How to network with members

Tips for more efficient
External communication and
Handling of the members‘ requests
Study Visit Prague, 10-12 August 2011
How to find out about
your members‘ needs?
• Sources of information on members‘ needs
• Personally: formal meetings, discussions, informal meetings
(breakfast, brunch, dinners, receptions), chamber events and other
events, business missions, etc.
• Phone calls: incoming (initiative of the member), outgoing (initiative of
the chamber – researches, surveys)
• In writing: letters, e-mails, faxes, questionnaires
• IT tools: on-line questionnaires, member websites, CRM (member
• All information must be recorded and worked with!
How to find out about
your members‘ needs?
• Ways of recording and futher elaborating
• Simple: MS Excell files (advantage: cheap)
– Each member may have a separate file with different sheets according to
what the chamber wants to monitor (contact, profile, needs, participation
in chamber events, etc.)
• Sophisticated: CRM (advantage: more options)
– Different facts on each member can be collected and directly used for
search, mailing, questionnaires, etc.
– Enables also statistical details on member‘s activities
How to find out about
your members‘ needs?
• Involving members into chamber activities
• Indirectly: comments on specific issues (each member is
considered an „expert“ in a particular field)
• Directly: through offering your member a membership in
chamber bodies (export board, various working groups, sectorfocused committees, chair of bilateral chambers)
• Depends on the willingness of each member and the
ability of the chamber to motivate each member for such
activities (benefits for both sides)
How to transform members‘
needs into chamber services?
• Internal evaluation of members‘ inputs
• Different levels: network, departments, directors, top
• Different forms: brainstorming, internal experts‘ initiatives,
regular meetings, etc.
• Wider evaluation of members‘ inputs
• Involving existing chamber structure into discussion on the
design of new services – working groups, sector experts,
JBCs, bilateral chambers, etc.
How to transform members‘
needs into chamber services?
• Wider evaluation of members‘ inputs – possible
innovations in planning
• Involving external entities – municipalities, universities, banks,
other financial institutions, foundations, etc.
• Forms: Informal meetings, brainstormings chaired by chamber
representatives, wider think-tanks, thematic conferences, etc.
• Involving foreign partners as advisors – various forms of
inspiration, different fields (ad hoc basis, internships, twinning,
discussions, support projects)
EXAMPLE: Your SME members
want to go international
• What is internationalization?
Expanding business to foreign countries
Activities on international market
Respecting international standards
International experience
Adjustment of company‘s policy to international dimension (processes, staff,
product, etc.)
• Attention to quality management/control
• Respecting CSR principles in own activites
• Observing trends, tendencies, innovations
How can SMEs go international?
International company‘s strategy
Comprehensive analysis of strengths & weaknesses
4Ps – product, placement, price, promotion
Processes & resources, quality control
Research & innovation approaches
Staff skills & competences  training
Financial analysis & budgeting and planning
Information sources (territorial analysis, databases, legal
conditions, best practices, etc.)
• Business contacts (D&O, business missions, trade fairs &
exhibitions, company contact events
Going international – in detail
• 4 Ps – product, placement, price, promotion
• Product – characteristics, utility value, technical standards, production
process, quality control, recognized brand, possible innovations, postsale assistance, network of sub-contractors, client satisfaction, etc.
• Placement – territory/ies (chances & threats), competition existing in
target market, consumer behaviour, cultural differences, doubletaxation treaty, terms of delivery & payment, co-operation with local
producers, etc.
• Price – pricing policy, utility value / price ratio, competitive advantage,
exchange rate influence, etc.
• Promotion – PR strategy (media, advertisements, press releases,
sector magazines), own presentation materials, business cards,
sponsoring, etc.
Going international – in detail
• Staff skills & competences
• Qualified staff = key requirement
• Educated staff with foreign experience
• Production (engineers, working staff), financial issues (accountants,
invoicing, payments), public relations (outsourcing), trading (skilled
business people), legal issues (lawyers), etc.
• Improving language competences (language courses, study tours,
internships, etc.)
• Various trainings (PC & communication skills, intercultural aspects of
trade, taxes & customs, international standards, etc.
• National & international networking (associations, regional bodies,
municipalities, government, international organisations, etc.)
• Motivation (bonuses, success fees, holidays, kindergarten, etc.)
Through adjustment of chamber‘s policy!
Adjustment of chamber‘s policy
• Incorporating the international aspect in all chamber
activities  thinking international
• Comprehensive research on current needs of members in
foreign trade activities  qualified evaluation
• Changes in chamber structure
• Introducing new departments and/or project teams
• Introducing new chamber bodies (platform for enterprises discussing
foreign trade priorities, Joint Business Councils, joint Chambers of
Commerce, etc.)
