Department of Arts and Culture Mzansi’s Golden Economy Contribution of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Sector to the New Growth Path Objectives Project initiated at the request of the Minister to reposition the arts, culture and heritage sector as an economic growth sector and introduce programmes to contribute to large scale employment The creative and cultural industries included as a priority sector for implementation of the new growth path; 1 New Growth Path Government commitment envisages the creation of 5 million jobs over the next ten years Identifying areas where employment creation is possible on a large scale as a result of substantial changes in conditions in South Africa and globally. Developing a policy package to facilitate employment creation in these areas, above all through: • A comprehensive drive to enhance both social equity and competitiveness • Systemic changes to mobilise domestic investment around activities that can create sustainable employment • Strong social dialogue to focus all stakeholders on encouraging growth in employment-creating activities 2 Proposed approach General continuity and introduction of new initiatives, as far as possible building on and expanding existing initiatives Skills development for excellence / high performance in the arts, culture and heritage sector Large scale interventions aimed to optimise growth and employment potential of the sector Expansion and co-ordination of supply and demand in the sector Enhancement of existing production and creation of new business opportunities to match demand Monitoring and evaluation to guide investment and coordination of current and future resources for the sector 3 Problem statement - Advocacy Sector is not visible and regarded as a nice to have Implicit and explicit messaging from government that priorities are maths and science, technology and engineering Consequence of progressive removal of the arts from the curriculum is failure to identify and develop talent, failure to develop appreciation and future audiences 4 Problem statement - research Considerable research by DAC, DAC Entities, Provinces and other role-players Duplication and overlaps in research Different methodologies and models resulting in lack of ability to assess trends in qualitative research and analyze time series data in quantitative research 5 Problem statement – institutional arrangements Proliferation of role-players in government resulting in overlapping functions Fragmentation and duplication of efforts between DAC, DAC Entities, Provinces, Provincial Agencies Views articulated that the agencies are responsible for implementation and DAC responsible for oversight Lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities of national departments Submission of Provinces that initiatives of DAC result in unfunded mandates Insufficient communication and co-ordination of different role players to ensure optimal performance 6 Problem statement - programmes Role clarification required between DAC and DAC emtities Submission of Provinces that Community Arts Centres are not adequately resourced and functional Submission of Provinces that Investing in Culture Programme commitments did not materialise 7 Problem statement - Infrastructure Unutilised and underutilised infrastructure throughout the country Inadequate resources for maintenance and operation of existing infrastructure 8 Problem statement - Funding Submission by all role players that there are funding challenges No apparent alignment in disbursement of Lottery funds with policy and plans of the sector Ad hoc funding of requests to DAC and submission that in certain instances projects funded fall within the mandate of an agency 9 Position statement Global evidence that countries with a high degree of social cohesion experience economic growth Arts, culture and heritage are crucial factors for social cohesion The arts, culture and heritage economy has the potential to contribute significantly to job creation and economic growth And: Heritage and culture have intrinsic and intangible value in contributing to social development 10 Cultural statistics Cultural statistics inform future decision making and allows global comparability It is proposed that a uniform framework be adopted and that the framework serve as an informing factor for organisational structure 11 Intervention model A simple model is proposed to ensure that interventions in the sector are systematically planned in all stages of the cycle of creation, production, dissemination, presentation and consumption CREATION CONSUMPTION / PARTICIPATION EXHIBITION, RECEPTION, TRANSMISSION PRODUCTION DISSEMINATION 12 Conference commitment • Establishment of multi-stakeholder project task teams, appointed by the Minister, building on existing initiatives, working through existing institutions, to complete detailed plans for implementation, with financial and human resource implications for a variety of strategic programmes. 