ILLINOIS FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION Dedicated to excellence in the Fire Service Chief Terry Mastandrea (Retired) – PEAS Director Office Phone: 847-550-0914 1174 Tracie Drive, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Cell Phone: 847-732-4709 ILLINOIS FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION’S PROMOTIONAL EVALUATION & ASSESSMENT SERVICE Selecting the right person for promotion is always a difficult process. Reliance on past performance and one or two testing processes may not result in the selection of the BEST person for promotion. The Assessment Center process conducted by the Illinois Fire Chiefs Promotional Evaluation and Assessment Service can assist Fire Chiefs and Fire Commissioners in the promotional procedure by providing insight into a person’s ability to perform in the new position. An Assessment Center is based on a thorough analysis of actual job behavior translated into a series of simulated job-related scenarios where candidates for promotion are observed and graded by assessors who evaluate performance during the exercises. The value of Assessment Centers, borne out by years of research and countless exercises, is their PREDICTIVE ABILITY. That is, the ultimate success or failure of a candidate for promotion has a high probability of correlation with how well the candidate performed in the Assessment Center. Another important value of an Assessment Center is that the promotional candidates participating in the process invariably feel that the process is fair, job related and equitable. This important aspect of a promotional process is often overlooked. Promotional candidates who feel good about the process are less likely to complain about their ranking and the process. One of our strongest assets is that we customize your Assessment Center so that its exercises are based on the actual policies and practices of your Fire Department. The Illinois Fire Chiefs Promotional Evaluation and Assessment Service was organized in 1975 to assist fire departments and fire protection districts in the selection of personnel for supervisory positions from the rank of Engineer through Fire Chief, utilizing the Assessment Center type methodology. Our Assessment Center processes are fully compliant with the Promotions Bill. So is it worth the time, effort and cost? Most people agree that no cost, time or effort should be spared to select the right person for promotion since you are most likely stuck with your selection forever! However the bottom line is that cost considerations must be taken into account which is why the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association formed the Promotional Evaluation and Assessment Service to provide a reasonable cost alternative to promotional Assessment Centers. On the next several pages is information on the various promotional test plans describing the types of exercises and the cost per candidate, depending on the number of exercises you select? Each exercise is observed, evaluated and scored by at least three assessors. Typically, using four recommended exercises, we would conduct your Assessment Center in one day using from three to six, or more, Assessors, depending on the number of candidates. For the rank of Lieutenant we recommend four exercises; Group Problem Solving Exercise, Writing Exercise (tied to the Group Exercise), Problem Employee Exercise and a Tactical Exercise. For the ranks above Lieutenant we also recommend four exercises; Leaderless Group Problem Solving Exercise, Writing Exercise (tied to the Group Exercise), Problem Employee Exercise and a Tactical Exercise and/or Structured Oral Exercise. We recommend you take advantage of an in-house Training Workshop for all the candidates prior to the Assessment Center. The workshops will give the candidates an overview of the exercises they will be participating in for the Assessment Center, as well as opportunities to practice sample exercises. We offer a four hour Training Workshop or an eight hour Training Workshop. By choosing the eight hour Training Workshop candidates will have more opportunities to practice sample exercises. Assessors that are instructors for the Training Workshops do not participate in the Assessment Center. We can also meet with the Commissioners/decision makers to discuss the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. If you choose this option it must be conducted immediately after the conclusion of the Assessment Center. Finally, we offer the opportunity to meet with candidates, one on one, to discuss the process and their strengths and weaknesses. This has proven to be a very valuable, and extremely popular, tool for growth of the individual candidates. To help develop your testing procedures the following information is