viagrupo -

Elizabeth Turra Brouwer
Online Marketing Tools
Social Media
Online Customer Service
Email Newsletters
Online advertising
Search Engine
Video Marketing
Marketing Tools
Traditional Marketing is a common marketing method that
requires a substantial time and budget to get the desired
Traditional Marketing method will usually use it’s product or
service unique point to differentiate itself from it’s
Customer Acquisition Techniques
All site owners are looking to reach more prospects, existing customers and
raise awareness about their products through a website or other online
Create urgency, then give instructions. (expiring offers timer)
Use persuasive power words; not all words are created equal. There are
certain persuasive words that inspire people to take action.
Spend extra time on headlines.
Increase trust with images.
Social Media Activities. We can derive more traffic from social media profile /
pages. For this we need to build strong network and have to keep posting
updates within profiles / pages to reach to the networks.
Email Marketing. We can run Email campaign and send invitation / new
product launch or added / offers to the users.
To keep track record of visitors flow to the website on regular basis.
Retention Techniques and any
Loyalty Programs
The key to creating customer loyalty programs that work is to
know why customers use them and what gets customers to
keep using them. Below you'll find consumer research that
answers these questions.
Rewards and discount programs
Direct mailers
Great customer service
Role the website plays in each stage
of the customer decision-making
+ Importance of Customer Service
There are several ways to have excellent customer service and
none of them are complicated. They simply require focus and
attention and should be at the top of every online business’ to do
list, from the very first day of launch onward.
Make contact information easy to find
Respond to email support tickets within 24-48 hours
Always try to correct any problems so the customer leaves the
situation feeling good
Have good return policies in place, but don’t be so rigid that you
can’t alter things if needed
Follow up with customers to ensure they received a positive
experience from the point of purchase through the delivery of
the item
In Progressss