
the Holocaust for the first time.
Easy Company/D-Day
End of the War: Japan
How did the New Deal attempt to address the problems of the depression?
How did the New Deal change the social, economic, and political landscape of the US for future generations?
How did men and women find relief from their hardships in popular culture?
Why did totalitarian states rise after WWI and what did they do?
How would America react to the events in Europe and Asia in the early years of the war?
How did the US react to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis?
How did the war change America at home?
How did the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?
How did the Holocaust develop and what were its results?
What were the major immediate and long term effects of WWII?
Lap tops
Band of Brothers DVD
Saving Private Ryan/Brand of
Band of Brothers
1. Do NOW: Paraphrase the
definition for the word DENSHO.
2. Introduction to WebQuest tasks
and Japanese Interment
(10 minutes)
a. Students will investigate primary
sources, songs, poetry, and
information in order to understand
the context of Japanese Interment
camps during WW2.
b. Letter to the future: Based on
the information you gathered during
the WebQuest, write a letter to your
future grandchildren expressing
what you hope they can learn from
what happened to you.
4. Exit Discussion: Why is Densho
important to many Japanese
1. “Currahee”: To stand alone
together This is the motto of Easy
Company. What do you think this
motto means?
2. Introduction to Easy Company
a. Power Point: D-Day: Students
will take notes from the presentation
regarding the road that it took to win
in Europe from D-Day until the
death of Adolf Hitler.
b. Band of Brothers: CUrrahee:
Students will view the video in order
to answer questions on the
preparation of these American
soldiers until they parachuted on to
Normandy Beach.
4. Exit Discussion: What emotions
do you think these boys faced as
they went off to war?
1. DO NOW: Compare and
contrast the two maps of the War
fronts during WW2, the pacific and
Europe. List differences between
2. Introduction to the End of the
War in Japan
a. D-Day Invasion Comparison:
Students will watch the first twenty
minutes of Saving Private Ryan in
order to visualize the landing by sea
of American troops. Students will
also watch the first ten minutes of
the second episode of Band of
Brothers in order to visualize the air
attack on Normandy Beach.
b. Power Point: End of the War in
Japan and the Dropping of the
Atomic Bomb: Students will takes
notes and discuss pictures and
quotations from the presentation.
4. Exit Discussion: If you were the
President would you have decided
to drop the bomb? Why or why
1. DO NOW: What things do you
already know about the Holocaust?
2. Introduction the Holocaust (5
a. Holocaust Power Point:
Students will takes notes and
discuss pictures and quotations
from the presentation.
b. Points: Band of Brothers:
Students will engage in discussion
of various points regarding how the
Americans stumbled upon the
Concentration Camps as they
liberated sections of Europe. (20
c. American Reactions to the
Holocaust: Pictures: Students will
go to the board to look at the
pictures of the Holocaust survivors.
They will imagine they are several
different perspectives and respond
to the pictures. They will imagine
they are just a citizen, an antiimmigration politician, the
President, and a Jewish citizen.
No Class, Spring Break
(indicate vehicle used)
Breaking Away from the Textbook:
Japanese Interment
Breaking Away from the Textbook:
WW2 Mobilizing Americans
Breaking Away from the Textbook:
Begin Study Guides!
Kaitlyn Korda
3/18 to 3/22
Objectives: SWBAT…
Utilize a video and power point in
order to decide if FDR’s presidency
should be held in such a high
regard in a class vote.
Skills Covered:
New Deal/FDR’s Presidency
Utlize the Disney cartoons Der
Fuhrer’s Face and the Education of
Death in order to discuss how
Disney interpreted the events in
Europe before the onset of WW2.
Causes of WW2
Essential Question/s
1. Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
Analyze political cartoons regarding
WW2 in order to present the
analysis to the class.
Dr. Seuss Political Cartoons
Utilize parts of the movie Pearl
Harbor in order to visualize the
attack on Pearl Harbor and its
effects on the mindset of Americans
during WW2
Pearl Harbor
Utilize primary sources from WW2
in order to complete a matching
activity to learn about the
mobilization for war in the US.
