Deep Impact First Look Inside a Comet Michael F. A’Hearn Outline • • • • Scientific Objectives, Mission Overview, Context Cratering Physics The Target and Environment Measurements and Observations EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 2 Fundamental Goal • Explore the interior of a cometary nucleus • Recreate a natural phenomenon under controlled circumstances • Excavate a football field 7 stories deep in a true, controlled experiment • Conceptually simple! • Technically challenging! EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 3 Simple But Challenging Even 33 Years Ago "It [an asteroid] was racing past them at almost thirty miles a second; they had only a few frantic minutes in which to observe it closely. The automatic cameras took dozens of photographs, the navigation radar's returning echoes were carefully recorded for future analysis - and there was just time for a single impact probe. The probe carried no instruments; none could survive a collision at such cosmic speeds. It was merely a small slug of metal, shot out from Discovery on a course which should intersect that of the asteroid. .....They were aiming at a hundred-foot-diameter target, from a distance of thousands of miles... Against the darkened portion of the asteroid there was a sudden, dazzling explosion of light. ...” ____________________ Arthur C. Clarke, 1968. In 2001: A Space Odyssey. Chapter 18 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 4 Science Team M. F. A’Hearn, PI Management, Emission Spectra, Coma relation to nucleus, PDS Archiving M. J. S. Belton, Deputy PI Imaging, Rotation A. Delamere Instrumentation J. Kissel Dust, Ejecta from crater K. Klaasen Mission operations, Geomorphology L. A. McFadden, EPO Dir. Outreach, Reflection Spectroscopy, geology K. J. Meech Earth-based observing program H. J. Melosh Cratering - numerical simulations P. Schultz Cratering - experiments J. Sunshine Reflection spectroscopy, analysis J. Veverka Relation among comets & asteroids, Data processing pipeline D. K. Yeomans Dynamics, Radio science EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 5 Scientific Objectives • Primary Scientific Theme – Understand the differences between interior and surface – Determine basic cometary properties – Search for pristine material below surface • Secondary Scientific Theme – Distinguish extinction from dormancy • Additional Science Addressed – Address terrestrial hazard from cometary impacts – Search for heterogeneity at scale of cometesimals – Calibration of cratering record EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 6 Mission Overview • • 2 spacecraft – Smart Impactor + Flyby Fly together until 1 day before impact – 1-year heliocentric orbit with Earth return to provide lunar calibration of instruments and test of targeting – 6-month Earth-to-comet trajectory • Smart Impactor – Impactor Targeting Sensor (ITS) • Scale 10 microrad/pixel • Used for active navigation to target site • Images relayed via flyby to Earth for analysis – Cratering mass (≥350 kg at 10.2 km/s) • Excavates 100-meter crater in few*100 seconds EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 7 Mission Overview (continued) • Flyby Spacecraft – Diverts to miss by 500 km – Slows down to observe for 800 seconds – Instruments body-mounted – spacecraft rotates to follow comet during flyby • Instruments on Flyby Spacecraft – High Resolution Imager (HRI) • CCD imaging at 2 microrad/pixel • 1-5 micron spectroscopy – Medium Resolution Imager (MRI) • CCD imaging at 10 microrad/pixel • Identical to ITS but with filter wheel added • Major Earth-based Observing Campaign EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 8 Spacecraft Overview Instruments MRI, ITS, HRI EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 9 Inter-Planetary Trajectory Mars at Encounter EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 10 Interplanetary Trajectory Earth-Relative Interplanetary Trajectory Opening Launch Day - January 2, 2004 Rotating Coordinates Distance