ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide LAB 9 – RC and L/R Circuits - Phasors Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Overview Getting Started In this lab activity, you will simulate series and parallel RL and RC circuits in Multisim, and then verify the simulation by manually analyzing the circuits using impedance formulas. You will then construct the circuits and compare your data with the simulations. Finally you will present your results in table and graph form in Excel. Lab Activity and Deliverables: It should take students approximately 2 hours to complete the lab activity, and 1 hour of homework time to complete the lab report. Before Starting This Activity The student should be able to: Perform basic word processing and spreadsheet editing Perform basic MultiSim circuit simulation and editing Operate the NI-ELVIS hardware and VIs. Calculate XL and XC Equipment & Supplies Item NI-ELVIS trainer 1 mH inductor 0.01 µF capacitor 1k Ω resistor Quantity 1 1 1 1 Special Safety Requirements None Lab Preparation Learning Outcomes For Activity Install the standard trainer board on the ELVIS platform, if not already installed. Relevant knowledge (K), skill (S), or attitude (A) student learning outcomes K1. Calculate impedance, voltage, and current in series and parallel RL and RC circuits S1. Produce an AC analysis data series in Multisim and export to Excel S2. Compile data into a test report. S3. Present data in table and chart form S4. Measure and characterize RL and RC circuits A1. Recognize the circuit interactions between frequency and reactive components. LAB 9 – RC and L/R Circuits - Phasors 1 ENGR 43 © 2012 ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide Task #1 – Series RL Circuit 1. Download the lab worksheet E60lab2.xlsx and the four MultiSim files, E60Lab2-(RL1, RL2, RC1, RC2).ms10, from the GoogleDocs site. Open the worksheet in Excel and open the E60Lab2-RL1 file in MultiSim. V(rms): 1.00 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz R1 Probe3,Probe1 1kΩ U1 V1 1.414 Vpk 1kHz 0° + 1.000 V Probe4,Probe2 V(rms): 6.28 mV I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz L1 1mH AC 10MOhm XSC1 Tektronix P G 1 2 3 4 T Figure 1 2. Note that this simulation uses the Measurement Probe tool to display multiple circuit measurements at the points labeled Probe 1 and Probe 2. The voltage displayed is relative to the circuit ground, and the current is flowing through the wire at that point. To display the voltage across R1 we use the virtual meter because neither terminal of R1 connects to ground. 3. Use the AC analysis tool to measure the following, from 100 Hz to 1Mhz. Use 5 steps per decade. 4. Series current, I(probe 1) 5. Source voltage, V(probe 1) 6. Voltage across L1, V(probe2) 7. Export the data to Excel. Copy and paste the data into the appropriate cells of the table in Part 1 of the worksheet (on the Series RL tab). 8. If necessary, open the Grapher window (from the VIEW menu in MultiSim). Note the small red arrow next to the Magnitude display on the left side of the window. Click on the Phase graph and note that the red arrow points to the LAB 9 – RC and L/R Circuits - Phasors 2 ENGR 43 phase graph. Repeat the data export to Excel, only this time the phase data will be exported. Copy and paste the data into the appropriate cells of the table in Part 1 of the worksheet. 9. For the 10 kHz, 158 kHz, and 1 MHz frequencies, calculate XL and Z for the circuit, converting the rectangular notation to polar form. Calculate the current flow by dividing the impedance into the source voltage and express the result in polar form. Enter your results in Table 2. 10. Build the circuit on the ELVIS protoboard and measure the source and inductor voltages and phase shift at the same frequencies in step 6 with the oscilloscope virtual instrument. Can you accurately collect all the data? Can you see the same phase relationship as you saw in the simulation? Explain why or why not in the Summary Sheet. Enter your results in Table 2. Task #2 – Parallel RL Circuit V(rms): 1.00 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Probe3,Probe1 V1 1.414 Vpk 1kHz 0° R1 1kΩ L1 1mH XSC1 Probe4,Probe2 V(rms): 0 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Probe1,Probe3 V(rms): 0 V I(rms): 62.8 uA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Tektronix P G 1 2 3 4 Figure 2 1. Open the E60Lab2-RL2 file in MultiSim. Note that Probe 1 shows the voltage across all components and the total current, and Probe 2 and Probe 3 show the branch currents through