US Mobilization for War
How did the New Deal attempt to address the problems of the depression?
How did the New Deal change the social, economic, and political landscape of the US for future generations?
How did men and women find relief from their hardships in popular culture?
Why did totalitarian states rise after WWI and what did they do?
How would America react to the events in Europe and Asia in the early years of the war?
How did the US react to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis?
How did the war change America at home?
How did the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?
How did the Holocaust develop and what were its results?
What were the major immediate and long term effects of WWII?
President’s Video; Eno Board
Unit Title
World War II
1. Do Now: What is irony? How
does the picture convey irony?
2. Introduction to the Legacy of the
New Deal (10 minutes)
a. New Deal Power Point:
Students will paraphrase
information from a presentation. At
various points students will engage
in analysis and discussion of
quotation, pictures, and data that
correspond to the presentation. (35
b. FDR’s Presidencies: Students
will view and take notes from the
video. Students will decide at the
completion of the video whether
they agree that he should be held in
as high esteem as many people
do? (25 minutes)
4. Exit Activity: Students will
complete a KWL chart of
information they know about WWII.
Eno Board/Speakers
Dr. Seuss Cartoons
Eno Board/Speakers/Pearl Harbor
Matching Cards/Eno
1. Do Now: If you were President
of the U.S. and the world outside of
US was at war, what would you do?
2. Introduction to WW2 (10
a. Causes of WW2 Power Point:
Students will take notes and
engage in discussion and analysis
of quotations, data, and images
from the onslaught of WW2.
b. Disney WW2 Cartoons:
-Der Fuhrer’s Face
1. Do Now: What childhood stories
do you recall that were written by
Dr. Seuss? What were some of the
messages of these stories?
2. Introduction to Dr. Seuss
Political Cartoons (15 minutes)
a. Political Cartoon Choice:
Students will each choose a
different WW2 political cartoon by
Dr. Seuss and complete a political
cartoon analysis worksheet. (20
b. Political Cartoon Presentation:
Students will present their political
cartoons to the class.. Students will
identify the key features of the
cartoon, the message it conveys,
and how it supports the war. (35
4. Exit Activity: Yertle the Turtle
was modeled after Hitler. Watch
the video story of Yertle and explain
how it is modeled after Hitler.
1. DO Now: Watch the video,
Daffy the Commando. How does
the Looney Tunes spin on WW2
entertainment compare to the
American one?
1. Do Now: Students will watch the
cartoon, Donald Duck Gets Drafted
2. Introduction to Pearl Harbor and
American involvement in WW2 (10
a. Students will take notes
regarding the Pacific Front and the
Debate of American Involvement in
WW2 (20 minuntes)
b. Pearl Harbor Clips: Students will
watch clips from the movie
regarding the attack on Pearl
Harbor which initiated direct
American action in WW2. (40
a. Students will complete a
matching activity to complete an
outline regarding mobilizing for war
in the U.S. Slides with primary
sources and data will be placed on
the board. Students will have
numbers that correspond to these
on an outline. Students must match
in order to answer the questions.
b. War in Europe Power Point:
Students will take notes from the
presentation and engage in
discussion regarding pictures, data,
and quotations.
4. Exit Discussion: If you were the
mother or father of a young man
-Education of Death
Students will view the videos to
interpret how Americans took the
rise of Hitler and made it into
m/watch?v=aDDvpT MABOQ
2. Introduction to the mobilizing for
m/watch?v=swar and the war in Europe(10
(indicate vehicle used)
4. Exit Pass: How do you think
Hitler interpreted Disney’s
interpretation of him?
Chapter 23.1 Reading Guide
Chapter 23.2 Reading GUide
4. Exit Pass: 9/11 has been
compared to Pearl Harbor. Do you
agree with this based on what we
have learned in class today?
