Heritage projects resource request

Department of Arts and Culture
Mzansi’s Golden Economy
Contribution of the Arts, Culture and Heritage
Sector to the New Growth Path
Project initiated at the request of the Minister
to reposition the arts, culture and heritage
sector as an economic growth sector and
introduce programmes to contribute to large
scale employment
The creative and cultural industries included
as a priority sector for implementation of the
new growth path;
New Growth Path
 Government commitment envisages the creation of 5 million jobs
over the next ten years
 Identifying areas where employment creation is possible on a
large scale as a result of substantial changes in conditions in
South Africa and globally.
 Developing a policy package to facilitate employment creation in
these areas, above all through:
• A comprehensive drive to enhance both social equity and
• Systemic changes to mobilise domestic investment around
activities that can create sustainable employment
• Strong social dialogue to focus all stakeholders on
encouraging growth in employment-creating activities
Proposed approach
 General continuity and introduction of new initiatives, as
far as possible building on and expanding existing initiatives
 Skills development for excellence / high performance in the
arts, culture and heritage sector
 Large scale interventions aimed to optimise growth and
employment potential of the sector
 Expansion and co-ordination of supply and demand in the
 Enhancement of existing production and creation of new
business opportunities to match demand
 Monitoring and evaluation to guide investment and coordination of current and future resources for the sector
Problem statement - Advocacy
 Sector is not visible and regarded as a nice to
 Implicit and explicit messaging from government
that priorities are maths and science, technology
and engineering
 Consequence of progressive removal of the arts
from the curriculum is failure to identify and
develop talent, failure to develop appreciation
and future audiences
Problem statement - research
 Considerable research by DAC, DAC Entities,
Provinces and other role-players
 Duplication and overlaps in research
 Different methodologies and models resulting in
lack of ability to assess trends in qualitative
research and analyze time series data in
quantitative research
Problem statement – institutional
 Proliferation of role-players in government resulting in
overlapping functions
 Fragmentation and duplication of efforts between DAC,
DAC Entities, Provinces, Provincial Agencies
 Views articulated that the agencies are responsible for
implementation and DAC responsible for oversight
 Lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities of national
 Submission of Provinces that initiatives of DAC result in
unfunded mandates
 Insufficient communication and co-ordination of different
role players to ensure optimal performance
Problem statement - programmes
Role clarification required between DAC and
DAC emtities
Submission of Provinces that Community Arts
Centres are not adequately resourced and
Submission of Provinces that Investing in
Culture Programme commitments did not
Problem statement - Infrastructure
Unutilised and underutilised infrastructure
throughout the country
Inadequate resources for maintenance and
operation of existing infrastructure
Problem statement - Funding
Submission by all role players that there are
funding challenges
No apparent alignment in disbursement of
Lottery funds with policy and plans of the
Ad hoc funding of requests to DAC and
submission that in certain instances projects
funded fall within the mandate of an agency
Position statement
 Global evidence that countries with a high degree of
social cohesion experience economic growth
 Arts, culture and heritage are crucial factors for social
 The arts, culture and heritage economy has the
potential to contribute significantly to job creation and
economic growth
 Heritage and culture have intrinsic and intangible value
in contributing to social development
Cultural statistics
Cultural statistics inform future decision
making and allows global comparability
It is proposed that a uniform framework be
adopted and that the framework serve as an
informing factor for organisational structure
Intervention model
 A simple model is
proposed to ensure
that interventions in
the sector are
systematically planned
in all stages of the
cycle of creation,
presentation and
Conference commitment
• Establishment of multi-stakeholder project
task teams, appointed by the Minister,
building on existing initiatives, working
through existing institutions, to complete
detailed plans for implementation, with
financial and human resource implications for
a variety of strategic programmes.
