Library Workshop for Preparation of Honours Project Research Strategies Collecting information effectively for Social Work resources March 2007 Working on your project proposal 1. Starting Points Previous work done by the graduates <Library’s Honours Project Database if your dept. participated> HKBU Faculty and Staff Papers and Reports Catalogue Identify gaps in the literature, other areas that worth of exploration General background of the topic 2. Research Focus 1. Discuss with your professor 2. Is your topic too broad? Consider a narrower scope 3. Write down your research questions Working on your project proposal 3. Identify Appropriate Resources Depending on your needs: Do you need current articles or historical articles? Do you need government documents? Do you need the speech or opinions from the government officials and members of the Legislative Council in LegCo meetings? Do you need statistics? Do you need survey and polling results? Do you need interviews? LIB Tools Books, reports in the Library Catalogue Journal articles in e-databases/ e-journals Newspaper databases Finding photos/ pictures on the Internet Information Scenario Exercise: Scenario #1: you want to know about social service policy and planning for the elderly Scenario #2: you want information that discusses the pros and cons on the social service policy for the elderly Scenario #3: you want information on the distribution of the elderly by districts in Hong Kong Information Scenario Exercise: Scenario #1: you want to know about social service policy and planning for the elderly Searching Tool: Lib. Catalogue Scenario #2: you want information that discusses the pros and cons on the social service policy for the elderly Searching Tool: Databases Scenario #3: you want information on the distribution of the elderly by districts in Hong Kong Searching Tool: Statistics @Lib. Catalogue/ Internet Keyword Search Skills Search Techniques – A Summary Truncation Behavio?r Wom?n Useful to find words in different spelling, singular/plural form Represent zero or a single character Phrase search cultur* VS cult* Wildcard Useful to find words in variant forms Search all words that start with the same characters Represent multiple characters Placement of truncation symbol is significant mental health AND To search multiple keywords as an exact phrase (elder* OR aged) E.g. social role With limitations e.g. “mental health of the elderly” CANNOT find titles with “Older people’s mental health”, “Home care support for elderly with mental health problem”, etc. Combining the use of AND, OR, AND NOT Useful to narrow down, expand your search To exclude unwanted concepts Use brackets to set search priority (housing OR residen*) AND elder* AND NOT hong kong Search Techniques – A Quiz on using “Truncation” Advertise Advertiser Advertisement Advertising Where would you put the * truncation symbol? Search Techniques – Keyword VS Subject Headings Keyword Search VS Subject Headings: Keyword Search: Subject Headings: Social services for the elderly in Hong Kong (1 record) 老人福利 – 香港 (36 records) Older people – Services for – China – Hong Kong (85 records) Older people – Social networks – China – Hong Kong (6 records) 1 Keyword search: Home support services What are the subject headings found in the records? Search Techniques – Exact Phrase VS Identify the KEY Terms Identify Key Words in your Topic: Research on: family violence in Hong Kong 1 How many records can you find in the library catalogue by using the exact phrase? 2 What are the KEY terms? Search Techniques – Exact Phrase VS Identify the KEY Terms Identify Key Words in your Topic: Research on: social services for the elderly in Hong Kong 1 What are the KEY terms? 2 Combine the KEY terms using “AND” Search Techniques – Field Search Field Search (Keyword=XXX) To search the keyword in a particular field To avoid retrieving irrelevant records 1 Social role Keyword search: 2 S: social role Keyword search: Irrelevant to “social role” in Relevant to “social in Social sciences, socialrole” work social sciences context context Subject in community colleges Subject in men, sex role, social role, masculinity Applications: Finding Primary Resources Field Search To search the keyword in a particular field Example: s=subject, t=title, a=author Statistics Formula: <topic> AND <country/region> AND s:(statistic* OR 統計) E.g. 