Chapter 23.3 Reading Guide; Quiz
who just got drafted, how would you
Chapter 24. 1 Reading Guide
Kaitlyn Korda
3/11 to 3/15
Objectives: SWBAT…
Utilize the internet and the text in
order to create original newspieces,
articles, and political cartoons that
are reflective of the 1920s.
Skills Covered:
1920’s Newspaper
Essential Question/s
Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
Paraphrase sections of a power
point presentation in order to
analyze primary sources and data
related to the content in a
Phase 2: New Deal
Unit Title
1920s and the New Deal
Classify information from their study
guide into what they know and do
not know in order to create a cheat
sheet to help them on their test.
Study Guide
Utilize their cheat sheet as a
reference tool in order to complete
multiple choice, essay, and short
answer assessments on the 1920s
and New Deal
Unit 2 Test
How did the booming economy of the 1920's lead to changes in American life?
How did domestic and foreign policy change direction under Harding and Coolidge?
how did Americans differ on major social and cultural issues?
How did the mass culture reflect technological and social changes?
How did African Americans express a new sense of hope and pride?
How did the prosperity of the 1920's give way to The Great Depression?
How did The Great Depression affect the lives of rural and urban Americans?
Why did H. Hoover's policies fail to solve the countries economic crisis?
Lap Tops
1. Do Now: What key features do
advertisements have? (5 minutes)
2.Reiterate goals of 1920’s
Newspaper Project (5 minutes)
3. Students will continue working
on their 1920’s projects. Students
are reminded to write their two
articles and complete a political
cartoon and an advertisement for
something relatable to the 1920s.
4. Exit Discussion: What have you
learned regarding the quality of life
in the 1920s?
Cinderella Man
1. Do Now:What is the meaning of
the quote below:
“You have nothing to fear but fear
itself.” FDR
2. Introduce to New Deal Phase 2
(5 mintues)
a. Power Point: Students will take
notes regarding the second phase
of the New Deal. Students will stop
at certain points to discuss and
analyze various primary sources
and data. (20 minutes)
b. Cinderella Man: Students will
finish watching the video to discuss
how Jim Braddock became a
symbol and hero of the
Renaissance (40 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion: How did Jim
experience some of the social
welfare programs we discussed in
1. DO NOW: Why do you think Jim
Braddock become such hero of the
time period? Explain with evidence
from the video and your general
knowledge of the Great Depression.
2. Introduce Study Guides Parts
and expecttions (10 minutes)
a. Unit Summary (fill in the blank
worksheet) Students will utilize the
vocabulary from their study guide in
order to complete fill in the blank
worksheet (25 minutes)
b. Study Guide Essay Review:
Students and techer will discuss the
different parts of the essay prompt
in order to organize possible
response to the prompt.
c. Study Guide: Key Terms and
Key Objections: Students will work
on creating their cheat using the
vocab and key questions.
4. Exit Discussion: What chapter
20, 21, or 22 do you think you will
need to spend the most time
reviewing for the test?
1. DO NOW: Create 2 last minute
multiple choice questions to share
with a classmate and review for the
2. Introduction to Test taking
a. Students will tke their unit exam.
Their exam is divided between
multiple choice, short answer, and
essay questions.
b. Learning Style Inventory:
Students will the learning style
inventory in order to assess where
they fall within the multiple
4. Exit Question: Based on your
study habits for our first test, how
will you change your method of
studying for the rest of the tests for
this class?
No School, Teacher inservice.