Mandate of project teams
• Development of a detailed concept and business plan
with outcomes, outputs, financial and human resource
• Implications for adjustment budget and MTEF budget
• Recommendations on implementation agency
• Recommendations, if any, for institutional reform and
changes to the organisational structure
• Implications arising from the recommendations of the
policy review and the legislative review
• Implications for the Strategic Plan and APP
Principles guiding project teams
• Recognising, building on, expanding and scaling-up
significantly existing initiatives
• Identification of talent and skills development
• Large scale, high impact programmes maximizing
growth and employment potential of the sector
• Expansion and co-ordination of supply and demand
• Enhancement of existing production and creation of
new business opportunities to match demand
• Monitoring and evaluation to guide future decision
Stimulating Demand
3 project Interventions
Public art
• Outputs
– Large-scale, labour intensive public art
– Small scale, community-based initiatives
• Implementation through commissions
managed by the NAC
Public art resource request
• Financial and job estimates
– Y1: R19.7m, 1 250 work opportunities
– Y2: R45.7m, 2 750 work opportunities
– Y3: R69.2m, 5 150 work opportunities
• Use of public art projects for NLHR and
Heritage Projects will increase resource
Art Bank
• Outputs
– Procurement and curating of art
• DIRCO, IMC and SATourism offices internationally
• Head Offices of National Departments, Premier’s Offices in
• High footfall service delivery points – Home Affairs (including all
points of entry), SASSA, Hospitals
– Procurement and curating of artworks for lease for
minimum period of 2 years
– Disposal of 20% of stock per annum
• Implementation by the NAC, advised by an acquisitions
committee, based on the Canadian model
Art bank resource request
• 3000 FTEs to be created over a 3 year period;
• Financial implications estimate of R 10 m per
annum with 15% administrative overheads
and excluding income this would allow
procurement of 1 700 artworks at R 10 000
and leveraging of minimum of 2:3 income for
practitioners through exposure to consumers
Sourcing enterprise
• Outputs
– Virtual Platform to profile all practicing and
credible creative industries and heritage services
– Pilot Physical Enterprise to source commodities,
activities and experiences, primarily for the public
• Implementation by NAC and Advisory Panel
appointed by Minister to guide
Sourcing enterprise resource request
• Estimates of income and direct and indirect
employment – 1225 FTE’s over 3 years
• Budget for development, establishment and
– Y1: R39.0m
– Y2: R27.4m
– Y3: R33.6m
Audience Development and
4 project interventions to develop
audiences and increase consumption in
the arts, culture and heritage sectors
Cultural precincts
• Scope of precincts
– Cultural programme and development of creative
– Commercial development and new investment
– Marketing, branding and promotion
– Spatial development framework
– Institutional development
• Implementation
– Province or alternative Development Agency
– Core team at DAC responsible for policy, approval of plans,
disbursements, accountability, transversal functions for
Precincts resource request
• Estimates of direct and indirect employment
1675 FTEs over 3 years
• Financial implications per precinct estimated
– Y1: R47m
– Y2: R47m
– Y3: R59m
Cultural Events
• Scope
– Expand offering and duration of existing events, including touring of
productions and exhibition to events
– Tour the best of exhibitions and events elsewhere
• Combination of identified events and ad-hoc events annually by
Call for proposals with demonstrable co-financing
Grant funding based on competitive bidding
Marketing and promotion
Entrepreneurial support (grants and seed capital)
Skills development
• Implementation
– Identified event organiser / successful bidder for each event
– Core team at DAC responsible for policy, approval of plans,
disbursements, accountability, transversal functions for events,
management of competitive bidding
Cultural Events resource request
• Estimates of direct and indirect employment –
600 FTEs over 3 years
• Financial implications per annum estimated as
– Y1: R20m
– Y2: R27m
– Y3: R33m
Information centres
• Outputs
– Permanent information centres at cultural precincts and
sites of high patronage including marketing material,
access to the virtual portal, virtual exhibitions and
– Mobile information centres to travel to events and for
awareness and audience development
• Implementation
– Core team at DAC responsible for management of
agreements with hosts and transversal functions of
content development and marketing for information
Information centres resource request
• Estimates of direct and indirect employment
600 FTEs over 3 years
• Financial implications of
– R 10 m for mobile information centre
– R 40 m for each permanent information centre (to
be reviewed)
– R 20 m for content development and marketing
Touring venture
• Outputs
– Five incubators to pilot specific tour systems, and
establish “best practice” conventions – poetry, music,
theatre, fine arts and heritage
– Subsidy programmes for producers and presenters,
companies, artists and small companies
– Programme of travelling to precincts and events
– Train(s) / truck(s) for travelling countrywide for
education, awareness and audience development
• Implementation by the NAC supported by a
Reference Group / Evaluation Committee
Touring venture resource request
• Estimates of direct and indirect employment –
1050 FTEs over 3 years
• Financial implications estimate of R 15 m per
annum with administration costs capped at
15% and minimum leveraging from other
sources of 2:3.
