Small or medium-scale focused research projects (STREPs)

FP7-257418 ULOOP
User-centric Wireless Local-Loop
Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP)
Date of preparation: September 2009
Date of negotiation session I: 20th March 2010
Date of negotiation session II: 9th April 2010
Work programme topic addressed: ICT 2009-1.1, The Network of the Future
Name of the coordinating person: Olivier Marcé (ALBLF)
fax: +33 1 30 77 61 75
Name of the scientific coordinating person: Rute Sofia (INESC Porto)
Participant no. *
1 (Coordinator)
Participant organisation name
Alcatel-Lucent BellLabs France
Part. short
(Scientific Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e INESC Porto
Sistemas de Computadores do porto
Caixa Mágica Software, SA
FON Wireless Limited
United Kingdom
Technische Universität Berlin
University of Kent
United Kingdom
Université de Genève
Teleinform S.P.A
University of Urbino
Duesseldorf HWDU
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Costs Table (A3.2)
Executive Summary
The flexibility inherent to wireless technologies is giving rise to new types of access networks and allowing
the Internet to expand in a user-centric way. This is particularly relevant if one considers that wireless
technologies such as Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) currently complement Internet access broadband technologies,
forming the last hop to the end-user. This fact becomes even more significant due to the dense deployment of
Wi-Fi Access Points that is common today in urban environments.
Due to such density, a relevant aspect that can be worked upon is leveraging such “wireless local-loop” by
developing networking mechanisms that allow adequate resource management and a future Internet
architecture to scale in an autonomic way. Such wireless local-loop could then reach rates closer to the ones
provided by current access technologies.
A way to overcome the limitation of today’s broadband access technologies is to expand the backbone
infrastructure reach by means of low-cost wireless technologies that embody a multi-operator model, i.e., a
local-loop based upon what a specific community of individuals (end-users) is willing to share, backed up by
specific cooperation incentives and “good behaviour” rules.
The purpose of this project is therefore to explore the potential of having a wireless local-loop based upon a
user-centric (community) model extending the reach of a high debit, multi-access broadband backbone from
different perspectives (technical and business models, as well as the expected telecommunications market
and legislation impact). Our expectations are to show that such model can be beneficial both from an enduser and from an access provider perspective, given that it allows expanding high debit reach in a seamless,
cooperative, and low-cost manner, enabling the operators to focus on service rather than on pipes.
Results from ULOOP relate to software functionality that is the basis for deploying autonomic trust
management, resource management, as well as mobility management. Such functionality is to be provided in
the form of open-source software to be applied to Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), namely, to UserEquipment (UE) and to Access Point (AP) devices. Moreover, the consortium also expects to integrate
control plane functionality into access elements. For instance, in regards to interoperability of the wireless
communities that rely in the developed software, there is the need to assist with control from the access. This
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relates to user Authentication and Accounting as well as trust management, to resource management, and
also to mobility management. Summarising, the functionality developed in ULOOP is:
Software functionality for UE and APs. This corresponds to an open-source image (to be
provided online or on a CD) which, when run, will assist in the development of ULOOP
architectures (wireless local-loop architectures) and in the interconnection of such architectures
with the current Internet in a neutral way. The software CD image will also include management
utilities to assist with feedback for the demonstrations and test-sites.
User-centric concepts and software functionality for the access. This corresponds to specific
software modules that will assist the global integration of ULOOP, particularly in regards to the
current access control plane.
One pilot. ULOOP will develop a pilot which initially will consist of 5 sites (3 experimentation
sites and 2 living-lab alike sites) having in mind large-scale validation, based on regular end-user
profiles, and on a later phase of the project, two large scale demonstrations.
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Table of contents
METHODOLOGY AND WORK PLAN ................................................................................................ 9
Concept and project objectives ............................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.2 ULOOP Concept and Vision ............................................................................................................... 11
1.1.3 ULOOP Pilot: Validation and Demonstration ....................................................................................... 15
1.1.4 Main Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 18
1.1.5 Main Expected Outcome ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Progress Beyond the State-of-The-Art .................................................................................................. 21
1.2.1 Empowering the End-User .................................................................................................................. 21
1.2.2 Evolution of Telecommunication Wholesale Models ............................................................................. 21
1.2.3 Making Wireless Architectures Autonomous ........................................................................................ 22
1.2.4 Expanding High Rates to the User: Wireless Broadband Access ............................................................. 22
1.2.5 The Perspective of the Access Operator: Remote Areas, Traffic Locality, and Service Differentiation ....... 22
1.2.6 Advances in 802.11 ............................................................................................................................ 23
1.2.7 Advances in 802.21 ............................................................................................................................ 23
1.2.8 Legislation and Wireless Communities ................................................................................................. 24
1.2.9 Related EU IST Activities ................................................................................................................... 24
Summary of ULOOP Key Innovation Items ...................................................................................... 25
Criteria and Performance Indicators ................................................................................................. 26
S/T methodology and associated work plan ........................................................................................... 27
1.3.1 Overall strategy and general description ............................................................................................... 27
1.3.2 Timing of work packages and their components .................................................................................... 29
1.3.3 Work Package Description .................................................................................................................. 35
1.3.4 Summary of Staff Effort...................................................................................................................... 53
1.3.5 Risk management and contigency planning .......................................................................................... 53
B2: IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................ 59
Management structure and procedures ................................................................................................. 59
2.1.1 Project Coordination Team Members and Responsibilities ..................................................................... 60
2.1.2 Steering Committee ............................................................................................................................ 61
2.1.3 Day-to-day Task and Work Package Management ................................................................................. 61
2.1.4 Addition of Beneficiaries .................................................................................................................... 61
Individual participants ......................................................................................................................... 63
2.2.1 Alcatel-Lucent BellLabs SA (ALBLF) ................................................................................................. 63
2.2.2 INESC Porto - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto .................... 64
2.2.3 Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH (HWDU) .............................................................................. 65
2.2.4 ARIA S.P.A. (ARIA) .......................................................................................................................... 66
2.2.5 Caixa Mágica Software (CMS) ............................................................................................................ 67
2.2.6 FON Wireless Limited (FON) ............................................................................................................. 68
2.2.7 Technische Universitaet Berlin / DAI-Labor ......................................................................................... 69
2.2.8 University of Kent (UniK)................................................................................................................... 70
2.2.9 University of Geneve (UNIGE) ........................................................................................................... 71
Teleinform S.P.A (TLI) .................................................................................................................. 72
University of Urbino (UniUrb) ........................................................................................................ 73
SANJOTEC – Associação Científica e Tecnológica .......................................................................... 74
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Consortium as a Whole ......................................................................................................................... 75
Resources to be committed ................................................................................................................... 77
IMPACT ............................................................................................................................................... 79
Strategic impact .................................................................................................................................... 79
3.1.1 Scientific Impact ................................................................................................................................ 79
3.1.2 Social, Economic, and Business Impact ................................................................................................ 79
Plan for the use and dissemination of foreground ................................................................................. 80
3.2.1 Dissemination .................................................................................................................................... 80
3.2.2 Exploitation Strategies ........................................................................................................................ 82
3.2.3 Management of Results and of Intellectual Property .............................................................................. 88
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 90
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Wi-Fi as last hop of the Internet, from an end-to-end perspective. ............................................... 9
Figure 2: ULOOP, an example of applicability in a neighbourhood scope. ............................................... 12
Figure 3: ULOOP, an example of applicability across ULOOP communities in the Internet.................... 12
Figure 4: ULOOP main focus. .................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5: ULOOP Pilot, sites. Demonstration sites are in Madrid and in São João da Madeira. The remainder
sites will be used for experimentation purposes. ................................................................................ 16
Figure 6: ULOOP operation location and boundaries. ............................................................................... 19
Figure 7: Gantt chart. .................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 8: ULOOP, technical content distribution over time. ...................................................................... 30
Figure 9: WP and tasks dependencies. ....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 10: ULOOP organizational structure. ............................................................................................ 59
Figure 11: ULOOP Steering Committee. ................................................................................................... 60
Figure 12: Partner grouping according to Internet target area. ................................................................... 76
Figure 13: Effort breakdown per WP and per Task. ................................................................................... 77
List of Tables
Table 2.1: ULOOP Consortium. ................................................................................................................. 75
Table 3.1: Partner business area and exploitation plan............................................................................... 83
Table 3.2: Individual partner exploitation plans. ........................................................................................ 84
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3rd Generation Partnership Project
Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting
Access Point
Application Service Provider
Bio inspired service evolution for the pervasive age
Berlin Open Wireless Lab
Capital Expenditures
Carrier Grade Mesh Networks
Creative Commons
Wireless Communication Systems Employing Cooperative Diversity
Customer Premises
Customer Premises Equipment
Do-it Yourself Network
European Commission
Fiber to the Home
Information and Communication Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Service Provider
3GPP LongTerm Evolution
Multiple Input, Multiple Output communications
Mobile IP
Mobile IP version 6
Mobile Virtual Network Operator
Neutral Access Network
Network Access Provider
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Open Access Network
Open Broadband Access Networks
Open Wireless Experimentation and Evaluation Distribution
Operational Expenditures
Open Systems Interconnection
Privacy-enhancing Technologies
Project Management
Project Scientific Coordinator
Quality Assurance Team
Quality of Experience
Quality of Service
Research and Development
Steering Committee
Session Initiation Protocol
SOCIALNETS Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation
Service Provider
User Equipment
User-provided Local Loop
Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
User-provided network
University of Urbino Wireless Campus
Virtual Operator
Wireless Fidelity
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
Wireless Local Area Networks
Web of Trust
Work Package
Wireless World Research Forum
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Concept and objectives, progress beyond state-of-the-art, S/T methodology
and work plan
1.1 Concept and project objectives
Today’s end-user is connected to the Internet by means of a variety of broadband access technologies which
usually do not directly reach the end-user equipment (UE). Rather, this final segment of the local-loop (last
mile) is provided by a number of short-range technologies, among which Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is the de
facto solution. The growing popularity of Wi-Fi as a complementary technology to Internet broadband
access is not due to its extraordinary technical aspects. Instead, it relates to its low-cost, to the ease of use,
and to the high interoperability that it is capable of sustaining, when interfacing with Internet broadband
access technologies. Wi-Fi extends coverage of the most varied technologies (e.g. Fiber-to-the-Home,
FTTH), UMTS, be it in enterprise or residential scenarios, allowing Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)
to abound. Moreover and due to the recent introduction of the Wi-Fi direct concept [26], Wi-Fi coverage will
grow beyond what is expected and give rise to new connectivity models. The Internet of today can therefore
be seen as illustrated in Figure 1: a large cloud based on heterogeneous technologies (fixed, cellular,
wireless), which reaches the end-user in most cases by means of deployed WLAN.
Shopping centre
Train station
Figure 1: Wi-Fi as last hop of the Internet, from an end-to-end perspective.
Having a last-hop on the Internet based on Wi-Fi introduces problems but also some advantages in terms of
Internet evolution and Internet wholesale models. On the one hand, having Wi-Fi as the last-hop technology
introduces bottlenecks particularly if one considers broadband solutions such as FTTH. Moreover, by
providing a WLAN for each Internet end-user, as complement of the broadband technology, WI-Fi
deployment becomes chaotic, particularly in highly populated areas. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is a highly
flexible and easy to deploy technology, and thus appeals to the regular individual Internet end-user.
It is due to such flexibility and also to the wide deployment as last-hop (complementary) technology, that
Wi-Fi (as others forms of short-range wireless technologies) is giving rise to new models of Internet
connectivity, and to a new way to perceive future Internet architectures.
In these new Internet access (Internet connectivity) models, the end-user is one of the key pieces and ceases
to simply be a consumer of Internet services (be it connectivity or content), to become an active hop of the
connectivity distribution chain. In other words, Wi-Fi empowers the end-user as active stakeholder of
connectivity (sharing and/or relaying), be it from a local scope or from an end-to-end perspective.
It should be noticed that this is a natural step of the Internet evolution. In regards to Internet services, a
related paradigm shift has already emerged as a wave of open-source software and of new licensing models
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which culminated in the Creative Commons (CC) [8] licensing. Founded by Lessig et al. CC licensing allows
authors to define the details of licensing rights regarding attribution, commercialization, derivative works, as
well as distribution. In the beginning, CC licenses were used only in blogs or Web sites such as Flickr; today
the Internet holds millions of sites whose content is protected under CC. This means that Internet users are
no longer mere consumers.
And this simple fact is changing the way citizens perceive and make use of the Internet.
The grassroots movement that was the basis for Web2.0 and also the key aspect in CC licensing can in fact
also be applied to the networking layers of the OSI protocol stack and thus create opportunities to further
evolve the Internet value chain. Internet architectures where the end-user is an active stakeholder in some
form of networking service (of which connectivity is simply one example), i.e., user-provided networks
(UPNs), are today starting to expand Internet access both at a faster pace and possibly at lower costs than
what would be feasible if simply done by Internet stakeholders. This is already happening both from a
commercial and non-commercial perspective. For instance, current commercial examples of UPNs relate to
the initiative of companies such as FON, OpenSpark, or (former Whisher). From a noncommercial perspective we assist to a number of user-centric or community initiatives (e.g. Freifunk,
CUWin) which have as main purpose to assist in the development of Do-it-Yourself Networks (DIYN) based
on Wi-Fi technology, always as a way to expand already existing/subscribed Internet connectivity. It should
be noticed that such non-commercial initiatives are completely user-centric in the sense that it is up to the
user not only to assist in building the last hop infrastructure, but also up to the end-user to control such lasthop architecture.
All the paradigm shifts that we are witnessing are based upon a specific form of cooperation between endusers towards network access or Internet services. Cooperation, as well as cooperation incentives, is
therefore modeling a new category of Internet community and impacting social and business behaviour.
However, technical limitations of today’s technologies, as well as a lack of understanding on how such micro
business models may evolve and impact current Internet wholesale models still undermine the potential
impact of networks where the user becomes an active link in the provision chain. There is neither a clear
modeling of incentives nor clear mechanisms to develop cooperation incentives on the fly, incentives which
are prerequisite to the growth of such types of networks. Worse, there are remaining security issues with
current Wi-Fi technology from cryptography strength to security usability that need to be mitigated to avoid
deceiving its users. It has been reported [18] that fake Wi-Fi networks have been set up in airports in order to
capture users’ sensitive information as they surf the Web when connected to these networks. The users have
no means to know which Wi-Fi community networks are trustworthy.
The main motivation for the ULOOP project relates to the need to assist an autonomic deployment of
user-centric wireless local loops. Such support is provided in ULOOP by developing software
functionality which sustains a robust, secure, and autonomic network growth in a user-friendly way,
thus becoming the basis for generating new services and consequently, new business models for
current access and Internet stakeholders.
Hence, the project contribution is two-fold. First, ULOOP will explore and devise the fundaments to allow
user-centric wireless local-loops to form autonomously. The term user-centric in this context is meant to
express a community model that extends the reach of a high debit, multi-access broadband backbone from
different perspectives (technical, business model). Such a model is expected be beneficial both from an endto-end and from an access perspective, given that it allows expanding high debit reach in a seamless,
cooperative, and low-cost manner. Second, ULOOP will contribute with both experimentation and
demonstration based on real settings of users, including diversified living-labs.
From a business perspective, wireless local-loops that are built mainly based upon end-user cooperation
towards the access are a starting point to revisit current business models for broadband access and to analyse
new business models. Similarly to what occurs in the energy sector in micro-generation models [17], in usercentric wireless local-loops, the end-user becomes a micro-provider of a specific community by sharing
his/her subscribed broadband access within his/her community, as well as by providing specific Internet
services, according to specific incentives. Such incentives may simply relate with a well defined human trust
(social) network, or even with some form of reward, e.g., gain coverage and Internet access beyond the enduser’s premises. They may be user-based; access-provider based; a mix of both cases.
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Moreover, from a network access provider perspective and at a first glance, the motivation to invest on such
models could just seem related to the possibility to expand capillarity in a low-cost way, as well as to the
exploration of new services, which the users can help to define (community-based services). However,
ULOOP defends that collaboration between access providers and end-users in terms of user-centric
networking services opens up new possibilities in terms of business models, based upon a clear separation
between the service and network layers, as well as between the network manager and the infrastructure
owner. New types of operators that would act as organizers will appear therefore fostering competition and
clearly addressing the goal of an open and competitive digital economy.
Technical advantages must be explored from an access perspective and are one of the main aspects to pursue
in ULOOP. For instance, by deploying user-centric wireless local-loops, it is possible to keep traffic local,
namely, to take advantage of the physical proximity of sources and destinations and therefore, to prevent
traffic from crossing the full access backbone when sources and destinations are “close” (according to predefined criteria). Traffic locality rules can be applied in a wireless local-loop and will have as consequence a
reduction in the access OPEX as well as an optimization of spectrum. Another intuitive advantage is the fact
that the subscription relation between the end-user and the access operator can be strengthened by having the
access operator empowering the end-user with partial networking functionality, in a way that is completely
transparent to the end-user. In other words: such cooperative model (based upon Internet service microgeneration) gives the means for the access operator to provide value-added services that are more appealing
to the end-user and that go beyond regular (Triple Play) Internet subscriptions, common today both in the
bundled and in Service Provider centric models (cf. section 1.2.2 for details on these Internet wholesale
models). For instance, models such as the one embodied today e.g. by FON, when used in strong cooperation
with access providers, give the means to access providers to offer Internet access subscriptions with
worldwide wireless roaming included, which by itself differentiates such service towards competitors.
ULOOP Concept and Vision
ULOOP envisions increasing the potential of the Internet by devising communication and networking
technologies which support:
The creation of techno-social communities, providing a combination of information, communication
and human elements, by relying on adequate modeling of trust associations and trust levels.
Cost reduction for extending local loops, by relying on communication opportunities (e.g. sharing of
Internet access and relaying resources) provided by end-users in cooperation with access operators.
New services provided by communities as well as new business models for end-users and access
operators (following an analysis of the expected impact on telecommunications markets and legislation).
An increase in spectrum and energy efficiency in managing wireless communications.
ULOOP will explore and design the fundamental units to allow user-centric wireless (Wi-Fi) local loops to
form and to develop in an autonomic and user-friendly manner. User-centric refers to a community model
which extends the reach of a high rate, multi-access broadband backbone by means of communication
opportunities provided by end-users, based upon cooperation incentives. Such incentives may relate to an
individual or a community of individuals, as well as to access stakeholders. Moreover, user-centricity can be
discussed from two different perspectives. Firstly, the user is in power of assisting the network in terms not
only of its deployment, but also of its proliferation. Secondly, services to be provided by the end-user are
assisted by an access infrastructure that is engineered towards assisting the user in terms of Quality of
Experience (QoE). In regards to the first aspect, deployment refers to assisting in sharing equipment that
makes the network scale. Deployment per se does not suffice for this type of architectures to grow. ULOOP High Level Use-Cases
To better explain the rationale behind ULOOP and before addressing the architectural building blocks, this
section describes two generic use-cases for ULOOP applicability, being the first case illustrated in Figure 2.
In this demonstrative scenario Bob, an end-user that subscribes to Internet broadband access at home,
belongs to the ULOOP community within his neighbourhood, which is covered by privately owned WLANs.
Alice, his mother, who also lives within the same neighbourhood, does not want to have broadband access at
home, on the assumption that the flat rate that she would have to pay does not compensate her service usage.
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Despite the fact that Alice neither has nor wants regular Internet access, she would like to have access to
multimedia provided by Bob. For instance, Bob and Alice would like to be able to share data once in a while
(e.g., digital photos from Bob's last trip to Greece) and also to be able to contact each other without the costs
associated with a regular broadband access subscription. Therefore, Bob gives Alice a laptop that
implements ULOOP functionality. Such functionality gives Alice the means to connect to some user(s) in the
same community that are willing to share connectivity in the neighbourhood and that are “trusted”, according
to the parameters of trust established by the community and accepted by both Bob and Alice. By means of an
underlying trust network, communication between Alice and Bob is relayed through the community, being
directly processed by means of potential wireless devices in the range. In other words, wireless devices (e.g.,
someone’s PC, a PDA) relay the communication seamlessly based upon routing metrics that relate to trust
bonds and incentives managed within the community. Consequently, traffic between Alice and Bob remains
local in scope, not crossing Bob’s access operator networks. However, since the performance of real-time
traffic (e.g. VoIP) degrades over wireless paths with multiple hops, ULOOP functionally may also employ
an Internet access made available by community members in order to ensure extra reliability.
Bob’s Home
UU: ULOOP functionality
Video Call
Wi-Fi device
Video Call
Video Call
RG: Residential Gateway
Alice’s Home
Figure 3: ULOOP, an example of applicability across
ULOOP communities in the Internet.
U: ULOOP functionality
Figure 2: ULOOP, an example of applicability in
a neighbourhood scope.
This scenario is illustrative of ULOOP purpose within a specific community. ULOOP functionality will
allow wireless architectures to form on-the-fly, agnostically to the end-user, and based on available resources
and available equipment, as well as and on the user’s willingness to cooperate in sharing privately owned
radio resources and Internet access.
Contrarily to what one could conclude at a first glance, this scenario does not jeopardize the access
provider’s business, and even, it is likely that it will create new value. In this scenario, Alice did not find
enough incentive to subscribe to a broadband service, but she desires to get in touch with Bob. The entering
price to get a broadband access is too expensive in comparison to the expected Internet usage. In this
situation, ULOOP is the perfect answer from a NAP perspective. It allows Alice to enter in the IT world
without the need of an expensive broadband access installation, and then it permits the operator to propose
her higher value services without the usually associated cost of access infrastructure. In addition, from an
operator point of view, this creates a new market where access is shared between users. The success of this
kind of sharing relies on the trust of everyone toward a third party, e.g. as occurs with a reputation
mechanism such as the one embodied by eBay. The operator is the perfect third party in this case, and it can
propose a trust and balance service that allows creating new value.
A second and broader example is provided in Figure 3, where Tommy is a user travelling in Italy. Tommy
decides to see what his friend Amelie is doing in Paris. Tommy, however, does not want to look for a
cybercafé. Instead, he boots up his ULOOP enabled wireless device. By means of the ULOOP functionality
Tommy’s device contacts nearby wireless devices that have incentives to relay the Internet connectivity and
that are “trusted” to relay his communication. As soon as radio connectivity is established, Tommy’s device
goes through a process which provides it with Internet access, based on the local community that is willing to
share radio resources. Since the quality of the wireless communication starts to decrease due to Tommy’s
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movement, ULOOP functionality is able to handover Tommy’s communication to a licensed frequency that
its owner agrees to relay ULOOP communication. Tommy’s communication is handed over again to an
unlicensed frequency, as soon as Tommy’s device detects another wireless device willing to share its Internet
access. While Amelie is walking towards the nearest park, the communication starts to fail due to the poor
radio quality provoked by the dense forest. ULOOP functionally allows the communication to be kept by
relying on neighbour wireless device to mitigate the effects of wireless shadowing. Due to the community
location service offered by the local access operator, other friends (located in Portugal and Norway) join the
chat and decide to use the group video call service that is offered locally.
One of the key aspects related to this second scenario is the fact that not all the users being contacted have
ULOOP functionality on their devices. Indeed, one of the main goals of ULOOP is to analyse and to develop
the functionality that helps to know how to better integrate wireless local-loops into existing infrastructures,
both from a technical and from an economic perspective. Therefore, the greater challenges to be addressed
relates to the widely open and uncontrollable aspects of such infrastructures. With such restriction, the role
of access stakeholders (operators and vendors) is crucial to achieve success, where the main access
challenges foreseen within the fields of regulatory requirements (e.g. traceability or lawful interception),
support of intermittent connectivity, as well as privacy issues. ULOOP Building Blocks
In order to assist with the development describe, ULOOP follows an evolutionary path to reach a Future
Internet architecture, by building on existing work related to the recent trend of DYINs. A fundamental
difference between such work and previous work on ad-hoc or mesh networking relates to the fact that
ULOOP assumes that an infrastructure providing Internet access to specific locations is available, and users
are simply willing to expand such infrastructure in a way that is user-friendly and plug&play. It also
considers that within specific trust spheres, specific cooperation incentives can be provided in order for both
the access and the end-user to cooperate and assist in further expanding the Internet. In order for that to
happen, there are three aspects that are often disregarded and which are considered crucial to sustain such
development as illustrated inFigure 4. These blocks are: cooperation incentives and trust management;
resource management; mobility aspects.
Figure 4: ULOOP main focus.
Cooperation incentives and trust management relate to the network scalability aspects, as well as
robustness and reliability. In order for the network to scale adequately, it is necessary to integrate incentives
that are appealing for end-users to share and to relay connectivity, i.e., for end-users to become an active part
of the communication chain. Meantime, the incentives must be adapted depending on the network need in
term of bandwidth and connectivity: the greater the demand, the most the incentive. In order for these
networks to accommodate growth it is necessary to quickly be able to develop networks of trust, assuming
that users and devices are highly mobile. Hence, de-centralization is a key aspect to consider in the trust
management functionality to be developed. ULOOP will base this functionality on grassroots trust models as
the basis to build future user-provided networks, e.g. Web of Trust (WOT) schemes and schemes that fight
back selfishness of peers (tragedy of the commons). ULOOP proposes to research the most appropriate
computational trust metrics based on users rating filtered context and technical evidence to help the users
choosing the most trustworthy Wi-Fi networks without allowing the users to cheat.