中國 AND (農村 OR 鄉鎮) AND s:統計 OFFICIAL STATISTICS Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (香港統計 年刊) Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (香港統計 月刊) Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends (香港社會 及經濟趨勢) Census & Statistics Dept. Hong Kong Statistics (Online) at: (Under “Statistics by Subject” & “Social Topics Studies”) Census & Statistics Dept. Thematic Household Survey Report Social Welfare Services in Figures (Online) at: (Under “Publications & Press Release”) Social Welfare Dept. Support for Victims of Child Abuse, Spouse Battering and Sexual Violence at: (Under “Statistics on child abuse,… cases”) Social Welfare Dept. Annual Report. Non-profit organizations (statistics & questionnaires) Applications: Finding Primary Resources Field Search To search the keyword in a particular field Example: s=subject, t=title, a=author 1 Find out survey reports about families in Hong Kong Surveys and Reports Formula: <topic> AND <country/region> AND s:(social survey* OR public opinion* OR case studies OR 調查) E.g. a:(香港青年協會 OR hong kong federation of youth groups) AND (value? OR 人生 觀 OR 價值觀 OR 理想) 2 Find out materials about 家庭 prepared by the 香港社會服務聯會 Applications: Finding Primary Resources Field Search To search the keyword in a particular field Example: s=subject, t=title, a=author Legislative Council Resources E.g. (a:hong kong AND legislative council) AND official record* Issues discussed in the Legislative Council Database on particular policy issues: Council meetings (The Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of HK i.e. HK Hansard) Records of the Legislature (before 2004 Sept) 1 Find out discussion on the policy of minimum wages in the Legislative Council Formulate a Search Strategy Research on: mental health of older people Identify the main concepts List possible Search terms/ synonyms Combine your search terms appropriately Formulate a Search Strategy Research on: mental health of old people Mental health Older people Elder Elderly Mental health Depression Anxiety suicide 1. Identify the main concepts Aged Gerontology Hong Kong Mental health AND (elder* or aged or gerontology*) 2. List possible Search terms Any specific? 3. Combine your search terms appropriately (a) Mental health AND (elder * or aged or gerontology) AND (depress* or anxiety) (b) Mental health AND (elder * or aged or gerontology) AND Hong Kong Electronic Resources: Databases ONLINE DATABASES Online Databases (including e-journals) Social Services • Social Services Abstracts Over 1400 journals in social work, social welfare, social policy, and community development from 1980 onwards E-News • WiseNews -HK, China, Taiwan & Macau news • Lexis-Nexis Academic - international news Literature in sociology and in social and behavioral • sciences from 1963 onwards - rolling 7 days LIBRARY PsycINFO • Contemporary China • Sociological Abstracts • In the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as psychiatry, ,sociology, education, etc. • Child abuse, child welfare and adoption • China Journal Net (中國期刊網-教育及社會科學專輯) 1994年至今的国内公开出版的6100种核心期刊 与专业特色期刊的全文。 Newspaper Clippings Database(1992-1998) • Hong Kong Newspaper Clippings Index 香港報章剪報 目錄 (1980 - 99) in CD-ROM @MLC • Ming Pao Monthly 明報月刊 (1995-2000) • People’s Daily Index 人民日 報索引 (1946-1995) Research Support Three Ways to Create your Bibliography 1. Database built-in “Cite this” record format in a citation style 2. : Campus-wide Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Functions: • Import references directly from major databases available through the Library homepage and the Library Catalogue or from text files, or enter references manually. • Create personal folders and organize references into folders for different topics • Format in-text citations • Create bibliographies in a variety of citation styles including APA, MLA, and Chicago. • Access your references from any location via the Web 3. Register for a FREE account from ITSC! Unit 2.2: Citing Information Resources @Library Tutorials Access to Resources Beyond HKBU Library Apply for a JULAC Reader Card HK$50 per application expires at the end of the academic year (i.e. 31st July) and renew it in a new academic year endorsement from supervisor Request books that our Library does not hold or that have been checked out, but that are held by other libraries with the status "AVAILABLE" through Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) Online Interlibrary Loan Request (Final-year) First 20 articles per academic year free of charge Web-based HKBU ILL System First-time user registration Keep track of the status of requests online Retrieve electronic articles on desktop HK$5 charge for each additional article filled by local libraries.