needed in most cases; job description for the position being filled; fire department organizational chart; drug and alcohol policy; sexual harassment policy; discipline policy; sick leave policy; SOG’s related to the tactical exercise. Further inquiries may be directed to: Chief Terry Mastandrea, Ret. Illinois Fire Chiefs Association, Promotional Evaluation & Assessment Service Director E-mail: CELL PHONE: 847-732-4709 (Best method for phone contact) Phone/Fax: 847-550-0914 Page 2 of 9 Illinois Fire Chiefs Association’s Promotional Evaluation & Assessment Service CONDUCTING PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS USING ASSESSMENT CENTER TYPE METHODOLOGY FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPERVISORY POSITIONS Listed below are nine promotional test processes. Select the plan most suitable and beneficial to your needs. The Assessors will be Chief Fire Officers, or recently retired Chief Fire Officers, trained in observation skills and Assessment Center techniques. Public Act 95-956, effective on August 29, 2008, provided new requirements relative to the use of an “assessment center” in the promotional process (50 ILCS 742/50). Effective January 1, 2010, only individuals who are certified in accordance with the provisions approved by the Office of the State Fire Marshal may be employed to grade candidates participating in the assessment center testing process. All our assessors are certified with the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Exercise A In-Basket Exercise Dimensions: Decision making skills, Organization and planning, Perception and analytical ability, Sensitivity, Decisiveness, Oral communications, Poise, Energy, Delegation and Adaptability. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 20 Minutes Description: Candidate is told he has been promoted to a higher level management position. His predecessor has left much material in his in-basket, such as memos, letters and reports of varying importance. Given approximately one hour the Candidate must deal with in-basket contents. He must write down every action he would take including notes, letters, and conference agenda and phone calls. Following the written portion of the exercise the Candidate is interviewed by the Assessors to determine his decisions, the reasons for his decisions and other related information. Exercise B Structured Oral Interview Dimensions: The structured interview is to assess both attitudinal and background information on the Candidate. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 30 Minutes Description: Candidate may be questioned in the following areas: Fire Service in general Local department rules, regulations, ordinance and operating procedures Candidate’s desire to become a manager Candidate’s view of management functions Page 3 of 9 Exercise C Writing Exercise Dimensions: Conforms with assigned objectives and group consensus, Presents problems and solutions, Writes completely and accurately, Logical order and Format. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 60 Minutes Description: This exercise is given to evaluate the Candidate’s written communication skills utilizing memos, letters, etc. or a narrative format. Often, the Writing Exercise is used in conjunction with another Assessment Center Exercise for more realism and relativity. Exercise D Tactical Exercise Dimensions: Knowledge of common fire ground practices, Knowledge of standard operating procedures, Critical thinking, Problem solving techniques, Problem-solving, Judgment, Adaptability, Perception, Leadership, Interpersonal skills and Delegation. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 30 Minutes Description: This exercise is a simulated incident in the community that may occur during officer’s tour of duty. The Candidate is given a fire situation in his community. The Candidate is evaluated on the decisions he makes during this simulated emergency incident. Exercise E Presentation Exercise Dimensions: Ability to plan and organize their presentation, Written and oral communication skills, Problem analysis and Presentation skills. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 30 Minutes Description: This exercise requires the Candidate to prepare an outline and then give a presentation before a group (the Assessors). A wide range of topics, both traditional and current, are used to evaluate the Candidate’s public speaking ability based on a limited preparation time. Exercise F Group Exercise Dimensions: Communications, Problem Analysis, Planning, Organization, Leadership, Sensitivity, Decision Making, Decisiveness, Development of Subordinates, Imitative, Listening and Persuasiveness. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 60 Minutes Exercise F.1 Problem Solving Group Description: This exercise is designed for first level supervisors. Candidates work in a small group utilizing their oral and writing skills to arrive at a solution to a problem and justify their position. Exercise F.2 Leaderless Group Description: This exercise is designed for middle and top management positions. The Candidates are required to work together in a group (of 4 to 8); to reach a consensus with very limited information and limited direction. The exercise is used to evaluate the individual’s ability to establish and work with informal leadership roles while making decisions and solving problems. Page 4 of 9 Exercise G Problem Employee Exercises Dimensions: Communications, Problem Analysis, Planning, Organization, Leadership, Sensitivity, Decision Making, Decisiveness, Development of Subordinates, Interpersonal relations and Description and development of an action plan. Approximate Time Per Candidate: 30 Minutes Exercise G.1 Employee Interview Simulation Description: The exercise is based on several simulated situations that would require the Candidate to conduct a one-on-one interview with an employee (an Assessor). Situations include employee counseling, a superior/subordinate interview, a problem employee scenario and other similar situations. The Employee Interview Simulation Exercise most often will deal with some type of a disciplinary or deficient performance problem. However, other scenarios such as interviews with dissatisfied citizens, grievance situations, or almost any other type of one-on-one situation encountered on the job. Exercise G.2 Fact Finding and Decision-Making Page 5 of 9 PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES Plan #5 Administer any five of the processes: 5a. Assessment Center (scores only) = $730.00/candidate (Minimum charge $1,660)(3 or fewer candidates’ $830/candidate) 5b Assessment Center and a meeting with decision makers to discuss candidates’ strengths/weaknesses = $830.00/candidate* (Minimum charge $1,860)(3 or fewer candidates’ $930/candidate) 5c. Meeting with candidates to discuss process/strengths/weaknesses = $200/candidate for 1 ¼ hours** 5d. 4 hour Training Workshop = $500.00 5e. 8 hour Training Workshop = $1,000.00 Plan #4 Administer any four of the processes (RECOMMENDED): 4a. Assessment Center (scores only) = $660.00/candidate (Minimum charge $1,520)(3 or fewer candidates’ $760/candidate) 4b Assessment Center and a meeting with decision makers to discuss candidates’ strengths/weaknesses = $760.00/candidate* (Minimum charge $1,720)(3 or fewer candidates’ $860/candidate) 4c. Meeting with candidates to discuss process/strengths/weaknesses = $180/candidate for 1 hour** 4d. 4 hour Training Workshop = $500.00 4e. 8 hour Training Workshop = $1,000.00 Plan #3 Administer any three of the processes: 3a. Assessment Center (scores only) = $560.00/candidate (Minimum charge $1,320)(3 or fewer candidates’ $660/candidate) 3b Assessment Center and a meeting with decision makers to discuss candidates’ strengths/weaknesses = $660.00/candidate* (Minimum charge $1,520)(3 or fewer candidates’ $760/candidate) 3c. Meeting with candidates to discuss process/strengths/weaknesses = $145/candidate for ¾ hour** 3d. 4 hour Training Workshop = $500.00 3e. 8 hour Training Workshop = $1,000.00 Plan #2 Administer any two of the processes: 2a. Assessment Center (scores only) = $500.00/candidate (Minimum charge $1,320)(3 or fewer candidates’ $660/candidate) 2b Assessment Center and a meeting with decision makers to discuss candidates’ strengths/weaknesses = $600.00/candidate* (Minimum charge $1,520)(3 or fewer candidates’ $700/candidate) 2c. Meeting with candidates to discuss process/strengths/weaknesses = $130/candidate for 1/2 hour** 2d. 2 hour Training Workshop = $250.00 2e. 4 hour Training Workshop = $500.00 Page 6 of 9 Plan #1 Administer any one of the processes: 1a. Assessment Center (scores only) = $345.00/candidate (Minimum charge $1,000)(3 or fewer candidates’ $500/candidate) 1b Assessment Center and a meeting with decision makers to discuss candidates’ strengths/weaknesses = $445.00/candidate* (Minimum charge $1,090)(3 or fewer candidates’ $545/candidate) 1c. Meeting with candidates to discuss process/strengths/weaknesses = $110/candidate for ¼ hour** 1d. 2 hour Training Workshop = $250.00 1e. 4 hour Training Workshop = $500.00 * This rate applies when meeting is scheduled immediately after the Assessment Center process is completed. Additional charges and conditions apply when the meeting is not in conjunction with the Assessment Center. ** This rate applies when meetings are scheduled within one week after the Assessment Center process is completed. Additional charges and conditions may apply when the meeting is not in within one week of the Assessment Center. ADDITIONAL/PROVIDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Minimum