cis 1333 spreadsheet applications-excel - Portal

3 Credit Hours
Course Syllabus –Fall 2014
Julia Angel, COI
B203 – Office hours posted on course site
1515 Pioneer Drive, Harrison, AR 72601
**Please allow a 24-hour response time. If I cannot respond within this time period, I will alert the class
in the Announcements section on our course site. Sunday is my offline day. I will not be online on
Sunday. **
This course is a broad overview of the fundamental purposes, theory and methods of accounting with emphasis
on the construction and interpretation of accounting statements and their related schedules.
This course should begin to fulfill the needs of college students who are planning careers in accounting as well
as those studying business administration, liberal arts, law, or other disciplines. Accounting Principles I is the
student’s first step in a more comprehensive training program concerned with the design of the system of
records, the preparation of reports based on the recorded data, and the interpretation of reports. Individuals
engaged in such areas of business as finance, production, marketing, personnel, and general management need
not be expert accountants but their effectiveness is enhanced if they have a good understanding of accounting
principles. This course is designed to help the students gain that understanding.
This course is a requirement for the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Business Administration with an
emphasis in Accounting and Management. This course will transfer to certain four-year institutions for students
planning to major in Business or a related field.
BA 2013 Accounting Principles II
The student will:
Use appropriate accounting practices for sole proprietorships both service and merchandising enterprises in
completing exercises, problems and tests.
Utilize terminology related to accounting through written and verbal communication with the instructor.
Complete an accounting cycle for a merchandising business by completing a practice set.
Accurately handle payroll, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, and intangible assets by completing
exercises, problems and tests.
Email Account—A Northark email account was issued to you automatically when you enrolled in your
classes. To access your email, navigate to Northark’s Web site at On the Students
tab, you should see a link Student Email. You may also access your email from
Your email address will be your
Textbook-Accounting, Warren, Reeve, Duchac, 24th ed., Cengage Publishing Co.; Bundled with
CengageNOW Access Card-ISBN: 1133072933
Accounting Working Papers, Chapters 1-17, Cengage Publishing Co.; ISBN: 0538478535
Pumping Iron Practice Set, Cengage Publishing Co; ISBN: 1111821615
Microsoft Excel Software
Pen and pencil
Calculator/Financial Calculator-Texas Instruments BA II Plus-If you have had Business Math or Financial
Math, you already have a financial calculator. This will be helpful in later chapters. It is not required, but
very useful. If you do not have one and would like to purchase one, they are for sale in the Northark
Ruler/Straight edge
Your instructor-Do not hesitate to contact me during office hours or by appointment (by phone or in
person). E-mail is also an excellent way to communicate. . When you email please put in the subject
line the class you are in and make sure you have your name somewhere in the document! **Please
allow a 24-hour response time. If I cannot respond within this time period, I will alert the class in the
Announcements section on our course site. Remember, Sunday is my offline day! **
The Library-Provides study area and computers for your use.
Tutors-Contact the Student Services Counselor
If you are having any issues with portal, the first person you should contact is your instructor. If you need
technical assistance for logon issues, contact Brenda Freitas (Northark IT department) at
or 870.391.3275.
Introduction to Accounting and Business
Analyzing Transactions
The Adjusting Process
Completing the Accounting Cycle
Accounting Systems
Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets
Current Liabilities and Payroll
This is a traditional course, which will consist of lectures followed by demonstration of problems. Please read
the material before you come to class so that we can be as productive as possible. There is a schedule on the
course site under Course Materials for you to follow with specific due dates! After Chapter 6, you will begin the
Pumping Iron Practice Set. This is a requirement and no grade will be issued in Accounting Principles I if the
practice set is not completed. Let me say again: “You will not pass the course without completion of the
Pumping Iron Practice Set.”
Students will be required to complete: textbook exercises/problems for each chapter; Chapter exams and
complete the Pumping Iron Practice Set by the stated due dates at the stated time.
Students will be evaluated in this course and given grades: A, B, C, D, F or other “grade symbols” as explained
in the current college catalog. Sixty percent of your grade will be based on exams, 20% of your grade will be
based on homework; and 20% of your grade will be based on the Analysis Report for “Pumping Iron”.
REMINDER: The Practice Set must be completed and the Analysis Report turned in by the due
date or no credit will be given for the course! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Grading Scale
Below 60
Attendance policy
It is the student’s responsibility to discuss any absences and the possibility of makeup work with the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend all class meetings and officially withdraw from courses they are no longer
Academic fraud and dishonesty are defined as follows:
Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in
any academic exercise.
Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another
commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Test tampering: Intentionally gaining access to restricted test booklets, banks, questions, or answers
before a test is given; or tampering with questions or answers after a test is taken.
Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words and ideas of another as one's own in any
academic exercise.
Academic dishonesty will not be permitted. It shall be at the instructor’s discretion to fail the student for that
assignment, remove the student from the class, reduce the student’s grade, or petition to have the student
suspended from the college.
August 19
Chapter 1-Objectives 1 & 2
Exercises 1-1
Chapter 1 Objectives 3 & 4 & 5
Exercises 1-4, 1-6, 1-7
Problems 1-1A,1-4A, 1-5A
Excel Problem 1-5A
August 26
Chapter 2 Objectives 1 & 2
Exercises 2-4A, 2-5A
August 28
Chapter 2 Objective 3 & 4
Problem 2-2A, 2-3A, 2-4A
Excel Problem 2-2B; 2-3B
September 2
Chapter 1 & 2 Review
September 4
Exam Chapters 1 & 2
September 9 & 11
Chapter 3
Problems 3-1A, 3-2A, 3-3A, 3-5A
Excel Problems 3-1B & 3-5B
September 16 & 18
Chapter 4
Problem 4-4A, 4-5A, 4-6A
Excel Problem 4-4B, 4-6B
September 23 & 25
Comprehensive Problem 1 for Exam grade
September 30
Chapter 5
Objectives 1 -3
Problems 5-1A; 5-2A
October 2
Objective 4
Problems 5-3A & 5-4A
Assign: Finish 5-4A
October 7
Problem 5-5A
Excel Problem 5-1B
October 9
Chapter 6
Objectives 1-3
Problems 6-3A, 6-4A
October 14
Problems 6-5A, 6-6A
Excel Problem 6-3B
October 14-28
Pumping Iron Practice Set
October 30
Chapter 7
Objectives 1-3
Problems 7-1A; 7-2A
November 4
Chapter 7
Objective 4
Problems 7-3A
Excel Problems 7-1B; 7-2B & 7-3B
November 6
Chapter 9
Objectives 1-4
Exercises 9-3A; 9-4A; 9-6A
November 11
Problem 9-1A
November 13
Chapter 9
Objectives 5-6
Problems 9-4A, 9-5A; 9-6A
November 18
Exam Chapters 7 & 9
November 20
Chapter 10
Objectives 1 & 2
Problem 10-1A
Exercises 10-8, 10-9, 10-10
November 24-28
Thanksgiving Break
December 2
Chapter 10
Objectives 2-5
Problem 10-2A, 10-3A
Problem 10-5A, 10-6A
Excel Problem 10-2B & 10-3B
December 4
Chapter 11
Objectives 1-5
Problem 11-1A
December 9
Problems 11-2A, 11-6A
Excel Problems 11-3B & 11-5B
December 11
Final Exam Chapters 10 & 11
The instructor will notify students of any updates/changes in the course syllabus on the portal site under
North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should make their
requests in the following way:
Talk to your instructor during office hours about your disability or special need related to your
classroom work; and/or
Contact Student Support Services and ask to speak to Kim Brecklein.