(indicate vehicle used)
Breaking Away from the Textbook,
Great Depression Social Effects
Breaking Away from the Textbook,
Great Depression Political Effects
Kaitlyn Korda
3/4 to 3/8
Skills Covered:
Discuss the causes of the Great
Depression in order to determine
how Americans were affected by
crash socially, economically, and
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Essential Question/s
Objectives: SWBAT…
5. Do Now (
6. Introduction (
7. Guided Practice (
8. Assessment/Closure
Discuss the causes of the Great
Depression in order to determine
how Americans were affected by
crash socially, economically, and
Causes of the Great Depression
Discuss the causes of the Great
Depression in order to determine
how Americans were affected by
crash socially, economically, and
Hardships of the Great Depression
Cinderella Man
Cinderella Man
1. Do Now: Complete America
Story of Us: Bust (15 minutes)
2. Reiterate goals of 1920’s
Newspaper Project (5 minutes)
a. Review Chapter 20 Outlines (20
b. Quiz Chapter 20 (15 minutes)
c. Cinderella Man: Students will
watch the movie starring Russell
Crowe in order to comprehend the
desperation that many Americans
faced during the time period (35
4. Exit Discussion: How much work
do you need to complete before
Tuesday’s due date?(5 minutes)
1. Do Now:
2. Introduce Cinderella Man (5
a. Power Point: Election of 1932:
Students will take note from the
brief presentation in order to
discuss the hardships that
Americans were facing when FDR
came into office (15 minutes)
b. Cinderella Man: Students will
watch the movie starring Russell
Crowe in order to comprehend the
desperation that many Americans
faced during the time period (35
4. Exit Activity: Students will have
15 minutes to delegate priorities for
project completion to their peers.
How did the booming economy of the 1920's lead to changes in American life?
How did domestic and foreign policy change direction under Harding and Coolidge?
how did Americans differ on major social and cultural issues?
How did the mass culture reflect technological and social changes?
How did African Americans express a new sense of hope and pride?
How did the prosperity of the 1920's give way to The Great Depression?
How did The Great Depression affect the lives of rural and urban Americans?
Why did H. Hoover's policies fail to solve the countries economic crisis?
America Stofy of Us
Unit Title
Unit 2: 1920s and Depression
1. DO NOW: Based on what you
are researching for your project and
the material you covered in Chapter
20, how was the twenties “roaring”?
2. Introduction to the Crash of
a. The Crash of 1929, Power Point:
Students will take notes from the
presentation and discuss at various
points during the lecture regarding
why the Stock Market Crashed in
1929. (30 minutes)
b. America Story of Us: Bust:
Students will view the movie
regarding the collapse of the US
Economy and how American’s
bounced back from it. (30 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion: Imagine you
lived during the Great Depression,
how would you describe your life at
the time? (5 minutes)
(indicate vehicle used)
Chapter 21 Section 1 Outline
Chapter 21 Section 2 Outline
Chapter 21 Section 3 Outline
Kaitlyn Korda
2/25 to 3/1
Define the term Roaring 20s in
order to discuss various events to
explain the term in their own words.
Skills Covered:
Utilize lecture notes and an episode
of the Simpsons in order to explain
the effect of Prohibition on
Americans in a discussion.
Essential Question/s
Objectives: SWBAT…
The Roaring 20s
Unit Title
Unit 2: 1920s and Depression
Utilize the internet and the text in
order to create original trading cards
and advertisements regarding
products and peoples of the 1920s.
Significant Technology of the 1920s
Utilize the internet and the text in
order to create original trading
cards and advertisements regarding
products and peoples of the 1920s
Significant Technology of the 1920s
Utilize the internet and the text in
order to create original trading
cards and advertisements regarding
products and peoples of the 1920s
How did the booming economy of the 1920's lead to changes in American life?
How did domestic and foreign policy change direction under Harding and Coolidge?
how did Americans differ on major social and cultural issues?
How did the mass culture reflect technological and social changes?
How did African Americans express a new sense of hope and pride?
How did the prosperity of the 1920's give way to The Great Depression?
How did The Great Depression affect the lives of rural and urban Americans?
