
Board Review DH227, Lisa Mayo, RDH, BSDH
1. Microscopy that does not illuminate objects by visible light includes
a. Fluorescence
b. Phase-contrast
c. Dark-field
d. Bright-field
e. Compound
2. Which Microbiologist was MOST responsible for proving microorganisms can cause
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Robert Koch
c. Joseph Lister
d. Robert Hooke
e. Carolus Linnaeus
3. Microscopy used to produce three-dimensional images of a virus surface is
a. Transmission electron
b. Scanning electron
c. Phase-contrast
d. Fluorescence
e. Dark field
4. Stains used for initial bacterial grouping include
a. Negative and gram stains
b. Flagellar and negative stains
c. Acid-fast and flagellar stains
d. Acid-fast and gram stains
e. Gram and flagellar stains
5. Structures used for bacterial locomotion are
a. Fimbriae and flagella
b. Cilia and fimbriae
c. Axial filaments and flagella
d. Pili and axial filaments
e. Flagella and pili
6. A glycocalyx that is loosely attached to the cells is the
a. Cell wall
b. Cytoplasmic membrane
c. Outer membrane
d. Capsule
e. Slime layer
7. Gram-positive and gram-negative cell walls both contain
a. Lipopolysaccharides
b. Peptidoglycan
c. Techoic acid
d. Outer membranes
e. Endotoxin
8. What division of bacteria has a gram-negative cell wall?
a. Firmicutes
b. Gracilicutes
c. Tenericutes
d. Archaeobacteria
e. Mendosicutes
9. Chemical conditions affecting microbial growth include
a. Oxygen concentration and vitamin sources
b. Temperature and osmotic pressure
c. pH and nutrient sources
d. Osmotic pressure and oxygen concentrations
e. Vitamin sources and pH
10. Which of the following is MOST likely to be pathogenic for humans?
a. Mesophiles
b. Thermophiles
c. Acidophiles
d. Psychrophiles
e. Alkalinophils
11. Which microorganisms require concentrations of oxygen for growth?
a. Aerotolerant anaerobes
b. Facultative anaerobes
c. Microaerophilic
d. Aerobes
12. Streptococcus pyogenes cultured on blood agar would have a _______ zone around
a. Red
b. Green
c. Black
d. Yellow
e. Clear
13. Psychrophiles would be expected to grow BEST
a. At a low pH
b. At a high pH
c. In hot springs
d. In the refrigerator
e. At room temperature
14. Penicillin is MOST effective during which phase of bacterial growth?
a. Lag
b. Log
c. Stationary
d. Decline
e. Death
15. Metabolic control by feedback inhibition is activated by a build-up of
a. End-product
b. Substrate
c. Enzyme
d. Reactant
e. Operon
16. Biosynthesis within microorganisms is also called
a. Anabolism
b. Catabolism
c. Metabolism
d. Gylcolysis
e. Respiration
17. Plasmids are most commonly transferred by
a. Transposons
b. Transduction
c. Transformation
d. Conjugation
e. Mutation
18. The relationship between a pathogen and a human is termed
a. Commensalism
b. Parasitism
c. Predation
d. Symbiosis
e. Syntrophism
19. The relationship between vitamin K producing intestinal flora and a human is termed
a. Syntrophism
b. Parasitism
c. Commensalism
d. Symbiosis
e. Competition
20. Fungi that do NOT produce sexual spores are
a. Zygomycotina
b. Basidiomycotina
c. Sac fungi
d. Dimorphic fungi
e. Imperfect fungi
21. The active feeding stage of a protozoa is a
a. Cyst
b. Sporozoa
c. Trophozoite
d. Pseudopodia
e. Ciliophora
22. Small, single-stranded, circular RNA molecules that primarily infect plants are
a. Virions
b. Viroids
c. Operons
d. Prions
e. Phages
23. What are the general steps in a viral multiplication cycle
a. Penetration, attachment, uncoating, synthesis, release
b. Penetration, attachment, synthesis, release, uncoating
c. Attachment, penetration, uncoating, synthesis, release
d. Attachment, Uncoating, penetration, synthesis, release
e. Uncoating, release, synthesis, attachment, release
24. The mature virus particle is called a
a. Bacteriophage
b. Caspid
c. Genome
d. Prophage
e. Virion
25. Which of the following is likely to be found on the tongue and in saliva?
a. S. salivarius
b. S. milleri
c. S. sanguis
d. S. mitior
e. S. mutans
26. The virulence of many gram-negative is enhanced by their
a. Endotoxin production
b. Invasiveness
c. Lysogenic action
d. Interferon production
e. Capsule formation
27. Human diseases caused by protozoans include
a. Malaria and toxoplasmosis
b. Ameobic dysentery and ringworm
c. Toxoplasmosis and botulism
d. Malaria and diphtheria
e. Amoebic dysentery and thrush
28. The transfer of genetic material by a bacteriophage is termed
a. Lysogenic conversion
b. Sexduction
c. Conjugation
d. Transduction
e. Transformation
29. The major distinction between the prokaryotic cell and the eukaryotic cell is that the
eukaryotic cell has a
a. Cell wall
b. Distinct nucleus
c. Chromosome
d. Flagellum
e. Cell membrane
30. The greatest possibility of contracting herpetic whitlow would be by touching an
infected patient’s
a. Vesicular lesions and blood
b. Clothing and saliva
c. Blood and saliva
d. Blood and clothing
e. Saliva and vesicular lesions
SITUATION: Your patient is a 40-year old man who has worked in a blood bank for 15 years and
frequently works without gloves. He is scheduled for a 6-month recare appointment. As you
are seating the patient, he mentions he is just now recovering from the flu. You now notice his
eyes are somewhat yellowish. Question 31 and 32 refer to this case.