13 Mandate of project teams • Development of a detailed concept and business plan with outcomes, outputs, financial and human resource implications • Implications for adjustment budget and MTEF budget • Recommendations on implementation agency • Recommendations, if any, for institutional reform and changes to the organisational structure • Implications arising from the recommendations of the policy review and the legislative review • Implications for the Strategic Plan and APP 14 Principles guiding project teams • Recognising, building on, expanding and scaling-up significantly existing initiatives • Identification of talent and skills development • Large scale, high impact programmes maximizing growth and employment potential of the sector • Expansion and co-ordination of supply and demand • Enhancement of existing production and creation of new business opportunities to match demand • Monitoring and evaluation to guide future decision making 15 Stimulating Demand 3 project Interventions 16 Public art • Outputs – Large-scale, labour intensive public art programmes – Small scale, community-based initiatives • Implementation through commissions managed by the NAC 17 Public art resource request • Financial and job estimates – Y1: R19.7m, 1 250 work opportunities – Y2: R45.7m, 2 750 work opportunities – Y3: R69.2m, 5 150 work opportunities • Use of public art projects for NLHR and Heritage Projects will increase resource request 18 Art Bank • Outputs – Procurement and curating of art • DIRCO, IMC and SATourism offices internationally • Head Offices of National Departments, Premier’s Offices in Provinces • High footfall service delivery points – Home Affairs (including all points of entry), SASSA, Hospitals – Procurement and curating of artworks for lease for minimum period of 2 years – Disposal of 20% of stock per annum • Implementation by the NAC, advised by an acquisitions committee, based on the Canadian model 19 Art bank resource request • 3000 FTEs to be created over a 3 year period; • Financial implications estimate of R 10 m per annum with 15% administrative overheads and excluding income this would allow procurement of 1 700 artworks at R 10 000 and leveraging of minimum of 2:3 income for practitioners through exposure to consumers 20 Sourcing enterprise • Outputs – Virtual Platform to profile all practicing and credible creative industries and heritage services providers – Pilot Physical Enterprise to source commodities, activities and experiences, primarily for the public sector • Implementation by NAC and Advisory Panel appointed by Minister to guide implementation 21 Sourcing enterprise resource request • Estimates of income and direct and indirect employment – 1225 FTE’s over 3 years • Budget for development, establishment and operation – Y1: R39.0m – Y2: R27.4m – Y3: R33.6m 22 Audience Development and Consumption 4 project interventions to develop audiences and increase consumption in the arts, culture and heritage sectors 23 Cultural precincts • Scope of precincts – Cultural programme and development of creative industries – Commercial development and new investment – Marketing, branding and promotion – Spatial development framework – Institutional development • Implementation – Province or alternative Development Agency – Core team at DAC responsible for policy, approval of plans, disbursements, accountability, transversal functions for precincts 24 Precincts resource request • Estimates of direct and indirect employment 1675 FTEs over 3 years • Financial implications per precinct estimated as – Y1: R47m – Y2: R47m – Y3: R59m 25 Cultural Events • Scope – Expand offering and duration of existing events, including touring of productions and exhibition to events – Tour the best of exhibitions and events elsewhere • Combination of identified events and ad-hoc events annually by – – – – – Call for proposals with demonstrable co-financing Grant funding based on competitive bidding Marketing and promotion Entrepreneurial support (grants and seed capital) Skills development • Implementation – Identified event organiser / successful bidder for each event – Core team at DAC responsible for policy, approval of plans, disbursements, accountability, transversal functions for events, management of competitive bidding 26 Cultural Events resource request • Estimates of direct and indirect employment – 600 FTEs over 3 years • Financial implications per annum estimated as – Y1: R20m – Y2: R27m – Y3: R33m 27 Information centres • Outputs – Permanent information centres at cultural precincts and sites of high patronage including marketing material, access to the virtual portal, virtual exhibitions and experiences – Mobile information centres to travel to events and for awareness and audience development • Implementation – Core team at DAC responsible for management of agreements with hosts and transversal functions