Title I Teacher Training Module No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Title I Teacher Training Module Introduction Purpose To deliver support to Title I teachers who interact with Title I students, helping them to achieve high academic performance. This module will do the following: Provide a high-level framework of No Child Left Behind and Title I requirements. Present the new accountability requirements Provide instructional strategies based on data analysis. Identify requirements and activities for parental involvement. Role of Teachers Teachers play a pivotal role in the process and successful implementation of NCLB. First line of contact as the main link with parents. Assess students’ needs and performance on a daily basis. Evaluate programs’ success (tools, strategies, materials, programs & activities). Direct activities of paraprofessionals. Contents of Title I Teacher Training Module General Overview of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title I Understanding Accountability Data-Driven Analysis and Assessment Data-Driven Decision-Making Instructional Strategies for Student Achievement Scientifically Based Research Parental Involvement Highly Qualified Teachers and High-Quality Professional Development Resources Title I Teacher Training Module Understanding NCLB No Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) frames the structure of accountability in education to help all children reach proficiency by 2014. NCLB embodies four key principles of education reform: Accountability, Flexibility, Choice, and Methodology. Purpose of Title I Help children who are low achievers meet high academic standards. Title I Requirements Under Title I, states and districts are required to close the achievement gap by the following methods: o o o Targeting dollars to low-performing students. Placing a “highly qualified” teacher in every classroom. Improving the qualifications of paraprofessionals. Title I Requirements (cont.) o o o Offering professional development for staff. Using instructional practices and programs based on research. Involving the parents in their child’s education. Title I Funding Determined by number of low-income students in district. Districts allocate their funds to schools based on the poverty level. Schools serve the lowestperforming students to help them achieve academically. Title I Funding (cont.) Eligible low-performing private school students in attendance area of eligible school are also served. Targeted assistance or schoolwide programs. Districts apply for funds through the NCLB Consolidated Application process. Title I Teacher Training Module Understanding Accountability: A Teacher’s Perspective Understanding Accountability New Jersey’s Single Accountability System State Assessments Disaggregating Results for Subgroups AYP Calculations Sanctions Single Accountability System New Jersey has a Single Accountability System, in compliance with NCLB requirements, to ensure that all schools will make “adequate yearly progress” (AYP) toward meeting the state’s academic achievement standards. Students must score “Proficient” or “Advanced Proficient” levels on state assessments. Single Accountability System (cont.) AYP is based on assessment results and participation plus secondary indicators • Attendance for elementary and middle schools • Graduation rate (starting in 20042005) for high schools Student participation in state assessments must meet 95%. The goal is that all students will be proficient by 2014. State Assessments: Percent of Proficiency Language Arts Literacy Elementary Grades 3, 4, 5 Middle Grades 6, 7,8 Mathema tics Starting Point 2003 2005 2008 2011 2014 68 75 82 91 100 66 76 87 100 58 H.S. Grade 11 73 79 85 92 100 Elementary Grade 4, 5 53 62 73 85 100 Middle Grade 7, 8 39 49 62 79 100 High School Grade 11 55 64 74 86 100 State Assessments Students are currently tested in grades 3, 4, 8, and 11 in language arts literacy (LAL) and mathematics using the state assessments. Other grades will be phased in. By the 2005-2006 school year, LAL and mathematics tests will be administered in every year in grades 3 through 8 and once during grade span 10-12. Science will be tested in all the above grades by the 2007-2008 school year. State Assessments (cont.) An Alternative Proficiency Assessment (APA) will be administered to eligible students with disabilities. LEP students must be tested. AYP Calculations Subgroups Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is calculated for total district, total for each school, and the following student subgroups for each content area (LAL/math/science): Racial/ethnic groups, including White, AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American Students with Disabilities Economically Disadvantaged Limited English proficient (LEP) Purpose of Disaggregating Data Accountability Closing the Achievement Gap Sample School Results School A Elementary School LAL AYP Yes/No Safe Harbor Math AYP Yes/No Safe Harbor All Students Yes = 75% AfricanAmerican Yes = 65% AYP Targets for 2002-2003 School Year No = 49% No No = 39% No No = 50% Yes = 56% No = 45% No Hispanic Native American Asian/Pacific Islander Yes = 70% Yes = 58% Yes = 70% Yes = 60% White LEP No = 45% No No – 35% No No = 41% No No = 38% No Economically Disadvantaged Students with Disabilities New Jersey Professional Education Port NJ ASK LAL 68% Math 53% __________________ Sample School AYP Profile What Happens if AYP Is Not Met? Year 1 − Early Warning: School did not meet AYP in at least one content area for total student population or one or more subgroups. Year 2 − Choice: School did not meet AYP in the same content area for two consecutive years. School identified as in need of improvement and must offer intradistrict choice and prepare School Improvement Plan. Year 3 − SES: School did not meet AYP again; it must continue to offer choice and also offer supplemental educational services (SES). What Happens if AYP Is Not Met? (cont.) Year 4 − Corrective Action: School did not meet AYP again; it must continue to offer choice and SES and also prepare a Corrective Action Plan. Year 5 − Planning for Restructuring: School did not meet AYP again; it must improve academic performance or go into restructure status. Year 6 − Restructuring: School did not meet AYP again; it is identified for restructuring, which could result in state takeover. Title I Teacher Training Module Data-Driven