Final Presentation

MAE 435
Fall 2013
Sahil Dhali
Christopher Quarles
Michael Foch
Brockton Baskette
Kyle Wade
Cian Branco
Advisor: Dr. Robert Ash, P.E.
Space debris are a serious hazard to
continued Space exploration
Dead CubeSats are hard to track
De-Orbit Device Project aimed at Prototype
for 1U CubeSats
De-orbit Device Project is multidepartment
effort between the Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering Departments
MAE 435 Group’s goal to build the prototype
Sublimation at room temperature
Sounding Rocket Altitude: 160kms.
Pressure for sublimation@160kms: 1.42*10-6
Temperature for sublimation@160kms: -41’C
Unknown leak in large vacuum chamber
Extensive man hours spent troubleshooting
and brainstorming solutions
Ultimately had to resort to using small
vacuum chamber
The small chamber reaches minimum
pressure around 3 minutes
Design required to fit inside small chamber at
minimal cost
Prototype: Steel wire wound around itself in
the shape of a Fermat’s Spiral.
Operates on 4 AA batteries.
The element can achieve temperatures between 60’C to 85’C
The spiral grill was designed to create a flat surface area with as much
contact with the plate holding the benzoic acid.
Materials readily available
Easy to modify design
Difficult to control heat output
Power runs out quickly
Requires Direct Contact
• Default temperature:65-80 ‘C
• Potentially can go up to 180’C
with appropriate voltage.
• Made of 4 major parts:
• The LED light cover
• The lithium battery
• The Atomizer (heating
• The mouth piece
• Fig 1 shows the mouth of the piece where the
airbrake would be attached with the epoxy.
• Fig 2 shows the top view of the heating
element. The benzoic acid crystal would be
secured on the screen over the heating coil.
• Fig 3 shows the battery pack we used to perform
the experiment. It attches to the bottom of the
element and powers to heat the coil visible in
Fig 3
Fig 1
Fig 2
Extremely light weight; usually Al alloy;…..
Weight Constraint: Check
 Safe and easy to use and store;…..
Storing and lasting Constraint: Check
 Power efficient; Works on a 3.1V – 6.7V to achieve max
heating capabilities;…..
Power Constraint: Check
 Size is significantly smaller than previous design, but needs
to be more compact…..
Space Constraint: Not Check
 Bowl on which acid to be secured cannot hold all the acid
required for complete deployment…..
Container Volume Constraint: Not Check
Meets our temperature requirements, which
was our main concern.
The on board lithium battery should be
enough to power our heater.
This device is powered by a button which has
to be manually pressed
Now all that is needed for the heating
element is a bigger bowl to store the
complete amount of the acid, securing it in
the mylar.
Design remote activation for heating element
Fit all the parts together for one final test
before launch.
Operates mission specific transceivers,
antennas, transmission lines, amplifiers
and digital signal processing.
 Intended to communicate with orbiting
weather satellites and amateur radios to
obtain earth images and current
prevailing weather conditions.
 Designed to receive data from NOAA
weather satellites.
 OUR PURPOSE: Use the SGS to keep
constant communication with our
CubeSat to obtain its position coordinates
and signal to deploy the airbrake on
Material - Aluminized Mylar for its strength
and reflectivity. (DuPont Films)
Target Cross-sectional area – 1 m2
The inflation medium will be benzoic acid.
Benzoic Acid Pressure
 Pmin > 0.1813 Pa (greater than environment @ 90 km)
Partial Pressure of Air
 Ambient air in balloon is to be removed to prevent
premature inflation
Benzoic Acid Placement
 Must absorb enough heat from heating element to
reach sublimation
New material from (Coated Product Sales)
was ideal for sealing.
Rectangular Cross-Section (Pillow shape) was
Cross-sectional area may need to be reduced
due to chamber volume.
Benzoic acid stored in a washer with a screen.
Epoxied (cold welded) to inflatable.
Located on the inner surface of balloon.
 Vacuum Seal-Off Fitting – Oerlikon Leybold
▪ Predesigned to seal off during vacuuming, solid heat
conduction, low weight and small profile
▪ Vacuum seal-off fitting was press-fit into the bottom of
▪ Balloon will be epoxy sealed to the fitting
During removal of ambient air, the material
was sucked into the valve exhaust creating a
Did not allow for all ambient air to be
Solutions included folding the balloon before
pumping, a pump with a throttle and/or
collapsible stent.
Provides a pressurized zone to house the
Contains a valve mounted in the bottom
 Current prototype does not account for camera
Single layer of
Kapton failed.
Punctured by
sharp corners of
chamber cap
5 mil Mylar holds
pressure with 2
There are multiple
points of
deformation in
Mounting doors on pins
Locking mechanism to keep the doors closed
Prototype in current state reduces chance for waste
Overall Goal to pass working prototype to current
434 students at end of the semester has been met
Hand-off to occur next week
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Thank you!