from Sun in AU Encounter 1.6 AU Earth One-year Earth-to-Earth Loop t 30 days 1.4 AU 1.2 AU 1.0 AU Sun EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet 0.8 AU View from North Ecliptic mfa - 11 Encounter Schematic Impactor Release E-24 hours AutoNav Enabled E-2 hr ITM-1 Start E-88 min ITM-2 E-48 min ITM-3 E-15 min Tempel-1 Nucleus 64 kbps 2-way S-band Crosslink 500 km Flyby S/C Deflection Maneuver E-23.5 hr Science and Autonav Imaging to Impact + 800 sec Flyby S/C Science And Impactor Data at 175 kbps* Flyby Science Realtime Data at 175 kbps* Shield Mode Attitude through Inner Coma TCA + TBD sec Flyby S/C Science Data Playback at 175 kbps* to 70-meter DSS * data rates without Reed-Solomon encoding EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet Look-back Imaging mfa - 12 Flyby Geometry Varies With Launch Date A. The spacecraft’s position with respect to the Moon for A) Opening, B) Middle, and C) Closing Launch Dates. Sun Earth/Moon Flyby on December 31, 2004 for Opening Launch Date (January 2, 2004) CALIBRATION SEQUENCES WILL BE VERY LAUNCH DATE DEPENDENT! S/C Inbound t 6 hrs Moon Orbit t 1 day S/C Outbound Earth Launch Date (2004) 2-Jan 6-Jan 11-Jan 14-Jan 21-Jan Perigee Moon at S/C Closest Approach Moon at S/C Perigee North Ecliptic View B. Sun Earth/Moon Flyby on January 9, 2005 for Middle Launch Date (January 11, 2004) Moon Orbit t 1 day Moon at S/C Perigee Moon at S/C Closest Approach North Ecliptic View Sun Earth/Moon Flyby on January 20, 2005 for Closing Launch Date (January 22, 2004) Earth S/C Outbound Moon Orbit t 1 day Moon at S/C Closest Approach (near Perigee) EMCSC 22 June 2001 Earth Flyby Earth Flyby Altitude Date/Time (km) 31-Dec-04 1,350 04-Jan-05 3,447 09-Jan-05 6,357 12-Jan-05 8,235 19-Jan-05 13,146 S/C Inbound t 6 hrs S/C Inbound t 6 hrs Perigee C. Lunar Flyby Lunar Flyby Distance Date/Time (km) 1-Jan-05 245,319 5-Jan-05 108,605 8-Jan-05 207,715 11-Jan-05 118,829 19-Jan-05 379,207 North Ecliptic View Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet Earth Perigee S/C Outbound mfa - 13 Context – Comets Unknown • Mass – no data – Density and Surface Gravity uncertainty >10x • Strength – Tensile strength < 103dyn/cm2 at km scale – Nothing else known • Stratification – Know only irradiated mantle on new comets – Ice to rock ratio unknown • Shape – Data only for 1P/Halley • Photometric Properties very uncertain • Coma dust and rocks very uncertain EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 14 Cometary Dichotomies • • • • • • Comets have the most primitive, accessible material in the SS Comets must become dormant There must be many dormant comets masquerading as NEAs We know more chemical and physical details than for other small bodies in the SS Abundances in the coma are used to infer ices in the protoplanetary disk Comets break apart under small stresses EMCSC 22 June 2001 • • • • • • We do not know what is hidden below the evolved surface layers Is the ice exhausted or sealed in? We can not recognize dormant comets among NEAs We do not know how to use these details to constrain models of nuclei Abundances in the coma differ significantly but in unknown ways from nuclear abundances Variation of strength with scale is totally unknown Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 15 Everything We Know Directly H. U. Keller EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 16 What We Won’t Know • • • • • • • Shape Details and Topography Phase Function Density Mass Dust environment Rotational axis Cratering Physics EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 17 Nuclear Models EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 18 Interior Model? EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 19 Context – Other Small-Body Missions Mission Launch Encounter Encounter Encounter End Mission NEAR 96/02/17 97/06/27 98/12/23 00/02/14 ( 253)Mathilde (433) Eros (rend) DS-1 98/10/25 99/07/28 01/09/23 (9969) Braille 19P/Borrelly Stardust 99/02/12 04/01/02 81P/Wild 2 Muses C 02/12/xx 05/09/xx 1998 SF36 