Why did H. Hoover's policies fail to solve the countries economic crisis?\
The Simpsons, Homer vs. The 18th
America Stofy Of Us Video
Lap Tops
Lap Tops
Lap TOps
1. Do Now: What do you think the
word “prohibition” means? (
2. Introduce Prohibition (5 minutes)
a. Prohibition Power Point:
Students will paraphrase and
discuss various parts of the
presentation in order to complete
lecture notes on the causes and
effects of Prohibition. (30 minutes)
b. The Simpsons, Homer vs. the
18th Amendment: Students will
watch the episode and complete a
viewing guide in order to discuss at
the video’s completion (30 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion: Is there any
product you can say is prohibited
today like alcohol was in the
1920s? (5 minutes)
1. DO NOW: What does it mean to
migrate? Where are all the places
you can migrate to?
2. Introduction to the Great
Migraiton and Harlem Renaissance
a. Power Point: Studewnts will take
notes and engage in discussion
regarding the causes of the Great
Migration and its effects. IN
particular students will discuss
various peoples and ideas of the
Harlem Renaissance. (35 minutes)
b. America Stofy of Us: Boom:
Students will take notes from the
video regarding the different ways
that America grew economically
during the 1920s.
4. Exit Discussion: Although
prohibition was meant to be save
America culturally, how did it save
America economically?
1. Do Now: What does the word
roaring mean? (5 minutes)
2. Introduction to the Roaring
Twenties (15 minutes)
a. The Roaring Twenties Web
Quest (35 minutes)
-Students will be given a list of
technological advancements related
to the 1920s. Students will identify
the year it was invented, a category
that applies to it, and a description
of it.
-Students will choose one of the
inventions. They will research
advertisments related to that
product from the twenties and
create an original advertisement
with an original slogan for the
product as well using Microsoft
Word of Microsoft Power Point.
-After completing their students will
create “trading cards” on various
figured form Politics, Entertainment,
Sports, and Pop Culture of the
1920s. Students will download the
template from the class Wiki.
1. Do Now: Look at the list of
problems from the 1920s, write
down all the ones that are still
problems today. (5 minutes)
2. Reiterate Goals of Project (5
a. Students should continue
working on their webquest and its
three components. All parts are
due by the end of the block
4. Exit Poll: Look at the list of
inventions, which could you not live
1. DO Now: Which technological
advancement from the 1920s do
you think was most significant to the
time period? What about today?
(10 minutes)
2. Reiterate Goals of Project
3. Students should complete their
1920s advertisement and trading
cards by the end of the block (50
4. Exit Poll: Choose one of the
people you completed the trading
card for, why are they significant to
the 1920s? (5 minutes)
Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
(indicate vehicle used)
Complete Chapter 20 Seciton 1
Complete Chapter 20 Section 2
Complete Chapte r20 Section 3
Complete Chapter 20 Section 4
Kaitlyn Korda
2/4 to 2/8
Objectives: SWBAT…
Skills Covered:
Essential Question/s
Do Now (
2. Introduction (
3. Guided Practice (
4. Assessment/Closure
Paraphrase primary sources to
differentiate all the different ways
America was internally progressing
to devise a in order to create a
definition of the Progressive Era.
6.3 and 6.4
Utilize the internet in order to
research an area that came under
American Imperialism and organize
a poster that their classmates may
gain information from.
6.3 and 6.4
Unit Title
Unit 1: America as a World Power
Utilize the internet in order to
research an area that came under
American Imperialism and organize
a poster that their classmates may
gain information from.
6.3 and 6.4
Utilize the internet in order to
research an area that came under
American Imperialism and organize
a poster that their classmates may
gain information from.
6.3 and 6.4
Utilize the internet in order to
research an area that came under
American Imperialism and organize
a poster that their classmates may
gain information from.
6.3 and 6.4
What areas did Progressives think were in need of the greatest reform?
How did women of the Progressive Era make progress and win the right to vote?
What steps did minorities take to combat social problems and discrimination?
What did Roosevelt think government should do for citizens?
What steps did Wilson take to increase the government's role in the economy?
How and why did the US take a more active role in world affairs?
What were the cause and effects of the Spanish -- American War?
How did the US extend its influence in Asia?
What actions did the US take to achieve its goals in Latin America?
What caused WWI and did the US enter the war?
How did the war affect Americans at home?