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Networks of trust give the means to choose adequately nodes that relay information (and hence influence
routing metrics). Another main aspect related to trust management is end-user misbehaviour. The attacks that
may have a more significant and negative impact on user-centric networks are incorrect traffic relaying
attacks as well as impersonation attacks. ULOOP will address this challenge by integrating trust management
schemes that follow human trust behaviour, namely, incentive (rewards, can be user-based, access-provider
based, or even a mix of both cases) and reputation schemes. Trust and reputation themselves will be
considered as a virtual currency that can sustain participation in the ULOOP community of users.
Within ULOOP, trust management aspects relate to understand how to build networks of trust on-the-fly,
based on reputation mechanisms able to identify end-user misbehaviour and to address social aspects, e.g.,
the different types of levels of trust users may have in different communities (e.g., family, affiliation, etc).
Such grassroots networks of trust aim to accommodate the network growth and dynamism due to the high
mobility of end-users.
Another key aspect relates to the development and validation of a set of methods and techniques that make it
possible to optimize network resources in regards to social behavior, i.e. how to exploit Social Networking
information to create/optimize/add trust to ULOOP communities.
Hence, ULOOP will not consider specific user profiles and therefore, privacy is not an issue. Instead,
profiling will relate to metrics such as the average number of times devices (identified by MAC address)
within specific environments encounter each other. It should be noticed that all this information is today
passively exchanged and overheard by IEEE 802.11 devices, being part of the standard mechanism.
Resource management is essential to allow the described architectures to grow steadily and to
automatically adjust to changes. A user-centric local-loop represents an infrastructure where several entities
(individuals) indirectly cooperate to ensure connectivity and reliability in data delivery. Main resource
management aspects that are to be addressed in ULOOP relate to the capability to develop a robust and
scalable wireless local-loop on-the-fly as well as to increase the spectrum and energy efficiency in the usercentric network. Cooperative resource management techniques are to be addressed from an OSI Layer 3 and
an OSI Layer 2 perspective. Cross-layer aspects will be considered whenever necessary. Aspects that are
considered crucial in terms of resource management are to increase the debit of the wireless local-loop up to
a level similar to the one provided by the broadband access technology; how to take advantage of
overlapping spectrum ( instead of trying to prevent it as is the case in cognitive radio research and based on
techniques from OSI Layers 3 and 2); how to manage resources efficiently and reliably from a de-centralized
perspective, in the presence of a multi-operator access network, in neutral based network models.
Another aspect to be considered relates to the optimization of resource distribution, both from a resource
admission control perspective, as well as from an attempt to optimize the network behaviour based on
already existing aspects of the privately owned WLANs available. For instance, currently the Wi-Fi
infrastructure mode does not take into consideration user expectations which lead to be incapable of assisting
users in terms of QoE; nor the fact that a station may be transmitting at a lower rate or at a higher rate, which
leads to energy inefficiency.
Mobility aspects are central to ULOOP, given that in ULOOP, Internet end-users are expected to show a
dynamic behaviour. Some nodes (the majority) are expected to be carried by the end-user and therefore will
move based upon social aspects. Therefore, it is essential for ULOOP to be able to address ways to optimize
handovers. Mobility aspects in ULOOP are also a key aspect to assist adequate resource management, as
well as trust management. Mobility support in ULOOP is also complicated by the fact that a ULOOP cannot
rely on a fixed mobility management infrastructure - whereas current mobility management solutions (SIP
[RFC3261], MIP [RFC3775], 3GPP mobility management) make use of central mobility anchor points to
keep an association between previous and current identities for a mobile node that moves between different
access points and across different networks. Taking into account the autonomous nature of user-centric
wireless local-loops, ULOOP will work on decentralizing mobility management with the goal of selforganized selection and cooperation of mobility coordination point(s).
Another issue is the discovery of the target handover access point, which may be located in the same
ULOOP, another ULOOP, or in operator-owned infrastructure. Here we need to move beyond the hardwired
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solutions offered e.g. by 3GPP or the solution currently offered by IEEE 802.21 (Media-independent
Handover), which does not support real-time update of the candidate-access point database.
One additional mobility management aspect that is to be considered in ULOOP is the potential application of
social-based mobility models which allow to predict movement of the ULOOP infrastructure nodes and
hence, to be able to optimize different aspects of the network operation (e.g., station distribution). Integration Aspects
The described ULOOP core concepts represent the functionality that will sustain a self-organizing and userfriendly formation of any user-centric wireless local-loop. As mentioned before, the second step of the
ULOOP approach relates to the integration of such infrastructure into legacy ones, i.e., to
interoperability aspects. As already illustrated in Figure 4, these will be worked upon from three different
perspectives, namely, the end-user perspective, the access perspective, as well as the service perspective.
From an end-user perspective, main questions that arise relate to plug&play and automatic setup of each
node (based on different environments) as well as to the need to assist the end-user without relying on a
centralized and complex control mechanism. In other words, ULOOP considers an autonomic model where
users willing to cooperate dynamically move across a range of different locations. It is therefore necessary to
ensure that the way the network forms and the way the user joins or leaves the network is done with
minimum user intervention. Network interoperability topics relate to the need to ensure interoperability
between different types of radio local-loops, and to/from legacy networks. ULOOP will address ways to
interconnect the different types of systems, ensuring reliable interoperability, both from a network
management perspective and from a node management perspective. Service interoperability topics relate to
the need to ensure that services that are currently being provided across the Internet still reach the end-users
with a quality level that is at least as good as what can be provided by the legacy system.
ULOOP Pilot: Validation and Demonstration
One of the key aspects of the ULOOP outcome relates to its sustainability in realistic environments, in
particular scalability. Experimentation under realistic settings is therefore a main aspect to address. In
addition to the necessity of validating and developing each building block in isolation, the consortium has
chosen three different categories of realistic scenarios which can demonstrate, based on different user
communities and different access conditions, not only the validity of ULOOP, but also its scalability.
By initially using controlled test sites, any interoperability issues can be worked out and if additional
parameters are found for the testing and validation suite they can be incorporated without affecting too many
clients. As the test sites become more stable and the software and test suites more reliable, the individual test
sites will then be linked together over the Internet. Again at this stage, various issues may need to be
resolved and at this stage, real testing of performance parameters can be achieved and scalability issues to do
with linking multiple ULOOP sites can then be investigated.
In ULOOP, particular emphasis is put into experimentation and also demonstration aspects in realistic
scenarios. For this, ULOOP will develop a pilot which will be composed of test bed sites and also
demonstration sites, as illustrated in Figure 5. Three main sites are to be considered for global validation
purposes. In addition, two different sites are to be relied upon for demonstration purposes.
This pilot is therefore intended as one possible (but not the single one) embodiment of an ULOOP
architecture. As the project continues and findings start to be released in terms of milestones there
may come a point where other commercial entities will be keen to become a demonstration site.
Controlled growth from within the partners and then general expansion can be used as an extended
validation but it is not essential in terms of the project deliverables.
What will be important as part of the deliverables will be the analysis of results found from the individual
test sites and also the results found from linking the test sites altogether. An extension of the test-site analysis
is that found from the analysis of the demonstration sites which provide a more realistic scenario for the
deployment of ULOOP framework.
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Figure 5: ULOOP Pilot, sites. Demonstration sites are in Madrid and in São João da Madeira. The
remainder sites will be used for experimentation purposes. Experimentation Sites
A first experimentation site is the Berlin Open Wireless Lab (BOWL) [6]. BOWL maintains a reconfigurable
wireless outdoor test bed with 50 nodes, which spans across the main campus of the Technical University of
Berlin (TUB). The test bed can be configured to serve as both an infrastructure and a mesh network. The
outdoor test bed within BOWL also serves to provide access to the TUB community, creating a unique
opportunity for understanding the real-world performance of proposed solutions.
Each of the nodes has the possibility to work as an Internet gateway and is also reachable by a fixed
connection which allows proper monitoring and measurements. This prevents noticeable impact on the end
users, which is crucial to sustain a functional living test environment with actual network usage, and
increases the incentives of user participation. All mesh nodes (access points) of the BOWL test bed are
running an in-house-built Linux distribution called the Open Wireless Experimentation and Evaluation
Distribution (OpenWEED), which is a modified version of OpenWRT. To prevent interference of the actual
experiment with client access to the network, mesh nodes have dedicated wireless interfaces for access and
for the mesh network.
The test bed is not currently open to the use of students. However, a large number of end-users, on the order
of a few hundreds of students, are expected to use the mesh network on average per day when the test bed is
open for connection during an experiment. This is due to the natural incentive of robust connectivity in a
large outdoor area within the campus,
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Another experimentation site is the Urbino Wireless Campus (UWiC), managed by UniUrb. UWIC is a
wireless Open Access Network (OAN) conceived and implemented by the University of Urbino, in Italy, to
virtually extend the University campus while also providing a real-world test bed for innovative access
network models. Currently it is composed of around 100 Wi-Fi hotspots (running either Mikrotik RouterOS
or OpenWRT) and 7 Hiperlan base stations (running Mikrotik RouterOS) deployed in Urbino, Pesaro, and
Fano. The interconnection backbone is neutral and not part of the University intranet. Hence the access
network does not expose critical data or services and it is not part of the Internet. Policy constraints can be
significantly relaxed, making it possible to share the access infrastructure with third party operators and to
provide information services to unauthenticated users. Each operator has his/her own edge router within the
access infrastructure, in order to be allowed to provide his/her services without further agreements with the
access network manager. The server farm is composed of 15 virtual machines running Linux OS.
Since 2006, UWiC has been used as a living lab for interdisciplinary research in the field of access networks
[2]. UWiC has involved about 50 partners (including municipalities, WISPs, vendors, service providers,
wireless communities, and WiMAX operators). In 2008, UWiC became a working prototype of a Neutral
Access Network (NAN), a special class of OAN conceived as a mean to overcome broadband market
stagnation by granting positive externality to the access infrastructure. Also, in 2008 UniUrb signed an
agreement with FON to create a user-centric worldwide wireless network opened to university students.
Preliminary experiments have been successfully conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the project.
UWiC counts with more than 20,000 registered users. Among them, more than 5,000 are active users who
use the wireless network at least once and gained access to the Internet through the edge router of UniUrb.
On average, the Wi-Fi network is used by 200 nomadic users simultaneously. The geographic distribution of
users changes over time. In working days, the majority of Wi-Fi connections come from university buildings
in the morning, from public places in the evening, and from student dorms during at night. During the
weekend, connections come mainly from public places and dorms. It is often the case that many users (up to
20) connect from the same place and work close to each other. Students connect for free, and session
durations range from a few minutes to several hours. In addition, the wireless access network is used by nonacademic users who buy Internet bandwidth from public operators (WISPs). At the moment there is only one
WISP in UWiC, which serves both nomadic and residential users. The WISP has installed about 30 Hiperlan
CPEs which are directly connected to the UWiC backbone.
The third experimentation site corresponds to a specific set of nodes belonging to the TLI network. As a
WISP, TLI provides already wireless access to its customers and regular IP services in the form of IPv4 and
IPv6 and thanks to its participation to the IST-ANEMONE [12]. TLI has already deployed experimental
MIPv6/NEMO nodes in Monreale in 2.4GHz and 5GHz unlicensed frequencies which are based on
Mikrotik/Routeros for the backbone and Linux based for the Access. The TLI ULOOP experimentation site
will therefore rely both on existing access points and new nodes where the open-source operating system of
choice in ULOOP will be installed. The Access network will operate mainly on the regular 2.4GHz
unlicensed frequency and it will be interconnected to the rest of the network by 5GHz backbone or fiber. The
nodes will be available to the consortium and interconnected to the other partners via tunnelling techniques.
For ULOOP experimentation, TLI envisions to provide 20 different APs located within Monreale, in specific
locations to define during the project. The 2.4GHz Access Points in Monreale will be Linux based and will
implement the ULOOP node distribution. The nodes to be used in the experiments will be isolated from the
commercial backbone by specific equipment in order to prevent operational problems. Moreover, traffic due
to the experiments is to be regularly monitored according to the Italian telecommunications legislation.
It also must be noted that TLI participates to the Sicilian Living Lab [24], so in the future TLI expects to
interconnect (where possible) the activities of the Sicilian Living Lab with the ULOOP experimentation in
order to explore both the technical aspects and the business models like in previous work in rural areas [3]. Demonstration Sites
The second category of sites to be provided in the ULOOP pilot relate to demonstration sites. Two main
demonstration sites are considered in ULOOP: i) Specific FON living community in Argüelles-Moncloa,
Madrid, Spain; ii) São João da Madeira, Portugal.
The demonstration sites are to be used during the last year of the project to validate and to disseminate the
functionality and concepts developed. For such purpose, specific events will be performed in order to reach a
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large number of users simultaneously. The methodology followed on the demonstrations is explained in
section 1.3 (WP5).
The Argüelles-Moncloa district is within the range of the University district in Madrid, and hence is a highly
populated neighbourhood, being the student share of the population the target users in ULOOP. The
neighbourhood covers a large area and a population of circa 26 000 inhabitants. 10% of the population is
under the age of 15, while 25% of the population is above 65 years of age. 34% of such population
corresponds to students. The area is considered as a FON density project and hence, the partner FON will
provide full control to such demonstration area. Currently, it contains around 360 FON active hotspots.
Hence, equipment to rely upon is released under the control of FON, being users registered within the FON
management suite. It should be noticed that the FON community users access the Internet by regular
subscription, being the access provided by multiple operators.
The S. João da Madeira Industrial Living-Lab (SJM-ILL) will be the second demonstration site. The LivingLab is provided and managed by Sanjotec, whom will enter the project as a third-party. SJM is a small
council of 8 km2, located in the Northern Region of Portugal, which is part of the Entre Douro e Vouga subregion, located 40 km from Porto. It contemplates a population of 21.000 inhabitants and 370 industrial
companies, mainly SMEs. The target end users of the SJM-ILL are the local SMEs of the shoe and
automotive clusters, technological based enterprises and their customers. SJM is covered by WiMAX and
Wi-Fi due to an initiative of SJM-ILL, which targets the global population (both residential and enterprise).
Currently this infrastructure has a coverage rate of 60% of S. João da Madeira´s geographic area, although is
envisaged that this coverage will increase to achieve 95%, due to the implementations of additional and
newer equipment. With the current infrastructure there are on average approximately 2000 to 3000 users,
with an expected significant increase of users in short term. Concerning the current end users, about 70% are
residential 20% public institutions, 5% industrial and 5 visitors. The current SJM-ILL infrastructure is based
on an optical fiber backbone (10km) onto which the WiMAX infrastructure is plugged. WiMAX equipment
contemplates 3 WiMAX Base Stations, 28 intelligent mesh APs, as well as different storage and network
management units. In annex to this proposal is a brochure describing the living-lab, and the wireless
infrastructure of SJM-ILL.
Main Objectives and Expected Outcome
In order to devise the concepts and software functionality and to achieve the vision described in the previous
section, ULOOP will follow a two-step approach to develop novel functionality that relates mostly to OSI
Layers 2 and 3, but that will take into consideration OSI Layer 1 functionality and most importantly, user
expectations, as well as network policies.
To better explain where the boundaries of ULOOP reside and which type of outcome is expected, Figure 6
provides a generic illustration of the Internet, where the location of SPs (ISPs, VO, ASPs), of Network
Access Providers (NAP) as well as of the Internet end-user Customer Premises (CP) is pointed out. In this
example two different NAPs provide Wi-Fi coverage to residential complementary Wi-Fi Internet access
(privately owned WLANs), to Wi-Fi municipalities, or commercial hotspots.
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Service Provider 2
Edge Node
Edge Node
Resource Management
Access Node
Access Node
User-provided localloop
Future Internet Architecture, evolutionary expansion
Service Provider 1
Cooperation incentives
WiFi Access Point/Router
ULOOP Functionality
Trust cloud built on-the-fly
ULOOP WiFi Access Point/
Privately owned WLAN
Figure 6: ULOOP operation location and boundaries.
The aforementioned examples relate to different types of communities which represent an individual or a
group of individuals that are willing, based upon specific cooperation incentives and also based upon on-thefly trust management setup, to share already existing subscribed Internet access. The core functionality to be
developed in ULOOP is what will sustain such a notion of community, and also the adequate cooperation
setup. By being based on existing Wi-Fi equipment, ULOOP will also consider existing Wi-Fi operation
modes (infrastructure mode and mesh modes), which are today the most popular modes for the development
of Wi-Fi communities on-the-go, or for user-empowerment related to DIYN [9].
As illustrated, ULOOP functionality will reside in user-equipment, Wi-Fi Access Points (APs), and also on
the control plane of both NAP and SPs. In regards to both UE and APs, ULOOP functionality will be
provided to the public domain in the form of open-source software modules which may be placed on APs or
end-user devices that are Wi-Fi enabled. It is not within the scope of ULOOP to consider proprietary
hardware, or make changes to closed systems. Instead, only open-source (e.g., OpenWRT-based) equipment
is to be considered, from an AP perspective. From an end-user perspective, ULOOP will address the three
main types of operating systems in use today, namely, Linux, Windows, as well as MacOS. The Linux
version will also be devised having backward compatibility with Android [5] in mind and in close
connection to the Wi-Fi Direct development1. The specific variants of each operating system to be
considered will be taken care of during the project development.
The Wi-Fi Alliance expects the first specification to appear in mid 2010.
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Summarising, the main objectives in ULOOP therefore are:
Outcome 1, to develop and validate identified core mechanisms that aid in the formation of a
generic user-centric, robust, trustworthy, low-cost, and indirectly energy-efficient wireless
local-loop. These core building blocks, which are further described in section are:
cooperation incentives and trust management; resource management; mobility aspects. In concrete
terms of results, each building block is to be built from specification to prototype, and validated
throughout the project lifetime (cf. WP3, section Each of the building blocks will be
delivered as software functionality (cf. List of Deliverables on section 1.3.2) expected to run on
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) and also on access equipment as described in section 1.1.5.
Moreover, integration of the functionality developed is to be covered by task 3.4 (cf. WP3, section In the end, the project will provide several software suites: one for each block that can be
used in isolation, and a global software suite, an out-of-the-box software solution. A book explaining
how this functionality can be used is to be provided by the end of the project. Moreover, ULOOP
contemplates 2 industrial events intended for the operator and access markets. The software is to be
made available in the project in public repositories (both source and binaries) in the end. While the
project is ongoing the results will be limited by password authentication to the partners involved to
avoid potential dissemination of results in a non pre-decided manner. Once the results are made
public the server will have the results moved to a public directory where the results can be analysed
as and when needed. Anonymous user data and records will be stored for statistical analysis.
Financial details will not be stored on the server nor will any private data be stored on the server.
The main milestones related to this objective are MS4 (Overall specification) in month 12; MS6
(ULOOP software suite) and MS8 (ULOOP large scale validation) in month 34.
Outcome 2, to analyse the ULOOP impact on socio-economic sustainability and on
telecommunications legislation. Based on specific use-cases that are to be defined in WP2 (cf.
Section ULOOP will provide a network neutrality analysis for ULOOP architectures, and
also contribute with a survey on current Wi-Fi communities related legislation and use-cases. Main
milestones related to this objective are MS3 (Socio-economic analysis, month 6). The analysis and
studies to be performed in ULOOP are to be disseminated both to the R&D community as well as to
related standardisation fora and bodies, following the dissemination plan described in WP5 (cf.
Outcome 3, to bring awareness and to impact current standardisation in regards to
ULOOP concepts. A specific dissemination and standardisation plan is one of the main
objectives of ULOOP. We intend to bring awareness to the possibilities that autonomous
wireless architectures (such as the ones developed in ULOOP) open up, and to show the
impact that the new concepts may have in related study groups, standardisation bodies, etc. In
addition to the regular R&D tools, ULOOP will generate awareness by developing several
events (cf. WP5) specifically organized and hosted by partners of the consorortium, having in
mind to show the benefits of ULOOP to at least the main target groups: R&D community;
European access operators and European alternative operators; Service Providers, and the
Internet end-user. Such awareness will not only be performed along the project lifespan, but
ULOOP will also provide an exploitation plan with a five-year vision post-ULOOP, where a
roadmap will give insight on how ULOOP results can impact future Internet architectures (cf.
D5.4, Exploitation plan).
Outcome 4, to develop a pilot which will assist experimentation from a wide scale
perspective, as well as assist global demonstrations, based on the willingness of real endusers (MS7, month 34).
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1.2 Progress Beyond the State-of-The-Art
Empowering the End-User
The new end-user centric networking architectures and the new role of the end-user as micro-provider (both
a consumer and a provider of networking services) is a consequence of a paradigm shift in Internet services
that started with the Peer-to-peer (P2P) model that , empowered end-users as active (Internet service)
FON and OpenSpark are living examples of user-centric networks. Whisher goes a step further into usercentric wireless models, by placing all the functionality in software integrated into the end-user device. In
contrast to the model embodied by FON and OpenSpark, Whisher allows dynamic dispersion of Internet
access points, since sharing connectivity points are mobile. All of these have in common an end-user
empowerment in regards to the possibility and willingness to share subscribed Internet access.
From an European IST perspective, the Open Broadband Access Networks (OBAN, FP6, 2004-2007) was
dedicated to research on open access networks built upon existing (subscribed) WLAN access. OBAN
viewed the Residential Gateway element as a convergence point for the aspects considered, and always from
an access perspective. The Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation (SOCIALNETS, FP7, FET, 20082011) is a recent project dedicated to the analysis and development of autonomic trust management systems,
based upon the analysis of human trust behaviour and patterns, considering the Internet end-user as a
consumer of services only.
ULOOP goes beyond this state of the art, by addressing how to improve existing models, particularly in what
concerns motivation and incentives to allow such cooperative approaches to spread. The modeling of the
adoption of user-centric networks is therefore a central point in ULOOP. Another key differentiator of
ULOOP with respect to technology that is available today is that any end-user device is seen as part of the
network and as possible convergence points (not just the Residential Gateway as in OBAN or FON). Trust
management and human behaviour are considered in ULOOP to empower the user with the capability to
become an active (Internet service) provider.
Evolution of Telecommunication Wholesale Models
Telecommunication markets worldwide are witnessing a strong evolution towards a full liberalization. The
bundled model, where an (incumbent) NAP also incorporates the role of SP had a dominant position until
1999. The unbundling of access services allowed the appearance of SP-centric wholesale models where the
end-user has a direct relation to an SP, which in turn relies on the infrastructure of one or several NAPs. This
leads to a solution where the SP relies on a virtualized Internet architecture gathering physical resources
from different NAPs.
A step further into the virtualization of the Internet architecture is the role of virtual operator that provides
some form of service (e.g., connectivity coordination) but that does not have its own infrastructure to provide
the service. Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) is the most common example
In NANs approach, neutrality is exploited to grant to the access infrastructure the features and the appeal of
a full-fledged network by itself, which makes available to the end-users a sizeable set of services before they
register with any SP. Users are allowed to associate with the NAN for free without pre-emptive registration.
The User-centric paradigm for seamless mobility in future Internet (PERIMETER, FP7, 2008-2011)
considers QoE criteria to provide the end-user with an Always Best Connected network for specific services,
achieving a kind a virtualization. It also assists the access operator in adequate resource management which
takes into consideration the end-user’s QoE expectations.
By allowing wireless local-loops to expand in a robust and scalable way, to meet the user needs, ULOOP
will give rise to an on-demand local-loop which is free of proprietary control. Moreover, it will enable the
dynamic creation of user-provided trustworthy access islands which extend the coverage of existing NANs..
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In addition, ULOOP will contribute to the network neutrality debate by providing a thorough analysis of the
impact in wireless related legislation.
Making Wireless Architectures Autonomous
Enabling the self-organization and automatic establishment of connectivity among involved entities, in order
to accommodate future service needs is the core belief of BIONETS , an EU-funded project that gets
inspiration from biological models. BIONETS aims to develop truly user-centric Internet models, allowing
networks to naturally evolve and to become autonomous, accommodating new services and societal needs.
HAGGLE approaches the user-centric and autonomic perspective going beyond current network paradigms
by exploring application-driven (opportunistic) message forwarding, as well as the impact of human mobility
on the network. SOCIALNETS follows the same line of thought but aiming to model networks according to
human trust behaviour. Any of the above projects relate to autonomic networks but do not take into
consideration all the technical and commercial potential that users playing the role of providers of Internet
access may have.
ULOOP will step beyond these approaches, by enabling autonomous user-provided wireless architectures to
develop and to profit from users’ interaction with their social networks.
Expanding High Rates to the User: Wireless Broadband Access
The last decade has witnessed several revolutions in telecommunications, and especially in the wireless area.
Wi-Fi is now almost ubiquitous, while 3G, WiMAX and LTE are or will foster broadband wireless access
without sacrificing the mobility. CARMEN, another EU funded project, has as main purpose to specify a
wireless mesh network (with all nodes belonging to the same access operator) that complements existing
access technologies in a low-cost and rapidly deployable way. CODIV targets cellular and WiMAX
technologies. It aims to explore channel diversity and cooperation in order to enable the high bit rates of
broadband access across wireless infrastructures, where the cooperative component is an enhancement of the
conventional cellular infrastructure.