31. What disease might this patient have?
a. Hepatitis A
b. Influenza
c. Infectious hepatitis
d. Hepatitis B
e. Infectious mononucleosis
32. The BEST choice of treatment for this patient at this appointment would be to
a. Wear gloved and face mask and perform an intraoral and extraoral exam
b. Refer to a physician and reschedule in 6 months
c. Refer to a hospital equipped to treat the patient dentally with maximal
d. Wear gloved and face mask and render nonsurgical periodontal therapy
e. Refer to a physician and reschedule according to the physician’s
33. Some gram-positive bacteria can form a spore state. Spores are fragile and can be
destroyed easily.
a. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Both statements are FALSE.
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
d. The first statement is FLASE, the second statement is TRUE.
34. Infectious mononucleosis is caused by which of the following microorganisms?
a. Rubella virus
b. Epstein-Barr virus
c. Herpes zoster virus
d. Varicella zoster virus
e. Variola virus
35. A herpetic lesion of the finger is called
a. Herpetic whitlow
b. Herpes labialis
c. Herpes Keratoconjunctivitis
d. Angular cheilitis
e. Conjunctivitis
36. HIV can be transmitted by saliva. The presence of HIV antibodies indicated immunity for
a. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Both statements are FALSE.
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
d. The first statement is FLASE, the second statement is TRUE.
37. A virus cannot replicate outside a living organism. A virus has a single strand of nucleic
a. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Both statements are FALSE.
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
d. The first statement is FLASE, the second statement is TRUE.
38. What type of acid for Streptococcus mutans produce?
a. Acetic
b. Lactic
c. Citric
d. Phosphoric
39. Dextrans are produced by:
a. Neisseria
b. Schwann cells
c. Adipose tissue
d. Streptococcus mutans
40. The common factor that allows colonization of dental plaque by a bacterial species is
a. Presence of sucrose in the diet
b. Presence of an aerobic environment
c. Presence of a positive charge on the bacterial wall
d. Ability to adhere through some specific mechanism
41. Most microorganisms are MOST susceptible to the action of physical and chemical
agents during the:
a. Lag phase
b. Death phase
c. Stationary phase
d. Logarithmic phase
42. The optimal temperature in Celsius for culturing most microorganisms that cause
human disease is:
a. 21
b. 37
c. 64
d. 98
43. Rheumatic fever may follow repeated infections by which of the following
a. Adenovirus
b. Lactobascillus
c. Streptococcus
d. Pneumococcus
44. The causative organism for gonorrhea is:
a. Neisseria
b. Prevotella
c. Streptococcus
d. Mycobacterium
45. Opsonin helps prepare bacteria for:
a. Coagulation
b. Cell division
c. Phagocytosis
d. Agglutination
46. Which antibody is found in secretions such as saliva?
a. IgG
b. IgM
c. IgE
d. IgA
47. The major function of the plasma cell is in:
a. Opsonization
b. Phagocytosis
c. Humoral immunity
d. Cell mediated immunity
48. The immune hypersensitivity reaction that does NOT involve antibody production is:
a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Type IV
d. Type III
49. The immunoglobulin most often associated with an allergic reaction is:
a. IgA
b. IgG
c. IgE
d. IgM
50. What component of blood tissue is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells?
a. Insulin
b. Plasma
c. B cells
d. Hemoglobin
51. The cellular site for protein synthesis is:
a. Nucleus
b. Mitochondria
c. Cellular cytoplasm
d. Endoplasmic reticulum
52. The portion of an antibody responsible for binding to antigen is the:
a. Fc region
b. Fab region
c. Hinge region
d. Disulfide bond
53. All of the following organisms are viruses EXCEPT one.
a. Herpes
b. Coxsackie
c. Treponema
d. Epstein-Barr
54. Which of the following confers immunity to hepatitis B infection?
a. HBsAg
b. HBeAg
c. Anti-HBcAg
d. Anti-HBsAg
55. Which of the following hepatitis viruses is classified as a DNA virus?
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis E
56. Clostridium tetani is spread through:
a. Droplet aerosol
b. Body fluids
c. Dust born particles
d. Maternal transmission via birth
57. Which microorganism is MOST often associated with the tongue?
a. Streptococcus
b. Prevotella intermedia
c. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Streptococcus salivarius
58. Which bacterial product is necessary for invading tissue during spread of infection?
a. Catalase
b. Streptokinase
c. Hyaluronidase
d. Superoxide dismutase
59. Most disease-causing organisms are:
a. Gram + rods
b. Gram – rods
c. Gram + cocci
d. Gram - cocci
60. Which bacteria has endotoxin associated with its cell wall?
a. Neisseria
b. Bacillus
c. Streptococcus
d. Staphylococcus
61. Which organism is MOST often linked to root caries?
a. Actinomyces viscosus
b. Streptococcus mutans
c. Prevotella intermedia
d. Porphyromonas gingivalis
62. Which organism is causative for anthrax?
a. Listeria
b. Bacillus
c. Streptococcus
d. Staphylococcus
63. Which is the ONLY sugar that can be utilized to produce dextrans by Streptococcus
a. Sucrose
b. Lactose
c. Glucose
d. Fructose