How did Americans affect the end of WWI and its peace settlements?
What political, social, and economic effects did WWI have on the US?
1. Do Now: Refer to the political
cartoon, how does it convey fears
of males about the New Woman?
2. Recap of Iron Jawed Angels (5
a. Iron Jawed Angels: Students
will watch the movie and complete a
viewing guide
b. (20 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion:
b. Black History Month Person of
the day.
Video: Iron Jawed Angels
Lap Tops
Lap Tops
1. Do Now: Take off your shoes
and identify where the product was
made. Ask a classmate to check
the tag on your t-shirt, where was
that product made?
2. Introduction to Causes of
Imperialism: Economic Gain,
Militarism, and Nationalism/Social
Darwinism (15 minutes)
a. Students will be divided into 8
groups: Hawaii, China, Alaska,
Central America, Cuba, Philippines,
Chile, and Venezuela. Students will
create a poster where they will
place researched information (from
the text or the internet) regarding
American Imperialism in these
Each group will identify
the American interest in
the region
Years of American
1. Do Now: Many countries and
peoples were infuriated with the
U.S. and European Areas attempts
to “carve up” the world. Who do
you think was more right in their
2. Discuss proper Quizzing
Etiquette (5 minutes)
a. Quiz Chapter 17 (15-20 minutes)
b. Imperialism Carousel: Students
will have 5 minutes for each poster
to paraphrase the information
regarding American Imperialism for
the region. (40 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion:
a. America’s remaining territories
include the American Samoa and
Puerto Rico, what does this tell you
about much of the imperialist
policies enacted in this time period?
b. b. Black History Month Person
of the day.
1. Do Now: (Imperialism Cartoon)
What does the cartoon insinuate
regarding Imperialism?
2. Introduction to the Spanish
American War (5 minutes)
a. Spanish American War Power
Point: Students will take notes and
discuss political cartoons regarding
the war in Cuba and the Philippines
(25 minutes).
b. Students will continue working
on their Imperialism Posters from
last Friday. (35 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion:
a. Does the information regarding
the Spanish American War describe
any of the Cuban American
relationships today? (5 minutes)
b. Black History Month Person of
the day.
1. Do Now: Read the quotation
from the book History Lessons,
where a Panamanian textbook talks
about American imperialism. How
does that compare with what we are
teaching in our classroom? (10
2. Introduction to Imperialism in
China (5 minutes)
a. Spheres of Influence, Power
Point: Students will take notes and
discuss how Americans had
imperialistic influence in China and
the different policies American
presidents used to justify their
actions. (35 minutes)
b. FINISH Imperialism Posters!
4. Exit Discussion:
a. Our president’s said they were
not gaining new states but more
resources. Do you agree with this
b. Black History Month Person of
(indicate vehicle used)
the day.
Finish reading guide for chapter
17.1/Video Permission Slip
The actions America
took to control the
The effects on the
region of American
The result(s) of
American Imperialism in
this area. (45 minutes)
Students will carousel
around to the different
posters to record
information on a graphic
organizer for each
4. Exit Discussion:
a. A lot of America’s Imperialism
stemmed from Teddy Roosevelt’s
“Big Stick” diplomacy. What does it
mean to have the Big Stick? Place
your answer to this question on
your Twitter paper.
b. Black History Month Person of
the day.
Finish reading guide for chapter
17.2 and 3
Finish reading guide for chapter
Spanish American War Primary
Source Analysis: After reading
students will write a headline and a
brief article (2 paragraphs) that
convey the American sentiments of
the war.
Kaitlyn Korda
1/28 to 2/1
Objectives: SWBAT…
Review course guidelines and
expectations in order for
students to determine how to
be successful in US2.
Establish a goal for the
semester in order to keep this
goal in mind and reach for it
throughout the semester.
Skills Covered:
Essential Question/s
5. Do Now (
No School
6. Introduction (
7. Guided Practice (
Paraphrase primary sources to
differentiate all the different ways
America was internally progressing
to devise a in order to create a
definition of the Progressive Era.