A more recent development in terms of high rate and user-centric connectivity is the Wi-Fi Direct concept,
which could on implementation revolutionise the way users and User Equipment (UE) interconnect. An
explosion in the number of Wi-Fi interconnections between UEs within the range of each other is expected
and this will give rise to new connectivity models, new services, and will strongly empower the end-user in
terms of networking services.
ULOOP is focused upon radio cooperation techniques that give the means to expand a neutral operator and
low-cost architecture up to the end-user, in orderto give rise to new services. The ULOOP approach relies on
the cooperation of user’s equipment and as such extends the concepts explored in mentioned projects to a
wider domain of application. ULOOP will both evaluate evolutions promoted by the Wi-Fi Alliance, as
well as contributing by means of direct involvement in the Wi-Fi Alliance.
1.2.5 The Perspective of the Access Operator: Remote Areas, Traffic Locality, and Service
Today, the Triple (or Quadruple) Play Internet subscriptions are the most common both in the bundled and in
SP-centric models. It relies on wireless infrastructure deployed where users are, connected to a central core
network where all the data goes through. Recent challenges such as taking advantage of the physical
proximity of sources and destinations and therefore, to prevent traffic from crossing the full backbone when
sources and destinations are “close” is not yet solved. Another challenge comes from the amazing success of
mobile Internet mainly due to the introduction of iPhone and similar smartphones which has, in the recent
years, created unexpected demand for traffic exceeding operators’ network capacity. A full update of the
network with new technology (LTE) or new architecture (femto) requires a huge amount of investment in
term of device installation and site rental.
The communities and corresponding clouds of wireless device that ULOOP will assist in developing will
address these issues in an efficient way. First and foremost, it will be possible to keep traffic local, namely,
to take advantage of the physical proximity of sources and destinations. In addition, ULOOP will be a perfect
solution for operators who will look for higher density at limited cost, letting them to rely on created
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communities, in order to provide the required resources to demanding users at specific instants in time. This
will offer an energy-efficient and cost optimized solution to increase density of the operators’ networks.
Second, the subscription relation between the end-user and the access operator can be strengthened by
having the access operator empowering the end-user with partial networking functionality, in a way that is
completely transparent to the end-user. In other words: such cooperative model (based upon Internet service
micro-generation) gives the means for the access operator to provide value-added services that are more
appealing to the end-user and that go beyond regular subscriptions, common today both in the bundled and in
SP-centric models. For instance, models such as the one embodied today by FON or OpenSpark, when used
in strong cooperation with access providers, give the means to access providers to offer Internet access
subscriptions with worldwide wireless roaming included, which is a differentiating service towards
competitors. ULOOP will explore new services and business opportunities, from a perspective where
communities cooperate with the access.
Advances in 802.11
The IEEE 802.11 overall work has seen, in the last year a culmination of new concepts of which the ones to
highlight in regards to ULOOP is the work in relation to cooperative relaying, multihop routing, and selforganization aspects. Most work related to cooperative environments (such as ULOOP) has been focused in
cooperative relaying, being the key aspect taking advantage of overhearing. For ULOOP, cooperation is to
be tackled on the networking layer and be based upon a specific cooperation incentive mechanism, which
takes into consideration social behaviour.
In terms of multihop routing, several enhancements have recently been provided, the most relevant of which
being IEEE 802.11s as the basis for mesh networking. ULOOP is however focused on user-centric
environments, of which mesh is one case. Regular hotspots are expected to be the majority of autonomous
wireless communities that ULOOP wants to address. Another relevant difference is that ULOOP considers
multihop networking from a perspective where traffic crosses only a few hops (1 to 3 hops) as happens in
today’s wireless infrastructures.
ULOOP will synchronize the concepts being developed with the advances in IEEE 802.11, and will ensure
that the latest updates in the form of concepts and also of products (e.g. SIM cards incorporating Wi-Fi like
what happens with the Sagem/Telefonica prototype SIMFi) are considered in the design of the overall
framework, and of the main building blocks.
Advances in 802.21
The IEEE 802.21 working group (see recently finalized the first standard for dealing
with handovers in heterogeneous networks, also called Media-Independent Handovers (MIH). The standard
is expected to allow mobile users (and operators) to take full advantage of overlapping and diverse access
networks. It provides a framework for efficiently discovering networks within range and executing
intelligent heterogeneous handovers, based on their respective capabilities and current link conditions.
Multiradio power management (MRPM) has recently been proposed within the IEEE 802.21 standardization
forum, including the introduction of a new IEEE 802.21 architectural entity called the network radio proxy
(NRP), which will enable MRPM in IEEE 802.21 enhanced networks. Several scenarios has been discussed,
including employing the currently used interface to wake up another radio interface, putting several
interfaces into idle mode, as well as configuring idle interfaces when a mobile node enters a particular
coverage area. Nevertheless, engineering standard solutions for multi-access paging remains work in
progress. To this end, the IEEE 802.21 Working Group is currently pursuing this in IEEE 802.21c. The
amendment will introduce media independent.primitives for MRPM, extending the command and event
services of IEEE 802.21-2008. Furthermore, NRP will represent a multi-access device to candidate
network(s) before the corresponding network interface is turned on. Despite earlier high expectation, in
terms of IEEE 802.21 implementation and deployment, unfortunately, there has been very slow progress.
There is currently no publicly available implementation, although some researchers have reported some
progress in this area. A reference implementation is also missing.
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The ULOOP consortium will pay close attention to all developments in IEEE 802.21 and will play an active
role in promoting certain key innovations for standardization as the project progresses and opportunities
arise. For example, one of the consortium vendors, Huawei Technologies, holds the vice-chair position in
IEEE 802.21 Task Group c (Optimized Single Radio Handover Solutions) and will monitor all activities
related to ULOOP. In short, through active engagement the will not find its work made irrelevant by
standardization advances.Legislation and Wireless Communities
User-centric networking models such as the ones to be explored in ULOOP have strong implications in terms
of telecommunication's market legislation and today there are only a few cases that provide concrete
legislation concerning wireless communities, where sharing on connectivity or of additional resources may
occur[22]. As mentioned in [28] there are a few cases of access providers offering shared Wi-Fi services, and
there is today a clear consensus belief in products that allow limited sharing, e.g. SIMFi, or MiFi.
The main concern with legislation impact relates to the recent laws concerning privacy (e.g. the French
HADOPI regulation) and non-repudiation, as well as user traceability. ULOOP will tackle these aspects on
WP2, WP3, and WP4, in three main fronts: i) how to assist users in terms of traceability; ii) how to guarantee
user privacy; iii) how to provide confidentiality when necessary. Traceability is of particular relevance to the
economic sustainability in ULOOP, given that in order for these user-centric models to prevail there is the
need to assist the operator in understanding who did a specific action and also in allowing users sharing
networking resources to able to claim not having done a specific action (repudiation), otherwise he/she may
see his Internet connection blocked or event have to deal with legal actions.
In what concerns data privacy, ULOOP will ensure tracking of users according to the most recent legislation.
In regards to data confidentiality, the trust management concepts pursued in ULOOP will assist in lowering
the barriers posed by current confidentiality mechanisms, without the need to consider complex third-party
certifiers or revokers.
Related EU IST Activities
This section provides a brief description concerning related activities within EU IST. In ULOOP, strong
synergies are expected with some of the ongoing activities, which are further explained in section 1.3.3,
under Detailed Work Description. Out of the analysed activities, the ones that are closest to the topics
pursued in ULOOP are OBAN, HAGGLE, as well as PERIMETER.
The Open Broadband Access Networks (OBAN, FP6, 2004-2007) is the project that shares more common
items with ULOOP. OBAN was dedicated to research on open access networks built upon existing
(subscribed) WLAN access. OBAN viewed the Residential Gateway element as a convergence point for the
aspects considered, and always from an access perspective. Main aspects addressed in OBAN were mobility
management, AAA, QoS, inter-provider management.
Albeit addressing also WLANs, there is a diverging vision in ULOOP. Firstly, any end-user device is seen as
part of the network and as a possible convergence point (not just the Residential Gateway as in OBAN).
Secondly, main aspect in ULOOP is the aim to motivate (from a technical and business perspective)
cooperation as a basis for a robust wireless local-loop. Aspects such as QoS, AAA are to be derived from
results obtained in OBAN, but are not the core in ULOOP. Thirdly, ULOOP considers the perspective from
the access and from the end-user, attempting to show how Internet stakeholders can take advantage of
ULOOP to enable service differentiation and also to assist in lowering OPEX/CAPEX on the access.
Fourthly, ULOOP will cover mechanisms which will provide available resource usage optimization.
The An Innovative Paradigm for Autonomic Opportunistic Communication (HAGGLE, FP7, 2006-2010)
shares with ULOOP the general topic on user-centric, autonomic networks. However, HAGGLE is focused
on application-driven (opportunistic) message forwarding. In contrast, ULOOP is focused on network driven
routing or relaying, based on cooperation incentives.
The User-centric paradigm for seamless mobility in future Internet (PERIMETER, FP7, 2008-2011) is
focused on global mobility management from an application layer perspective. PERIMETER considers QoE
(distributed A3M) criteria to provide the end-user with an Always Best Connected network for specific
services. PERIMETER also assists the access operator in adequate resource management which takes into
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consideration the end-user’s QoE expectations. ULOOP will consider results from PERIMETER related with
identity management (key to trust management) as well as the analysis performed in terms of integration of
QoE aspects.
The Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation (SOCIALNETS, FP7, FET, 2008-2011) is a recent project
dedicated to the analysis and development of autonomic trust management systems, based upon the analysis
of human trust behaviour and patterns. While in Socialnets the Internet end-user is a consumer of services, in
ULOOP the Internet end-user becomes a consumer and provider of Internet services. This is a main
differentiating aspect of ULOOP which however expects to consider some aspects of human behaviour from
Socialnets. It should also be highlighted that trust management is the key focus of Socialnets, while ULOOP
provides a broader perspective which is focused on the evolution of Internet architectures.
The All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture (WIP, FP7, 2006-2009) project was focused on the design
and validation of an all-wireless interconnection architecture. Such architecture considered the most varied
aspects of an advanced wireless transmission, e.g., mesh networking, cross-layer optimization, mechanisms
for seamless mobility, but always from an access perspective. In contrast, ULOOP considers the current
Internet multi-access technology and is based on a user-centric perspective, being resource management and
network operations based on the user QoE. Furthermore, in ULOOP integration aspects relate to the access,
to the user, as well as to the support of Internet services, and not to mesh integration as happened in WIP.
Another differentiating aspect of ULOOP is that it is based upon existing WLAN shared resources.
The Enhanced Wireless Communication Systems Employing Cooperative Diversity (CODIV, FP7 20082011) explores channel diversity and cooperation in order to enable high bit rates in 3G/WIMAX
environments. The cooperation component is restricted to cellular environments. ULOOP also addresses
cooperation but in a way that is transparent to access technology. Furthermore, ULOOP integrates new
aspects such as trust management, incentives to cooperate, micro-generation as potential Internet business
models (user as micro-provider; cooperation with the access operator).
The Publish-subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (PSIRP, 2008-2010) is focused on the development of a
novel end-to-end architecture, where routing is information-driven, based on the paradigm of publishsubscriber routing. Routing aspects in ULOOP will take into consideration but not be restricted to results
from PSIRP.
The Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent,
Optimized personal Services (DAIDALOS, FP6, 2005-2008) focused on an architecture for 3G and beyond,
where the purpose was to assist in efficient service distribution across a multi-access architecture.
Summary of ULOOP Key Innovation Items
ULOOP combines three main differentiating aspects in terms of innovation: i) functionality capable of
developing autonomic wireless communities (wireless local-loop) based on pre-existing infrastructures; ii)
development and validation of the functionality based on large-scale realistic settings (ULOOP pilot); iii)
analysis of current legislation and exploitation of new business models.
The key innovation aspects in ULOOP can be enumerated as follows:
Addresses the user as a key component of networking services in future Internet architectures.
ULOOP builds upon current (commercial) examples and addresses how to improve such user-centric
schemes. Moreover, it explores legislation implications, new services and business opportunities that are
expected to be community-driven.
Contributes to a better definition of network neutrality and of future Internet wholesale models.
ULOOP will rely on existing WLANs and hence, a wireless local-loop is to be sustained, free of
proprietary control. Such aspect is crucial to the current debate on network neutrality, and also to
explore new business models such as OANs and NANs.
Explores cooperative diversity based on OSI Layer 2 and OSI Layer 3 mechanisms. The purpose of
such exploration is to enable high bit rates of the wireless local-loop, in a way that makes it compatible
with current broadband access rates.
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Combines user-centricity both from the access and from the end-user perspective. One of the main
aspects to pursue in ULOOP is the analysis of how can all Internet stakeholders enable service
differentiation and also lower OPEX/CAPEX on the access, by making networking services usercentric.
Addresses trust management as a main aspect to sustain on-the-fly wireless local-loops. ULOOP
will consider work from related activities (e.g. PERIMETER and SOCIALNETS) to analyse how to
develop on-the-fly trust networks, in a way that sustains robust wireless local-loops.
1.2.10 Criteria and Performance Indicators
ULOOP advocates speeding up the development of the Future Internet architectures, based on existing
technologies and neutral operation model. By sustaining the autonomic development of ULOOP
architectures and its interconnection to the current Internet, ULOOP is contributing to the development of the
Future Internet architecture with strong impact, given that such Future Internet architecture will grow beyond
the reach of the regular incumbent.
Qualitative Aspects
Qualitative aspects are here described in terms of the main expected project outcome :
Outcome 1 (software functionality) indicators. The performance of the software developed will
be evaluated based on a specific test plan which is to be devised in WP3 (cf. Task 3.4) and which
will consider not only the regular measures (e.g. delay, packet loss, throughput) but also user
experience measures. User experience qualitative measures are to be defined in WP2 (cf. Task
2.1) and minimum requirements are to be considered in Task 3.4. Moreover, scalability of the
software developed is to be qualitatively evaluated based upon the number of successful
simultaneous users that are able to access ULOOP demos (cf. MS11, months 35 and 36).
Outcome 2 (socio-economic and legislation impact) indicators. The qualitative analysis for this
outcome is to be derived through the two industrial workshops that are to be organized in the
second and third year of the project. In such events, a survey is to be provided to the participants,
being this survey to be defined also in WP2.
Outcome 3 (impact on standardisation) indicators. The qualitative analysis of the impact on
standardisation is tightly related to the ULOOP results that will be provided to related
standardisation bodies or fora. Such analysis is to be provided on a specific chapter of the final
project report, and will consider different levels of impact. For instance, it will be mentioned if
ULOOP results generate new standards, become part of already existing standards, or if such
results assist in deriving new guidelines for specific study or working groups.
Outcome 4 (pilot and demonstrations). The qualitative measurement of the demonstrations is to
be provided in the final project report, through an analysis of the success of the demonstrations
both in terms of users and of different market shares. Moreover, such qualitative success is also to
be backed up by surveys that are to be provided to users during the demonstrations.
Quantitative Aspects
Table 1 provides a global perspective on the minimum expected outcome of ULOOP. This outcome relates
to the expected milestones and deliverables, and its description here is merely provided as a minimum
guideline to the results expected to be achieved in ULOOP.
Table 1:Minimum quantitative success indicators in ULOOP
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
A – Publications
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Papers in journals
In scientific meetings
In industrial meetings
Technical Reports
Industrial Event
B – Communications
C – Reports
D – Organization of Events
Scientific Event
E – Advanced Training
PhD Theses
MSc theses
Others (e.g. courses in PhD
programmes, summer schools,
Software Modules/suites
F – Computational Applications
G – Prototypes
Demo prototype
Technology platforms, Support
Reporting participation
White paper participation
Standard participation
1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan
Overall strategy and general description
The global work plan of ULOOP has been split into five (5) work packages (WPs) for a lifespan of three
years, Out of the five WPs, the first one (WP1) is dedicated to the project management and coordination.
WP5 is dedicated to all the activities related with dissemination, demonstration, as well as exploitation of
results. The remainder three WPs (WP2, WP3, WP4) represent the core of the technical work in ULOOP,
from specification to validation.
WP1 (Project Coordination and Management) relates to the global coordination and management of
ULOOP. As described in section 2, the global project coordination is to be performed by ALBLF and the
scientific coordination is provided by INESC Porto. All partners will be involved in the global decisions. A
specific quality assessment committee will ensure that the goals of the project are not only met, but will have
the highest quality. WP1 is therefore considered as MGT.
WP2 (ULOOP Framework) relates to the definition of the ULOOP framework, including constraints,
assumptions, as well as requirements. It will start by addressing in parallel technical use-cases and socioeconomic sustainability, to then devise the global architecture specification. The technical use-cases will
assist not only in deriving adequate requirements and assumptions but will also be the basis for the design of
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test beds and the ULOOP pilot in WP4. Such use-cases are to be devised with fine-grained details, and
clearly stating the functionality and aspects that should be addressed in WP3 and WP4, and the aspects that
are to be obtained from other related work (outside the boundaries of ULOOP). WP2 is therefore considered
as RTD.
The socio-economic sustainability analysis to be performed within this WP is considered essential to
motivate and to assist in providing Internet stakeholders with a clear perspective on the impact of ULOOP
results into current wholesale models and current telecommunications legislation.
The global architecture specification to be devised in WP2 will take into consideration the input from both
the technical use-cases definition and the socio-economic sustainability analysis. The outcome of the global
architecture specification will ensure synchronization across the different WPs and tasks in ULOOP and will
assist in providing an easier integration into the ULOOP pilot. It should be highlighted that the specification
of the use-cases includes the involvement of all partners.
The main outcome of WP2 is therefore the full-fledged ULOOP specification.
WP3 (ULOOP Framework Design and Implementation) is dedicated to the devising and implementation of
the ULOOP functionality. It covers the aspects described in section (ULOOP Main Building
Blocks). Cooperation incentives and trust management, resource management, as well as mobility are
aspects that will first be addressed in isolation but based upon the global specification and the full outcome
of WP2. The technical use-cases are common and hence each set of functionality is to be added to a specific
part of the global framework. Within WP3 a specific task is to be dedicated to the integration of the
functionality derived from each block separately. In other words, the full operation of an ULOOP-enabled
node and how it will communicate with peers is to be ensured by a task that provides the integration. It
should be highlighted that in WP3, validation is expected based upon tools such as simulators, emulators, but
also local testbeds.
The main outcome of WP3 is a prototype, i.e., a software image as specified in section (Main
Outcome). WP3 is therefore considered as RTD.
WP4 (Pilot Deployment and Validation) is dedicated to the full installation of the ULOOP pilot. This
comprises global setup based upon the outcome of WP2, as well as setup of each of the pilot sites presented
in section 1.1.3 (ULOOP Pilot: Validation and Demonstration). This implies not only local setup, but also
defining where and how will the ULOOP functionality be provided. WP4 is therefore considered as RTD.
The outcome of WP3 is to be provided to WP4 to be validated on the respective sites. Demonstration sites
are also to be adequately setup for demonstrations on a later phase.
WP5 (Dissemination and Exploitation) covers the adequate dissemination of results in ULOOP, not only by
recurring to regular tools such as conference or journal publications, but also by actively providing
contributions to related standardisation bodies and technical platforms where partners have specific
involvement. Exploitation of results is also to be addressed in this WP. A key aspect to mention is that WP5
includes a task which relates to demonstration aspects, Task 5.1, given that several events will be organized
with the single purpose of providing large-scale demonstration environments.
In addition to the previously listed projects, it is worth mentioning OneLab (and OneLab2) project that aims
to develop federation mechanisms in order to allow consistent experimentations over several testbeds.
Although not directly related to ULOOP, results from OneLab2 project, and more precisely wireless related
results, will be used for experimentation purposes, this will allow ULOOP to leverage on best practices and
to rapidly and efficiently setup means for experimentation validation. Given that WP5 incorporates one task
under the DEM category, and two tasks under the RTD category, the WP has been considered to globally be
under the OTHER category.
In addition to the previously listed projects, it is worth to mention OneLab (and OneLab2) project that aims
to develop federation mechanisms in order to allow consistent experimentations over several testbeds.
Although not directly related to ULOOP, results from OneLab2 project, and more precisely wireless related
results, will be used for experimentation purposes, this will allow ULOOP to leverage on best practices and
to rapidly and efficiently setup means for experimentation validation.
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Timing of work packages and their components
ULOOP planning is here presented in the form of its Gantt (cf. Figure 7) chart. The Gantt chart provides
information concerning WP and task duration. It also includes the full set of milestones and deliverables. As
illustrated, the project is expected to generate a reasonable amount of deliverables (32 for the 3 year lifespan)
and 52 milestones.
Figure 7: Gantt chart.
The development of the different ULOOP aspects across time is given in Figure 8, which shows how work
will be distributed across time within WP2 to WP5. As shown, the first project year is dedicated to the full
specification of the ULOOP framework, including overall specification (constrains, requirements,
boundaries) and also specification (including state-of-the-art) of the different blocks that are the core of the
ULOOP functionality. This content is the basis for the remainder work in the project, being the dependencies
across WPs and Tasks shown in Figure 9.
The second year of ULOOP is dedicated to implementation and validation of the functionality, being the
main outcome of this year the ULOOP software suite as described in WP2 (cf. section The second
year is also dedicated to the setup of the pilot, including both testbeds and demonstration sites in Madrid and
São João da Madeira.
The third year of ULOOP has as main target the development of the pilot and also of the demonstrations.
This includes work from WP4 mostly, but also refined functionality from WP3.
Across the three years is the work developed in WP5, where dissemination is to be performed regularly as
specified in section In addition, WP5 will coordinate the organization of several events, as well as
project publicity.
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ULOOP Design
and Implementation
ULOOP Framework
Year 2
Year 1
Year 3
Scenarios and framework specified
Building blocks implemented
and locally validated
Building blocks specified
Refined functionality
Testbeds and demo sites setup
and ready to work
Pilot specification and setup
ULOOP Pilot, Training,
and Demonstrations
1 industrial
1 scientific
1 industrial
1 scientific
Figure 8: ULOOP, technical content distribution over time.
T 1.2: C oordination and
Manag ement
WP 1: C oordination and Management
•O verall Management
•E C liais on
C oordination
P eriodic reporting/meetings
C oordination
P eriodic reporting/meetings
•C ooperation incentive s chemes and
•B uild T rus t networks on-the-fly
•Apply identity management
T 2.2: S oc io-ec onomic
s us tainability
T 3.2: R es ourc e Manag ement
•R obus tnes s and fairnes s
•C onges tion control
•B us ines s models
•L egis lation s urvey and implications
T 2.3: O verall S pec ific ation
T 3.3: Mobility As pec ts
•G lobal architecture
•Interfacing to legacy s ys tems
•B oundaries
WP2: ULOOP Framework
D eliverables , events
C oordination
P eriodic reporting/meetings
T 3.1: C ooperation Inc entives
and T rus t Manag ement
T 2.1: T ec hnic al Us e C as es
•As s umptions
•C ons trains
•R equirements
•F ine-grained us e-cas es
•Handover optimization
•Mobility modelling as network
optimization tool
WP3: ULOOP Framework
Design and Implementation
T 1.2: S c ientific C oordination
•S cientific coordination
•R is k management
•L iais on to other E U activities
T 4.1: P ilot S etup
•O verall pilot s cheme
•G lobal pilot s etup
T 4.2: T es tbeds Deployment
and Validation
•R oadmap for tes tbed deployment
•C onfiguration of each s ite
•Integration feedback to WP 3
T 4.3: Demons tration S ites
Deployment and Validation
•S etup for the two demons tration s ites
•F eedback to training events in WP 5
WP4: Pilot Deployment
and Validation
D eliverables , events
D eliverables , events
WP 5: D is s emination and E xploitation
T 5.1: Dis s emination and E vent
O rg aniz ation
•D is s emination of res ults
•E vent organization
T 5.2: S tandardis ation
Monitoring and C ontribution
•C ontribution to S tandardis ation bodies
•C ontribution to technology platforms
Figure 9: WP and tasks dependencies.
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T 5.3: E xploitation of R es ults
•UL O O P after-project life
•5 year roadmap
FP7-257418 ULOOP
Table 1.3a: Work package list.
Work package title
Type of
Project Coordination &
ULOOP Framework
ULOOP Framework Design &
Pilot Deployment and
Dissemination and Exploitation
Work package number: WP 1 – WP n.
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the
Number of the participant leading the work in this work package.
The total number of person-months allocated to each work package.
Measured in months from the project start date (month 1).
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Table 1.3b: Deliverables list.
Del. no. Deliverable name
WP no.
D1.1: Project Presentation
D1.2: Quality Plan (M2)
D1.3 : Risk Analysis and
Review (M18)
M4, M8,
, M24,
D1.4 : Periodic Management
D1.5: Yearly Reports
1 R
D.16 Final Report
1 R
D2.1: Technical use-cases
2 R
sustainability report
2 R
D2.3 : ULOOP overall
2 R
D3.1:Cooperation Incentives
and Trust Management Preprototype Software
3 O
3 O
D3.2: Resource Management
Deliverable numbers in order of delivery dates. Please use the numbering convention <WP number>.<number
of deliverable within that WP>. For example, deliverable 4.2 would be the second deliverable from work package 4.