of content development and marketing for information centres 28 Information centres resource request • Estimates of direct and indirect employment 600 FTEs over 3 years • Financial implications of – R 10 m for mobile information centre – R 40 m for each permanent information centre (to be reviewed) – R 20 m for content development and marketing 29 Touring venture • Outputs – Five incubators to pilot specific tour systems, and establish “best practice” conventions – poetry, music, theatre, fine arts and heritage – Subsidy programmes for producers and presenters, companies, artists and small companies – Programme of travelling to precincts and events – Train(s) / truck(s) for travelling countrywide for education, awareness and audience development • Implementation by the NAC supported by a Reference Group / Evaluation Committee 30 Touring venture resource request • Estimates of direct and indirect employment – 1050 FTEs over 3 years • Financial implications estimate of R 15 m per annum with administration costs capped at 15% and minimum leveraging from other sources of 2:3. 31 Human Capital Development 2 projects interventions focused on early talent identification and development 32 Basic Education • Outputs – Formal and extra-mural programmes in collaboration with DBE – Provincial and national arts competitions and a national arts week – Provision of basic resources in schools • Implementation by DBE with supporting role from DAC and Provincial Departments • Pilot in Eastern Cape in Y1 and scale up in Y2, Y3 33 Basic Education resource request • Arts facilitator for a cluster of 10 schools based as Education District Offices • 3 000 5/8th facilitators (25% Section Head Educationist and 75% Educationist M+1/M+2) • Financial implication of R 450m over 3 years 34 NaCISA • Outputs – – – – – – Post-school access programme(s) Post-Graduate National Service Programme Arts Teacher Education Centres of Excellence NaCISA Curriculum materials for Arts Education Provincial centres NaCISA Master Artists Centres in Midrand, attached to FET Colleges • Implementation in phased approach with identification of lead and participating organisations 35 NaCISA resource request • Budget for development of curriculum material for arts education at post school and tertiary level • Budget for incentives for Universities, FET colleges and Private Providers • Budget for establishment of NaCISA Master Arts Centre including creation of a legal entity, financial feasibility and planning in Year 1 and development in Year 2 and 3 36 Heritage Projects 3 heritage intervention areas aimed at changing the apartheid bias of the current heritage offerings 37 Heritage projects • Output – Low maintenance, non-opex projects – Heritage infrastructure projects to balance the national heritage landscape which is skewed in favour of colonial and apartheid history • Implementation – Immediate implementation by core team in DAC with skills for management of infrastructure planning and development projects – Medium term decision, together with SAHRA and NHC, on roles and responsibilities set out in legislative review 38 Heritage projects resource request • Revision of financial estimates and estimates of direct and indirect employment in progress 39 NLHR • Output – Network of sites and/or events linked geographically or thematically – New interpretation centres and low maintenance non-opex exhibition and interpretation • Implementation – Overall management by NHC – Infrastructure development projects by to be established DAC unit 40 NLHR resource request • Revision of financial estimates and estimates of direct and indirect employment in progress 41 Marine heritage • Output – Recreational underwater Museum in the waters of Kosi Bay • Implementation by UKZN Wild Life Nature Reserve Management Authority 42 Marine heritage resource request • Review of estimates of direct and indirect employment in progress • Feasibility for Kosi Bay Museum development in current financial year – R 250 000 • Kosi Bay Museum development – R 45 m 43 Statistics and data gathering 44 Cultural Observatory • Outputs – Five year research agenda, using different research methodologies, and through networks and partnerships including statistical data collection, monitoring and evaluation, policy focused research – Physical and online library and tools – Seminar programme and annual conference • Implementation – Programme Manager and small core support unit based at the NRF and governed by a Cultural Observatory Advisory Committee 45 Observatory resource request • Core funding of DAC to be reallocated. Could potentially result in savings. – Y1: R18m – Y2: R20m – Y3: R24m 46 Conclusion • Cabinet memo in preparation to request mandate and resources • Funding to be sourced from internal reprioritization, MTEF and jobs fund • Co-operation of Provinces, particularly with submissions from Cultural Precincts and Events essential 47 Thank you!!!!