CONTOUR 02/07/04 03/11/12 06/06/18 (08/08/18) 2P/Encke 73P/S-W 3 (6P/d'Arrest) Rosetta 03/01/20 06/07/10 08/07/23 11/07/27 ( 4979)Otawara (140)Siwa 46P/Wirtanen Deep Impact 04/01/06 05/07/04 9P/Tempel 1 Goal 01/02/12 surface surface 06/01/15 sample return 07/06/xx sample return diversity 14/xx/xx ~1m deep + tomog. ~25m deep Dates are yy/mm/dd EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 20 Cratering Physics Possible Scenarios • Crater formation on an intact nucleus – Gravity controlled crater – Compression controlled crater • • • Aerogel-like capture of the impactor Split nucleus Crater formation on an intact nucleus – Strength controlled crater • • Shattered nucleus Transit through the nucleus • Above are roughly in order of decreasing probability (as guessed by the PI) N.B.: K.E. of Impactor << Gravitational Binding Energy of Cometary Nucleus • EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet D. K. Yeomans CSR page 1-12 mfa - 22 Cratering Physics • Gravity control expected – – – – Size and time sensitive to cometary properties Size ~ (impactor mass)1/3 Size insensitive to other properties Details of early ejecta (speed, jets) sensitive to shape and density Strength control possible Size depends on impactor density (as does speed of early ejecta) – much smaller than under gravity control; greater depth/diameter than under gravity control; details sensitive to shape of impactor Compression control possible Scaling relationships not known Mechanism newly proposed to explain Mathilde’s craters Distinguish mode by ejecta morphology and crater size EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 23 Ejecta Cone Figures are for gravity controlled situations. If strength controlled, cone detaches from surface. If volatiles exist under inert material, vaporization drives ejecta that tend to fill in cone. If compression controlled, much less total ejecta in cone and no final rim. EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 24 Cratering Flow Pattern EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 25 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 26 Crater Scaling Different Cometary Bulk Densities Different Target Materials (Affects Gravitational Acceleration) Crater Depths 300 50 200 40 200 100 50 150 Depth (m) Crater Diameter (m) Crater Diameter (m) 30 20 100 Surface Density = 0.3 g/cc Cometary Bulk Density = 0.8 g/cc Surface Density = 0.3 g/cc Cometary Bulk Density = 0.8 g/cc Surface Density = 0.3 g/cc 10 100 200 400 600 1000 Impactor Mass (kg) 70 30 100 100 200 400 600 Impactor Mass (kg) 1000 200 400 600 1000 Impactor Mass (kg) Crater depth combines excavation with compression and displacement. Varies with target material D ~ m1/3 D ~ rc-1/6 D ~ Rc-1/6 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 27 Formation Time Scaling Different Cometary Bulk Densities m1/6 T~ T ~ rc-2/3 T ~ Rc-2/3 (Affects Gravitational Acceleration) 550 50 800-sec observing window provides large margin for extreme cometary properties, even down to bulk density 0.1 g/cc Crater Formation Time (s) 450 400 350 300 250 200 Surface Density = 0.3 g/cc 150 100 200 400 600 1000 Impactor Mass (kg) Most important thing is to know impactor properties EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 28 Impactor Designed to Optimize Cratering Debris Shields note: radiator not shown is debris shield too Launch vehicle adaptor not shown Design simplifies adding mass at start of I&T Stacked plates can easily be made porous Science traded less copper for more front mass EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet Radiator shown in translucent blue mfa - 29 Speed of Early Ejecta Ejecta Velocities Comparison PLATE porous ~ 0.5 to 1.5 km/s CAP solid ~ up to 5 km/s , high initial temperatures CAN hollow ~ 2 - 3.5 km/s Solid Copper Porous Copper Porosity of plate reduces ejecta velocity! Easier to track ejecta! J. D. O’Keefe EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 30 Baseline Prediction • • Assumes Gravitationally Controlled Crater