Radford University Ashleigh Williams, Team Leader Aida Moreno Ryan Bowyer Terri Moore Demographics Radford University: Rural, Southwest Virginia • Gender: 59.11% female, 40.88% men, Other, unknown • Race:86.67% White, .056% Black, .3% Hispanic • Student Population: 9,157 • On-campus population: 3,254 • Average incoming Freshman GPA: 3.1 Issues at Radford University • Alcohol & Drug use: – Cleary Report 2008-09; 127 counts of Liquor Law violations referred for Campus Judicial Action Alcohol related death – November 2010 Multiple student transports with B.A.C.’s over 3.0 – Fall 2010 • Hate crime & tolerance: – Cleary Report 2008-09; 7 counts of Hate Crimes including on and off campus. Instances of swastikas being drawn on white boards – Fall 2009 “Faggot” being yelled at non-heterosexual students – continuous • Apathy Little student involvement and engagement Low attendance of programming/athletic events No sense of campus identity/school spirit • Universal (Sexual Assault, suicides): Under-reported sexual assault and Multiple suicide ideations – 2009-2010 The Dean of Students Office Our Mission The Office of the Dean of Students promotes and facilitates student learning, engagement and development outside the classroom and collaborates with others to enhance the quality of life for students at Radford University. Our Task The Office of the Dean of Students responds to the informational and personal concerns of students and oversees the protection of student rights. The office plays a major role in promoting and upholding the shared values and ideals of the Radford University community. The office provides a variety of services for students. These include student advocacy services, student conduct services, off-campus student services, student publications, student insurance, information for parents and families, absence notices, references/verifications for graduate school and employment, and services with the Student Government Association. The Dean of Students Office Flow Chart Associate VP Student Affairs/ Dean of Students Director Center for Diversity and Inclusion Internation al Student Orientation Diversity Awareness Programs Director Residential Life Area Directors Resident Directors Resident Assistants Assistant Dean of Students Programming Associate Dean Coordinator DRO Conduct Coordinator Substance Abuse Violence Education Support Services Supporting Evidence Community Beemyn, Curtis, Davis, and Tubbs: Beemyn, Curtis, Davis, and Tubbs: “individuals over the lifetypically span These are Cognitive development theories Freshman and sophomore collegeoffenders events and activities play a Due to the positive impact that Health and safety concerns play an Psychosocial theorists believe that college events and activities play aJustice due to the positive impact that are confronted by a series of One of the general premises Social Justice and Restorative Stipulates that students grow significant role in a student’s sense of The Student Health Center at on campus students who are Service and Community males are most likely to be important role on the performance individuals develop through “a significant role in a student’s sense programming has on college programming has on college of any education system has Radford University counts with RUPD the belonging and connection with theand great development challenges to help promote diversity awareness and through accommodation and RU is equipped to provide based learning through and success of students in their process that involves the ofstudents, belonging and connection with we can utilize abusing alcohol or another been to promote and help involved in Conduct issues Student Health Center, the Counseling Center, campus community. The or quality and students, we can utilize can be achieved though intentional their current identity social andcampus academic development. assimilation of new and accomplishment aideas series of the great community. Theand diagnosis and programming as sanctioning aoftreatments way towork educational having healthy and safe and Several organizations that parallel to the quantity of a student’s involvement on substance at the time of their due to discipline problems conversations and sanctioning. programming as a way to developmental tasks” (Kern, 207). quality and quantity of aDean student’s development status that directly work with the of information into preexisting notions individuals that can be working several services to all University providing support in time of need. campus also has a positive impact on involvement on campus also has of a Students Office. offense require some sort of directly work with the Dean at their full potential to achieve (Daniels 1997) and information the student’s learning and development registered students currently positive impact on the student’s theirOffice. academic and personal (51). response” (207). Students enroll at RU. learning and development (51). goals. Health &&Safety Health Safety A.C.H.I.E.V.M.E.N.T Appreciate, Community, Honor, Identity, Encouragement, Versatility, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Networking, Tolerance We believe that ACHIEVMENT represents the multiple As the ultimate goal of this program is to develop a aspects thatcampus we are attemptwetowillproduce through our cohesive community do so through offering intentional programming which will increase programming model. With these aspects tied to the the mental health of our students while reducing programming, health and safety, and conduct, the student the prevalence of student conduct. We upmost productive can be formed. sincerely believe thatcommunity there is a direct correlation, as shown through the literature review, and that when we focus on providing intentional programming opportunities geared towards broadening students social, educational, and political orientations they will engage in a spirit of campus cohesiveness and community. Health & Safety Free Single Room Ipod touch BecauseEach Foursquare tier the is a Twitter Students can track their own and other players’ application, studentsParking will also be able to Commuter students reach progress on the Residential LifeisFacebook page Bysee theintime the competition over, Student Real Time which programs their Students must prove represents a prize The Facebook account Students will then this system. Shadow President Kyle use forpyramid a day On the Residential Life through an interactive tiered The Resident Director forof rewarding Affairs staff will have the pleasure friends are attending. that they have attended that they are will act as a hub to password to “check in” tobe Onincampus departments Facebook page, there will Education and Involvement will be toare Research shows that involved students faithful program attenders with the chance win Space new on-campus apartment approved campus eligible to win. 1 in publish programming the program. such as SGA, athletics, and arange tiered gameboard where the person responsible for gift card more invested into their academics and better and better prizes. Prizes from aboth $10 Starbucks programs move up a 25 students at each Lunch with administrator of choice opportunities that count R-Space can apply tosingle students can play ahave maintaining the Foursquare and campus community. Likewise, students who to the chance to win a free room for The designated program coordinator tier on Facebook. level will win the The Dept. of Student Affairs has towards achieving the Residential Life will grab students’ Theare goal is Radford toprograms eventually make attending on-likely their included in the $75 of Apparel from bookstore semester-long game where Facebook account, including invested in their community are less the following school year. will allow a one minute time frame for prize. implemented programming next tier. The RDEI will attention the day they move in byfor campus programs aa popular choice competition. they track participation in oncreating each event’s password. to violate community standards by breaking students to check into the program $50 RU Express for laundry and vending model whose focus is to build aLife update this account daily having them “like” the Residential students. Students will also have a chance Each approved program will receive a campus programs. S/he will also determine which the Student Code of Conduct. after it has begun. They will then Free on-campus concert ticket strong and cohesive campus webpage when they their room toone-time expose themselves topick many different ononly password toup give students programs are included. receive their ladder point. Departments must contribute to a positive community key. campus organizations who are participating attend that particular program $30that towards posters in annual poster sale they Students will be eligible to move up a tierinwhen campus community to be involved the in the program. The hope is that this have attended an approved on-campus program. competition by proving that their program This The of deptartment course will will be use completely Facebook optional and Foursquare but the goal exposure will get students interested in Free small order of Highlander rolls from Highlander Pizza They can only move up a tier once a week, so promotes good mental health and results in a as isbecoming atotool entice to meet students students bynot providing on their incentives own turf. for involved in only attending on-We students must be involved in a program every week Free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream cake reduction of conduct violations. participation seek to engage inevents, the students program. inStudents on-campus receive campus but planning themwill asprograms well. their to to finish the game. tubing trip at Falls for 4 to that first which incentive aimFree toinchange the form normative ofMccoy a pack behavior of Smarties simply of healthy for “liking” campus involvement. webpage. Free Musethe dinner for 2 Free yogurt for 2 from By The Ounce $10 gift card to Starbucks