IME 451 Industrial Engineering Design I

ISE 451 Industrial Engineering Design I
Instructor: Dr. Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi (
Class Time: Mondays 1-3:45 pm
Location: Gilbreth Hall Room 101 (3 credit hours)
Office Hours: Monday 10am-12noon and Friday 1-3pm and by appointment, Gilbreth 103G
Prerequisites: IME 432, and concurrent enrollment in 433, or permission of instructor
Class Description: Stochastic and deterministic models of production and inventory systems.
Aggregate planning, push and pull production control systems, lean production systems, and
Textbook: Factory Physics, Foundations of Manufacturing Management, 3rd Edition, Wallace
J. Hopp and Mark L. Spearman, 2008, McGraw-Hill, ISBN #978-0-07-282403-2
Objectives: By the end of this course, students will be able to…
1. Assess a production environment and identify appropriate management techniques
2. Understand the complex issues involved with planning a manufacturing system and the
diverse human perspectives that must be considered
3. Evaluate the performance of different manufacturing systems from a factory physics
4. Work together in a team to apply principles to a system analysis case from industry
5. Demonstrate communication skills in class exercises
Assignments: Four homework assignments will consist of questions from the textbook and
from other sources. Students will be required to submit article reviews on topics from monthly
Industrial Engineer magazine, a publication of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. A small
group project with a local company will involve reading background materials, analysis of data,
and team evaluations and reports. The two exams will have a combination of quantitative and
qualitative questions on topics listed in the schedule.
Undergraduate Grading Scheme: 20% homework, 25% midterm exam, 25% final exam, 30%
interdisciplinary team project.
Graduate Student Grading Scheme: Graduate students may enroll in an advanced version of
this course through ISE 540, Production Control and Inventory Systems. Graduate students will
have additional problems to complete on each assignment, as well as an individual term project
to complete. The grading scheme is 20% homework, 25% midterm exam, 25% final exam, 20%
term project, 10% in-class presentation in November. Class participation is expected. Graduate
students should discuss project and presentation topics with the instructor.
Policies: Students are expected to read all assignments prior to coming to class and participate
fully in the class discussions and team group work related to projects. Homework must be
submitted at the beginning of the class period in which it is due. Students are encouraged to
study with classmates and discuss materials outside of class. Once concepts are discussed,
however, students should work independently on homework problems, unless otherwise noted in
assignments. To improve industrial communication skills, all reports and homework essay
questions must be typed and will be evaluated, in part, on their use of good communication
practices. Students are expected to submit only original materials and cite references that are
paraphrased or quoted, such as the text, other books, journals, websites, etc. If you have any
questions regarding what plagiarism is or what it means to write in your own words, please come
and talk with me. Students who require accommodations for documented disabilities or other
special circumstances should also contact me early in the semester to discuss, and visit the
Disability Services for Students office at 330 Memorial Union 874-2098.
Illness Due to Flu
The H1N1 Flu Pandemic may impact classes this semester. If any of us develop flu-like
symptoms, we are being advised to stay home until the fever has subsided for 24 hours. So, if
you exhibit such symptoms, please do not come to class. Notify me at 874-5187 or of your status, and we will communicate via email, phone, or Sakai. We will
work together to ensure that course instruction and work is completed for the semester.
ISE 451 Industrial Engineering Design I
Week of…
Topics Covered in Class (tentative)
Introductions, History & Importance of
Readings Due
Chapter 0, 1
Manufacturing, Factory Physics
Project Presentations, Forecasting
Section 13.3
Project Presentations, EOQ/ROP (22nd
add and early drop day) (8 am – resume
Ch. 2
MRP, Inventory Management
HW1 Due
Ch. 3 and 17
JIT (Columbus Day – classes meet!!!)
HW2 Due
Ch. 4 and 5
Mid Term Exam
10/26 (mid)
Covers thru 10/12
Student Presentations, Factory Dynamics
Ch. 6 and 7
(26th mid-semester, last p/f change day)
Variability Basics (2nd last drop day)
Ch. 8
Ethics and Post-Grad, Variability
Ch. 9
Pull Systems
Shop Floor Control, Scheduling
Ch. 14 and 15
Quality, Grad Student Presentations
Ch. 12 and 19
Student Presentations
Exam Week
Final Exam, in 101 Gilbreth
HW3 Due
Ch. 10 and 13
HW 4 and
Project Due
* several Plant Trips will also be planned throughout the semester.
Covers 10/26 thru