Human Capital Development
2 projects interventions focused on
early talent identification and
Basic Education
• Outputs
– Formal and extra-mural programmes in collaboration
with DBE
– Provincial and national arts competitions and a
national arts week
– Provision of basic resources in schools
• Implementation by DBE with supporting role
from DAC and Provincial Departments
• Pilot in Eastern Cape in Y1 and scale up in Y2, Y3
Basic Education resource request
• Arts facilitator for a cluster of 10 schools
based as Education District Offices
• 3 000 5/8th facilitators (25% Section Head
Educationist and 75% Educationist M+1/M+2)
• Financial implication of R 450m over 3 years
• Outputs
Post-school access programme(s)
Post-Graduate National Service Programme
Arts Teacher Education Centres of Excellence
NaCISA Curriculum materials for Arts Education
Provincial centres
NaCISA Master Artists Centres in Midrand, attached to
FET Colleges
• Implementation in phased approach with
identification of lead and participating
NaCISA resource request
• Budget for development of curriculum
material for arts education at post school and
tertiary level
• Budget for incentives for Universities, FET
colleges and Private Providers
• Budget for establishment of NaCISA Master
Arts Centre including creation of a legal entity,
financial feasibility and planning in Year 1 and
development in Year 2 and 3
Heritage Projects
3 heritage intervention areas aimed
at changing the apartheid bias of the
current heritage offerings
Heritage projects
• Output
– Low maintenance, non-opex projects
– Heritage infrastructure projects to balance the
national heritage landscape which is skewed in favour
of colonial and apartheid history
• Implementation
– Immediate implementation by core team in DAC with
skills for management of infrastructure planning and
development projects
– Medium term decision, together with SAHRA and
NHC, on roles and responsibilities set out in legislative
Heritage projects resource request
• Revision of financial estimates and estimates
of direct and indirect employment in progress
• Output
– Network of sites and/or events linked
geographically or thematically
– New interpretation centres and low maintenance
non-opex exhibition and interpretation
• Implementation
– Overall management by NHC
– Infrastructure development projects by to be
established DAC unit
NLHR resource request
• Revision of financial estimates and estimates
of direct and indirect employment in progress
Marine heritage
• Output
– Recreational underwater Museum in the waters of
Kosi Bay
• Implementation by UKZN Wild Life Nature
Reserve Management Authority
Marine heritage resource request
• Review of estimates of direct and indirect
employment in progress
• Feasibility for Kosi Bay Museum development
in current financial year – R 250 000
• Kosi Bay Museum development – R 45 m
Statistics and data gathering
Cultural Observatory
• Outputs
– Five year research agenda, using different research
methodologies, and through networks and
partnerships including statistical data collection,
monitoring and evaluation, policy focused research
– Physical and online library and tools
– Seminar programme and annual conference
• Implementation
– Programme Manager and small core support unit
based at the NRF and governed by a Cultural
Observatory Advisory Committee
Observatory resource request
• Core funding of DAC to be reallocated. Could
potentially result in savings.
– Y1: R18m
– Y2: R20m
– Y3: R24m
• Cabinet memo in preparation to request
mandate and resources
• Funding to be sourced from internal
reprioritization, MTEF and jobs fund
• Co-operation of Provinces, particularly with
submissions from Cultural Precincts and
Events essential
Thank you!!!!