Please indicate the nature of the deliverable using one of the following codes:
R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other
Please indicate the dissemination level using one of the following codes:
PU = Public
PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services).
RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services).
CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).
Measured in months from the project start date (month 1).
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Pre-prototype Software
D3.3: Mobility Aspects Preprototype Software
3 O
D3.4: Cooperation Incentives
Specification and Refined
D3.5: Resource Management
Specification and Refined
D3.6: Mobility Aspects
Specification and Refined
D3.8: ULOOP Framework
Design and Implementation
D4.1 Pilot setup report
4 R
D4.2 Pilot validation and
deployment report
D5.1 Initial exploitation and
dissemination report
5 R
D5.2 Standardisation report
5 R
D5.3 Final exploitation and
dissemination report
5 R
D5.4: Exploitation Plan
5 R
D5.5: Training Scheme and
5 R
Table 1.3. c: List of Milestones.
Expected date 11
Means of verification12
Measured in months from the project start date (month 1).
Show how you will confirm that the milestone has been attained. Refer to indicators if appropriate. For example: a
laboratory prototype completed and running flawlessly; software released and validated by a user group; field survey
complete and data quality validated.
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M1.1: Project
M4,M8, M12,M16, M20, M24,
1 M28, M32, M36
QMR Reports
M21, M24, M27, M30, M33,
1 M36
Report, Meetings, Minutes
M2.1.: Socioeconomic
2 M6
M2.2: Overall
2 M12
Software Suite
3 M27
software suite
Pilot, demonstration events
M5.1: Website
5 ,M24,M27,M30,M33,M36
5 M12, M18, M24, M30, M36
5 M35, M36
5 M36
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Work Package Description WP1: Project Coordination and Management
WP1: Project Coordination and Management
short name
Personmonths per
Start date or starting event:
This work package includes the overall project management as well as the scientific coordination. Main
objectives to pursue include excellence in terms of consortium operation and innovation; efficient and timely
monitoring of resources and financial expenditures, as well as fulfilment of contractual obligations and
reporting. In addition, a Quality Assurance plan is to be set in the form of definition and monitoring of
procedures and metrics, as well as in the form of progress and risk monitoring.
Main expected outcome relates to quality management; scientific and management leadership.
Description of work:
Work package 1 is lead by ALBLF and its content is split into two different tasks. Although the responsibility
of the WP belongs to the WP leader, success of this WP will be ensured by the close cooperation of one
leading industrial partner, Alcatel-Lucent, and the scientific coordinator entity, INESC Porto.
Task 1.1. Project Management (leader: ALBLF)
This task is lead by ALBLF and all partners participate in it.
ALBLF will pursue the project administrative and financial coordination, including the following aspects:
Liaison to the EC representatives in matters of administration and finance.
Handling of all the administrative and financial tasks connected with the activities of the
consortium, such as management of human resources, periodic reports, contract amendments,
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium.
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preparation of cost statements, financial supervision, funding redistribution, planning and
monitoring of activities, reporting and administration.
Adequate support to all project events.
Task 1.2. Scientific and Technological Coordination (leader: INESC Porto)
The task is lead by INESC Porto and all partners participate in it. The IAN team of INESC Porto pursues the
project coordination in scientific and technological terms, including the following aspects:
Supervision and review of the completion of the project milestones and deliverables.
Guarantee of an efficient communication environment for the management of the project.
Support of a reliable communication flow among activities and participants.
Coordination of the Quality Assurance team and definition of a Quality plan, including tools and
Definition of a procedure for identifying, estimating, treating and monitoring risks.
Ensure delivery of the scientific objectives as per the project’s work plan.
Chair the Scientific Committee and coordinate its work.
Coordinate all actions among all the project scientific participants.
Coordinate all interactions between the EC and the project, regarding scientific matters.
Assessment of work and achievements of the work packages.
 Assume the responsibility of the scientific contents of the project deliverables by assuring the quality
produced meets the project’s standards.
 Take corrective actions, as/if necessary.
Technical risks analysis and contingency planning.
Interaction with other 6th and 7th Framework projects and other R&D national/international
Deliverables and Month of Delivery:
D1.1: Project Presentation (R,PU,M3)
D1.2: Quality Plan (R,CO,M2)
D1.3 : Risk Analysis and Review (R,CO,M18)
D1.4 : Periodic Quality Management Reports (R,CO,M4, M8, M12, M16, M20, M24, M28, M32, M36)
D1.5: Yearly Reports (R, CO, M12, M24, M36)
D1.6: Final Project Report (R, PU, M36/M37)
Milestones and Main Expected Results:
MS1- M1.1: Project Internal Review and Quality Assessment (M6, M12, M18, M24,M30, M36)
MS2- M1.2: SC Meetings (M3, M6, M9, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24, M27, M30, M33, M36)
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STREP WP2: ULOOP Framework
WP2: ULOOP Framework
short name
Personmonths per
Start date or starting event:
TLI UniUrb
The main objective of this WP is to establish realistic boundaries and requirements for the functionality to be
developed in ULOOP. This will be achieved by first devising a set of specific technical use-cases with finegrained detail. These use-cases will guide the development in WP3 and that will later be utilized for
evaluation and testing in WP4. In addition, an analysis of socio-economic sustainability and
telecommunications impact, as well as of technical interoperability aspects with the legacy systems will be
carried out in this WP. WP2 main goals are:
To specify the global technical specifications, including the assumptions, requirements, and
constraints, to draw the ULOOP boundaries clearly, and to provide guidelines on what can be
expected or used.
To develop a set of realistic technical use-cases that will serve as basis for the development of
ULOOP architecture and functionality, and eventually for validation of the developed system.
To provide a study of economic viability for the ULOOP functionality as basis for wireless localloops, focusing on the economic/business challenges and opportunities of user-centric networking.
To provide an analysis on how ULOOP results may assist in leveraging network neutrality.
Main expected outcome relates to the overall framework specification, as well as to an analysis of its socioeconomic impact, based on current legislation.
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium.
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WP leader: TUB
WP2 sets the framework for the design and development of ULOOP architecture and core functionality.
Realistic use cases depicting self-organizing and user-friendly formation of user-centric local loops will be
produced in Task 2.1 in order to form the boundaries and functional specifications of the system to be
developed. The use cases will also serve as an initial basis for Task 2.2, which will consider the socioeconomic sustainability issues for ULOOP and produce guidelines for WP3 on these perspectives. The tasks
within this WP are detailed next.
Task 2.1. Technical Use-Cases (Leader: FON)
This task is lead by FON and all partners participate in it.
The task focuses on establishing realistic boundaries and requirements for the functionality to be developed in
ULOOP. Constraints, assumptions as well as enhancement criteria to assume are to be developed within this
task. In addition, the task will provide a set of scenarios to be used in WP4 for validation and demonstration.
Technical use-cases are to be provided with fine-grained detail, and having in mind realistic scenarios based
on today’s Internet. Details will include technology and functionality that is required and is available, as well
as technology that may be necessary. The basis for the technical use-cases will take into consideration models
of today’s user-provided networks, ranging from commercial examples, covering also municipality Wi-Fi
topics, as well as other types of community wireless networks. Integration aspects to the access, e.g., how
AAA or resource management, as well as QoE can be met are crucial topics to consider.
Out of the technical scenarios a set of specific assumptions, constrains, and requirements will be listed, to
assist both the high-level and low-level design of the ULOOP functionality in WP3.
The main goals of this task are:
To devise a specific set of technical scenarios, clearly identifying technical constraints and
requirements which will assist the development of WP3 and WP4.
To provide input to the overall ULOOP specification (to be performed in Task 2.3).
Task 2.2. Socio-economic Sustainability (Leader: UniUrb)
The task is lead by UniUrb and the following partners participate in it: FON, ARIA, TLI, UniUrb.
This task focuses on the socio-economic sustainability of user-centric networking and on the impact of
regulation, business models, technology, public policies, and incentive schemes on it. Taking into
consideration the use cases that T2.1 will define in parallel,, T2.2 will start by addressing the different models
of UPNs currently available. Task 2.2 will also provide input concerning the impact of ULOOP in network
neutrality, and also by considering specific examples, e.g., the recent and notorious HADOPI French law and
its impact on network neutrality.
The analysis to be carried out in Task 2.2 is essential to produce guidelines that will affect the design and
development phase (WP3). Strongly relevant to this task is also an analysis of current micro-generation
models being applied to the energy sector, which are relevant to consider in ULOOP, given that such models
show similarities to the user-empowerment that ULOOP will speed up, both in terms of Internet connectivity,
or in terms of other types of networking services, e.g., mobility management. The task will provide an
analysis of current status on the micro-generation models and how they may be applied to ULOOP, from a
networking perspective.
Moreover, the complex behaviour emerging from the interaction of many different entities and the so-called
computable general equilibrium (CGE) of the ULOOP system will be studied. Simulations will be applied
both to user-centric networks and to traditional access network models to be used as terms of comparison.
Models will be parameterized in terms of boundary conditions, design choices, business models, and size in
order to be applied in different scenarios and to enable design space exploration and sensitivity analysis.
The main goals of this task are:
To analyse the network neutrality impact of ULOOP.
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To perform a survey of current Wi-Fi-related legislation.
To analyse the socio-economic sustainability of ULOOP based on the use-cases defined in Task
To specify of general guidelines for the development and application of sustainable user-centric
Task 2.3. Overall Specification (Leader: INESC Porto)
This task is lead by INESC Porto and the following partners participate in it: HWDU, CMS, TUB, UniK,
INESC Porto.
This task is concerned with the global ULOOP specification, including technological boundaries of ULOOP
and how these relate to existing technology or with related activities. Assumptions and requirements derived
from T2.1 and from T2.2 are crucial to develop an adequate design of ULOOP. This design will also be the
basis for the specification and setup of the ULOOP pilot (Task 4.1). Additional considerations, in particular
energy-awareness guidelines to each of the tasks of WP3 are to be derived.
The main goals of this task are:
To specify the global ULOOP architecture, with a horizontal view on all components and
activities of the project.
To provide guidelines on how the integration of the building blocks should be done based on the
outcomes of Task 2.1 and Task 2.2.
To provide energy-awareness guidelines to each of the tasks of WP3, with the objective to reach
an energy consumption optimization in any ULOOP network.
Deliverables and Month of Delivery:
D2.1: Technical use-cases (M6)
D2.2: Socio-economic sustainability report (M6)
D2.3: ULOOP overall specification (M12)
Milestones and Main Expected Results:
MS3 - M2.1.: Socio-economic analysis (M6)
MS4 - M2.2: Overall specification (M12)
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STREP WP3: ULOOP Framework Design & Implementation
ULOOP Framework Design & Implementation
short name
Personmonths per
Start date or starting event:
TLI UniUrb
WP3 reflects the core of ULOOP and covers the specification, development, and validation of each of the
building blocks of the ULOOP framework defined in section . These building blocks are to be
addressed individually first, and then integrated (cf. Task 3.4). The main objectives of this WP are::
To specify, implement, and validate each of the ULOOP building blocks, based on the
assumptions and requirements derived in WP2.
To integrate the different building blocks into a single and low-cost prototype (software image).
To provide input to WP4 concerning integration and performance aspects of the developed
The main outcome of WP3 relates to the ULOOP core functionality which is to be provided in the
form of a software prototype (software modules) to be released to the public-domain. Such
functionality simply gives the means to deploy an ULOOP architecture, being scalability and
robustness issues to be addressed in WP4.
Description of work:
Work package 3 is lead by INESC Porto.
The focus of WP3 is on the definition and validation of the ULOOP core functionality aiming to assist an
autonomic deployment of performing, robust and trustful user-centric wireless local loops. The WP
contemplates tasks dedicated to the development and implementation of the three (3) building blocks of the
ULOOP architecture: i) cooperation incentives and trust management; ii) resource management; iii) mobility
aspects. A fourth task (cf. Task 3.4) concerns integration aspects, including interoperability issues related to
current Internet services: to the user; to the access. Each of the three building blocks will be specified,
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium.
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developed, and validated within a specific task.
Local validation is to be performed by recurring to tools such as open-source agent-based simulators (e.g.,
RePast), discrete event simulators (e.g. ns2, OMNET++, AnyLogic), local testbeds, as well as emulators (e.g.
EMULAB from Carnegie-Mellon university). The tools to rely upon are to be aligned with WP2
specifications so that all the partners can better align results to be obtained.
During a first phase (first year of the project) of the development of the concepts for each of the building
blocks, we foresee the need to provide initial validation be it in an analytical way (by recurring to analytical
simulators such as MatLab) or in a way that allows us to take conclusions in regards to the potential effect
and performance of new concepts (by recurring to agent-based simulators, or to discrete event simulators
such as AnyLogic, NS2, or OMNET++, or to emulators such as the CMULab). This initial validation is the
grounds to opt for specific heuristics or algorithms and thus, to allow us to reach a prototyping stage quicker.
Hence, the goal of running simulation and emulations in a first validation stage is to reduce the risk of starting
deploying functionality that exhibits weak performance or fail in triggering positive externalities.
On a second phase (second and third years) the concepts developed in ULOOP are to be validated by means
of both local testbeds belonging to each of the sites chosen to integrate the ULOOP pilot, in WP4. Moreover,
ULOOP will have specific equipment assigned to be used solely for integration purposes.
Task 3.1. Cooperation Incentives and Trust Management (leader: UNIGE)
The focus of this task is three-fold. Firstly, to address and analyze different cooperation incentives that will
have an impact on the scalability of the wireless local-loops. Secondly, to devise trust management
mechanisms able to sustain the operation of large scale user-provided networks. Thirdly, to consider the
impact of social strength modelling based on social network information and analysis.
Cooperation incentives will be addressed both from a specific technology perspective, as well as from a
business perspective. Technical incentives may relate to natural features of the technology that result in a
win-win match when cooperation is applied. On the other side, business incentives will be related to microgeneration models based on the guidelines provided by WP2 (Task 2.2., Socio-economic Sustainability).
Examples of technical incentives are 802.11 MAC engineered in a way that when low data rate stations and
high data rate stations cooperate, the high data rate station that cooperates in fact attains benefits not only
from a resource perspective, but also from an energy-efficient perspective. Examples of business incentives
are the ones based on specific peering schemes that may assist the access operators in understanding how to
obtain revenue based on ULOOP architectures.
In ULOOP trust management aspects relate to understanding how to build networks of trust on-the-fly, based
on reputation mechanisms able to identify end-user misbehaviour and to address social aspects, e.g., the
different types of levels of trust users may have in different communities (e.g., family, affiliation, etc). Such
grassroots networks of trust aim to accommodate the network growth and highly dynamic behaviour caused
by the frequent mobility of end-users.
Another key aspect relates to the development and validation of a set of methods and techniques that make it
possible to optimize network resources in regards to social behaviour, i.e. how to exploit Social Networking
information to create/optimize/add trust to ULOOP communities.
Simulations through AnyLogic will be carried out to validate the robustness and the attack-resistance of the
trust management and cooperation incentive algorithms. AnyLogic was compared to other simulators,
included ns2 and OMNET++, and presented better scalability properties, which makes it the most suitable
tool to effectively simulate and validate the application of trust management solutions in a large scale.
The main topics to be pursued in Task3.1 are:
Definition of incentive mechanisms able to capture win-win characteristics of technology, and to
create socio-economic sustainability by means of micro-generation models.
Definition of reputation systems that combined with the devised incentive mechanisms will support
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the creation of spontaneous networks of trust.
Analysis of existing identity management (e.g. work being addressed in PERIMETER) and PrivacyEnhancing Technologies (PETs).
Task 3.2. Resource Management (leader: UniK)
This task has as main focus to address the optimization of resource management in ULOOP, not only from a
robustness perspective but also from a maximization perspective. Resources in this task relate to energy and
also to throughput, both from an egoistic (individual node) and from a network perspective.
ULOOP architectures are located within the last-hop and are complementary in the sense that they are
intended to autonomously expand the capillarity (and reach) of already existing Internet broadband
subscriptions. The main expected outcome of this task is software functionality that guarantees a continuous
and reliable network operation in a scalable away. Main resource management aspects to be tackled are:
throughput maximization in the wireless architecture; adequate (fair) and autonomous (self-organizing)
spreading of resources on the ULOOP network; congestion control.
In regards to resource management optimization to achieve high throughput, this task will consider network
switching techniques on OSI Layer 3 to assist in having end-user devices simultaneously connected to more
than one Wi-Fi AP, being the goal the maximization of the provided throughput on the wireless link. The
purpose is to assist in developing robust and high debit wireless local-loops in a way that meets current
broadband access technologies debit as possible, and in a way that reduces the chances for bottlenecks to
occur. Throughput maximization is also to be addressed across more than one hop by means of cooperative
networking techniques of which one possible is relaying. The purpose is to understand if relaying is a robust
means to support transfer of information and if so, how good is it compared against regular multihop routing
In regards to resource management to achieve a fair and self-organizing network usage, this task will consider
aspects such as the need to adequately and dynamically be able to control growth of ULOOP communities,
dynamic fluctuations of the network both in terms of traffic due to stations joining and leaving frequently, as
well as due to the movement of stations. Another aspect that is considered crucial is to develop cooperative
and distributed mechanisms that assist the network in adequately selecting nodes that are willing to be microproviders. Such selection is to be performed in a way that considers not only throughput maximization, but
also the lowest-cost in terms of energy-efficiency. This is to be performed by addressing node selection based
on energy-efficient metrics.
The final aspect to tackle is congestion control. Being based on a self-organizing deployment purely related to
the adoption of the technology and also cooperation incentives (as well as the willingness of users to share
their subscribed Internet access), ULOOP users are expected to observe high interference and despite the fact
that ULOOP will devise advanced network switching technology to assist in optimizing the wireless rates,
there is still the need to optimize the network interests and the individual interests in order to achieve fairness.
The user is expected to be able to cooperate based on a perceived QoE and also on individual expectations.
The network will most likely provide a dissimilar resource allocation. In related work, one remarkable
difference between the two schemes is that the end-user based allocation scheme tends to distribute qualities
of resources more evenly to users than central-user based ones. Central-user based allocation schemes tend to
provide most, if not all, of the resources to the few users with the best channels (high data rate stations). This
is true even in the classic water-filling solution, a property that tends not to appear in solutions of end-user
based allocation. Therefore, a joint end-user based and central-user based resource allocation is a good
balance for both sides, which is worth exploring as a research topic.
The basic idea of this joint resource allocation in ULOOP is that the central-users decide the unit price and
end-users decide which central-user/central-users is/are selected as their access point/points and their transmit
power according to the price. Also, the randomness of nodes participation and network topology provides by
central-users should be considered to increase the cooperative efficiency.
Cross-layer aspects and input from related work based on OSI Layer 1 is to be applied in the mentioned
topics, in particular having in mind both spectrum usage efficiency, and energy-efficiency. In regards to the
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later, ULOOP will address power management from a perspective related to the impact in OSI Layers 2 and
3. The power levels determine the performance of medium access control (MAC) since the contention for the
medium depends on the number of other nodes within range. The power levels also affect the selection of
available access nodes and congestion caused by interference. Since the end devices in the user-centric
network can be heterogeneous, it would be better to limit the aggregated power of all the transmitters together
rather than limiting the power of individual devices in order to guarantee a defined range of coverage.
Therefore, power management is not only a simple problem in physical layer. The power management
scheme will be designed jointly with media access control (MAC) layer.
The task will be focused on the main aspects:
Development of virtualized Wi-Fi network drivers aiming to allow the connection of mobile nodes to
more than one access point simultaneously.
Development of a cooperative relaying scheme able to maximize the overall network capacity, by
reducing the number of low data rate stations without increasing the number of network collisions
(which may happen due to the presence of one or more relay nodes).
Development of spectrum allocation schemes over a federation of Internet access points aiming to
provide a uniform distribution of transmission opportunities within dynamic ULOOP communities,
while reducing the probability of bottlenecks and taking into account the sporadic needs of high
demanding stations.
Analysis of suitable power management schemes from a perspective of OSI Layers 2 and 3, in order
to increase the overall longevity of the network, taking into account that the MAC performance in a
specific node depends on the number of other nodes within range.
Task 3.3. Mobility Support (leader: HWDU)
In what concerns handover support, this tasks aims at providing support for handover between different
networks types (both local loop-to-local loop and between local loop and operator network), including session
continuity whenever necessary. The challenges are e.g. the dynamic nature of the wireless local-loop, which
implies that mobile coordination points and attachment points can appear and vanish (this challenge goes
beyond solutions offered by 3GPP or IEEE 802.21, which does not support real-time update of the candidateaccess point database); the fact that the local loop constituents may have contracts with any number of
operators; the fact that new methods must be found for managing dynamic candidate attachment points.
Besides these challenges, we must consider that mobile operators regard what is attached to their base station
as a “single user” with a single device – even if this device is a Personal Area Network. The handover support
is to be provided from a perspective that is strongly interconnected to Tasks 3.1 and Tasks 3.2, and specific
input is expected to assist in devising adequate support.
Regarding mobility modelling, ULOOP will integrate aspects of social mobility models that allow estimating
(and to predict) movement of devices. A large number of devices are expected to be carried (or controlled) by
humans and hence the ones that are portable will exhibit a movement behaviour that has its roots in human
social behaviour.
The task will be focused on the main aspects:
Definition of automated user-centric handover strategies (“always best connected”) able to adapt to
the dynamic nature of the wireless local-loop, including the real-time update of the candidate-access
point databases.
Support for the interoperability between ULOOP architectures and other forms of user-centric
wireless architectures (e.g., municipality Wi-Fi communities), as well as other types of one or several
access domains operation in regards to handover, including legacy access architectures (including
session continuity whenever necessary).
Adequate discovery and selection of micro-providers, based on the guidelines provided by WP2 and
the input of Tasks 2.1 and T2.2, and having in mind to optimize the global network operation, based
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on criteria identified in Task3.2.
Analysis of statistical behaviour derived from current social based mobility models, aiming to
optimize the overall architecture and network conditions.
Task 3.4. Building Blocks Integration (leader: CMS)
This task relates to the integration aspects of the functionality to be developed in the previous tasks. This
integration relates to the global operation aspects of the ULOOP framework as devised in WP2 and
encompasses three different perspectives in terms of interoperability expected: an end-user perspective, an
access perspective, as well as a service perspective.
Access interoperability topics relate to the need to ensure smooth operation between different types of radio
local-loops, and to/from legacy networks. Main aspects to consider are the regulatory and operator
requirements in the face of ULOOP-alike architectures, as well as a deeper understanding, from an operator’s
perspective, of the impact of this kind of viral network.
Service interoperability topics relate to the need to ensure that services that are currently being provided
across the Internet still reach the end-users in a way that is at least as good as the legacy system.
User interoperability relates to items required to assist the user in the utilization of network functionality in an
autonomic and user-friendly way.
Task 3.4 will have as input the software modules provided by Tasks 3.1, 3.2., 3.3, and also the outcome
(guidelines) of WP2. Based on such input, this task will generate a software suite that will be applicable to
open-source APs and also to specific end-user equipment. In regards to end-user equipment the task will
provide a software image that will run on specific flavours of Windows, Linux, MacOS. For the chosen Linux
flavour(s), compatibility will be ensured with Android. In regards to APs, the OS of choice is OpenWRT,
given its wide use.
In terms of node architecture, the software image is expected to be able to be run on x86 and x64-bit, as well
as on MIPS architectures.
The task will provide a pre-release software suite on month 27 which is to be refined based upon input
(guidelines and software corrections) of the other WP3 tasks. It will then generate a final release on month 33,
which is to be provided to WP4 for global evaluation and also for demonstration.
In regards to software functionality for the end-user device and APs, several instantiations of the ULOOP
software suite are expected to be generated. Some will be for the implementation of algorithms and
procedures needed for the ULOOP framework, at a low level. These low level implementations will have
their own logical testing and validation suites to check that they operate as designed. At a higher level,
software suites will be developed to allow x86 and MIPS architecture end-user devices to use the ULOOP
framework. APs will have software packages added to them, or new firmware generated to allow the use of
ULOOP framework on top of the existing system or as a replacement.
An administration and management suite will also be generated to help network and industry users to control
access and monitor configurations. An overall test suite will be generated to see that all the components work
with each other. The current idea is to have a Live CD-ROM that will allow test-bed users access to a preconfigured network and eventually to have a zero-conf utility that will interoperate with current network
managers and allow access to ULOOP enabled systems.
The main focus points for Task 3.4 are:
Generate specifications and lock down agreements with the other task leaders for interoperating at a
block and component level.
Generate a test and development suite for ensuring compliance of specifications as designed to link in
the software modules produced as part of the other tasks. Each task will have its own validation and
testing suite but as this task requires a formalized structure the inputs and outputs of the suites and
systems generated will need to be validated.
