ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION "Preparing students to serve as effective, reflective and caring teachers." COURSE SYLLABUS EDF 3660 Education and Public Policy in the United States This syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances. Course Prefix: Section #: Credit Hours: Co-requisites: Pre-requisites: EDF 3660 3818 Three None Admission to Educational Studies BS or Public Policy and Administration BS Day, Time and Campus: Modality: Online Online Online - Weekly participation is required for attendance. Participation in this course is defined as posting to the discussion board or submitting an assignment. Michael T. Poulin As Posted Clearwater NM 138 727-791-2788 Professor: Office Hours: Office Location: Office Phone: Email Address: ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of Education Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D. Tarpon Springs Dean: Office Location & Number: BB 101 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to study the relationship between education and public policy at the federal, state, and local levels of government. Emphasis is placed on the social, political, and economic factors that affect the development of educational public policy. 47 contact hours. II. MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. The student will explain the major educational historical developments in public policy by: a. Defining the key terms of educational policy (i.e., social theory, schooling, training, education, political economy, ideology). b. Describing the Jeffersonian ideal. c. Analyzing the different perspectives of major stakeholders regarding educational policy in the 19th century. 2. The student will discuss the impact of diversity, race, and gender within public policy by: Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 1 of 6 a. Comparing and contrasting the progressive and reform movements for African Americans by Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. b. Analyzing the Native American educational experience historically through the present. c. Writing a critical response paper on an educational issue related to gender and public policy. d. Discussing the perceptions and misconceptions of specific populations. 3. The student will describe contemporary factors that affect the development of educational public policy by: a. Writing a critical thinking response paper on a current issue related to education and public policy. b. Researching the alternatives for K-12 and post-secondary education and the implications for students. c. Analyzing the components of critical and digital literacy regarding the increased demands for students and the workforce. d. Explaining how public policy affects the teaching profession. e. Evaluating the need for creativity and problem solving in the decision-making process. III. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S), RESOURCES AND MATERIALS A. Required Textbooks Textbook(s) Required : Tozer, S., Senese, G., & Violas, P. (2013). School and Society - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780078024405 Recommended : Students using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions. B. Supplemental Material Resources: Materials: Library: C. Technology Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference MyCourses continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods. The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students. All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf) Accessibility of Technologies: MyCourses (Brightspace by D2L) Accessibility Statement: Privacy: MyCourses (Brightspace by D2L) Privacy Statement: Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 2 of 6 Technical Support: D. Important Dates Course Dates: The course begins on Monday, August 17, 2015 and ends on December 10, 2015. Drop Date: August 21, 2015 Withdrawal Date: October 22, 2015 Financial Aid Dates: IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS & EXPECTATIONS A. School Based Hours Course Requirements This course requires NO hours of observation/participation in an appropriate classroom setting as approved by the Office of School Partnerships. B. ALL Course Assignments Weekly Projects 40 pts. X 7 projects = 280 pts. 40 pts. X 4 quizzes= 160 pts. 70 pts. X 2 papers= 140 pts. 70 pts. 100 pts. 750 pts. Chapter Quizzes Critical Thinking Response Papers Article Review Final Exam Total Points for Course The grading scale for the College of Education is: 3000 & 4000 Level COE Courses 90% – 100% A 83% – 89% B 75% – 82% C 68% – 74% D (Repeat course) 67% or less F (Repeat course) V. SYLLABUS STATEMENTS COMMON TO ALL COE SYLLABI A. COE SYLLABUS STATEMENTS B. SPC SYLLABUS STATEMENTS Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 3 of 6 Each student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links. If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor. If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum. C. LEARNER SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Accessibility: Academic Support Services: On-Campus Support: Online Support: Student Services and Resources: Online Student Participation and Conduct Guidelines: Academic Honesty: Turnitin: Netiquette: SPC has outlined expectations for student behavior and interaction for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication: Turnitin: The instructor of this course may require use of as a tool to promote learning. The tool flags similarity and mechanical issues in written work that merit review. Use of the service enables students and faculty to identify areas that can be strengthened through improved paraphrasing, integration of sources, or proper citation. Submitted papers remain as source documents in the Turnitin database solely for the purpose of detecting originality. Students retain full copyright to their works. The Turnitin Usage Agreement can be reviewed at: Students who do not wish to submit work through Turnitin must notify their instructor via course email within the first seven days of the course. In lieu of Turnitin use, faculty may require a student to submit copies of sources, preliminary drafts, a research journal, or an annotated bibliography. Student Survey of Instruction: The Student Survey of Instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement. Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 4 of 6 VI. CALENDAR AND TOPICAL OUTLINE MTG. TOPICS Week 1 Chapter 1 Introduction: Understanding School and Society Quiz Week 2 Chapter 2 Liberty and Literacy: The Jeffersonian Ideal Project Week 3 Chapter 3 School as a Public Institution: The Common-School Era Critical Thinking Response Paper Week 4 Chapter 4 Social Diversity and Differentiated Schooling: The Progressive Era Quiz Week 5 Chapter 5 Diversity and Equity: Schooling Girls and Women The Progressive Era Project Week 6 Chapter 6 Diversity and Equity: Schooling and African Americans Project Week 7 Chapter 7 Diversity and Equity: Schooling and American Indians Project Week 8 Chapter 8 National School Reform: The Early Cold War Era Project Week 9 Chapter 9 Liberty and Literacy Today: Contemporary Perspectives Quiz Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 5 of 6 Week 10 Chapter 10 Teaching in a Public Institution: The Professionalization Movement Project Week 11 Chapter 11 Differentiated Schooling, Labor Market Preparation, and Contemporary School Reform: The Post-Cold War Era Article Review Week 12 Chapter 12 Diversity and Equity Today: Defining the Challenge Critical Thinking Response Paper Week 13 Chapter 13 Diversity and Equity Today: Meeting the Challenge Quiz Week 14 Chapter 14 School and Society: Teaching and Teacher Leadership in the 21st Century Project Week 15 Final Exam VII. Uniform Core Curriculum Assignments There are no UCC assessment points/assignments in this course. Syllabus Coordinator: Cher Gauweiler EDF 3660 2015-2016 6 of 6