YOUTH AGAINST DRUGS NORWAY International Conference 2005 Winners of the PRIDE International Award, 2003. Harm Reduction - Where’s the Harm in it? Peter Stoker Director, NDPA Harm Reduction How did it begin? Harm Reduction How does it work ? Harm Reduction Is Harm Reduction any better than Primary Prevention? Harm Reduction Is there any contradiction between Harm Reduction and Primary Prevention? The DRUG PROBLEM … How BIG is it ? Europe Europe’s Legalisers Have Their Eyes On You Harm Reduction How did it begin? ‘REAL’ HARM REDUCTION Used for decades With known users only ‘1 to 1’ interface Part of treatment Aim: Abstinence from use Normalise Glamorise Trivialise Sympathise Depenalise Decriminalise Legalise The Beast with 7 Eyes ‘REAL’ HARM REDUCTION Used for decades With known users only ‘1 to 1’ interface Part of treatment Aim: Abstinence from use ‘So-Called’ HARM REDUCTION invented in 1980s promote to everyone users or non-users not linked to treatment Aim: Maintenance of use The Trojan Horse Societal Factors Conspicuous Consumption Rapid Gratification ‘Values Clarification’ : ‘Self’ before ‘Society’ ‘Rights’ but no Responsibilities The ‘Right’ to be Happy Youth are ‘Supreme’ Political Correctness ALARM REDUCTION HARM REDUCTION LEGALISATION NORM PROMOTION LAW DESTRUCTION Canada UK German y Hungary USA Nederlands Switzl’d Australi a Arnold Trebach George $oro$ Who said this? …. “ By making readily available drugs of various kinds … by giving a teenager alcohol by praising his wildness … by strangling him with sex literature … … there must be continued propaganda to undermine the loyalty of citizens in general and teenagers in particular.” Josef Stalin United Kingdom Liverpool Manchester London O’Hare Zinberg Parry Schmoke ‘…Liverpool cabal … hijacked Harm Reduction … advocate change … break with … existing policies … unworkable dogmas … abstinence’ ‘…radical kernel … political power.’ Peter McDermott WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY ‘HARM?’ Harm to user Physical harm Harm because illegal (police) Harm from disapproval (stress) Need to commit crime WHAT HARMS DO THEY IGNORE? Harm to the users themselves Harm to other people, and Harm to all, in pre-addiction stages IT AFFECTS ALL OF US , DIRECTLY/ INDIRECTLY •Family •Health services •Schools •Religion •Physical •Mental •Intellectual •Social •Emotional •Spiritual •Environmental •Workplace •Justice Systems •Police •Therapists +++ ONLY THE USER WHO DOES DRUG MISUSE AFFECT? ONLY ONLY THE THE PHYSIQUE ADDICT Costs start from just day of use Regular user greatly Outnumber addicts and Cost society more IT AFFECTS ALL OF US , DIRECTLY/ INDIRECTLY WHOLE HEALTH Spiritual Emotional SOURCES: Environmental Physical Mental – Social Intellectual WHO Ancient Greeks Buddhism, Judaism… Christianity… COST TO SOCIETY FROM DRUG MISUSE COST TO SOCIETY NOVICE NO USE REGULAR OCCASIONAL HABITUAL HEAVY ADDICTED Harm Reduction How does it work ? (…. and does it ?) NEEDLE EXCHANGE NEEDLE EXCHANGE NEEDLE GIVE-AWAY CONDOM ISSUE METHADONE MAINTENANCE PRESCRIPTION HEROIN MODERATION SHORT BREAKS SUBSTANCE TESTING Bridgeport, Connecticut - 1997 Kit to use crack “safely” Excerpts from “Safe” Crack Kit Brochure “If you smoke indoors, make sure it is ventilated. Poorly aired rooms can be risky for tuberculosis (TB). Cover your mouth when coughing.” “If you have problems breathing or are coughing up dark stuff, slow down or stop smoking for a while. See a doctor is [if] it continues!” Needle Exchange Programs Do Not Reduce HIV and Hepatitis C Montreal Study: Bruneau J. et al: “High Rates of HIV Infection Among Injection Drug Users in Needle Exchange Programs in Montreal: Results of a Cohort Study.” Am. J. Epidemiology 1997; 146:904 – 1002. Seattle Study: Hagan H, et