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Design and production of software that implements the ULOOP framework on x86, x64-bit and
MIPS machine architectures, for a Windows, MacOS, Android and OpenWRT operating systems.
Creation of a bootable image (e.g. for a CD-ROM or USB memory stick) that contains a zero-conf
utility that allows the use of ULOOP framework on supported devices.
Deliverables and Month of Delivery:
D3.1:Cooperation Incentives and Trust Management Pre-prototype Software (O,CO,M21)
D3.2: Resource Management Pre-prototype Software (O,CO,M21)
D3.3: Mobility Aspects Pre-prototype Software (O,CO,M21)
D3.4: Cooperation Incentives and Trust Management Specification and Refined Software (R/O, CO,M24)
D3.5: Resource Management Specification and Refined Software (R/O, CO,M24)
D3.6: Mobility Aspects Specification and Refined Software (R/O,CO,M24)
D3.7: ULOOP Software Pre-release Suite (O,CO,M27)
D3.8: ULOOP Framework Design and Implementation Report (R,PU,M33)
D3.9: ULOOP Software Suite (P,PU,M33)
Milestones and Main Expected Results:
MS5 - M3.1.: Pre-release ULOOP Software Suite (M27)
MS6 - M3.2: ULOOP software suite (M33)
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FP7-257418 ULOOP
STREP WP4: Pilot Deployment and Validation
WP4: Pilot Deployment and Validation
Participant 1
Start date or starting event:
short name
TLI UniUrb
WP4 is dedicated to the development of the ULOOP pilot, since specification aspects to demonstration
aspects. Main objectives of this WP are:
To provide a full specification and interconnection scheme for the different sites integrated in the
ULOOP pilot.
To devise, from the output of WP2, the technical scenarios to consider in experiments and the
technical scenarios to consider in demonstrations.
To provide a roadmap for the development of the pilot.
To provide considerations to WP3 that assists in developing core mechanism issues based upon
the realistic setting of the ULOOP pilot.
The main outcome of this WP is therefore the ULOOP pilot as well as a set of testbeds and demonstration
sites ready and interconnected.
This WP is lead by TLI.
The different experimental sites will be considered as a unique experimental setup within ULOOP thanks to
the federation concepts that have been designed in FP7 project OneLab and OneLab2. The federation
paradigm allows to build a setup on the top of a set of testbeds not located at the same place, but to use these
as if they were integrated as a whole. The OneLab2 project especially develops mechanism to deal with
wireless testbed specificity. Based on Orbit Management Framework (OMF), this allows to configure a
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium.
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complete experiment, including resources reservation and configuration, and to monitor the behaviour of the
experiment. This opens the door to fine control of experimentation parameters, and accurate log of events and
measures, leading to a realistic and comprehensive validation of new protocols. ULOOP will use these
concepts to leverage on the set of testbed that will be used for the experimental phase.
Task 4.1. Pilot Setup (Leader: TUB)
The task is lead by TUB and the following partners participate in it: ALBLF, CMS, TUB, INESC Porto,
Task 4.1 covers aspects related to the specification of the pilot, the environment to be considered, as well as
the specific diagram of interconnection of the different sites. The outcome of this task will dictate not only
experimentation, but also demonstrations to be performed in WP5. Main topics to consider are:
To provide the global interconnection scheme of the pilot, including statistical details such as the
number of APs and expected number of end-user equipment that each site regularly has access to;
To assist in the adequate setup of the technical scenarios devised in WP2 and which will be the
basis for large scale experiments as well as for demonstrations.
The pilot setup activity will rely on best current practices in the industrial and academic communities to reach
an efficient experimentation and validation phase. This task will consider OneLab2 federation paradigm as
one of the main mean for pilot setup including several testbeds. It will reuse resources reservation and
monitoring concepts and solutions designed in OneLab2 in order to rapidly setup an experimental platform to
validate ULOOP concepts.
Task 4.2. Testbeds Deployment and Validation (CMS)
The task is lead by CMS and the following partners participate in it: CMS, TUB, TLI, UniUrb.
As it relies on the software units provided in Task 3.4 and each provide feedback for the other, these tasks
will run in parallel for a significant period of time. The environmental conditions as set up in Task 4.1 will be
realized on the system hardware for the test site. From Task 4.1 the official list of constraints and hardware
available should be formalized and the purpose of this task is to efficiently and effectively add the ULOOP
framework to the testbed sites without causing undue disruption to original systems. It may be necessary to
perform a staggered rollout to manage resources and keep essential services running. Depending on how
critical the testbed system hardware that is being modified, which is to be assessed as part of this and Task
4.1, various it may be necessary to leave some of the original system in place.
Key aspects to consider are:
Provide a roadmap for the testbed suite analysis to ensure that logistics are manageable and realizable.
Analysis of the testbed sites to confirm the resources available and manage the scope and resource
allocation for the remainder of the task.
Deployment of the functionality provided in WP3 on each of the experimentation sites.
Provide feedback (based upon the functionality integration) to WP3, for further functionality
In terms of experimentation and besides the regular validation tools and local testbeds mentioned in WP3,
ULOOP will contribute with a pilot where three large sites will assist in understanding ULOOP integration
challenges in realistic environments, by relying on a wide range of users. The experimentation sites have
different scopes, as explained: a wireless Lab within a campus (BOWL); a neutral wireless lab with its own
specific backbone and a wide range of campus and residential users (UWIC); a part of a commercial network
of a WISP (TLI).
Task 4.3: Demonstration sites Deployment and Validation(Leader: ARIA)
This task is lead by ARIA and the following partners participate in it: ARIA, FON, INESC Porto, UNIGE. In
addition, The task includes the involvement of the third-party SANJOTEC.
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This task is dedicated to the deployment and validation of the ULOOP demonstration sites. Such deployment
is based on the guidelines provided in Task 4.1 and also on the risk management aspects described in section
1.3.5 (Risk Analysis and Analysis and Contingency Plan).
Key aspects to consider are:
Deployment of the functionality provided in WP3 on each of the demonstration sites
Provide feedback (based upon the functionality integration) to WP3, for further functionality
Support users in installation and use of ULOOP features, by means of providing feedback to WP5
training events.
Provide feedback (based upon the functionality integration) to WP5, to assist the demonstration
event organization.
Deliverables and Month of Delivery:
D4.1 Pilot setup report (R,PU,M24)
D4.2 Pilot validation and deployment report (R,PU,M30)
Milestones and Main Expected Results:
MS7 - M4.1: ULOOP Pilot (M34)
MS8 - M4.2: ULOOP large-scale validation (M34)
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STREP WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation
WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation
short name
Personmonths per
Start date or starting event:
TLI UniUrb
WP5 goals is dedicated to the dissemination, demonstration, and exploitation of ULOOP having in mind to
impact positively not only related standardisation bodies and technical platforms but also to assist in
providing answers to the several challenges that user-centric networking arises. Main objectives for this WP
To successfully disseminate results based upon the regular R&D tools, namely, publications in
international journals and conferences, public-domain reporting, white papers, having in mind at
least the main target groups: R&D community; European access operators and European
alternative operators; Service Providers, and the Internet end-user.
To assist in developing channels for dissemination and exchange of technical information and
results e.g., by means of participation in related European activities, platforms, or bodies.
To generate awareness in regards to ULOOP positioning both inside and outside partner
organizations by means of events (workshops, demonstrations) specifically organized and host by
the consortium.
To actively contribute to relevant standardisation activities and to track status of relevant
standardisation activities.
To provide an exploitation plan with a five-year vision post-ULOOP, where a roadmap will give
insight on how ULOOP results can impact future Internet architectures.
To organize large-scale networking events in living-lab scenarios, demonstrating in real-time
ULOOP operation to the target groups.
The main outcome of this WP is therefore the wide dissemination of results and the demonstrations of
ULOOP within the two specific demonstration sites (living-lab environments) described in section
Please indicate one activity per work package:
RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium.
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Description of work:
This WP is lead by UniK.
WP5 has as main objective to coordinate and to promote and aid in exploiting ULOOP results. For that three
main tasks have been setup. Task 5.1 will cover dissemination of results and event organization, as well as
demonstrations. Task 5.2 will contribute with active status tracking and also active contribution to related
standardisation entities and related technological platforms. Task 5.3 will be dedicated to the exploitation of
ULOOP results.
Task 5.1 Dissemination and Event Organization (leader: UniUrb )
The task is lead by UniUrb and all partners participate. The third-party SANJOTEC will also participate in it.
The task is labelled as DEM.
This task will address all the necessary issues to disseminate ULOOP results successfully. A plan for usage
and dissemination of knowledge will be prepared and updated periodically. The plan will address the
framework and the tools (Website, press announcements, videos-clips, web, conferences, newsletters,
interactive tools on the website, etc.) to guarantee a proper and harmonized dissemination of project results
during and after ULOOP lifespan. It will also develop a strategy to communicate project goals and results to
mass media. Special focus will be provided for dissemination of results and know-hoe exchange with
activities where partners are already strongly involved (e.g., EIFFEL, eMobility, WWRF).
In terms of dissemination and exchange of know-how, particular emphasis is to be given to the exchange of
know-how with related activities, as identified in section 1.2.6.
The project Website will contain both a private area and a public area. The private area will be accessible to
all the consortium members and will be used for exchange of documents, reporting, as well as
synchronization of tasks. The public area will be a primary tool for result dissemination. It will be the portal
for the ULOOP software and support of community of users. A specific focus will be put to disseminate
ULOOP software and approach through dedicated discussion based on networking means (e.g. a ULOOP
FaceBook account or a specific Forum).
In addition to the Website results’ dissemination, ULOOP will distribute a quarterly electronic newsletter and
contribute to international journals and conferences to share the achievements with more individuals and
organizations and also to engage more people to get their feedback. .
Specific events are to be organized, either co-located with renowned conferences or on an individual basis.
Specifically, ULOOP envisions hosting, for the lifespan of three years, two scientific workshops co-located
with well established conferences, two industrial events (e.g., booth in ICT 2012) and two networking events
on the last year, for the purpose of demonstrating ULOOP operation in realistic settings.
An industrial event will be organized by HWDU and take place on the first year of the project (end), while a
second industrial event is expected to occur on the second year of the project together with ICT 2012.
A first scientific workshop is expected to occur on the second year of the project, possibly co-located with a
renowned conference (e.g. IEEE Globecom or ACM CoNext). The second scientific workshop will occur on
the last year of the project.
For the latter two events (large scale demonstrations), they will take place in Madrid and São João da Madeira
(cf. section during the last two months of the project lifespan. Such events are expected to last 2 or
three days and will not only assist in disseminating results to specific target groups, but also in obtaining real
feedback from Internet end-users, as well as assist in acquiring traces which may be useful for other projects.
The results of the organized events are to be incorporated into the project yearly reports, in WP1.
Task 5.2 – Standardisation Monitoring and Contribution (leader: HWDU)
The task is lead by HWDU and the following partners participate in it: HWDU, ALBLF, TUB, INESC Porto.
The task is labelled as RTD.
This task covers dissemination and contribution to standardisation bodies and technical platforms in order to
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support an anchoring of ULOOP results. The main contributions are envisioned to IETF working groups and
to the WWRF.
This task is expected to expand the potential areas for standard contributions listed below, to support partners
in identifying which ULOOP results should be contributed where and to coordinate such contributions.
At this point we envisage contributions at least to the following:
WWRF. The WWR Forum identifies and promotes research trends for mobile technology.
Contributions to the WG3 (Communication Architectures) and WG5 (Cognitive Wireless Networks
and Systems) can facilitate a broader adoption of ULOOP results. From the consortium members,
Huawei is a member of the steering board and vice chairs two working groups. ALBLF also has strong
participation in WWRD, and TUB also plans to contribute to WWRF.
EIFFEL. The EIFFEL Support Action which is dedicated to the debate of Future Internet aspects and
which runs until October 2010, counts with the active involvement of one of the ULOOP partners,
INESC Porto. INESC Porto chaperons the topic of UPNs (Bring your Own Network) within EIFFEL,
a topic which is perfectly aligned with ULOOP and hence, contributions both within EIFFEL and after
its end are expected.
eMobility. Contributions to European efforts within the role of the eMobility platform are expected on
the Post-IP working group, where partners such as INESC Porto and TUB are member institutes, and
both TUB, INESC Porto, and Huawei are actively contributing.
IETF. Active contributions are at least to the Internet Area. In regards to mobility management,
expected contributions envision MANET and MEXT, where several partners have been involved since
the beginning of the formation of these groups. In regards to resource management, contributions are
expected to the ANCP and MIF working groups. For control of access points, submissions to the
CAPWAP WG are planned.
IRTF. Active contributions are expected in the fields of energy-efficiency guidelines to the routing
research group as well as to the end-to-end research group. Furthermore, contributions are envisaged
in the field of mobility support for community networks in the MOBOPTS (IP Mobility
Optimizations) research group.
Linux Standard Base. Where applicable, software developed within the project is intended to be
distributed to the Linux Standard Base. The ULOOP partner CMS has vast experience in this area.
Active tracking, exchange of know-how and – in coordination with the business units of industrial partners –
possible contributions are planned to the following groups:
3GPP. The 3GPP SA1 WG is responsible for feasibility studies and requirement analysis of future
network features. In agreement with the standardisation and business units of the industry partners, a
feasibility study on the integration of community networks may be initiated. The 3GPP SA2 WG takes
care of the overall system architecture and thus specifies network element functionality. In the
ULOOP context, the ANDSF (Access Network Discovery and Selection Function) is of particular
interest, as it may be used for disseminating information about ULOOP community networks. From
the consortium, particularly Alcatel-Lucent and Huawei are active in 3GPP.
IEEE 802.21 on Media Independent Handover. Also these mechanisms could be used for
disseminating information about ULOOP community networks. Huawei provides the vice chair of this
WG and also other consortium members are active in this group.
IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) and WiMAX Forum. A number of partners are active in these groups and will
monitor to find areas for suitable contributions.
Task 5.3 – Exploitation of Project Results (leader: FON)
The task is lead by FON and the following partners participate in it: HWDU, ALBLF, ARIA,
CMS,FON,UniK, INESC Porto. The task is labelled as RTD.
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This task will identify the overall project and each partner’s exploitation plans including the definition of a
five-year roadmap to exploit the relevant results. An initial market opportunity study will be done in the first
year of the project. At the end of the first year the consortium will have a draft exploitation plan available.
The task will also include all promotional activities (presentations and demonstrations) made to other
companies and projects with which ULOOP can establish synergies. Specific aspects to take advantage out
will be the availability of functionality in the form of open-source software.
The task will also lay the basis for future ULOOP training actions. The actual training scheme and a training
guidebook (best practice guidebook) will be applied in dissemination events to target markets such as access
operators, and will also facilitate the exchange with other related projects. Based upon the Website developed
in Task 5.1 and whose contents are defined and managed by the SC, this task will assist in providing
guidelines for the development of online tutorials as well as public deliverables and material concerning
events developed throughout the project.
Deliverables and Month of Delivery:
D5.1 Initial exploitation and dissemination report – (R, PU, M12)
D5.2 Standardisation report (R, PU, M24)
D5.3 Final exploitation and dissemination report (R, PU, M36)
D5.4: Exploitation Plan (R,PU,M36)
D5.5: Training Scheme and Guidebook (R,PU,M30)
Milestones and Main Expected Results:
MS10 - M5.2: Standardisation report (M12, M18, M24, M36)
MS11 - M5.3: Demonstrations (M35, M36)
MS12 - M5.4: Exploitation roadmap (M36)
MS13 - M5.5: Industrial workshop (M12, M24)
MS14 - M5.6: Scientific workshop (M24, M36)
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Summary of Staff Effort
Table 1.3e Summary of effort.
Partic. no.
Short Name
Risk management and contigency planning
For each topic based on a specific WP, a risk description is provided along with its evaluation and some
details. A contingency plan for each identified risk is also provided. The evaluation of each risk is provided
in the form of two columns: probability of such risk occurring, and impact if it occurs. The scale used for
assessment is low, medium, or high, based upon the expected impact. A low implication relates to the fact
that the risk can be quickly overtaken without possibly main consequences to the work outcome. An average
impact means that the risk may require decisions to be taken by the consortium. A high impact risk implies
that specific decisions may be required thus impacting the outcome of the project.
The Risk Assessment scheme will be monitored by the QAT team (cf. section 2). The SC will ensure that
the risks assessment is a continuous process throughout the entire project duration, and the QAT team will
allocate a dedicate slot to address risk assessment in every SC/management meeting.
Moreover, it will be the responsibility of the leading team (Project manager and Scientific Coordinator) to
ensure that the risk assessment is performed by every work package leader and to ensure that the risk
assessment table is regularly updated to avoid the emergence of unexpected threats to the project.
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Table 1.3.f: Risk analysis and contingency plan.
Contingency Plans
Failure to hire staff on
proposed time line
- Review hiring strategy, skills
required, how and where advertised
between consortium members and
seek patterns and possible causes
Reallocation of staff may be
necessary, based only on the
expected man-power.
Serious disputes
between consortium
- Minimize the chances of disputes
by ensuring that all decisions are
performed based on democratic
voting and also ensuring regular
communication involving all
- Work package leaders should aim
to follow an attitude of openness
and trust, wherever possible.
Partner fails to meet
established goals
Partner will be asked to focus work
or replace non-performing people.
If partner fails to implement
countermeasures, budget will be
shifted from non-performing
partner to the partner that provides
the competencies.
Loss of focus or
departure from original
- The SC must ensure that the
project sticks with the original
planning. Regular reviews are
considered to assist in this
- Any potential deviation from the
initial targets must be
communicated to the SC by
following the procedures and
methodology described in section
Identification of
constrains that were not
predictable, or of
potential legislation
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WP2 input is the basis for the
outcome in ULOOP. Any serious
constrain has to be communicated
to the PSC and to the SC which
will, based on the consortium, react
to ensure an adequate definition of
the main building blocks.
FP7-257418 ULOOP
Use-cases not
adequately chosen.
Contingency Plans
- The technical use-cases would
have to be readjusted and new
scenarios may have to be devised.
This would imply expanding WP2
or taking such activities within
WP3 and thus a delay is expected.
- The SC must analyse the trade-off
of redesign vs. time to achieve the
ULOOP goals and make a decision
based upon unanimous voting.
Identification of
problems or obstacles
during the design and
development of the
individual building
milestones for T3.4
running late
- Situation to be immediately
communicated to the SC.
- SC must act and analyse the tradeoff of redesign vs. time to achieve
the ULOOP goals and make a
decision based upon unanimous
-SC to be informed of the nature
and expected length of delay from
T3.1-3 Leaders. Work from
completed milestones will be given
-SC to be advised by T3.4 Leader
of expected delays as a result
depending on prior feedback.
Issues due to
specificities of the
environments within
each building block
Target Hardware
incapable of supporting
ULOOP framework
- Situation to be immediately
communicated to the SC.
- SC must act and analyse the tradeoff of redesign vs. time to achieve
the ULOOP goals and make a
decision based upon unanimous
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-SC to be informed if any of the
general types of architecture
mentioned in the proposal are
incapable of supporting the
framework for technical
licensing reasons.
FP7-257418 ULOOP
Pre-release software
suite runs late affecting
Contingency Plans
-SC to be immediately informed
when a delay is expected.
-Task Leaders of WP4 to be
informed of the situation.
-Task Leaders of WP4 and SC to
decide which features are
-Outsourcing of programming work
to meet the deadline. Firstly within
consortium then outside.
Non-trivial errors found
during deployment
-WP3.4 Leader to be contacted in
the first instance, then problems
communicated to individual block
leader WP3.1-3 if it cannot be
solved in the first instance.
-Limitations will be identified and
if possible workarounds provided in
order to facilitate result gathering
Constrains or obstacles
during setup
- The pilot environment must be
simplified appropriately, e.g., by
removing less important details. A
compromise between scalability
and accuracy of models must be
- Follow the methodology provided
by Onelab to experimentation.
Testbed availability
- The pilot will rely on shared
large-scale testbeds. For
experimentation purposes, a
specific roadmap will be defined to
prevent delays or lack of
independent results due to shared
access of the testbed sites.
Test-bed conditions not
Use of alternative sites can be
suggested or analysis can be carried
out at another location.
WP3, WP4
Test duration
The number of evaluation
experiments must be reduced to a
meaningful number, by focusing on
evaluations with highest priorities.
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Contingency Plans
 Proactive monitoring of relevant
standardisation fora and aligning
the project since month M1 is
expected to prevent lack of
alignment with standardisation
 WP5 leader is expected to
interact with the remainder WP
leaders and to collect input to
provide adequate alignment in
terms of contribution.
 SC meetings will review the
contribution planning regularly.
Lack of user support on
the demo sites to
achieve a large-scale
understanding of
ULOOP performance
- Due to the nature of living-labs,
there is the need to consider that in
the demonstration events the
expected number of users may not
be reached.
- Dissemination in Task 5.1 will
assist also the dissemination of the
demonstration events by
announcing regularly and
adequately the networking events.
Potential overlap with
802.11 developments
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- 802.11 advances are to be
considered in ULOOP but do not
pose any serious risk. Instead, they
are seen as beneficial to ULOOP,
given that they provide robustness
to the MAC Layer. In particular,
multihop schemes being developed
are to be included and optimized, if
necessary. - - Wi-Fi Direct
implications will be addressed in
WP2, thus deriving guidelines for
WP3 and WP4 having in mind
future 802.11 developments.
FP7-257418 ULOOP
National legislation
barriers may affect
models in regards to
bandwidth sharing
Contingency Plans
- ULOOP tackles legislation aspects
in WP2. Contributions are therefore
expected to complement existing
- In WP3, resource management
and cooperation incentives (Tasks
3.1 and 3.2) will ensure that the
user sharing bandwidth obeys to the
regulations of his/her access
provider and/or Internet Service
802.21 advances in
mobility management
may reduce the potential
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- the ULOOP concept is about
forming on the fly user-centric
communities, based on existing and
low-cost equipment which belongs
to regular users. 802.21 is seen as a
complement (in the access) to
ULOOP, and ULOOP will address
in WP3 interoperability to 802.21
FP7-257418 ULOOP
2.1 Management structure and procedures
ULOOP has a diversified consortium, with a good balance between industry and academia partners from a
total of eleven (11) partners. The small number of partners allows ULOOP organizational structure to be
simplified. The ULOOP organizational structure is illustrated in Figure 10.
Scientific Coordinator
(Mr. Olivier Marcé, ALBLF)
(Dr. Rute Sofia, INESC Porto)
Project Coordination Team
Steering Committee
Work package leader
Task leader
Figure 10: ULOOP organizational structure.
As illustrated, the overall project coordination is provided by a team that includes the Project Manager (PM)
and the Project Scientific Coordinator (PSC). The PM is responsible for the overall project legal and
administrative coordination, namely, tasks that relate to EU reporting and contractual obligations, definition
of policies that in the resolution of conflicts that may arise, as well as in the implementation and observation
of quality assurance during the project lifespan.
The PSC is responsible for the overall supervision of scientific and technical activities of the project,
ensuring that milestones are met and that deliverables are adequately fulfilled.
ULOOP governance is assured by a Steering Committee (SC) which is responsible for all decisions that
affect consortium composition, resource allocation, implementation of the work plan, and other decisions
that have a legal or financial impact on the consortium. In addition, the SC is responsible for any decision
that affects ULOOP strategy. The SC organization is illustrated in Figure 11.
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Figure 11: ULOOP Steering Committee.
The SC is chaired by the PSC and is composed of the project coordination team, work package leaders, as
well as one additional representative from each partner directly involved in task leadership, if not already
represented by the Work package leaders. This structure ensures that the SC has full and detailed knowledge
of project activities.
A specific subset of the SC, the Quality Assurance team (QAT), is to be elected during the project kick-off.
The QAT team will be responsible to evaluate and to disseminate to the SC progress of the project. This
team will also be responsible to propose measures that can improve the status of the work plan, in the
emergence of deviations.
The operational project coordination and management is to be performed on a day-to-day basis by the work
package and task leaders. The SC is however responsible for the adequate balancing of an industry and
academia perspective.
In addition to this structure, specific task-forces may be formed during the project lifespan to develop
synergies between different WPs or tasks.
Project Coordination Team Members and Responsibilities
The tasks that relate to project coordination fall into WP1 and are split into two main tasks:
T1.1: Project management. This task is dedicated to the global project management and
administration, covering also EU reporting, assessment of results and progress reporting. Quality
assurance also falls into this task.
T1.2, Project Scientific Coordination. This task is dedicated to the scientific and technological
supervision of the project. The goals of the task are to be met by both direct involvement and
coordination of technical interactions, monitoring (e.g., schedule), as well as recommendation of
corrective measures.
The coordination team is a dual-team, composed by an element from ALBLF and another element from
INESC Porto. Mr. Olivier Marcé is the PM, while Dr. Rute Sofia is the PSC of the ULOOP project. Mr
Marcé and Dr Sofia already cooperated for several months on proposal setup and edition, as well as on the
organization of the workshop U-NET 2009 [27]. This will insure a good and fruitful cooperation within the
coordination team, providing the needed dual view, from an academic and an industrial perspective.