Analysis/Assessment Data-Driven Decision-Making NCLB requires schools to make critical decisions regarding instructional and academic services based on data analysis. Collectively and interactively, data informs schools of the impact of current programs and processes on their students so that decisionmaking can occur. Four Types of Data to Be Gathered There are four types of data that should be gathered: Demographic Data Perceptual Data Student Learning Data School Process Data Resource: vbernhardt@csuchico.edu State School Report Card Information on aggregate student achievement at each proficiency level Disaggregated information by ethnicity, gender, disability status, migrant status, English proficiency, and economically disadvantaged Shows a comparison between the actual achievement of each group and the state’s annual measurable objectives State School Report Card (cont.) The percentage of students not tested The most recent 2-year trend in student achievement Aggregate information on indicators used to determine AYP Attendance rates for elementary and middle schools Graduation rates for secondary school students State School Report Card (cont.) Information on the performance of districts and if they made AYP Information on the professional qualifications of teachers in the state Web site for School Report Cards: http://education.state.nj.us/rc Data Reports School-Level Reports District Summary Report Individual Student Reports School-Level Reports School-Level Reports School-Level Reports District Summary Report Analysis of School-Level and Individual Reports Analyze the results of the proficiency levels and the cluster reports in order to determine the strengths and deficiencies of the following: Curriculum Teaching strategies Classroom environment Culture Parental support Students’ affective needs Other Assessments Beginning of school year End of school year Mid year Tools for School Improvement Planning The Annenberg Institute for School Reform has a Web site that provides links to surveys and using data for school improvement. http://www.annenberginstitute.org/tools/ Title I Teacher Training Module Instructional Strategies for Student Achievement Test Preparation – Providing Tools Use Core Curriculum Content Standards as the basis for curriculum Rely on the support of scientifically based research programs Consult the list of approved Title I activities in the NCLB reference manual www.nj.gov/njded/grants/entitlement/nclb Test Preparation (cont.) Reference the test specifications for the NJ ASK, GEPA, and HSPA Use sample test items and rubrics throughout the year Incorporate assessment experiences in the classroom that simulate state assessments Provide several picture prompts and other writing tasks to be done in a limited time frame Test Preparation (cont.) Provide open-ended questions Simulate the physical test setting several times throughout the year Discuss rubrics with the students and use them in your scoring Strategies for At-Risk Students Examine the nonacademic factors that may be affecting performance Maintain high (but not frustrating) expectations Use differentiated instruction strategies and assessment Integrate strategies across the curriculum Include cognitive strategies Strategies for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students Use academic content to teach the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Sheltered English Used in an integrated setting Each class has a language objective and a content area objective Strategies for Students with Disabilities Programs should be organized to promote the same high expectations for achievement established for nondisabled students All programs, regardless of setting (general education class, resource center, special class) should provide access to the district’s comprehensive general education curricula, materials, and assessments as well as supplementary services provided to other students (e.g., tutoring) www.state.nj.us/education Title I Teacher Training Module Scientifically Based Research Scientifically Based Research Programs Title I programs must be Research-based Proven to work www.ed.gov/nclb/methods/whatworks/doing.html Evaluating an Educational Intervention for Research Worthiness Is the intervention backed by “strong” evidence of effectiveness? Randomized controlled trials that are well-designed and implemented Trials showing effectiveness in 2 or more typical school settings Trials in schools similar to your school Examples of Effective Evidence-Based Interventions Tutoring by qualified tutors for at-risk readers Grades 1-3. Life skills training for junior high students effective in reducing smoking and substance abuse. Reduced class size Grades K-3 raises Stanford scores in reading & math. More Examples of Effective EvidenceBased Interventions Phonemic awareness and phonics helps early readers read more proficiently. High-quality, educational child care and preschool for low-income children reduces special education placements by age 15. Reading First Program Five key components of a reading program: Phonemic awareness Phonics Reading fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension strategies www.nj.gov/njded/readfirst/Programs Title I Teacher Training Module Parental Involvement Positive Results The most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is not income or social status, but the extent to which that student’s family is able to: Create a home environment that encourages learning. Communicate high, yet reasonable, expectations for their children’s achievement and future careers. Become involved in their children’s education at school and in the community. Research on Parental Involvement Parental involvement has shown the following benefits: An increase in student academic achievement A decrease in behavioral issues such as violence and drug abuse Better attendance Positive attitudes Lower drop-out rates District and School Plans NCLB requires schools and districts to implement parental involvement plans. Collaboration Required by Title I Districts must include parents in the development of their parent involvement policy. Schools must develop a School-Parent Compact that outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement. In some cases, Title I funds must be set aside for parent involvement activities (1% of allocations over $500,000). Building Capacity Through the NCLB “14 Activities to Build