Crater – Diameter ~110m – Depth ~ 27m – Formation Time ~ 200 s • Ejecta – Max velocity ~ 2 km/s – Negligible quantity of “boulders” – Clumping of ejecta to allow tracking • Long-term changes – New “active area” – Outgassing jet that may last days to months – Increased ratio of CO & CO2 to H2O EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 31 Target Properties - 9P/Tempel 1 What Can We Know Before Impact? Wilhelm Tempel Target Requirements Easily Met Property CSR Requirement Current Value Radius > 2 km 2.6 km Approach Phase < 70° 63° Solar Elongation > 70° 104° Earth Range < 1.3 AU 0.89 AU Rotation Period “long” 42 h Dust Prediction in CSR Fig 1.2-8 Prediction validated EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 33 Target Update – Nucleus • Size and albedo – Keck #1 + UH 88”, 2000 August 21; poor weather – <R> = 2.6±0.5 km, pR = 0.04 • Rotation – UH 88” – many runs, HST – 1 run, several runs at Lowell and ESO and La Palma, since Jan 1999 – Partially analyzed – P ~ 42 hours – Axis orientation and sense of rotation MAY be determinable well before impact, but not yet confident • Shape – Axial ratio > 1.3, probably < 2 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 34 Nuclear Radius Determined Keck, thermal IR (10.7 mm), 21 Aug 2000 composite Radial profiles of thermal IR image separate dust from nucleus UH 88”, optical (0.7 mm), 21 Aug 2000 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 35 Slow Rotation of 9P/Tempel 1 P/Tempel 1 Mar 1999 data (Meech et al) Model: P=1.7478; a=5.8,b=c=3.28km; A=0.04; C-type Hapke; Phi=180@JD2451206.94898 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 M(1,1,a) 15.6 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.0 2451253 2451254 2451255 2451256 2451257 2451258 2451259 2451260 2451261 2451262 2451263 Julian Days P/Tempel 1 All 1999 data (Meech et al) Model: P=1.7478 d; a=5.8,b=c=3.28km; A=0.04; C-type Hapke; Phi=180@JD2451206.94898 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.5 M(1,1,a) 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.6 14.5 2451197 2451207 2451217 2451227 2451237 2451247 2451257 Julian Days EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 36 Target Update – Dust • IRAS survey remapped and re-calibrated (January 2000), data from 5 days post-perihelion to several months post-perihelion in 1983; preliminary models fitted • IRAS pointed observations to be recalibrated (one pre-perihelion observation included) • Keck run – August 2000 (7 1/2 months post-perihelion) EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 37 IRAS Survey Image Tempel 1 Dust Trail in Orbit Plane Best image of dust trail from comet Tempel 1. 1983 Zodiacal Dust Density of old dust in orbit plane is low compared to dust currently released near nucleus! EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 38 Revised IRAS Results Limit Dust R. Walker HCON 421 R=1.56 =1.26 Trail visible but very faint EMCSC 22 June 2001 Improved spatial resolution and better flux calibration (10-50% fainter; 25K hotter). These are the only data sensitive to large (> 10 mm) particles in inner coma. HCON 339 1983 Jul 13, T+5 days HCON 421 1983 Aug 24, T+46 days Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 39 IRAS and Keck Results Recalibration of IRAS data constrains size distribution of large dust 5 days after perihelion. EMCSC 22 June 2001 Light curve implies dust production is dropping at perihelion. Allows interpolation or extrapolation of other data to time of our impact. (Scaling of IR data to optical data is done empirically.) Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 40 Design Models • • Due to uncertainties, must assume specific models to which system is designed Models needed include – – – – • Photometric behavior of dust and nucleus, Shape and topography of nucleus, Dust environment, Cratering process Must consider worst-case models while designing to a nominal model Design models are conservative to encompass cases that are worse, in whatever sense, than best prediction! Design models allow flight system design to be mature now! EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 41 Design Model – Photometry • Phase function for nucleus derived from recent observations of 2P/Encke at large phase • Bi-directional reflectance assumed • Dust phase function from observations at 1P/Halley • Dust brightness near opposition scaled from optical observations of Tempel 1 in 1983 • Nuclear brightness near opposition from HST and UH-88” observations of Tempel 1 in 1997-1999 _________________ > Average nuclear pixel is brighter than maximum plausible jet brightness at limb > Phase function for nucleus is assumed at dark end of range > Targeting is straightforward (unlike at Halley) > To be confirmed with data from Borrelly (DS 1) and Encke (CONTOUR) EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 42 Phase Functions Design Case Selected from Many Adopted Phase Laws for Nucleus and Dust <<<<< Nuclei Ga -0.252 Phase [deg] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Normalized Phase Fcn Dust Nucleus 3 6 <=index 0.030m/deg 0.035m/deg 0.040m/deg 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.933 0.755 0.871 0.851 0.832 0.900 0.570 0.759 0.724 0.692 0.847 0.431 0.661 0.617 0.575 0.813 0.325 0.575 0.525 0.479 0.793 0.245 0.501 0.447 0.398 0.793 0.185 0.437 0.380 0.331 0.747 0.106 0.331 0.275 0.229 0.720 0.060 0.251 0.200 0.158 0.710 0.034 0.191 0.145 0.110 0.690 0.020 0.145 0.105 0.076 0.667 0.011 0.110 0.076 0.052 0.747 0.006 0.083 0.055 0.036 0.000 0.004 0.063 0.040 0.025 0.000 0.002 0.048 0.029 0.017 0.000 0.001 0.036 0.021 0.012 0.000 0.001 0.028 0.015 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.021 0.011 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.008 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.006 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.003 0.001 index=> 0 1 2 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Encke IAU #NUM! 0.54602 0.38189 0.27957 0.20897 0.15784 0.11976 0.06892 0.03913 0.02190 0.01245 0.00781 0.00597 0.00551 0.00535 0.00479 0.00355 0.00190 0.00058 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 3 >>>>> Q -0.092 Encke Orig L-B #NUM! 0.59631 0.44261 0.34287 0.27133 0.21752 0.17597 0.11771 0.08148 0.05951 0.04707 0.04091 0.03858 0.03818 0.03823 0.03765 0.03571 0.03202 0.02646 0.01907 0.01004 0.00000 4 <<<<< Dust >>>>> Gb 0.15 typ ast IAU 0.061m/deg #NUM! 1.000 0.67889 0.755 0.55105 0.570 0.46407 0.431 0.39824 0.325 0.34559 0.245 0.30198 0.185 0.23298 0.106 0.18018 0.060 0.13821 0.034 0.10414 0.020 0.07625 0.011 0.05354 0.006 0.03541 0.004 0.02151 0.002 0.01156 0.001 0.00520 0.001 0.00181 0.000 0.00042 0.000 0.00004 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 5 6 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet Ney & Kiselev & Merrill Chernova C/West P/Ash-Jack C/Meier 1.00 1.0000 1.0000 0.92 0.7447 0.7798 0.85 0.5649 0.6607 0.77 0.5248 0.6138 0.70 0.5346 0.65 0.6026 0.60 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.80 1.50 2.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 0 1 2 Krasno. P/Halley 1.0000 0.9333 0.9000 0.8467 0.8133 0.7933 0.7933 0.7467 0.7200 0.7100 0.6900 0.6667 0.7467 Schleich. P/Halley 1.0000 0.9376 0.8872 0.8318 0.7834 0.7447 0.7244 0.6730 0.6486 0.6607 0.6918 3 mfa - 43 4 Design Model – Shape Stooke’s Halley Model (fit to data) Everything we know! Gaskell’s Accretion Model (Theoretical) EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 44 Shape Model Partly Confirmed • • • Rotational light curve suggests axial ratio < original specification and < in Gaskell’s theoretical model No comets have light curves suggesting dumbbell structure (whereas some asteroids do) Will evaluate data from Borrelly (DS 1 – Sept 2001) and Encke (CONTOUR – Nov 2003) to determine if large-scale concavity is likely to exist EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 45 Design Model – Dust Best power-law fit to IRAS spectral energy distribution Design Model CSR Model CSR model confirmed as good prediction. Design