The PM is the official contact point for the European Commission and manages the administrative and
financial aspects of the project. Legal issues such as the handling of Intellectual Property Rights and the
maintenance of the consortium agreement fall into the realm of the PM and of the overall PC team. The PM
will manage the project from ALBLF in Nozay (France), having staff specifically to ensure that
administrative and financial goals are met successfully and on time.
Quality assurance of the project will be provided based upon a set of specific procedures to be defined within
WP1. Aspects such as deviations from the work plan, deliverable quality, review preparation, document
management, as well as quality metrics are to be defined.
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The PSC supervises the project from a technological and scientific perspective, and is responsible for
creating the conditions necessary to achieve success. It is also a responsibility of the PSC to serve as
ambassador of the project, establishing meaningful cooperation with other projects and initiatives both
within a national and international scope. The PSC will, in WP1, be responsible for task T1.2.
Steering Committee
The SC follows a democratic governance model where the voting procedure will differ according to the
situation to be voted. Specifically governance decisions related to financial or legal aspects impacting the
consortium globally, or any of its members, will require unanimity, with one representative per partner
voting on behalf of his or her organisation.
Project strategy decisions, as well as the implementation of corrective measures will only pass if all the SC
members are in favour, along with two-thirds of the consortium.
Such procedures will result in decision making based upon elements that are well into project activities. In
addition, a single governing board will help to quicken decision making.
The detailed SC modus operandis and responsibilities will be integrating part of the consortium agreement.
For instance, the agreement will consider the possibility of replacement of SC members (e.g., temporarily
due to work overload or a specific leave, or permanently due to frequent unavailability of the SC member).
The SC will meet regularly by telephone or video-conference, once per month. In addition, regular face-toface meetings which are to occur every three months are expected, as described and signalled in WP1. Inbetween meetings, the SC will interact regularly both by means of cooperative tools (e.g., Website, mailinglists, audio-conferencing, Internet collaborative platforms).
Day-to-day Task and Work Package Management
Work package leaders coordinate and supervise the tasks carried out under his/her work package,
interacting with other work packages as required. They are responsible for the set of activities assigned to
them in the work plan, and are in charge of the corresponding reports and deliverables. The WP leaders are
expected to collaborate and exchange views with the other WPs for improved coordination across the project
activities. WP objectives are defined in a specific section (cf. 1.3.3) of the present document. In terms of the
project structure, work package leaders report to the PSC, but in the SC, each WP leader has an equal voice
in regards to project strategy decisions.
Task leaders are responsible for the set of activities described in the work plan (cf. section 1.3.3), being
responsible for the success of the task as well as for adequate reporting.
Addition of Beneficiaries
The consortium integrates a set of beneficiaries which have been chosen according to their skills and
positioning towards the different market and innovation aspects of ULOOP. The entry of new beneficiaries is
therefore an aspect that is not advised and if occurring, requires unanimous voting.
A few possibilities that are worth mentioning and which may lead to add a new beneficiary during the
project lifespan are:
A partner leaves the consortium. The SC shall analyze the need for a new partner, being this need
assessed against the required expertise and the project phase, as well as evolution.
Transfer of rights and obligations. If a partner has a partial shift of staff which affects the project,
the SC may consider the entrance of a new partner.
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Concertation, Dissemination and Supplementary Reporting Concertation
The project will actively participate in the activities organized at programme level related to the ICT Future
networks area with the objective of providing input towards common activities and receiving feedback (e.g.
from clusters and coordination groups), offering advice and guidance and receiving information relating to
ICT programme implementation, standards, policy and regulatory activities, national or international
activities, etc. Such activities may include Concertation meetings twice a year, in Brussels and the ICT
Future Network and Mobile Summit. Dissemination Package
In line with its obligations regarding dissemination of results and achievements, the Coordinator ensures that
all public documents (including, but not restricted to, the following materials: video material covering
experiments, trials; animations of “real-time” simulation results; presentations, animated/voice-over or not;
promotional material (leaflets, posters, etc); press releateses, etc.) generated by the project are duly collected
in a Dissemination Package which is associated with the periodic reports.
The project undertakes to establish, not later than one month after the start of the project, a Web site
supported by the project partners, to provide a unified view of the project; a copy thereof will be included in
the Dissemination Package. Supplementary Reports
In addition to the reports defined in article II.4 of Annex II to the contract, the Coordinator will submit to the
Commission supplementary management reports every three months (WMR, Quarterly Management
The QMR will be in the form of a condensed document of 4 pages: 1 page financial resources (actual vs.
planned per partner per work-package and totals and an illustrating graph), 1 page human resources (actual
vs. planned per partner per work-package and totals and an illustrating graph; 2 pages of well-written
summary of main achievements and concrete key outcomes of the reporting period:
The QMR will provide, for the reporting period:
The technical progress and achievements of the project.
The project status.
Work started.
Work completed.
Work delayed.
Status of deliverables
Remedial actions required, if applicable
Resources expenditure by subproject, work-package and activity.
Absolute values for the report period.
Aggregated values (actual vs. planned).
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2.2 Individual participants
Alcatel-Lucent BellLabs SA (ALBLF)
Alcatel-Lucent provides solutions that enable service providers, enterprise and governments worldwide, to
deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. As a leader in fixed, mobile and
converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services, Alcatel-Lucent offers the endto-end solutions that enable compelling communications services for people at home, at work, on the move.
The company has one of the largest research, technology and innovation organizations in the
telecommunications industry. Bell Labs research aims to create new growth opportunities with disruptive
innovation and to provide a competitive market advantage for Alcatel-Lucent in eight strategic domains:
applications, service infrastructure, networking and networks, optical networks, fixed access, radio access,
enabling computing technologies and enabling physical technologies. Bell Labs participates in research
projects, in scientific and technology related research initiatives on a worldwide basis, in conjunction with
academic, industrial and government research partners. It is also active in standardisation bodies and fora.
Bell Labs France, the French Bell labs centre and the second in size, located in Nozay, close to Paris, is a
100% affiliate of Alcatel Lucent France and is covering research on optical components, transmission
systems and optical networks, fixed and mobile networks architectures from the core to the edge, security,
service infrastructure and applications. Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France is active in “pôle de compétitivité”
System@TIC Paris-Région as well as in a number of European projects within ICT Frame Programmes and
Eureka/ITEA-CELTIC, and in national cooperative research actions funded by Agence Nationale de la
The main technical and scientific contribution of ALBLF will be focused on WP3, where ALBLF will
contribute by addressing topics related to cooperation between access points owned by different entities, with
the objectives a) to ensure required QoE for users in situation of mobility, still respecting security, privacy
and accounting constraints; b) to exploit social network related information in defining cooperation; c) to
leverage on existing radio resources in order to provide wireless communication at lower energy
consumption. ALBLF will endorse the management of the project in coordination with INESC Porto who
will lead the scientific coordination.
Key personnel:
Mr. Olivier Marcé joined former Alcatel R&I in 1999 after 2 years in French Research Institute INRIA.
Since then, he worked in the field of IP network and IP routing, as well as wireless networking and Active
Networking. His main subjects of interests are related to inter-domain both in wired and wireless, as well as
user-defined networks. He participated and contributed to the definition of several research projects in
national or European funding framework, IST, Eureka, RNRT or RNTL. He is author or co-authors of more
than thirty international patents, mainly in IP network domain. In Bell-Labs France, he is manager of
international research projects focused on the integration of the IP technologies with the mobile radio
networks architecture.
Mrs. Carine Balageas obtained the M.Sc. in engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Marseille (France) in
2000. After graduation, she became research engineer in Alcatel-Lucent group working first on radio aspects
then on end-to-end network architecture for 4G. Her research results produced 12 patents and several
contributions to 3GPP and WiMAX forum standardisation bodies. She is currently studying energy saving
topics applied to wireless systems.
Mr. Hakim Hacid is currently a researcher at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France. His current research focuses
on social interactions analysis to provide added value applications for users and services providers. Before
joining Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Hakim was a research associate at the University of New South Wales
(Australia) where he worked with the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) group which he joined after
obtaining his PhD in computer Science from the University of Lyon, France. His research interests include
Data mining, databases, information retrieval, and service oriented computing. Hakim has published
different articles and is still investigating different research aspects in these areas.
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INESC Porto - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto
INESC Porto, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (Institute for Systems and
Computer Engineering of Porto), is a private non-profit distributing association. INESC Porto has the statute
of a public utility institution and was appointed by the Portuguese government as an Associated Laboratory,
following an international evaluation that awarded a classification level of “excellent”. As associated
laboratory, INESC Porto carries out scientific research and development as well as technology transfer and
advanced professional training.
INESC Porto will provide the scientific and technological coordination of ULOOP, and will also be actively
involved in WP and task participation, including both conceptual and implementation/experimentation
aspects. Particular focus is to be dedicated to WP3, which is lead by INESC Porto, in particular to the tasks
of cooperation incentives (cooperative networking and technical aspects that may provide automatically
incentives for sharing access) and mobility management (social behaviour modelling).
In regards to the project scientific coordination and to technical participation, support is to be provided by
the Internet Architectures and Networking area (IAN) elements within the Unit of Telecommunications and
Multimedia (UTM). Over the past 15 years, UTM has actively participated in about 30 projects in the
framework of EC programmes (ESPRIT, EUREKA, RACE, ACTS and IST). Of particular relevance are the
projects in the area of communications networks and services, such as ARROWS (FP5), DAIDALOS, and
Ambient Networks (FP6). At national level, the Unit has also strong collaboration with telecom operators, in
particular with companies of the Portugal Telecom group, such as PT Inovação (PTIN).
Moreover, IAN elements have a long experience in the coordination of both industrial and R&D projects and
particularly, in EU IST projects and activities. IAN has been driving research in strong cooperation with
industry for the past year, both nationally and internationally.
Key personnel:
Dr. Rute Sofia will be responsible for the project scientific coordination, having the role of PSC. She
graduated (95) in Informatics Engineering from the University of Coimbra; MSc (98) and PhD (2004) in
Informatics from the University of Lisbon. During 2000-2003 she was a visiting scholar at the Internet
Center for Advanced Internet Research (ICAIR), Evanston, USA, and a visiting scholar at the University of
Pennsylvania, USA. Currently, she is responsible for the co-coordination of IAN. Before joining INESC
Porto, she was (2004-2007) a senior research scientist in SIEMENS AG Corporate Technology/NokiaSiemens Networks, focusing on Future Internet topics such as global mobility across multi-access networks
(e.g. Mobile IP, WiMAX, 3G) and novel forwarding paradigms (e.g. frame routing, network coding). She
was actively involved in the Global Grid Forum and is a contributor to the IETF, as well as member of the
Dr. Paulo Mendes graduated (93) in Informatics Engineering from the University of Coimbra, M.Sc. (98) in
Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, Ph.D. (03) in Informatics
Engineering from the University of Coimbra. During his Ph.D., he spent 3 years as a Visiting Scholar at
Columbia University. From 2003 to 2007 he was a senior researcher at NTT DoCoMo Euro-labs, with focus
on Mobile IPTV networking, Internet architectures for mobile multi-homed devices, and augmented routing
and forwarding for mesh networks. Currently, he is responsible for the co-coordination of the Internet
Architectures and Networking (IAN) area of UTM, in INESC Porto. He is a member of the IEEE
Communication Society and a contributor to IETF.
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Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH (HWDU)
Huawei is a leader in providing next generation telecommunications networks, and now serves 36 of the
world's top 50 operators, along with over one billion users worldwide. The company is committed to
providing innovative and customized products, services and solutions to create long-term value and growth
potential for its customers. Huawei's products and solutions encompass wireless, core network broadband
access and optical network, value added services and terminals.
The European research centre Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH (HWDU) has about 50 experienced
researchers/engineers and they are engaged in activities as applied research, system design and
standardisation for telecom systems and enabling technologies. HWDU has made strong commitment to
long-term advanced research and collaborated with several European research institutes and universities, is a
member of the eMobility and NEM technology platforms and is already involved in EU FP7 call 1 activities.
In ULOOP HWDU is task leader for mobility management based on the experience of the involved persons
in the area of joint mobility management in heterogeneous networks; policy based networking and seamless
connectivity in multi-operator environment and future mobile architectures. The involved team has extensive
experience in European and national collaborative research (e.g. FP 6 Ambient Networks, FP7 4WARD,
Finnish Tekes, German BMBF Scalenet, IPonAir, 3GET, BIB3R). In addition to the wireless technologies
and networks, HWDU contributes with expertise in the area of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) and related
mechanisms to provide user centric communication. It will provide vendor perspective on the economic and
technical feasibility of user provided networks.
HWDU’s main interest is how to interconnect ULOOPs with operated networks and how to cooperate in a
highly dynamic environment. Furthermore the design and development mobility mechanisms between
operated and community networks as well as the definition of the level of seamlessness will be in our focus.
Key personnel:
Mr. Cornel Pampu received his degree in telecommunications and computer networks in 1997 from the
Technical University Berlin. Currently he is holding the position of Senior Manager Research at Huawei
Technologies in Germany and is responsible for European research activities in the area of Packet Switched
Domain of mobile networks and the definition of the evolution towards future packet network architectures.
At Siemens Communications Mobile Networks and later on at Nokia Siemens Networks he lead the
Interoperability Core Control of the Network Operation and Engineering department in the Network
Technology division and was responsible for the design of future architectures for mobile networks. As
senior research engineer in the Packet oriented Architectures group in the Research and Concepts department
he was responsible for several international, internal and national funded projects in the design of future
architectures for mobile networks and was involved in Ambient Networks. Previous, Cornel participated in
the Research Network IP department in the Wireless Technology business unit for the establishment and
maintenance of a network with research institutes to analyse and evaluate the IP technology trends towards
beyond 3G systems. He has been furthermore member of the Siemens GPRS Product Definition Team. From
1997 – 1998 Cornel worked as training engineer at Ericsson Eurolab Deutschland GmbH where he has been
involved in the area of telecommunications, mobile communication and software testing. He has contributed
to several international conferences and acted also as technical committee member.
Dr Kostas Pentikousis is a Senior Research Engineer at Huawei Technologies European Research Center in
Berlin, Germany. He studied computer science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (B.Sc. 1996) and the
State University of New York at Stony Brook (M.Sc. 2000, Ph.D. 2004). He has been involved in several
contract and joint research projects, including the EU-funded FP6 PHOENIX, FP6 Ambient Networks
(Phase 2), where he served as a Task Leader, FP6 WEIRD, and FP7 4WARD; and the Future Internet
program of the Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in the field of ICT (TIVIT).
Dr. Pentikousis has published more than seventy academic papers and book chapters in areas such as
network architecture and design, mobile computing, applications and services, local and wide-area networks,
and energy efficient networking.
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Dr. Uwe Horn works as a Senior Expert for Fixed and Mobile Multimedia in Huawei’s European Research
Center, located in Munich, Germany. He holds a doctoral degree in Telecommunications Engineering and a
diploma degree in Computer Science. Before joining Huawei in June 2009, he worked 9 years for Ericsson
Corporate Research and 2 years for Accenture. In Accenture he was part of the Executive Management Team
of the German Network Practice. In the past, Dr. Horn conducted and coordinated large research programs in
the area of fixed and mobile multimedia services. His main research interests are scalable video coding &
transmission, cross layer optimization for wireless multimedia services, mobile broadcast and content
delivery networks. Dr. Horn coordinated and actively contributed to standardisation activities in 3GPP,
OMA, and Open IPTV forum. He also managed large internal and collaborative European research projects.
Dr. Horn published more than 40 journal and conference papers and filed more than 15 patents.
Founded in 2005, Aria S.p.A. counts among its shareholders the an American investment fund Gilo
Ventures, international investment banks and leading private equity funds in Russia and Ukraine. Aria is the
only Italian operator who owns a national WiMAX license for the distribution of wireless services, both
broadband Internet and telephony, winning the licenses in all Italian regions for the frequencies in the 3.5
GHz spectrum in February 2008.
Aria is planning to launch their services throughout Italy during the next 4-5 years, with priority given to
areas in "digital divide", which are currently not served by any broadband, but expanding hi coverage also in
Metropolitan areas.
Aria has an initial regional focus in the Umbria region, with a successive establishment in Puglia, Veneto and
Lombardia, with the other regions that will follow.
Aria is moving from the start-up phase to the execution phase, with strong organizational changes
strengthening the team, counting with several experienced managers coming from the main Telco operators
in Italy.
Aria is strongly motivated to develop alternative business model inspired to his customer centric approach,
care for quality, and network openness to new services beyond the vertical and closed models.
Key personnel:
Mr. Alessandro Stagni is currently responsible for Innovation in ARIA S.p.A. Since then, he was Strategic
Marketing Director in Italtel (Milan), Network Engineering and R&D Director in AUNA (former
Retevision) in Barcelona (Spain). He also worked in Telecom Italia in several IP network and OSS projects
and as Researcher in Alcatel Face Italia in the DSP algorithm development. He obtained his degree in
Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and is Alumni of “IESE - Universitad de
Navarra”. He led several projects regarding telecommunication market strategies, large wired and wireless IP
networks, Voice and TV over IP. He also write, as freelance, several publications on the Web and on
specialized magazines about technical and marketing issues and Internet impact on society.
Mr. Gabriele Giottoli is currently responsible for IP networks technology and design in ARIA. His
professional experiences rotate around the world of the Internet Protocol. Particularly in the engineering and
on the development of devices IP oriented to connecting in net physical appliances, on the systematic
advising mostly in the Linux embedded world and the analyses on traffic/architecture of nets IP.
He designed and patented several equipments in the field of control and home gateways and operated as
consultant for Italian Justice Department for computer forensic.
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Caixa Mágica Software (CMS)
Caixa Mágica Software (CMS) is an SME company responsible for the development and marketing of Caixa
Mágica Linux (CML), the leading Portuguese Linux distribution. CML is available in hundreds of
Portuguese computer stores and specialised resellers. In the private sector it is installed on thousands of
enterprise systems. In the public sector it is also installed on computer systems in Hospitals, Municipal
Authorities, 1.100 schools spread all over the country and more than 10 universities. CML is installed in
more than 650.000 computers as part of wide scale Portuguese initiatives. CMS is involved in the
deployment of more than 100 CML appliance firewalls for the Portuguese army. CMS has a significant
background in research projects namely NITEC (Nucleos de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico
226/32/06) (AdI national project), the EDOS project (EU FP6 Strep) and EU FP7-ICT-214898-MANCOOSI
where it is participating and actively leading on different work-packages with many international partners.
In ULOOP, CMS will contribute with its extensive knowledge related to the design and creation of desktop
operating systems together with its experience in developing desktop user applications (GUIs) and with the
previous research work can provide a strong industrial set of competencies and ability to realise applications
in real systems for the ULOOP project. CMS also has the ability to gain real user feedback for any new
technologies that are implemented. It also can provide a strong leadership for certain tasks and the results can
be provided to the Free and Open Source Systems (FOSS) community.
CMS has a small but well focused research team. The development of operating system desktop projects
with a large deployment and a wide user-base has enforced a culture of systematic development and an
understanding of end-user requirements. In the scope of e-school initiative, CMS have a commercial product
that is a CM Linux notebook which is very popular (over 50.000 systems sold) and is known for the userfriendliness of the UMTS network connection management software. This was reached through close
collaboration between CMS and the Portugal Telecom mobile company (TMN). These works and studies can
simultaneously be enhanced by ULOOP outcomes and can be incorporated within ULOOP.
Key personnel:
Mr. Paulo Trezentos is Research Director and co-founder of CMS. He is also a lecturer at ISCTE (Instituto
Superior de Ciências do trabalho e da Empresa) since 1999, teaching classes on "Operating Systems" and
"Computer Architectures". As a researcher he participated in several European RTD Projects such as
OPIMA, OCTALIS and OCCAMM. He also took part in the Global Grid Forum meetings and the ESA
projects (HICOD 2000). In 2000, he was granted the Prémio Milénio 2000 Expresso award for the Linux
Caixa Mágica project, a national prize for young researchers that rewards the most promising project.
He was awarded a MSc in Computer Science Engineering in IST, Technical University of Lisbon. He is
author and co-author of four books on the subjects of Linux and Open Source as well as numerous technical
and dissemination articles.
Mr. John Thomson is a researcher working primarily on the MANCOOSI project for CMS. He is a
graduate of the Imperial College of London where he obtained a Masters in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. During his summer placements he has worked for a number of consultancies and computer
software companies. He has also worked for Imperial College as a research assistant where he worked on a
project designed to assist teaching using Java based software.
Dr. Mário José Batista Romão is a Business Development Director and co-founder of CMS since 2004.
He is also an Assistant Professor at ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciências do trabalho e da Empresa) since
1984, lecturing subjects like "Project Management for IS/IT Projects",
"Information Systems" and "Conceptual Modeling using UML". He is responsible for the acceptance and
coordination of Projects developed by final grade students of Computer Science. He holds a PhD in
Management Sciences by ISCTE and Computer Integrated Manufacturing at Cranfield (UK). He also holds a
MSc in Telecommunications and Computer Sciences, at IST - Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon). He holds
a degree in Electro-technology Engineer by IST.
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FON Wireless Limited (FON)
FON (FON Wireless Ltd.) is the world’s largest Wi-Fi sharing community, also known as a Virtual
Operator. FON's Fonera wireless routers enable people to share a small part of their broadband Internet
service with anyone in the FON Community. In return for sharing, FON members (Foneros) gain free Wi-Fi
access at FON Spots worldwide. FON started the free Wi-Fi revolution in 2006 with the first Fonera Wi-Fi
router and the goal of free, ubiquitous Wi-Fi for everyone. Today, FON has the most innovative Wi-Fi router
on the market, the Fonera 2.0n, close to one million Wi-Fi hotspots, over 1.7 million registered members and
a growing list of Telco partners who add FON functionality to their broadband routers. Google, eBay, British
Telecom, Index Ventures, Coral Group and Sequoia Capital are investors in FON.
Due to its innovative position and beliefs, FON has, in 2006, won the 2006 World Technology Award in the
Communications technology, corporate category, presented by the World Technology Network in
association with the New York Stock Exchange, Dow Chemical, and others.
FON is also a strong innovation supporter and has been working since its beginning with both operators
worldwide (e.g., BT, NeufCegetel, ZON) as well as R&D partners worldwide. Following its original
principle, FON provides innovative technology by means of the FON lab to Internet users without any cost.
FON has also been investing strongly in R&D partnerships. One of such partnerships is with the University
of Urbino, partnership which resulted into the idea of a 'global wireless campus' based on user-provided
wireless networks’. FONstudent and other studies already realized by FON in other places.
In ULOOP, FON expects to contribute to several tasks related to the global specification, and to the
validation/demonstration aspects, and will also lead Tasks 2.1 (Technical scenarios) and Tasks 5.3
(Exploitation of project results).
In addition, FON will also contribute to ULOOP by providing access to one of its communities located in
Madrid, for ULOOP demonstration purposes, as described in section (Demonstration Sites).
Key personnel:
Mr. Joan Fisbein oversees the development of the company’s full range of on-line technologies and
products. Prior to FON, Joan worked as an analyst for Fujitsu and the ICA group. He has developed IT
projects for Telefónica Móviles, Uned, DGT and Indra. He is fluent in three languages. Joan received a
degree in Technical Engineering from Antonio de Nebrija University, Madrid..
Mr. Iurgi Arginzoniz oversees the development of the company’s full range of Wi-Fi products. Iurgi is a
Wi-Fi technology expert and has been with FON since its inception. Prior to FON, Iurgi worked as the
technology manager for Air Bites, a Swisscom AG venture. He led the development and systems teams and
was responsible for technical client relationships. Iurgi received a degree in Telecommunications
Engineering with a specialization in Telematics from the School of Engineering (ESI), at University of the
Basque Country, Bilbao.
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Technische Universitaet Berlin / DAI-Labor
The Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Laboratory within the Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science Department of TUB has since its inception bridged between research and industry. Its research
interests are in the areas of agent technology, wireless communication and technologies, network and
mobility management, smart filtering algorithms, data mining, and related services and applications. Its six
Competence Centres represent the main focuses of DAI-Labor, from which Security, Network & Mobility,
and Agent Core Technologies are relevant to ULOOP. Security group works on the design & implementation
of autonomous security solutions; Network & Mobility group focuses on seamless communication in next
generation heterogeneous telecommunication networks, which also maintains a large, complex, state-of-theart Beyond-3G research testbed; and Agent Core Technologies has experience in service and agent-oriented
DAI-Labor/TUB has participated in many large scale projects that ULOOP can benefit from. Amongst them:
OBAN: FP6 project on mobility, QoS, and security management protocols for broadband mobile network via
private WLANs and broadband access via DSL and WiMAX for public use. BIB3R: National project
investigating mobility protocols, wireless handover, and ubiquitous Internet services with the best possible
wireless network access available. ScaleNet: National project studying scalable, efficient, flexible, and
inexpensive integration of wired and wireless access networks in heterogeneous networks with support for
user and terminal mobility. Daidalos II: FP6 project on seamless integration of heterogeneous networks, in
particular mobile and broadband technologies, to enable new services that provide users access to a wide
range of personalised voice, data, and multimedia services. NetShield: various approaches originating from
multiple domains for detecting malware. SIS: Secure Intelligent Services haptic-based (paraph) security
service for usable authentication, based on machine learning algorithms and information theoretic analysis.