of three Assessors when three or more candidates participate. Department head process $50.00 extra per Candidate. Travel time, food and lodging expenses would be in addition to the proposed fees for the plan selected. $150 per candidate for additional processes above Plan #5 Depending on the type and number of processes an additional administrative charge for preparation may apply. Candidate cancellations within 24 hours of Assessment Center will be charged full rate. Page 7 of 9 100-QUESTION WRITTEN TEST. STUDY GUIDES ARE NOT TYPICALLY USED IN OUR TESTING. While our tests are predominantly True/False, We do have the ability to develop multiple choice questions if the jurisdictions desire at a slightly higher per question cost. Many of the questions are interpretative questions that require an understanding of the topic to answer correctly, not just a passage from the book asking if it is True or False. The fee for a 100 question true/false Written Test would be based on the following schedule: Test booklets (includes set-up fee and answer sheets) $ 20.00 each Questions: Standard True/False questions from IFCA resource library $ 10.00 each Standard Multiple Choice questions from IFCA library $ 12.00 each Specialized textbooks/publications $ 40.00 each Local source questions $ 40.00 each Test administration by IFCA $ 650.00 Meeting with participants to review test on same day as test $ no charge Meeting with participants to review test after date of test $ 500.00 Minimum testing preparation fee (test booklets & questions) $ 1,000.00 Assessor travel expenses quoted as “not to exceed” based on jurisdiction $ see below Based on your request for a quote, based on 5 candidates, the fee would be: 100 STANDARD QUESTIONS 5 PARTICIPANTS using 100 standard questions Test booklets = $20 x 5 participants = Test administration (by IFCA only) = Standard questions = $10 x 100 questions = TOTAL Travel expenses will not exceed $165.00. $ 100.00 650.00 1,000.00 $1,750.00 If you choose to use any local materials (contract, SOG’s, Rules, etc.) the following is an example of the fee: 75 STANDARD QUESTIONS & 25 LOCAL QUESTIONS EXAMPLE 5 PARTICIPANTS (75 STANDARD & 25 LOCAL questions) Test booklets = $20 x 5 participants = Test administration (by IFCA only) = Standard questions = $10 x 75 questions = Local questions = $40 x 25 questions = TOTAL Travel expenses will not exceed $165.00. $ 100.00 650.00 750.00 1,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Page 8 of 9 Written Test Resource Selection The IFCA Promotional Evaluation & Assessment Service Written Tests are based on information available in the following and current library resource books: CURRENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. “LEARNING TO LEAD – A Workbook on Becoming a Leader”, by Warren Bennis and Joan Goldsmith, copyright 2010 “The One Minute Manager”, by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson - copyright 2003 “Safety and Survival on the Fireground” by Vincent Dunn, copyright 1992 “Command & Control of Fires & Emergencies” by Vincent Dunn, copyright 2006 “Strategy of Firefighting” by Vincent Dunn, copyright 2007 IFSTA: “Fire & Emergency Service Company Officer”, Fourth Edition, copyright 2007 “Fire Officer Principles and Practices”, by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. and the National Fire Protection Association, copyright 2006 “Firefighters Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response”, Thomas Delmar Learning, copyright 2000. “Management in the Fire Service” 4th Edition, Harry Carter and Edwin Rausch, NFPA, copyright 2008. “Fire Department Incident Safety Officer”, David W. Dobson, 2nd Edition, Thomson Delmar Learning, copyright 2007. “Fire Officers Handbook of Tactics”, Third Edition, John Norman, copyright 2005 “Building Construction For the Fire Service”, Francis Brannigan. IFSTA “Building Construction Related to the Fire Service, 3rd Edition, copyright 2010 “The Trust Edge” by David Horsager, copyright 2009 Non-standard local questions. Examples of local questions would be a labor agreement, fire department rules and regulations, fire department policies and procedures, or any other fire related book you would choose that is not on our list of standard sources. Obviously, the more local sources you include the more localized the test becomes. Our Written Exams are developed by a third party test writer partnering with the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association Promotional Evaluation & Assessment Service. Further inquiries may be directed to: Chief Terry Mastandrea, Ret. Illinois Fire Chiefs Association, Promotional Evaluation & Assessment Service Director E-mail: CELL PHONE: 847-732-4709 (Best method for phone contact) Phone/Fax: 847-550-0914 Page 9 of 9