What is Anatomy? - wpcsd.k12.ny.us

What is Anatomy?
What is Anatomy?
Study of the body’s structure and
What is Anatomy?
1) Macroscopic
Anatomy – The study
of gross structure
Macroscopic Anatomy
Divided into two different approaches:
Regional Anatomy where a particular section or
area of the body is examined, such as the abdomen.
Systemic Anatomy where a specific structure is
studied, such as the digestive system.
2) Microscopic
Anatomy – The study
of microscopic
Subdivisions of
microscopic anatomy
Cytology or the study
of the cells
Histology or the study
of tissues
3) Developmental
Anatomy examines
the changes is an
organism from
conception to death.
What is Physiology?
Study of the body’s function or “How does
it work?”
What is Physiology?
Study of the body’s function or “How does it
Physiology combines biochemistry, chemistry
and physics.
For example:
 Enzyme Action
pH and ion formation
Electrical potential and mechanics
Focuses on events and
adjustments at the
cellular level.
Exercise Physiology
Athletic trainer
Anatomy & Physiology I
This course will focus on:
• Identification of tissues types
• Specific function of tissues
• Microscopic &Macroscopic structure of
bone, Muscle and Nerves
For Example
You will be able to
identify this tissue as
cuboidal epithelium.
and that its major role
is absorption.
For Example
You will be able to
identify this as the
cervical vertebrae as
opposed to the thoracic
or lumbar vertebrae and
For Example
Understand the
mechanism of muscle
For Example
You will be able to
identify the major
muscles and groups on
the human body.
For Example
You will be able to
identify major parts of
the human brain and
their function
For Example
You will be able to
identify the
organization of the
nervous system
For Example
Other topics will include
the endocrine and
reproductive systems.
For these topics, you will
Use the microscope to
study tissues and cells
For these topics, you will
Use clay models to learn
the human muscles
For these topics, you will
Dissect the musculature
of the cat
Cat Practical Exam 2013
For these topics, you will
Dissect the brain of the
You will
• Get a taste of what a college course is like
• Get 4 credits from WCC if you get a C or
• OMG! How do I study for this course?