the resistor and inductor. © 2012 T ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide 2. Click on the Parallel RL tab on the Excel workbook. Repeat the simulation and calculations in steps 2 through 6 of the previous section for the three currents, XL and Z. Enter your data in tables 3 and 4. You do not need to build the circuit and take measurements. Task #3 – Series RC Circuit 1. Download Open the E60Lab2-RC1 file in MultiSim. V(rms): 1.00 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz R1 Probe3,Probe1 1kΩ V1 1.414 Vpk 1kHz 0° U1 + 1.000 V AC 10MOhm V(rms): 6.28 mV Probe4,Probe2 I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz C1 0.01µF 10% XSC1 Tektronix P G 1 2 3 4 T be exported. Copy and paste the data into the appropriate cells of the table in Part 5 of the worksheet. 5. For the 1 kHz, 15.8 kHz, and 100 kHz frequencies, calculate XC and Z for the circuit, converting the rectangular notation to polar form. Calculate the current flow by dividing the impedance into the source voltage and express the result in polar form. Enter your results in Table 6. 6. Build the circuit on the ELVIS protoboard and measure the source and capacitor voltages and phase shift at the same frequencies in step 5 with the oscilloscope virtual instrument. Can you accurately collect all the data? Can you see the same phase relationship as you saw in the simulation? Explain why or why not in the Summary Sheet. Enter your results in Table 6. Figure 3 Task #4 – Parallel RC Circuit 2. Use the AC analysis tool to measure the following, from 100 Hz to 1Mhz. Use 5 steps per decade. a. Series current, I(probe 1) b. Source voltage, V(probe 1) c. Voltage across C1, V(probe2) 3. Export the data to Excel. Copy and paste the data into the appropriate cells of the table in Part 1 of the worksheet (on the Series RC tab). 4. If necessary, open the Grapher window (from the VIEW menu in MultiSim). Note the small red arrow next to the Magnitude display on the left side of the window. Click on the Phase graph and note that the red arrow points to the phase graph. Repeat the data export to Excel, only this time the phase data will LAB 9 – RC and L/R Circuits - Phasors 3 ENGR 43 V(rms): 1.00 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Probe3,Probe1 C1 V1 1.414 Vpk 1kHz 0° R1 1kΩ .01µF 10% XSC1 Probe4,Probe2 V(rms): 0 V I(rms): 1.00 mA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Probe1,Probe3 V(rms): 0 V I(rms): 62.8 uA Freq.: 1.00 kHz Tektronix P G 1 2 3 4 Figure 4 1. Open the E60Lab2-RC2 file in MultiSim. Note that Probe 1 shows the voltage across all components and the total current, and Probe 2 and Probe 3 show the branch currents through the resistor and capacitor. © 2012 T ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide 2. Click on the Parallel RC tab on the Excel workbook. Repeat the simulation and calculations in steps 2 through 5 of the previous section for the three currents, XC and Z. Enter your data in tables 7 and 8. You do not need to build the circuit and take measurements. Deliverable(s) Print your completed Lab Excel Worksheet and save it with this activity guide in your Lab Activity Binder. Lab 2 Summary Questions Series RL Circuit What effect does frequency have on an RL series circuit? What impact does this have on collecting the data in a real circuit? Examine your data from this activity. How would increasing the resistance affect the circuit? How would increasing the inductance affect the circuit? LAB 9 – RC and L/R Circuits - Phasors 4 ENGR 43 © 2012 ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide Parallel RL Circuit What effect does frequency have on an RL parallel circuit? What impact does this have on collecting the data in a real circuit? Examine your data from this activity. How would increasing the resistance affect the circuit? How would increasing the inductance affect the circuit? Series RC Circuit What effect does frequency have on an RC series circuit? What impact does this have on collecting the data in a real circuit? Lab 9 ENGR 43 5 © 2012 ENGR 43 Lab Activity Student Guide Examine your data from this activity. How would increasing the resistance affect the circuit? How would increasing the capacitance affect the circuit? Parallel RC Circuit What effect does frequency have on an RC parallel circuit? What impact does this have on collecting the data in a real circuit? Examine your data from this activity. How would increasing the resistance affect the circuit? How would increasing the capacitance affect the circuit? Lab 9 ENGR 43 6 © 2012