LOMS (Local Mobile Services) and MAMS (Multi-Access Modular Services): define and develop an open
service architecture through which new innovative local mobile services can easily be created, deployed, and
consumed by mobile users. TUB is also a partner in the ongoing FP7 project PERIMETER, which aims to
establish a new paradigm of user-centricity for advanced networking in multiple-access multiple-operator
networks of the future Internet.
Key personnel:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Sahin Albayrak holds a professorship chair for Agent Technologies in Business
Applications and Telecommunication (AOT) at the Technische Universität Berlin. He is a member of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
Gesellschaft für Informatik, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). In addition, he is a
member of the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (T-Labs) steering board. Research areas are next generation
telecommunication services, applications and network infrastructures, service-centric architectures, service
engineering, agent-oriented modeling, agent architectures, agent programming languages,
telecommunication services, e-/m-commerce, mobility supporting services, 3G- and Beyond-3G services,
supply chain management, autonomous security and smart systems.
Dr. Fikret Sivrikaya received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
NY, USA. Before joining TU Berlin, he was a research assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and
earlier worked for a telecommunications company in Istanbul, Turkey. He is currently the director of
Network and Mobility group at DAI-Labor. He is responsible for coordinating project and research activities
in the area of telecommunication technologies. His research interests include wireless communication
protocols, medium access control and routing issues in multi-hop ad-hoc networks, distributed algorithms
and optimization.
Mr. Ahmet Cihat Toker graduated with high honours from Middle East Technical University, Ankara in
2003, with a major in Telecommunications. Between 2003 and 2005 he studied and thought at the University
of Texas at Austin, and obtained his Masters degree with a specialization on communications theory and
signal processing. Since 2005 he is a researcher at TU Berlin, where he is working towards his thesis on
network layer cooperation between heterogeneous operators. He is the author of two granted patents, 3 patent
applications, and various scientific articles published on international conferences.
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University of Kent (UniK)
The University of Kent is a United Kingdom higher education institution founded in 1965 and funded by the
Higher Education Funding Council for England. The main campus covers 300 acres of land and is located on
the outskirts of the historic city Canterbury. The University of Kent is regarded as the UK’s European
University as its main campus is the closest to the European continent. The University of Kent runs over 500
undergraduate and 120 postgraduate programmes in addition to undertaking world-class research in a diverse
range of scientific and technological areas. The main academic disciplines include electronic engineering,
information technology, computer science, business administration, economics, law etc. There are currently
over 17,000 students at the University of Kent.
The School of Engineering and Digital Arts is one of the engineering schools at the University of Kent. The
school is engaged in high-quality research with significant national and international impact while offering
excellent opportunities for graduate studies. In particular, the school has established a strong international
reputation in the areas of broadband wireless communications, wireless sensor networks and embedded
systems and instrumentation
University of Kent within ULOOP contributes to the main technical work packages WP3. Specifically, the
University of Kent plans to study radio resource management, cooperation incentives and mobile
management for the ULOOP. In addition, the University of Kent will lead WP5 on ULOOP dissemination
and exploitation and will contribute to WP1 and WP2.
The Broadband and Wireless Communications Group in the School of Engineeringand Digital Arts, the
University of Kent is internationally renowned for research in wireless systems, antennas, and photonics. The
research activities have been well funded by the European Commission, UK research councils and charitable
foundations to investigate key technologies and components in broadband wireless communications. For
example, the group is involved with EU FUTON, EXTRACTT, ISIS projects. The group is well equipped
with a wide range of laboratory and computing facilities and diverse software packages for research support.
The group currently comprises 6 academic staff, 11 post-doctoral researchers and 30 Ph.D. students. It
possesses a wide range of expertise from theoretical analysis to specific system implementations.
Key Personnel:
Dr. Huiling Zhu will participate in the ULOOP project as a researcher. She is a Researcher working on
efficient radio resource allocation and cross-layer design in the Broadband and Wireless Communications
Group at the University of Kent. She got her Ph.D. in communications and information systems from
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in Sept. 2003. During her Ph.D. study, she worked on adaptive quality
of service (QoS) and medium access control (MAC) in wireless networks. She has proposed a chunk-based
resource allocation scheme in multiple-user OFDM systems. In addition, she developed the concept of
‘achievable capacity’ and came up with algorithms to estimate this accurately and utilize it for admission
control. She helped develop a contention-based prioritised opportunistic MAC protocol for wireless
networks. She worked on resource allocation for the FP7 IP project: FUTON. In total Dr. Zhu has published
20 referred journal and conference papers, two patents and has several papers awaiting publication.
Prof. Jiangzhou Wang is currently a Professor of Electronics and is leading the Broadband and Wireless
Communications Research Group at the University of Kent. He has much research experience in wireless
mobile communications and wireless sensor networks and has published over 200 referred journal and
conference papers, and three books. He is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications and a Guest
Editor of three times for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He holds one US patent in the
GSM system. He has relevant research experiences in wireless LAN and mobile communications. Professor
Wang has been involved with EU FUTON, EXTRACTT and ISIS projects.
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University of Geneve (UNIGE)
The Academy of Geneva was created in 1559 by Jean Calvin. With the creation of the Faculty of Medicine
in 1873, the institution acquired the status of University. Since then, the UNIGE has continued to embrace
new disciplines in order to remain responsive to new needs in education and research, while maintaining its
tradition of humanistic values.
University of Geneva is represented in the ULOOP consortium by the Advanced Systems Group (ASG)
specialised in mobile context-aware applications and services. The ASG is part of the Social and Economic
Sciences faculty, which strengthens its multidisciplinary approach to IT solutions. For example, the ASG has
pioneered computational trust management based on the human notion of trust as modeled in social and
economic sciences: psychology, sociology, economics... In this field, it has participated to several EU
projects: FP5 FET SECURE (formal computational trust engine), FP6 EDOS, FP7 PERIMETER (online
reputation of telecom network providers).
Key Personel:
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur is an Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva, has carried out his PhD on
computational trust at Trinity College Dublin. He has worked on many EU projects. He is leading the community with now more than 230 academics and industrials since 2004. He has published
more than 40 scientific publications in the field of privacy protection, security and trust management. He is
currently participating to the PERIMETER project. He is an evaluator of project proposals for the European
Commission as well as an evaluator of ongoing accepted FP projects.
Mr. Xavier Titi is a PhD student at the University of Geneva working on online reputation of telecom
providers and their networks as part of the EU FP7 PERIMETER project.
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2.2.10 Teleinform S.P.A (TLI)
Teleinform SpA begins it activities in 1987 with the aim to foster experiences in ICT field with the support
of the mother company CRES (Centro per la Ricerca in Sicilia). While CRES has always carried on R&D
activities, Teleinform SpA has been more focused on industrial development of products and solutions.
Personnel of both companies is involved in the TeSys Lab (Telecommunication Systems Laboratory) at
In the last years Teleinform SpA has specialised in services supporting the Internet network, offering a very
large sample of solutions. As Internet Service Provider it gives access to the Internet using traditional and
wireless technologies according to customer requirements.
Recently, Teleinform SpA has improved the participation to R&D activities and it has participated to the
IST-ANEMONE project as third party, in cooperation with CRES, in order to explore IPv6 mobile solutions
(MIPv6, NEMO). Teleinform SpA owns and operates the ANEMONE Italian testbed.
TLI will contribute to ULOOP in regards to the technical use-cases and socio-economic viability, as well as
mobility aspects and in regards to the pilot implementation. TLI will also provide ULOOP with a specific
experimentation site based on its own commercial network.
Key Personnel:
Mr. Paolo Di Francesco received his Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of
Palermo. He collaborated at the IST-SUITED project in 2001 and since 2001 he works as senior researcher
and technical coordinator at the TeSys Lab. He participated to the ITEA-POLLENS and IST-ANEMONE
and he currently participates to the Italian IPv6 Task Force. He is also board member (Consigliere
Nazionale) of Assoprovider, the association of independent Italian ISP. He is an expert of QoS, IPv6 and
middleware solutions and lately he works on 802.11/HIPERLAN technologies.
Mr. Giuseppe Damiani works since 2006 as the network administrator of the Teleinform Infrastructure. He
has participated to the IST-ANEMONE project and has a deep understanding of routing protocols (e.g.
OSPF), AAA, typical ISP services and he has various certifications in different fields.
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2.2.11 University of Urbino (UniUrb)
The University of Urbino (UniUrb) is an Italian Academic Institution founded in 1506 in Urbino, a
Renaissance city recently included in the list of Unesco World Heritage sites. At present it counts 10
Faculties (including Science and Technology, Economics, Law, Political Sciences, and Sociology), 500
faculty members, and about 15,000 students. Thanks to the widespread diffusion of University buildings and
student residences all over the ancient town, Urbino fully realizes the idea of city-campus. In 2006 UniUrb
has started the development of an open metropolitan-area wireless access network, called Urbino Wireless
Campus, with the attempt of providing ubiquitous city-wide connectivity to its students while contributing to
address digital divide issues. Since then, the project has attracted more than 50 partners and the wireless
campus has become a real-world testbed for innovative access technologies and models.
UniUrb will be mainly involved in three work packages. In WP2 (ULOOP Framework) UniUrb will
participate in the task T2.1 (Technical use-cases) and it will lead task T2.2 (socio-economic sustainability),
taking care of the development of an agent-based simulation framework for sustainability assessment. In
WP4 (Pilot deployment and Validation) UniUrb will contribute to tasks T4.1 and T4.2, making available the
Urbino Wireless Campus network to be used as testbed. In WP5 (Dissemination and exploitation) UniUrb
will lead task T5.1 (Dissemination and Event Organization). In addition, UniUrb will take part in the
coordination and management activities (WP1) together with all the partners.
UniUrb has multidisciplinary competences in the field of Internet access network, gained with the "Urbino
wireless campus" project, which has involved electrical engineers, computer scientists, sociologists,
economists, and jurists. In particular, the research group of Alessandro Bogliolo has developed the concept
of "Neutral Access Networks" (NANs), which are a special class of open access networks conceived to grant
positive externality to a shared access infrastructure. This is done by considering the access infrastructure as
a network per se, which provides internal services and possibly exploits its territorial and social dimensions.
Externality creates a positive feedback loop among users, service providers, and network operators which
increases market penetration, motivates the development of new services, and promotes the deployment of
new infrastructures.
The staff members of UniUrb have addressed the technical, legal, administrative, and regulatory issues raised
by the implementation of a NAN, and they have built simulation models to test ecnomic sustainability. The
Urbino Wireless Campus network has been used as a real-world testbed for NAN prototypes. UniUrb has
worked in partnership with FON Wireless ltd to conduct a feasibility study for a "global wireless campus",
built of user-provided wireless networks and opened to university students worldwide. In addition, the
research group has worked in the field of opportunistic networking for ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor
networks, and environmentally-powered networks.
Key personnel:
Prof. Alessandro Bogliolo, Associate Professor of Computer Systems, is Director of the Information
Science and Technology Institute of the University of Urbino, Italy. He got a Laurea degree in Electrical
Engineering (1992) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1998) from the University
of Bologna, Italy. In 1995 and 1996 he was with the Coputer Systems Laboratory of the Stanford University,
Stanford (CA). From 1999 to 2002 he was Assistant Professor with the University of Ferrara, Italy. Since
2006 he has been responsible for the Urbino Wireless Campus Project. He has co-authored more the 100
peer-reviewed papers. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, Internet access networks, and
energy-aware networking.
Dr. Emanuele Lattanzi, Assistant Professor of Computer Systems, received the Laurea degree (summa cum
laude, 2001) and the Ph.D. (2003) from the University of Urbino, Italy. In 2001, he joined the Information
Science and Technology Institute of the University of Urbino. In 2003, he was with the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, working as a visiting scholar with
Professor Vijaykrishnan Narayanan. His main research interests are in the areas of wireless sensor networks,
environmentally-powered embedded systems, computer simulation, and modeling.
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2.2.12 SANJOTEC – Associação Científica e Tecnológica
SANJOTEC – Scientific and Technological Association, is a non profit association with the main objective
to provide technical and scientific support to the entrepreneurial community, in order to contribute to its
modernization and development, through innovation.
SANJOTEC also manages the Enterprise and Technological Centre. The Enterprise and Technological
Centre has a central core, consisting by the building-headquarters and the Incubation Centre, and also
includes an Innovation Centre, business´s functioning areas and an area for expansion of the industrial core,
enclosing a total area of 80 thousand square meters.
In terms of co-creation experience, the organizations that compose SANJOTEC and the SJM-ILL have a
long experience in this area at a national and international level:
The SJM City Chamber;
The University of Aveiro ( – member of the European Consortium of Innovative
Universities (ECIU);
The Employers Club of SJM ( – member of the regional Entre Douro e
Vouga Entrepreneurial Council;
Faurécia - Seats for Cars S.A. - part of the multinational Faurécia Group, operating in the
automotive sector with 11 Billion € sales volume in 2005;
Association of Science and Technology Parks of Porto – associated of TechParques, the National
Association of Science and Technology Parks, which is also associated to IASP – International
Association of Science Parks;
The Portuguese Technological Shoe Centre (, which develops and coordinates
R&D projects in the shoe sector and related industries, provides technical consultancy and training,
laboratory work, testing and prototype building of new equipments and products since its opening in
1986. The Portuguese Technological Shoe Centre is a profitable Centre and is a member of EURIS,
the European Union of Research Institutes for Shoes.
SANJOTEC enters the ULOOP project as third-party related to the management of the SJM-ILL, one of the
fundamental demonstration sites to be relied upon in ULOOP, and will not have cost claims.
Key Personnel:
Alexandre dos Rios Paulo graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, by University of
Aveiro; Pos-Graduation in Industrial Management and Logistics. Since 2007 is the Operational Director of
SANJOTEC – Scientific and Technological Association and Treiner at University of Aveiro in the areas of
Method Time Measurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Between 2004 and 2007 was Project
Leader of ICT and Telecommunication projects in the Broadband Systems Group – University of Aveiro
Emídio dos Santos Gomes is, since 2000, a Full Professor in Abel Salazar Biomedical and Sciences
Institute – University of Porto. Currently is the President of the Association of Science and Technology
Parks of Porto and the Administrator of Science and Technology Park of Porto and Science and Technology
Park of AVE. He is also a Permanent appraiser of the EU for cooperation projects between the university and
industry. Between 2002 and 2005 he was the President of the Administration Board of The Portuguese
Innovation Agency.
Antonio Costa is currently is a consultant of the SJM City Chamber for the Information Society,
responsible for the Wireless BroadBand Telecommunication’s Infrastructure of S. João da Madeira,
coordinator of the IP-TV project for the Municipality. From 2005 to 2007 was the coordinator of the project
Entre Douro e Vouga Digital Region and the responsible for the conception and implementation of the
Optical Fiber Network in S. João da Madeira.
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2.3 Consortium as a Whole
The ULOOP consortium was established based on specific sets of competences and profiles required, aiming
to achieve a good balance between the industry and the academia perspectives. Overall, the consortium is
composed of 11 partners from 9 Member States of the European Union, as listed in Table 2.1.
The ULOOP consortium consolidates not only a scientific perspective towards results to be achieved, but it
was also devised having in mind being able to realize and to exploit the results developed throughout the
project. The consortium integrates different perspectives bringing together the concerns and requirements
both from the network side, as well as from the end-user side. In addition to the 11 partners, a third-party
(living-lab) also enters the consortium for demonstration purposes.
Table 2.1: ULOOP Consortium.
Participant no.
Participant organisation name
1 (Coordinator)
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France
Short Name
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e INESC Porto
Sistemas de Computadores do porto
Caixa Mágica Software, SA
FON Wireless Limited
Technische Universität Berlin
University of Kent
Université de Genève
Teleinform SPA
University of Urbino
Duesseldorf HWDU
All partners are committed to allocating leading experts and qualified personnel, many of whom have cooperated previously in successful European projects.
The different partners are grouped according to their target area as illustrated in Figure 12. From an end-toend perspective, the functionality refers to the end-user (User Perspective), the access part of the network
(Access Perspective) as well as the service provisioning share of the network (Service Perspective).
Under User Perspective are partners CMS (software house) and FON (virtual operator). CMS develops an
open-source of UNIX under GNU and will bring to the project a long experience with large-scale projects
related to the end-user and to cooperation, as well to software development focused on the end-user and on
service provider assistance. FON provides an essential component to the project due to their expertise as
pioneers of user-centric business models. In addition, the user-perspective target area includes the
participation of SANJOTEC as liaison to the SJM-ILL, which is one of the demonstration sites chosen to
integrate the ULOOP pilot.
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User Perspective
Access Perspective
Service Perspective
Figure 12: Partner grouping according to Internet target area.
The Access perspective towards user-centricity is provided by partners HWDU (access vendor), ALBLF
(access vendor), as well as ARIA (alternative operator). ARIA brings in the perspective and requirements
that access operators have concerning the functionality to be developed in ULOOP and also an advanced
vision in terms of alternative business models, in particular related to the interaction of Wi-Fi and WiMAX
backhaul. HWDU and ALBLF will provide the essential perspective of access management, given that the
purpose of ULOOP relates to the development of functionality that is based upon cooperation of end-users,
but where is expected that the end-user holds the expectations that are normally faced by access operators.
FON will interact also with the access perspective, being expected a strong part in the exploitation of project
results as well as development of adequate business models and analysis of economic sustainability, along
with the different vendors involved.
Under the Service perspective the consortium has TLI, ARIA. TLI is involved in the Italian Association of
ISPs and therefore, the contribution of TLI towards the development of ULOOP is essential for both
commercial and legal input. As illustrated, both FON and CMS fall also into Service Provider. FON is a VO,
embodying a new type of service provider model, focused on the end-user. CMS interacts with this category,
given that their products have as targets Service Providers.
In addition to the industry partners, research partners will have a key role across the three different
perspectives. The research partners include one private R&D associate R&D laboratory, INESC Porto, as
well as four universities.
INESC Porto is responsible for the project management and dissemination tasks. INESC Porto has a vast
expertise in the participation of several EU IST projects (FP5, FP6, and FP7) as well as in the participation of
other European and national frameworks. In addition to management, INESC Porto team will be, along with
the other research organisations and universities, involved technically in several WPs bringing know-how
related to user-centric networking architectures. A crucial aspect of INESC Porto to be brought to the project
is its expertise as mediator between industry and academia.
The four universities also have vast expertise in EU IST projects (e.g., OBAN, DAIDALOS, Ambient
Networks, FUTON, PERIMETER) both in terms of active participation and in terms of project and task
leadership. The partners have been selected based on specific description of requirements and skills, to
ensure that all activities towards the expected results are carried out efficiently and with high quality.
In addition to the know-how brought by each partner, three partners will provide the liaison to specific
testbeds. TUB will be responsible for the liaison to BOWL, while UniUrb manages UWIC, and TLI will also
provide access to its own network. Demonstration sites are to be managed by FON and SANJOTEC.
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2.4 Resources to be committed
The costs in ULOOP have been split into the categories of RTD, DEM, MGT. For the computation of the
direct personnel costs, real and current average person-month rates have been used per partner. Indirect costs
are based on the rates partner apply, according to the respective cost model. The overall breakdown is
provided in Figure 13, where we provide the staff breakdown (Persons-Month) per WP and per Task.
Figure 13: Effort breakdown per WP and per Task.
In regards to travelling costs, the consortium estimates an average of 1,500 Euros for one travel, under the
assumption of 1 or 2 persons travelling, economic round-trip flight, an average stay of 3 days.
Travelling due to publication or dissemination incurs an average cost of 500 Euros, related to registration
The project encompasses a total of 610 PM, being a total of 563 PM dedicated to RTD activities, 35 PM
dedicated to DEM activities, and 12 PM from the coordinator ALBLF dedicated to MGT. As shown, there is
a good balance across all RTD activities, being WP3 the one that contains a higher effort in terms of PM,
which is natural due to the core activities it integrates. RTD Costs
In regards to personnel, the consortium commits a total of 563 PM for RTD activities, including the scientific
coordination, as described in section 2.1.
In regards to equipment costs, most of it relates to CPE, given that the partners are also contributing with
specific local testbeds, and also given that the global validation is to be performed based on the pilot
described in section 1.1.3, based on existing equipment and Internet access. The majority of the equipment to
be acquired relates to UE. It should be noticed that most of the partners have local testbeds that require
extensions in particular to UE that supports Android. Moreover, CMS will also need to acquire a specific
server which will serve as the basis for the integration of the functionality, as described in Task 3.4. (cf.
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Section In addition to UE, TLI will also need to acquire servers and a switch which will serve the
purpose of providing adequate separation and also traceability to the commercial nodes that are to be the
basis of the experimental TLI site described in section 1.1.3. Equipment costs amount to an approximate total
of 58k Euros and are distributed only per partners involved in WP3 or WP4.
Within RTD travel costs include all of the travelling, being the total 623k Euros, which corresponds to a
total of 188 trips equally distributed across the 11 partners. This can be further split into travelling due to
conference or standardisation participation, or other related events where the consortium publishes or
disseminates events; travelling due to scientific coordination reasons (SC meetings); travelling due to
integration reasons, being one to two trips considered per year, for the partners that are involved in the
development of the pilot, or in demonstrations.
In regards to travelling, a minimum of participation on two different events for publication purposes per year
and per partner is expected. Moreover, for the partners involved in standardisation, a minimum of
participation on two different events per year per partner is considered. In regards to travelling due to
management events, the consortium has agreed that such travelling includes three trips per year for each
partner, as reflected in the milestones of WP1.
Dissemination costs represent an approximate total of 60k Euros and cover the organization of the events
described in section as well as project publicity costs. In regards to organization of events, the
consortium has considered: two scientific workshops (9.6k Euros per workshop); two industrial events (8.5k
Euros per event); two networking events (5k Euros per event) for the purpose of demonstrating ULOOP in
the two demonstration sites of the pilot. The consortium decided to have such costs aggregated under the
budget of the scientific coordinator (INESC Porto). For all events, an estimate has been considered for
support of up to 100 participants (1 day for the workshops and industry events, 2 days for the networking
events). The categories of costs relate to catering and marketing support; participation of keynote speakers.
The scientific workshop organization also includes a best paper award. The industrial events and the
networking events include also an estimate for rental space, e.g. booth in ICT. Publicity material costs reflect
an estimate for distribution of material up to 500 persons and include leaflets, brochures, as well as an
edition of a project book during the last year of the project. The expected total for publicity is 13k Euros.
Moreover, permission from the Commission will be asked before engaging trips outside Europe and very
costly trips, that are not already mentioned in the proposal.
. DEM Costs
In ULOOP, demonstration costs are only present on Task 5.1. These costs simply reflect personnel that will
be assigned to the deployment and maintenance of demonstration events which are scheduled to occur on
M35 and M36 (cf. section The consortium commits a total of 35 PM for the development of the
demonstration events. MGT Costs
MGT costs in ULOOP integrate personnel from the coordinator allocated to Task 1.1 (12PM), as well as
audit certificates reimbursement in an average of two or three for the whole project lifespan. Audit
certificates are only considered for partners as described by the rules on reporting and payments outlined in
Section 11.4 of the Annex II General Conditions to the FP7 Grant Agreement. Specifically, only partners
requesting EC contribution equal or superior to 375.000 € when cumulated with all previous payments will
be required to submit a certificate on the financial statement.
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3.1 Strategic impact
ULOOP is expected to impact on several aspects of challenge 1, being particularly focused on objective ICT2009-1.1 The Network of the Future defined in the Work Programme for the Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the European FP7 research programme, call 5. Such impacts
can be grouped into three main aspects: scientific impact; social, economic, and business impact.
Scientific Impact
ULOOP focus on community-driven networking is a highly relevant aspect from an EU scientific
perspective, due not only to its novelty and embryonic state, but also due to the fact that current commercial
examples of community-driven networking are based on Europe (e.g., FON, Whisher, OpenSpark, Freifunk).
By providing evolutionary steps in the way that wireless local-loops are formed and complement the access,
ULOOP is contributing to the proliferation of these new commercial or public-based models. ULOOP is
therefore providing competitive advantages from a scientific perspective. Not only will this impact the EU
research panorama, but it will also give rise to new commercial models.
The topic of UPNs is a central one also for several European Technology Platforms, for instance, the
eMobility Platform, where user-empowerment is a topic being pursued on EIFFEL, being UPNs one of the
main items discussed, as part of the vision of a Future Internet architecture.
In regards to advancements from a scientific perspective, one key aspect is the development of low-cost and
yet robust expanded access in a way that is community-driven. Robustness here means that the architectures
based on ULOOP functionality will be able to provide the end-user with resources close to that of the
broadband access in a secure way and yet with low management complexity, from an access perspective.
ULOOP is therefore disruptive in nature, particularly given that some of the cooperative aspects are based
upon existing wireless networks, which are normally controlled by central points (infrastructure based). Not
only that, but ULOOP is also expected to scale beyond what has been achieved so far in terms of autonomic
networking, and during the lifetime of the project, a pilot will become the living-proof of such scalability.