model, defined before IRAS data were available, is conservative to allow for asymmetries and other factors. EMCSC 22 June 2001 Conservative design model has good margin for uncertainties Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 46 Dust Model Validated Steeper power laws inconsistent with IRAS data - lack of 10-mm silicate emission Shallow power laws, such as m-0.2, inconsistent with optical data No data very sensitive to particles with m > 0.1 g EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 47 Dust Model Validated • IRAS data confirm that design model was conservative for mid-range of dust particles • Improved optical scaling also confirms conservatism for smaller particles • Distribution by mass not well constrained but definitely different than for P/Halley • Extensive search shows no evidence for significant asymmetries within coma EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 48 Instruments and Measurements Instrument Platform Assembly for Flyby Spacecraft Maintains Instrument and ACS Sensors in Alignment Star Trackers Debris Shielding HRI Instrument IRU Low Gain Antenna Instrument Platform EMCSC 22 June 2001 MRI Instrument Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 50 ITS Optics and Electronics Fit Into Allocated Impactor Volumes ITS Instrument Thermal Radiator ITS Electronics EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet ITS Thermal Strap mfa - 51 Instrument Functional Block Diagrams HRI Dichroic Beamsplitter Filter Wheel Shutter CCD Telescope IR FPA Radiative Cooler SIM Bench IR Spectrometer CCD Electronics LVDS to S/C (Vis) IR Electronics LVDS to S/C (IR) Electronics Controller HRI Electronics 1553 Bus MRI & ITS Filter Wheel (MRI only) Shutter CCD 1553 Bus CCD Electronics LVDS Telescope Controller EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 52 Visible Imagers Parameter HRI MRI ITS FOV [mrad] 2.05 10.2 10.2 IFOV [mrad] 2 10 10 l [mm] 0.3-1.0 0.3-1.0 0.3-1.0 PSF FWHM [pix@0.7mm] <1.3 <0.6 <0.6 Full Frame Rate [s-1] 1/1.7 1/1.7 1/1.7 Radiometric Sensitivity Stars to m~11.3 in 0.1 s Stars to m~11.3 in 0.1 s Stars to m~11.3 in 0.1 s Boresight Alignment <1 mrad <1 mrad N/A EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet CCDs 1024x1024 active area Bilateral frame transfer (2 1024x512 shielded areas) mfa - 53 IR Spectrometer Parameter Capability Units Slit FOV 2.6 Mrad IFOV 10 mrad l 1.05-4.8 mm PSF FWHM <1 Pix@2.5mm Resolving Power, l/dl 744@1.04mm 209@2.6mm 385@4.8mm Radiometric Sensitivity CO 300 kR/dl Full Frame Rate 1/1.75 EMCSC 22 June 2001 Detector Rockwell HgCdTe with “Hawaii” Mux 1024x512 with 2x2 readout binning s-1 for 1.75s exposure Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 54 CO Lines Drive HRI IR Sensitivity Background 1300 32,000 H2O 28,000 Surface Brightness (kR) 1100 24,000 1000 20,000 Pre-Impact Emission Brightnesses CO Requirement 900 16,000 800 12,000 700 8,000 SNR=1 600 4,000 500 H2CO 400 0 CO2 150 K -4,000 145 K 140 K -8,000 300 200 -12,000 CO 100 -16,000 0 -20,000 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Background (photons/pix/sec/nm) 1200 5 Wavelength (microns) Removing background suppression (band-limit) filters and reducing bench temperature to 135K improves limits to 200 kR/dl Additional measures under consideration EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 55 Geometric Constraints on Data • • Phase angle on approach 63° Impactor Release – 1 day before impact – Range ~ 870,000 km • Flyby at impact – Range ~ 8600 km • Flyby at last image – 800s after impact – Range ~ 700 km – Rotation 45° EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 56 Impactor Measurements • • Images for navigation as needed Images for science at intervals of sqrt(d), where d is distance from impact – Early images are full frame – Later images are sub-frames, down to 128x128, due to limitations of Sband link from impactor to flyby – Best resolution if no dust hits - 20 cm – Best resolution if dust hits are major problem - 1.5 m • Largest challenge – Knowing time of