Capacity for Parental Involvement,” the schools and district will ensure effective partnerships between the parents and community and the school. Six activities are required; eight are suggested. NCLB Section 1118 Parental Notifications Required by Title I Notifications must be in a format and language that parents will understand. Letter informing parents of school’s improvement status and notification of school choice and SES options Letter about teacher qualifications (Parents’ Right-to-Know section 1111) Parental Notifications Required by Title I (cont.) Letter for placement of a limited English proficient (LEP) child in an English language instruction program School Report Card and NCLB Report Card NAEP notification Parent Options for Schools Identified for Improvement Intradistrict Choice: Parents of all children in a school identified for improvement may choose to transfer their child to another “available” public school in the district. The choice school cannot also be in improvement status or identified as “persistently dangerous.” SES: During the second year of improvement status, or if choice is not an option in the first year, eligible students must be offered supplemental educational services, provided by stateapproved vendors. Follow-up Activity Sample School A shows gaps in both LAL and math for subgroups AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, LEP, and Special Ed. The school needs to actively engage the parents to be more involved and supportive of the school endeavors. Parents can be provided with some lessons that the students can work on at home. Title I Teacher Training Module Highly Qualified Teachers and High-Quality Professional Development Title I Teacher Training Module Highly Qualified Teachers The Federal Context: NCLB The Highly Qualified Teacher initiative is a federal mandate that requires states to demonstrate the alignment between teachers’ academic preparation and their content area teaching assignments through each state’s licensing system. Teachers’ content expertise is the strongest predictor of student achievement. Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements At least a bachelor’s degree Standard certification (no emergency or conditional certification) Proof of content area expertise in the core academic content area(s) the teacher teaches Elementary generalists Middle and secondary content specialists Special education and ESL teachers Which Teachers Must Document Their Qualifications? All teachers with responsibility for direct instruction in one or more core academic subjects, including elementary generalists Special education teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core academic subjects Core Academic Content Areas Language Arts Reading English Science Mathematics History Government Geography Economics Arts Civics Foreign Languages Title I Teachers and HQT Requirements Expedited timeline for qualifying: Teachers in Title I schools hired after September 1, 2002, must satisfy the definition at the time of hire. Veteran teachers working in all schools prior to 2002 have until June 2006 to satisfy the requirement. Title I Teachers and HQT Requirements (cont.) Use of the NJ HOUSE Standard Content Knowledge Matrix First-year teachers in Title I schools may not use the NJ HOUSE Standard Content Knowledge Matrix to satisfy the requirement. Veteran Title I teachers and experienced teachers newly hired in Title I schools may use the NJ HOUSE Standard Content Knowledge Matrix. Content Expertise The highly qualified requirement focuses on content knowledge. An education degree is not sufficient without demonstrating content expertise in the core academic content the teacher teaches. Parent Notification and HQT Requirements Parent Notification Requirements apply to schools receiving any level of Title I funding. In September, Title I schools must inform parents of their right to inquire about the credentials of their child’s teachers. Title I Teachers and HQT Requirements (cont.) By November 1, Title I schools must inform parents which of their child’s teachers have not yet satisfied the HQT requirement―even if teachers have until June 2006 to satisfy the requirement. 2004 HQT Survey Results (Percent of classes taught by HQTs) All Schools Elementary 96.3% Middle/HS 90.5% High Poverty Schools 91% 81.1% Low Poverty Schools 98.6% 94.5% Federal Requirement: By June 2006, 100% of classes must be taught by highly qualified teachers Highly Qualified Teacher Resources The New Jersey Model for Identifying Highly Qualified Teachers (2004-2005 edition) is available on NJDOE Web site: www.nj.gov/njded/profdev/nclb/ E-mail helpline for questions: hqteachers@doe.state.nj.us Title I Teacher Training Module High-Quality Professional Development A New Vision of High-Quality Professional Development “It’s not ‘what counts’ it’s what matters.” - Willa Spicer* High-quality professional learning focuses not on accruing hours but on achieving results―the improved learning of all students. High-Quality Professional Learning Sustained Intensive Classroomfocused Research-based Aligned with state standards and assessments Principles of Effective Professional Development District framework Research-based principles Network of instructors Data-driven decision-making Title I Professional Development Requirements Title I funds may be used for professional development of Title I teachers Districts must reserve 5% of their Title I allocation for professional development Schools identified as in need of improvement must set aside 10% of their Title I school allocation for professional development Title I Teacher Training Module Paraprofessional Requirements Paraprofessional Responsibilities Apply to instructional paraprofessionals funded by Title I: Provide one-on-one tutoring Assist with classroom management Provide computer assistance Conduct parent activities Provide library support Translate Provide instructional assistance Paraprofessional Qualifications Must meet one of the following: Two years of study at institution of higher education Associate’s degree Paraprofessional Performance/Portfolio Assessment www.nj.gov/njded/title1/hqs/pp/portfolio.shtml The Greatest Challenge for Title I: Changing the Culture of “Can’t” The transformational change agent says, “Here is the standard, which I know is impossible, so let’s stand together and learn our way into a higher level of performance.” - Robert Quinn