Another relevant and highly differentiating aspect in ULOOP is the development of adequate cooperation
incentive schemes not only within communities, but also between communities and the access. Per se, this is
already an innovative aspect, but ULOOP will work on this topic from an OSI Layer 3 and OSI Layer 2
perspective. In contrast, research being performed and related to cooperation has been mostly focused on
OSI Layer 1 mechanisms. Such mechanisms will strongly impact the way communication is perceived in the
In addition to the current technological platforms, and to dissemination events to be organized together with
renowned conferences, ULOOP will contribute to the development of a Future Internet by also organizing
events with a specific experimental nature, which have as main purpose to show that individuals can be part
of the network, and networking can and should become more user-centric. This is to be achieved not only by
means of experimentation and validation, but also by means of realistic experimentation settings, being
possible to obtain feedback from real users, not always technically enabled.
Social, Economic, and Business Impact
ULOOP has a clear focus in terms of contributions towards meeting community needs. By providing a way
to develop robust and trustable wireless local-loops on-the-fly, ULOOP will assist in the rise of communitydriven services. ULOOP is expected to be an evolutionary step in regards to a Future Internet, but will
impact the way communities exchange information and cooperate. Furthermore, by being based on existing
and low-cost infrastructures, ULOOP helps to decrease the digital divide, given that more people will be able
to have Internet access, and people within specific communities will have new services related to social
In economic and business terms, the following impact is expected:
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New business models. Current privately owned WLANs are significantly underused. ULOOP is
expected to optimize such usage and hence it is likely that in the future a wireless deployment
contemplating fewer and larger capacity (wireless) equipment to provide coverage within specific
communities. This will give rise (as already is) to new business models, in particular neutral and usercentric business models, where cooperation incentives assist the Internet access sharing among users,
service providers. The newest form of VOs is expected to evolve into forms not predictable today. This
will not only lead to several novel pricing and charging models but also create novel business models,
having significant impact on cost structure and competition strategies.
Strengthened positioning of European industry in the field of Future Internet technologies and
reinforced European leadership in mobile and wireless broadband systems optical networks
cognitive network management technologies. By allowing a new community based wireless local
loop, the ULOOP project strengthen the European position in the wireless broadband domain. The
results of ULOOP will permit operators and manufacturers to offer a new, disruptive, cost and resources
effective way to provide wireless access, based on existing resources and aligned with community
expectations. This will give to European actors a strong position in this emerging and promising Future
Internet area which is more closely related to users’ needs and demands. The community based
networking that ULOOP will develop will position Europe as leader in users oriented networking,
leading to the opportunity to develop new services more focused than now.
Increased economic efficiency of access/transport infrastructures (cost/bit). The wireless local loop
that ULOOP will develop and promote will be very resources efficient and thus, cost effective. By
reusing the existing deployed resources that are the privately owned WLAN, the ULOOP paradigm
allows to reduce the CAPEX of the access part of the network to what it strictly needed. Moreover, the
cost of deployment which is one of the major costs of a wireless access will be dramatically reduced. As
such, the cost per bit proposed to the users would be lowered of one order of magnitude.
Global standards, interoperability and European IPRs reflecting federated and coherent
roadmaps. ULOOP will allow Europe to own IPRs on this emerging paradigm, at its very early stage.
Although the concept of user provided network gains momentum, its real implementation is still to be
addressed, and it is the time to patent the core technology that are needed.
Wider market opportunities from new classes of applications taking advantage of convergence.
The user provided network proposed by ULOOP is community centric. The social networks which are
application facet of the community centric paradigms showed their value in impacting the way people
behaves on Internet. It is expected that a similar revolution will hit the wireless network area, by
allowing a community based connexion that opens the doors toward new classes of applications
leveraging on the user controlled network.
Accelerated uptake of the next generation of network and service infrastructures. The ULOOP
project will demonstrates how network can evolve from a fully centralized (as in wireless realm) or a
partially distributed (i.e. Internet world) model toward a user-centric approach that changes the way that
the network and infrastructures are considered. It is expected that ULOOP results will have an impact on
network architectures similar to the impact on application architecture the P2P model did have.
3.2 Plan for the use and dissemination of foreground
The dissemination activities within ULOOP are covered by WP5 as described in section All partners
are committed to work on the specific task of dissemination, and WP5 specifically highlights minimum
expected contributions. The WP5 partner will be in charge of the coordination of the dissemination of results
and in reporting such coordination to the project SC. Furthermore, and as a global guideline, partners are
encouraged to publish individual results. Moreover, dissemination of ULOOP will be performed in liaison to
several entities, conferences, or other events where partners are already actively participating.
The main purpose of the dissemination activities relate to informing and engaging individuals, groups, and
organisations in both the academic and industrial areas, Hence, the dissemination activities are not only
focused on scientific publications or academic seminars, but makes use of other channels of promotion to
engage stakeholders who might take up ULOOP outputs and the stakeholders that can help to ‘make it
happen’. Dissemination activities can therefore be grouped into four main categories: scientific publication
activities; event organization; standardisation contributions; training activities.
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All dissemination activities are to be regularly updated on the project Website, which will contain both a
private area and a public area. The private area will be accessible to all the consortium members and will be
used for exchange of documents, reporting, as well as synchronization of tasks. The public area will be a
primary tool for result dissemination. It will be the portal for the ULOOP software and support of
community of users with regular updates. A specific focus will be put to disseminate ULOOP software and
approach through dedicated discussion based on networking means, such as building up a ULOOP FaceBook
account or a specific Forum. Moreover, the project public documentation and relevant news will be also
distributed by means of the Website. The project public area can be defined as follows:
Information repository with automatic electronic publication for selected documents and reports.
Several public forums to discuss selected target topics, including technology and business issues.
List of contacts and a news board.
Newsletter, to be sent around to subscribed users.
Facebook and Linkedin groups updated regularly, to achieve a broader dissemination. Publication Activities
The project partners are committed to technical publications in high-quality conferences and journals, e.g.
IEEE Infocom, ACM CoNext, IEEE Globecom. A specific roadmap with planned contributions is to be
devised in the setup phase of the project, and reviewed yearly by WP5 leader and respective task leaders.
Some of ULOOP scientific publications are intended to be presented in the following scientific conferences:
IEEE Globecom.
IEEE Infocom.
IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC).
ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks.
Moreover, ULOOP will consider the following journals to publish:
IEEE Transaction on Communications.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
IEEE Communications Magazine.
IEEE Wireless communications magazine.
Elsevier’s Computer Communications.
Elsevier’s Journal Computer Networks.
Springer’s Journal Mobile Networks and Applications. Event Organization
Organization of events is a key component in ULOOP. We envision organizing the following events:
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Two scientific workshops co-located with renowned conferences. The workshops are to be
organized in the second and third year of the project lifespan, co-located with e.g. CoNEXT and
have as main purpose to disseminate ULOOP results and achievements.
Two industrial events. One of the industrial events will be a standalone workshop with the purpose
to bring together Internet stakeholders, in particular, incumbent and access operators and to
disseminate ULOOP achievements in a useful way to industry partners. The workshop is expected to
occur during the first year of the project. The second industrial event is expected to occur together
with ICT 2012. Both the industrial events have the purpose to bring to the discussion different
Internet stakeholders, and to assist in helping to understand advantages and disadvantages gathered
throughout the project.
Two networking events for demonstration purposes. These are events that will take place in the
pilot demonstration sites, and which have as main purpose to demonstrate ULOOP feasibility in
realistic scenarios and for a large number of simultaneous users. They will be organized during the
last two months of the project lifespan. Such events are expected to last 2 or three days and will not
only assist in disseminating results to specific target groups, but also in obtaining real feedback from
Internet end-users, as well as assist in acquiring traces which may be useful for other projects.
Moreover, from the implementation and integration activities of the project we expect that
demonstrators to become available so that they can be shown at intermediate stages in other events
of public nature and related to Future Internet topics. Standardization Activities
Standardization in ULOOP is highly relevant in particular for the topics that relate to interoperability of the
access, and to all the functionality developed in OSI Layer 3, in particular mobility aspects, and resource
The methodology followed by ULOOP in terms of standards alignment is to ensure that such alignment is
done in full coordination with the business units of the industrial partners involved in the project, and also in
full coordination with the work plan of the different standardisation entities. As described in task 5.2,
standardisation entities being considered are envisaged are IEEE, 3GPP (SA1 and possibly SA2), IETF
(MANET WG, MEXT WG etc.), and IRTF (e2e RG, MOBOPTS RG, Routing RG). Furthermore, in order to
prepare later standardisation, contribution to European technology forums are planned particularly to the
WWRF, the European Strategic Research Agenda defined within eMobility and to EIFFEL whitepapers.
In addition, ULOOP will work closely with the Wi-Fi alliance in regards to Wi-Fi Direct, by means of the
FON partner who is currently a member of the alliance. The consortium will also keep a strong cooperation
and alignment towards efforts being developed in IEEE 802.21 and IEEE 802.11 related study and working
Software developed within the project and related to CPE is intended to be contributed to the Linux Standard
Moreover, ULOOP partners have a track record of standardisation work in the bodies envisaged and in some
cases chair working groups; more details were provided in the 5.2 task description.
Exploitation Strategies
ULOOP addresses several aspects within its lifespan that will assist in exploitation of the results during the
project and also after its lifespan. Exploitation is performed in full alignment with the roadmaps of the
industry partners involved, to ensure that the strategies proposed will result in reasonable benefits, within a
reasonable timeframe.
Starting from the early days of the project, the consortium will put special emphasis on the exploitation of
project results, by addressing the practical issues of usability and sustainability as part of the overall
framework specification activities in WP2. More specifically, socio-economic sustainability of user-centric
networking and the impact of regulation, business models, and public policies will be investigated in Task
2.2, laying down a significant basis for the commercial exploitation of ULOOP results. Moreover, by
explicitly considering the interoperability and integration of ULOOP functionality with the legacy systems,
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exploitation of project results in the current telecommunications market will be an inherent aspect of the
research and development activities of the project.
A comprehensive study of initial market opportunities will also be carried out in the first year of the project
as part of Task 5.3. The consortium will then have a more concrete exploitation plan available, which will
guide further exploitation activities in the following years of the project. The biggest exploitation impact is
expected from the industrial partners; FON, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent, Aria, CMS, and TLI. Such exploitation
impact can be categorized by business partner area, as detailed in Table 5. From the strong industry
commitment an aspect that is relevant to cite here is the commitment of the large industry partners ALBLF
and HWDU to standardisation activities, as well as the commitment of industry partners such as FON, TLI,
ARIA who will also provide support and be strongly committed in terms of demonstration and dissemination
Table 3.1: Partner business area and exploitation plan.
Partner Business Area
Exploitation Plans
Access equipment vendor
 Development of competitive products with a user-centricity
component, that results into more efficient and robust transport of
services up to the Internet end-user.
 Contributions to roadmap definition for network elements by
identification of requirements, to ensure compliance since day one.
 Socio-economic analysis as basis for new business models and
 Optimized network operation (resources, mobility management).
 Expanded, low-cost capillarity.
 Provide differentiation in services to Internet users.
 Use results for standardisation in e.g. 3GPP, IEEE, IETF, WWRF.
CPE Software House
 Development of autonomic software suite containing advanced
networking support.
 Better understanding of access interoperability risks and solutions.
 Integrated development of software modules already addressing the
access needs.
 Use results for standardisation e.g. in IETF, Wi-Fi alliance.
from  Development of advanced networking concepts, and validation in
realistic scenarios.
 Possibility to develop an innovative topic and hence assume a
leadership position.
 Strong dissemination of results backed up by workshops as well as
 Use results for standardisation in related standardisation entities.
The following table summarises the preliminary dissemination and exploitation plans of individual partners.
Once the project starts, individual plans will be refined and harmonized for maximum impact.
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Table 3.2: Individual partner exploitation plans.
Exploitation Plans
ALBLF mission is to prepare the future of Alcatel-Lucent products and offers to its
customers. The expected results from ULOOP are considered as one of the key
innovations to answer to the wireless capacity difficulty that the operators are facing to.
The rapid growth of the mobile Internet, driven by rapid adoption of terminal like
iPhone, creates a new demand for wireless capacity. The development and adoption of
new wireless technology like LTE, or network MIMO, is one of the facets of the global
answer. ULOOP is positioned on another aspect that consists in reusing in an efficient
and cheap way the existing already deployed wireless resources. By allowing dynamic
network establishment driven by the needs and resources of the end users, it is expected
that ULOOP will permit a disruptive approach to provide more capacity when needed,
still with a very limited need of deployment done by operators. The challenges that are
addresses in ULOOP aim to validate the value of this approach. The methodology
relying on an important experimental phase will allow a rapid and effective assessment
of the ULOOP concepts wrt operators’ expectations. The Alcatel-Lucent products that
are expected to be impacted by the ULOOP results are (non-exhaustively):
1300 family, Wireless Management Center, that will take into consideration the
ULOOP networks in the global picture. The foreseen direction for introduction of
ULOOP concepts in this family is to allow a unified management of the wireless
resources, including the one made available by user communities. The key aspects
to be considered are related to the integration of the spontaneous wireless resources
setup by users community into the management centre, then to allow the operator to
have a complete view of available and used resources.
1400 family of Unified Subscription, that will integrate community subscriptions;
8600 family of Unified Charging and Billing, for charging and retro-charging
of ULOOP resources usage. Products from these families would be updated
in order to manage the ULOOP communities as well as their access and
resources usage rights. These will allow operators to integrate closely into
their own infrastructure and business the resulting set of resources coming
from ULOOP communities arrangements.
INESC Porto aims at exploring the results from ULOOP by means of a combined
educational and new business opportunity application and fully aligned with the topic of
UPN currently being pursued both from a scientific and from an industrial perspective.
Such exploitation is to be performed as follows:
 To pursue the topics addressed with industrial customers, by providing concrete
advantages and realistic benefits within the scope of ULOOP.
 To assist in the identification of new research opportunities, in particular associated to
guidance of researchers (doc and post-doc) as well as guidance of M.Sc. and PhD
Huawei has long-standing experience in standardisation work. Currently, Huawei
representatives actively participate in over 90 international standardisation organisations
including ITU, 3GPP, 3GPP2, ETSI, IETF, OMA and IEEE. They have been elected in
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more than 100 positions in various organizations, e.g. vice chair of 3GPP CT, 3GPP
SA2 IMS and IEEE 802.21 as well as chairs of the WWRF Communication Architecture
and Security and Trust WGs. Moreover, Huawei plays a very active role e.g. in the
standardisation of the 3GPP LTE/EPC (SAE) solution, IEEE 802.21 and in eMobility
and the further development of the European Strategic Research Agenda.
The development of mobility mechanisms between operated and community networks in
ULOOP is expected to extend the end-user experience and to create new business
models and a more diversified telecommunication market. The dynamic network
establishment and interconnection is expected to impact to new functionality in existing
products and to the development of new product for new business players as well as to
new, intelligent end-user devices.
In regards to standardisation aspects, the evolution of ANDSF functional entity is a key
aspect to consider in ULOOP and results are expected to be potential targets for
Inter-domain handover management is another key aspect in regards to standardisation
and is also expected to impact Huawei network products, end devices and solutions.
Huawei is also the vice-chair of the 802.21 on Media Independent Handover working
group and as such ULOOP results are expected to be well aligned with the developments
being pursued.
ARIA is aimed by the exploration of new business opportunity that will combine the
advantage of a WiMAX national wide network and the diffusion of the Wi-Fi
technologies. The Wi-Fi capillary diffusion on user appliances is an important vehicle to
extend the functionality of a WiMAX network. Also with the expected market
development of WiMAX enable devices, Wi-Fi will continue to have a great importance
in the Internet access scenario and the interoperability between the two technology will
be a key for the success of Aria strategy.
Aria is also involved in several project for public Wi-Fi coverage using WiMAX as
distribution Network by means of indoor and outdoor WiMAX-Wi-Fi gateways,
providing authentication and accounting services to private, enterprises and
The ULOOP project will allow to discover experiment new approach to the Wi-Fi
coverage business enlarging the its scope coherently with the ARIA mission to carry
Internet access to everyone and everywhere.
CMS plan to deploy the software suite developed in the project not only to new systems
powered by Linux Caixa Mágica but also through the update of the 650,000 systems
already using CMS main product, Linux Caixa Mágica. Although, as a strategic
decision, the user software developed by Caixa Mágica will be under a free license (GPL
v2), the knowledge and understanding of the framework will help CMS to differentiate
from our competitors (Debian, Ubuntu, SuSE and Red Hat) through an early and
complete implementation of the framework and technology.
From a service perspective, as CMS works directly with the telecom operators we will
devise new ways of reaching the market with the software from the project and the new
networks. The majority of growth recently and is predicted for the mid-term future in the
consumer PC and electronics markets has been in small-form factor Note/Netbooks and
'Smart' mobile phones. These devices are increasingly taking advantage of on-line
frameworks and using principles such as 'Cloud computing' and 'Software as a Service'
to allow the aggregation of data to be stored remotely. The re-emergence of these
principles and technologies has widely been seen as a result of the advancement of webPage 85 of 91
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technologies and probably more importantly, social and technological changes to do with
communications. Caixa Mágica wishes to position itself in these new emerging markets
where there are lots of new users and potential for new, large sources of revenue. Work
is ongoing in Caixa Mágica to integrate features from the main Operating System into
portable devices. The Magalhães project in Portugal has been a large project to distribute
low-cost computing to primary school students using a Netbook form-factor computer. A
lot of research has gone into mesh networking and allowing small, local networks to be
set up within a classroom environment.
ULOOP outcomes and the work of CMS are mutually beneficial and having a simple
network mechanism that benefits the use of local user-centric wireless networks is an
impact that it wishes to realise.
ULOOP's results will allow FON to explore new opportunities to diversify ways to allow
its members engage in the FON community, by the means of a wider range of
cooperation incentives, one of the main subjects of this project.
From a point of view of a user-generated network it is desirable studying and putting
in practice new forms of cutting costs by the use of certain degree of user-based
trust management, as well as by providing the network with cooperative resource
management techniques that will help to make it more efficient.
Having partnered with several mobile operators worldwide, FON expects from the
project to address mobility (handover) solutions which will mean a further reach
of our integration with our partners.
Alternative and innovative business models and a horizon of new services are
expected to outcome from the ULOOP project
TLI main core business is the wireless Internet in rural areas, where xDSL technologies
are not able to provide a sufficient service to customer due to technical limitation (length
of the cable, status of the current national infrastructure, etc.). TLI expects that ULOOP
will impact in its business strategy thanks to the following factors:
The introduction of mobility support that could be used in the future in
licensed/unlicensed frequencies.
The adoption of new business models that will shift the current main core
business of Teleinform SpA (fixed service) to a nomadic or mobile service.
The introduction of new specific services, i.e. service that could be used in
specific context, e.g. customized services for local communities or niche markets
(e.g. tourist services).
As an academic institution involved in the development of new Internet access
technologies and models, UniUrb has the following exploitation/dissemination goals:
Consider the application of user-centric wireless local loops to complement the
neutral access network model.
Promote the development of new usage paradigms of wireless access networks
and services.
Find new lines of research and create new technology-transfer opportunities in
the field of wireless access networks.
Moreover, being involved in the development and management of the wireless acess
network called Urbino Wireless Campus, UniUrb will exploit the results of ULOOP to:
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Enhance the coverage and usability of its access network.
Induce cooperative behaviours within its students.
Develop and deliver new online services.
As a university partner, UniK has the exploitation goals in the scientific knowledge area.
Since UniK focuses on the ULOOP framework design and implementation, the
exploitation in scientific area will include:
The product of user-centric local wireless networks framework evidenced as
publications in high impact peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings in
the area of wireless Internet.
The creation of new reference information entities in wireless network in the
form of website and cited database aimed at researchers and individual persons
who have interest in wireless local loop with access to Internet.
Connection to the international technological networking through the
collaboration with partnership of the project with the objective of building up the
European structure for wireless local loop.
Training actions to delivery the outputs of the project in the form of tutorial and
developed website.
A new PhD thesis is expected at the University of Geneva at the end of ULOOP. This
new thesis and the trust management advances done in ULOOP will contribute to a new
Master course on trust management at the University of Geneva. Thanks to its good
relations with Geneva municipality who has already deployed free Wi-Fi in Geneva and
given free FON boxed to Geneva citizens in collaboration with FON, the University of
Geneva will liaise with Geneva municipality to consider deploying ULOOP technology
to increase Geneva wireless coverage quality.
TUB will utilize the activities and results of ULOOP to support and further its research
potential with specifically targeted PhD thesis work in the focus area of the project for
one or two PhD students. Moreover, the results of the project -developed architecture
and protocols- will act as additional hands-on tools for research and teaching at TU
Berlin. The use of Berlin Open Wireless Lab (BOWL) on the TUB campus as one of the
testbed sites in the project will increase the utilization of its already available resources
for research and testing and to improve its current capabilities. Main enhancements on
the testbed are expected to be through the inclusion of real end users and the application
of living lab methodologies.
SANJOTEC As a living-lab coordinator and third-party in ULOOP, SANJOTEC envisions a
strong impact from the participation in ULOOP, which can be summarised as:
Increase the economic dynamics of SANJOTEC, by assisting in the development
of the living-lab SJM-ILL competencies;
Be able to absorb know-how and expertise together with other user-centric,
living-lab alike communities;
Be able to derive a set of “Best practices” related to the implications of
experimentation and demonstration based on users that are not highly technically
Be able to improve coverage and services provided to the local community of São
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Exploitation Plans
João da Madeira.
Management of Results and of Intellectual Property
Management of results within ULOOP relates to any results achieved, be it in the form of knowledge, IPRs,
software modules, publications, events, or others.
Management of results is to be started as soon as the formal Consortium Agreement is established (before
the project start). Such agreement will provide guidelines in terms of roles, responsibilities and mutual
obligations to be fulfilled and will adopt the regular guidelines provided by the EC, namely:
Specific arrangements concerning intellectual property rights to be applied among the participants,
third-parties, and affiliates, in compliance with the general arrangements stipulated in the contract.
Management of knowledge generated by the project, and rules for knowledge transfer.
Internal organisation of the consortium, its governance structure, decision-making processes,
reporting mechanisms, controls, penalties and management arrangements.
Arrangements for the distribution of the EC reimbursement among participants and among activities.
Rules for partners joining and leaving the consortium.
Provisions for the settlement of disputes within the partnership.
Access rights of results.
Of particular concern is the full documentation in the agreement of the treatment of intellectual
property rights, including:
Protection of knowledge.
Access Rights.
Access rights for Use in the project.
Access rights for using knowledge in subsequent research activities.
Access rights for parties joining or leaving the project.
Access rights for third parties.
Specific provisions for access rights to software.
Royalties due to substantial commercial benefits.
In regards to knowledge management, the Consortium Agreement will state any results ownership by
individual entities should be provided in proportion to the budgeted amount of effort in the respective task.
Conflicts will be meddled as present on the Risk Management plan.
The consortium participants may publish information on knowledge arising from the project provided this
does not affect the protection of that knowledge. Hence, any publication to be done within the project must
be previously agreed with the SC.
Participants will also be able to use knowledge, which they own arising from the project, in accordance with
the provisions agreed amongst them in the Consortium Agreement. When using knowledge, the consortium
partners will make every effort to ensure confidentiality and the need to safeguard the interest of the
consortium partners, especially their intellectual property rights.
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The Consortium Agreement will also provide full details on the treatment of Intellectual Property, which is
outlined here. Globally, scientific results and technologies defined during the project belong to the public
domain and are intended to be disseminated to the international public domain. Moreover, software
functionality developed in the project and having as target CPE is to be released as open-source. In addition
to such functionality, access functionality will be released to the public domain in the form of binaries.
IPRs of significant impact may appear during the project, either related to existing partner products, or to
new concepts. IPRs shall be protected according to the consortium Agreement but ULOOP perspective is
that any result developed within the project should not be a closed and exclusive result; instead, it should
benefit the public-domain as possible.
In regards to joint IPR deployment, during the SC meetings information by partners concerning possible IPR
development is to be addressed, and a decision to be made whether or not the IPR requires joint protection.
For handling patents the consortium will also apply proven methods used in previous EU IST projects. The
partners will inform the consortium of technologies, algorithms, etc., that they offer for use in the work
packages that they have patented or are in the process of patenting. Lists of patents related to the project,
whether adopted, applied or generated will be maintained for reference, and included in reports made to the
EC. Open-source Results and Statistics Handling
CMS will store all the results on a specified server. When applicable, CMS will put available the software
developed in the project in public repositories where binaries and sources can be retrieved. While the project
is ongoing the results will be limited by password authentication to the partners involved to avoid potential
dissemination of results in a non pre-decided manner. Once the results are made public the server will have
the results moved to a public directory where the results can be analysed as and when needed. Anonymous
user data and records will be stored for statistical analysis. Financial details will not be stored on the server
nor will any private data be stored on the server.
Anonymous user data and records will be stored for statistical analysis. Financial details and private data
will not be stored on the server. A bi-monthly backup of the data to an external hard drive will help preserve
the results as they are ongoing and when more activity occurs it will be decided with the steering community
how often updates should occur.
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