• Activating own network (regional & professional), chains & clusters of
regional/local chambers
• Growing role of project management structure (horizontal, personal
involvement of staff, efficiency)
Adjustment of chamber‘s policy
• Partnership with key players
• Municipalities, ministries and other public administration bodies
• Academic field – universities, laboratories, research institutes,
technical colleges, foreign schools
• Banks, leasing companies, insurance companies and other financial
• Foundations, other non-governmental organisations, civil society,
think tanks, etc.
• Foreing chambers of commerce, confederations of industry, trade
development boards, institutes, etc.
• International organisations (chamber associations, EU, OECD, United
Nations, etc.)
Adjustment of chamber‘s policy
• Revised Action Plan
• Making internationalization a chamber priority
• Introducing new activities for support of internationalization –
prestigeous events & contests (Export Forum, Exporter of the Year),
participation in foreign trade fairs & exhibitons with a subsidy, creating
a status of an accredited chamber member, etc.
• Giving the Action Plan a publicity – taking over the initiative
• Training of own staff (study tours, internships, language
courses, PC & communication skills, intercultural aspects
of foreign trade, etc.
Instruments on Regional Level
• Organization of thematic events for members
• Formal: seminars, forums, trainings with foreign experts, priority
sector focus (topics: Exporting bio products, Foreign Trade Legislation
in Practice, International Standards in Production, etc.)
• Informal: breakfast for selected enterprises (farmers, chemical
companies, travel agents, etc.), brunch with regional representatives
of commercial banks
• Regular briefings on latest developments in international trade
practice, presentation of members‘ best practices
• On-site assistance – personal visits, evaluation of
individual needs of members, mediation of expert visits
(banks, research institutes, language teachers, etc.)
Instruments on National Level
• Organization of thematic events for members – formal/informal,
with participation of government officials, representatives of
bilateral chambers and Joint Business Councils, banks,
universities, specialized seminars & forums with national
impact, etc.
• Initiation of various advisory bodies and chairing their sessions
– National Foreign Investment Board, Export Development
Board, Standardization Board, etc.
• Organizing outgoing/incoming business missions (priority
• Access to various databases, D&O, active search of contacts
from available sources
Instruments on International Level
• Participation in various EU support programmes
(EuropeAid, country-focused calls)
• Focused on company contact events (Asia Invest, Invest in Med, East
Invest, etc.)
• Focused on education and similar activities
• International projects (U.N., OECD, World Bank,
foundations, research institutes, universities, etc.)
• Trade fairs & company contact events with financial
support (state budget, foreign governments)
Useful tips…
• Initiation – collection of various requests (based on suggestions
and interests of involved parties: members, network,
Parliament, Ministries, municipalities, foreign chambers, joint
chambers, etc.)
• Decision about further actions that may result in including the
event into the chamber‘s event list
• Nomination of a Project Manager, selection of the team
members with various responsibilities
• Proposal of the event type and draft outline of the budget
(internal & external sources)
• Discussion with Financial Department
PLANNING – cont.
• Approval of the type and budget of the event (chamber
• Elaboration of event proposal sent to the foreign partner(s)
• Comments/suggestions/recommendations made by the foreign
partner  discussions, negotiations
• Event confirmation  including it into the chamber‘s event list
• Precision of organisational details and particular budget items,
application draft (+ supporting documentation)
• Selection of suppliers of services (outsourcing) according to
previously specified needs  tender announcement
• Travel arrangement (travel agents, airlines, hotels, ground transport
agencies, etc.)
• Other suppliers (catalogues, PR agencies, etc.)
• Budget verification and check by Project Manager
• Preparation of event-related documents for recruitment of
participants, website adjustments (on-line applications,
payments, etc.)
• Promotional campaign
Presentation within the chamber network
Press releases, press conferences, TV interviews, etc.
Presentation at trade fairs/exhibitions and similar events
Presentation during meetings with government officials, local
authorities, national committees, etc.
• Direct mailing to members / non-members (qualified search in various
• Supporting events – trainings on business negotiations, business
etiquette, language courses, etc.
• Briefings with own and foreign Embassies (Czech Embassy in Lima)
• Recruitment of participants
• Collection & administration of applications & company profiles,
sending them to the foreign partner
• Phone follow-up (based on mailing/e-mailing)
• Collection & administration of participation fee payments, invoicing,
payment for outsourced services
• Further assistance to applicants (help with formulation of company
profiles in English, specification of co-operation proposals, etc.)
• Organizational details
• Co-ordination with the foreign partner (Czech Chamber of Commerce)
and all other involved parties (MFA, Embassy, etc.) concerning
programme items
• Travel arrangement, accommodation, visa assistance, etc.