impact in order to know when to switch image sizes – A priori time ±30s 3-s – Determine to ±5s 3-s from flyby rotation and uplink to shift image sequence in time EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 57 Flyby Measurements • Before impact – – – • At time of impact – – • Images of ejecta cone Spectra of down-range ejecta Track ejecta with images After crater complete – – – • High speed imaging subframes (1282)for light curve, initially dt < 0.17s Shift to full frame at slower rate as time increases Shortly after impact until crater completely formed – – – • Monitor rotation of nucleus (brightness) & coma activity for weeks Map coma with narrow-band filters Map nucleus & innermost coma in filters and with spectrometer Map nucleus & crater in filters and spectrometer Spectra off limb for changes in outgassing Final crater image with resolution ~ 3-4m Look-back imaging – – Minutes to hours after flyby Images and spectra to study changes in activity and map other side of nucleus EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 58 Analysis Approach • • • • • • • • Determine cratering regime debris cone detachment, lack of ejecta Confirm regime from scaling relations IF GRAVITY DOMINATED (i.e., one possible analysis scenario) Estimate porosity from half-angle of debris cone Estimate subsurface structure from blockiness of crater walls Estimate density ratio of impactor to target from shape of expanding plume Determine buried ices from gasdriven jet pushing through ejecta Determine layering of regolith from crater walls EMCSC 22 June 2001 • • • • • Determine coefficients for scaling laws applicable to small bodies in the solar system Determine composition of ejected debris from downrange near-IR spectra Estimate differentiation of ices by comparing pre- and post- spectra of outgassing Test for amorphous ice by searching for exothermic reaction driving outgassing above sublimation rate Determine composition of cool debris and cometary surface from spectra Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 59 Earth-Based Observing Program How all astronomers can participate Earth-Based Geometry • • • Geocentric Distance ~ 0.89 AU Solar Elongation ~ 104° Declination ~ -10° EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 61 Earth-Based Elevations EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 62 Impact Time 80 70 CTIO Paranal Elevation Angle (deg) 60 50 Goldstone 40 30 La Palma 20 Goldstone Madrid Paranal Paranal (Nautical) Paranal (Day) CTIO CTIO (Nautical) CTIO (Day) La Palma La Palma (Nautical) Teide Teide (Nautical) DSN Redundancy 10 Madrid 0 Current baseline 70 2100 2300 0100 Canberra 60 IMPACT! Baseline at CSR orals Elevation Angle (deg) 3/4 July 2005 (UT) Mauna Kea Mauna Kea (Nautical) Mauna Kea (Day) Palomar Goldstone Canberra 50 Mauna Kea 40 30 Palomar 20 Goldstone 10 IMPACT! 0 EMCSC 22 June 2001 0500 0600 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet 0700 0800 4 July 2005 (UT) mfa - 63 Earth-Based Observing Feature CSR Orals Baseline PDR Baseline Chile: CTIO, La Hawai’i:- Mauna Prime Region Silla, Campanas, Kea, Haleakala Paranal CTIO - .44, .75 Weather MKO - .58, .83 La Silla - .42, est .8 photometric, usable Haleakala - ?, ? Paranal - .72, est >.9 Canaries S. California Backup Region La Palma - ?, .96 Palomar - ?, est >.9 HST window EMCSC 22 June 2001 ±45 min Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet ±25 min mfa - 64 Earth-Based Goals • • Thermal and scattered light curves Emission-line spectroscopy at all wavelengths - euv to radio – Temporal resolution - 1s allowed by photon statistics for strongest lines – Spatial resolution - limited e.g. to 1 arcsec ~ 700 km, i.e. a point source • • • X-ray emission Long-term monitoring Imaging & morphology at all wavelengths – Spatial & temporal resolution - significant ejecta to > 1 arcsec takes tens of minutes – Long-term existence of jets? – Long-term astrometry for non-gravitational accelerations EMCSC 22 June 2001 Deep Impact - First Look Inside a Comet mfa - 65