al. “Syringe Exchange and Risk Infection with Hepatitis B and C Viruses.” Am. J. Epidemiology 1999; 14-:203 – 218. Vancouver Injection Drug Study NEP Review - Shortcomings of Studies Inadequate outcome measures. Few measure HIV incidence. Most often self reported change of risk behaviour Often systematic control for covariates is lacking NEP use vs. non-use often poorly defined. Sometimes “ever used” vs. “never used” Needle History 131 NEP programs identified 107 reported a total of 19,397,527 handed out with 62% returned i.e. 7,371,060 not returned MMWR CDC May 18, 2001 Chicago - Needle Sharing 39% of NEP participants shared needles vs. 38% of non-participants 68% of participants displayed injecting risks vs. 66% of non-participants National Research Council/ Institute of Medicine, Preventing HIV Transmission: the Role of Sterile Needles and Bleach, National Academy Press, Washington DC, p. 302-304, 1995. Seattle-Conversion Risk Conversion risk Sporadic NEP users vs. non usersHepatitis B 2.4 Hepatitis C 2.6 Regular NEP users vs. non usersHepatitis B 1.81 Hepatitis C 1.3 Puerto Rico NEP No significant change in injection habits Only 9.4% entered treatment, increased in the last month by aggressive outreach At the low only 12.4%, at the high only 40.3% of needles were returned 26.6% of the needles turned in were zero positive for HIV No prospective evaluation of NEP participants Robles Health Policy 1998;45:209-220 NEP India In 1996 prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C were respectively 1%, 8%, and 17% In February 2002, prevalence was 2%, 18%, and 66% respectively Sarkar K, Mitra S, Bal B, Chakraborty S, Bhattacharya SK. Lancet 2003;361:1301-1302 Holland Adolescent Marijuana Use Increased 142% from 1990-1995 Organized Crime Groups 3-1988 to 931993 Leading Exporter of Ecstasy 73% of Dutch Feel Laws Too Lax Australia Injecting Rooms 36 times greater overdoses in the injecting room than rest of Kings Cross area Actual improvement in lives saved only 0.18 life vs. claim of 6-13 lives England Decriminalizing marijuana (in effect) From 1999-2001 the use of cannabis in 14-15 year olds has increased by 53% from 19% to 29% In girls use has increased by 38% from 18% to 25% BMJ 2003;326:942-943 England FDAP Conference 2005 Norway “Plata” - Oslo So-called Harm Reduction How does it really work? the Gentle Slope down … The Gentle Slope down … Prevention **************** ‘Real’ HR *************** >> Abstinence The Gentle Slope down … Prevention **************** So-Called HR *************** >> Abstinence The Gentle Slope down … Kill Prevention **************** So-Called HR *************** Kill Abstinence The Gentle Slope down … No Prevention **************** So-Called HR *************** >> Maintenance The Gentle Slope down … No Prevention **************** So-Called HR *************** Maintain + legal fixes The Gentle Slope down … Legal for all **************** So-Called HR *************** Maintenance … destination achieved ? So – called Harm Reduction Is Harm Reduction any better than Primary Prevention? So – called Harm Reduction Is there any contradiction between Harm Reduction and Primary Prevention? Alternatives to so-called ‘harm reduction’ ? Real harm reduction Constructive Intervention, including Workplace, Schools etc – random testing, and Abstinence-focused Treatment; all these supporting: Abstinence-focused Education, Effective, community-wide Prevention, Health Promotion across the nation. Good foundations: Create Positive Culture. Prevention-oriented strategy, across whole community, evidence-based. Early intervention with users, with abstinence focus. Balance of Rights: Individual v Society. “All that is Necessary for The triumph of Evil is that Good men Do nothing.” Edmund Burke 1729 - 1797