• Trip to the Czech Republic (jointly/separately)
• Co-ordination meeting with the participants on the first evening
upon accommodation (participation of the Czech Project
• Welcome dinner (first networking opportunity)
• Meeting day – information part followed by individual contact
meetings between Serbian and Czech companies  joint
assistance on-site
• Separate meetings of chamber representatives (all available
• Settlement of financial matters
• Evaluation questionnaires for participants
• Evaluation of the preparation phase
• Evaluation of the business mission as such (travel arrangements,
overall organisation, programme, etc.)
• Efficiency of the information part and individual contact meetings
(goals achieved?)
• Further needs for assistance (follow-up of meetings)
• Preferences about future (Which territories/countries? Which
concept? Which sectors? )
• Suggestions / recommendations / ideas
• Don‘t be afraid of negative reactions! They serve as an impulse for
improvement! There is always something to be improved!
• Try to involve participants in chamber activities!
• Internal evaluation
• Evaluation of processes (all phases)
• Financial evaluation (Were the parameters formulated correctly?)
• Impact of the business mission on further co-operation with the
foreign partner (Czech Chamber of Commerce) as well as with other
involved actors
• Update of databases
• Did it work this way?  possible corrections
• Suggestions / recommendations / ideas
• Try to be sincere to yourself! Try to involve all staff into the evaluation!
Try to listen to all initiatives!
How to network with members
and verify their needs?
• Activating chamber bodies and introducing new ones
• Chairing working groups and committees of entrepreneurs 
generating new ideas and discussion on currently developed
– Thematic: Foreign Section, Training Section, Network Section,
Standardization, etc.
– Sector-focused: Agriculture, Tourism, Chemicals, Energy, etc.
• Establishment of Joint Business Councils
– Focused on foreign countries/territories
– Chaired by most successful entrepreneurs, administred by the chamber
How to network with members
and verify their needs?
• Activating chamber bodies and introducing new ones
• Establishment of bilateral chambers of commerce
– Further institutionalization of relations established in JBC
– Support on national level, involvement of regions
– Supervision over activities of the bilateral chambers and co-operation on
activities carried out
• Essential to have prominent personalities as leaders
• publicity given to the activities
• no formal gibberish!
How to network with members
and verify their needs?
• Informal networking with members
• Working breakfasts, working dinners organized for members
(thematicly focused and efficiently chaired)
• On-site visits in member factories and offices
• Participation in events organized by other institutions –
municipality, foreign Embassies, etc.
• Important to record any outcomes and interesting findings
that may be used for chamber purposes
How to network with members
and verify their needs?
• Sustainable verification of members‘ needs
• Variety of channels: personal, impersonal (e-mail, phone,
questionnaires, on-line surveys, etc.)
• Processing of acquired information – updates of databases,
extensive use of CRM
• Making conclusions of processed information and transforming
them into chamber activities – changes in current services
and/or launching new services
• Wide publicity of outcomes!
How to network with members
and verify their needs?
• Sustainable verification of members‘ needs
• Interactivity of contact with members through IT tools (on-line
surveys, on-line questionnaires)
• Make it easy for your members to interact with you!
• Reward those who interact with you well
• Contact your members regularly, but not too often!
• Formalize the processing of information given by members!
• Elaborate a manual for chamber staff concerning the contact
with members!
Our interesting services…
• CCC is an obligatory point for inter-institutional consulting
• In co-operation with EUROCHAMBRES, UEAPME and other
EU-wide operating institution the CCC consults also new EU
legislation (in close interaction with Czech Business
Representation in Brussels)
• Main objective: improvement of business environment in the
Czech Republic and reduction of administrative burden for
• Process: governmental suggestion – consulting (CCC interacts
with members, network and experts) – the author incorporates
comments into the suggestion – approval by Government –
pass of new legislation in Parliament
• Examples of current proposals in national law:
Trade Licencing Act Review
Labour Code
Air Protection Act
Consumer Tax Act
Income Tax Act
Employment Act
Railways Act
• Examples of current proposals in EU law:
• Services Directive, Late Payment Directive, Consumer Rigst Directive
• EU 2020 Strategy consultation
• Review of the Competition Rules
• Co-financed by the state budget and structural funds of the
European Union (Operational Programme Enterprise and
• Czech Chamber of Commerce has won a tender on
organisation and administration of the project for the years
• Objective: strengthening of Czech companies‘
competitivenesss on international market through participation
in renowned international trade fairs and exhibitions
• List of more than 100 supported events per year worldwide
• Both for SMEs and larger companies
• Financial support provided up to €5,000 (excl. VAT)
• Number of fairs & exhibitions one company participates in is not
limited, total support must not exceed €200,000 within 3 years
• Eligible expenses:
• Rent of exhibition space, inscription into the event catalogue
• Exhibition booth, equipment and related services
• Registration fee, supplies (energy, water, cleaning, etc.)