Paraphrase historical facts from
lecture and historical fiction of Iron
Jawed Angels In order to discuss
the lengths and strategies of the
Women’s Suffrage Movement.
Paraphrase historical facts from
lecture and historical fiction of Iron
Jawed Angels In order to discuss
the lengths and strategies of the
Women’s Suffrage Movement.
6.3 and 6.4
6.3 and 6.4
6.3 and 6.4
What areas did Progressives think were in need of the greatest reform?
How did women of the Progressive Era make progress and win the right to vote?
What steps did minorities take to combat social problems and discrimination?
What did Roosevelt think government should do for citizens?
What steps did Wilson take to increase the government's role in the economy?
How and why did the US take a more active role in world affairs?
What were the cause and effects of the Spanish -- American War?
How did the US extend its influence in Asia?
What actions did the US take to achieve its goals in Latin America?
What caused WWI and did the US enter the war?
How did the war affect Americans at home?
How did Americans affect the end of WWI and its peace settlements?
What political, social, and economic effects did WWI have on the US?
US History 2
Unit Title
First Day of School
Back to School Info
Large Post-It Papers; Presidents
Lap Tops
Iron Jawed Angels Movie
1. Do Now: Complete the Who am
I Worksheet so I can get to know
you a little better!
2. Introduction to Course
a. Review Course Guidelines and
b. Distribute textbooks.
c. Distribute class materials
d. Introduce Goal Pennant:
Students will identify one goal that
they regarding their academics for
the school year. After identifying
the goal on the pennant they will
outline a brief plan of how to obtain
that goal on the pennant.
4. Exit discussion: As this is a
college prep class and you’re in
your last semester at ACHS, what
qualities do you think a college level
student should have?
1. Do Now: We will first review the
Progressive Era in America. Based
on the name alone, what do you
think this time period in America is
about? Can you recall what our
country was like where we left off in
2. Introduction to the Progressive
Era (5 minutes)
a. Carousel Activity: 9 stations will
be set up around the classroom.
Each with a quotation. Students will
have an overall question that they
will have one minute to answer as
they go to each station. The
question is “How would you define
and describe the Progressive
Reform Movement?” Students
should answer the questions
differently from their peers. (30
1. Do Now: What is the meaning of
the word suffrage? If one does not
have the right to vote, what does
that infer about the group that
person belongs to within the society
that they live in?
2. Introduction to the Suffrage
Movement (10 minutes)
a. Suffrage Movement
WebQuest:Students will use the
internet in order to answer
questions regarding the start of the
Suffrage movement in the U.S.
Students will identify the
significance of various inventions,
people, groups, and ideas on the
“New Woman”.
4. Exit Discussion: What do you
think were some of the reasons
women DID NOT want the right to
1. Do Now: Read the quote, when
do you think it was written?
2. Women’s Suffrage Movement:
The Passage of the 19th
Amendment (5 minutes)
a. NAWSA and the NWP and the
Passage of the 19th Amendment:
Power Point. Students while
viewing the presentation will take
notes and engage in discussion at
different points in the lecture. (40
b. Iron Jawed Angels: Students
will begin to view the movie and
complete a viewing guide
throughout it. (30 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion:
a. Were the problems of our nation
solved when the right to vote was
bestowed upon all who live in the
8. Assessment/Closure
(indicate vehicle used)
1. Complete Goal Pennant
2. Review rules with
parent/guardian and get signature
b. Teddy Roosevelt and William
Howard Taft Video: Students will
watch a short clip on the
Republican Presidents known for
Progressivism. As they watch the
videos students will identify how
these men progressed American
Society. (20 minutes)
4. Exit Discussion: If you could
identify one area in America today
that needs progress what would it
be and why?
Chapter 17 Section 1 Reading
U.S.? What are some future
problems that Americans will face?
b. Black History Month: Person of
the day.
Chapter 17 Section 2 Reading
Chapter 17 Section 3 Reading