• Ineligible expenses:
• Travel, accommodation, insurance
• PR materials, shipping costs, catering
• Participation possible also in joint exhibition booth (CZ national
booth) under favourable conditions
• Further conditions for financial support
• Company profile complying with sector focus of the respective trade
fair / exhibition
• Seat or major activities outside the capital Prague (exceeds 75% of
average EU GDP income)
• No debts vis-a-vis the state (taxes, social & health insurance, etc.)
• Physical presence at the trade fair / exhibition
• Organizational conditions (questionnaires, original documents and
other proofs of eligibility)
• Financial support provided up to 100% of eligible expenses
Project CzechPOINT
• CzechPOINT = Český Podací Ověřovací Informační Národní Terminál
(Czech Submitting Verification Informative National Terminal)
• Joint initiative of the CCC and the Ministry of Interior (Contracting
Authority) introduced in 2007
• At present 53 public administration contact points (CzechPOINTs)
operated by the CCC network
• Through the CCC network CzechPOINT is represented in all regions
of the Czech Republic (14 regions); map on the next slide
• Certifiers/verifiers who provide services of CzechPOINT are trained to
work with the system and have passed exams focused on services
according to the Law no. 21/2006 (vidimus and legalization)
Project CzechPOINT
• CzechPOINT services are meant for all public and business entities
• This service facilitates public and entrepreneurs to access the system
of verified/certified documents – printouts from various registers,
submitting applications or certified documents and signatures
• It‘s also possible to obtain information and consulting concerning
business issues at these points
• Objective of the project is to reduce bureaucracy in the relation citizen
– public administration (main motto: „It is data that is circulating, not
the people“) and also to create a guaranteed service for
communication with the state administration one universal spot
• According to statistics, since its introduction the whole system
generated in total over 2 mil. Outputs
• Positively received, further extension planned
Project CzechPOINT - services
• Printouts from Real Estate Register (entries in the real estate evidence –
contains information on parcels, buildings, registration districts, owners, etc.)
• Printouts from Trade Register (contains information on business entities – legal
persons – changes, data of establishment, etc.)
• Printouts from Crafts register (contains information on physical and legal
persons operating crafts based on trade licence certificate)
• Printouts from Criminal Record Register (contains records about individuals –
lists their criminal delicts or prove thier chastity)
• Drivers‘ Register – printout of Point Evaluation (provides current information
on number of penalty points)
• Directory of qualified suppliers (evidence of the Ministry of Regional
Development on suppliers fulfilling the qualification according to §53 and 54 of the Law
no. 137/2006 on public tenders)
Project CzechPOINT - services
• Register of the Ministry of Environment – MAISOH (possibility of
registration for operators of car breaker‘s yards)
• Printouts from Insolvency Register (contains information on insolvency
• Vidimus (verification of wording concordance of copies with the presented original)
• Legalisation (certification of personal signature or certification of the applicant to
have accepted the signature on the document as his/her own)
• Conversion of Documents (full transformation on the document in paper form into
a document in data format and vice versa)
• Creating a data box (submitting of application to the Ministry of Interior through the
public administration contact point – Cze
• Submitting acc. to §72 Trade Code (application for acquiring a trade license,
notification about new or other trade license, other applications for licenses)
Opening Business Opportunities
• Outgoing and incoming business missions to and from all territories
of the world (according to priority selection)
• Accompanying missions of businessmen at the occasion of official
visits of state officials (President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Members
of the Parliament) abroad
• Matchmaking events focused on selected branches (with EU
support, bilateral, multilateral)
• Operation of database of demands and offers, Business Contact
• Providing auspices to national and international trade fairs and
Interesting Examples - Hungary
Széchenyi Card – SME Credit Card Programme
• Joint initiative of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry and National Organization of Entrepreneurs
and Employers
• Credit facility on state supported preferential terms
• micro- and SMEs with minimum business history of 1 year
• Use of credit managing liquidity risks
• Eligible for any expenditures (meeting the tax and accounting
standards) – purchases, cash withdrawal, wire transfer, etc.
• Non-eligible for exports
Széchenyi Card
Choice of 5 commercial banks to contract with
Revolving credit limit between 2,000 and 100,000 EUR
Duration of the credit: 365 days (possible to extend)
State support: 50% of guarantee fee, 1-2 per cent interest rate
Members don‘t have to pay any registration fee
Enterprises register at offices of the Hungarian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, all process goes on electronically
• Club of Széchenyi Card Programme associates members and creates
and additional platform for discussions on current issues, not only
concerning credit facilities