SYNTAX: Sentence Construction and Word Order

Sentence Construction and
Word Order
• Syntax refers, in general, to the order of words in
a sentence that results in various sentence types
used for a variety of rhetorical effects.
• Syntax is thought of as the rhythm of prose.
• Syntax variety creates interesting, fluent,
readable prose.
• Aspects of syntax (like repetition & placement of
ideas) are used for emphasis
Studying syntax is important . . .
• Sentences impact the narrative pace of a
passage, making it read fast or slow, which
therefore impacts the idea/theme
• Certain types of sentences are better at
emphasizing ideas, so key notions become
prominent through repetition and parallel
• There are questions in the multiple-choice
section of the exam that ask you to identify
types of sentences
Word Order
• In English, we have a common or typical word order in a
Mrs. Feyes
Inverted Syntax
• Sometimes writers use what we call
inverted syntax, which is simply an atypical
or unusual word order. There are several
reasons why a writer would use inverted
• Inverted order makes us pay close
• It creates emphasis
• It slows down our reading of the text
Normal Syntax
Unusual Syntax
Stephen ate a blueberry
muffin for breakfast.
A blueberry muffin Stephen
ate for breakfast.
For breakfast ate Stephen a
blueberry muffin.
Robert Frost
• When RF wrote, “Whose woods these
are I think I know,” he was no doubt
using inverted syntax to satisfy his
rhyme scheme, and writing “I think I
know whose woods these are” was
just not going to work for him. As a
result, he created an unusual, but
highly memorable line.
It’s not just poetry
• Inverted syntax is used in prose
too. Again, the reason is to draw
attention to some aspect of the
text worthy of an extended or
second thought..
• When you notice inverted
syntax in a passage on the
exam, mark it and make an
annotation. Even if there is
no question about it, you
may have discovered an
important marker worth
further exploration.
Sentence Type
The most important idea
comes at the end of the
Example: Doctors were
convinced they had
destroyed the pernicious
infection, but just when they
thought he’d recover fully,
Mario became savagely
febrile and died.
Sentence Type
The most important idea is
revealed early and the
sentence unfolds loosely
after that.
Example: After her
chemotherapy failed,
Margaret lay moribund in the
hospice, glad for the kindness
of nurses, thankful for each
new morning that she was
able to enjoy.
Sentence Attributes
A parallel sentence (sometimes called a balanced sentence)
contains parts of equal grammatical structure or rhetorical
value in a variety of combinations.
Two examples of parallel structures:
1. The dog ate voraciously, joyously, and noisily. (The verb
“ate” is modified by three multisyllabic adverbs, which
seems somewhat lofty in style for such a mundane act
as a dog eating.)
2. Joyce was worn down by the constant invasion of her
co-workers, by their insistent stares, by their noisy
whispers, by their unveiled disdain. She knew she had
to find another job. (The parallel phrases are set off by
commas; this also is an example of anaphora.)
Sentence Type
Types of repetition in sentences:
Anaphora: The repetition of the
same word or words at the
beginning of a series of phrases,
clauses, or sentences.
Example: The new paradigm was
threatening, the new paradigm was
bold, and the new paradigm made
students angry as they struggled
with the new dress code that would
force them all to wear plaid jackets.
Sentence Type
Epistrophe: Ending a series of
lines, phrases, clauses, or
sentences with the same word
or words.
Example: Clara’s eyes sparkled
inscrutably in her wizened old
face as her twenty-something
boss told her that he no longer
needed her, that he no longer
had use for her, that he no
longer would employ her.
Sentence Type
Asyndeton: conjunctions
are omitted between
words, phrases, or
Example: The only way
the commoners could
mitigate the Queen’s rage
was to lie humbly
prostrate before her, to be
temporarily subservient,
to feign obedience for the
Sentence Type
Chiasmus: Two corresponding pairs
ordered in an ABBA pattern.
Example: The Queen reveled in the
villagers’ adulation, but the villagers’
adulation was false as they feared
her peremptory decree that
everyone should turn their surfeit of
grain over to the court.
Sentence Type
Polysyndeton: The use of the
conjunctions between each
word, phrase, or clause.
Example: The mountain
climber felt immense
trepidation as he faced his
arduous climb up K2 but he
knew the rewards would be
great and the thrill
exhilarating and the press
conference flattering and he
gained momentum from that
renewed vigor.
Sentence Type
Simple: One subject, one verb,
modifiers, complements.
Simple sentences are generally
short, direct, and in
combination with more
complex sentences can be used
for emphasis.
Example: Puppies need a lot of
Sentence Type
Compound: Two independent
clauses joined by coordinating
conjunction. Remember this
mnemonic device: FANBOYS:
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Example: The king’s edict that
adulterers would be punished by
death caused a raucous din in the
local taverns, for even the
common folk knew that he had
many indiscretions of his own for
which to atone.
Sentence Type
GRAMMATICAL SENTENCE Complex: contains an
independent clause and a
(dependent) subordinate
Example: Since the nun’s
ascetic life provided her few
material comforts, the wool
shawl the novitiate knitted for
her was a cherished treasure.
Sentence Type
GRAMMATICAL SENTENCE Compound-complex: contains
two independent clauses and a
dependent (subordinate)
Example: Even though Rafael’s
muse had sparked his fertile
imagination, he nonetheless
lost his drive to paint, so he
eased his plight by driving a
Sentence Type
1. Declarative sentence:
Makes a statement
2. Imperative sentence:
Makes a command
3. Interrogative sentence:
Asks a questions
4. Exclamatory sentence:
makes and emphatic or
emotion-filled statement
• Your own syntax
is important in
the essay
section of the
More aspects of syntax
Climax: the main idea or most important point in a sentence. The
position of the climax may be varied for effect.
Cadence: The rhythm or “music” of a sentence that comes
through parallel elements and repetition.
Narrative pace: the pace or speed of a passage comes through
the following elements:
Length of words
Omission of words or punctuation
Ellipsis (series of dots) indicates something is missing
Length of sentences
Number of dependent/subordinate clauses
Repetition of sounds
Remember the 3 P’s of Syntax
• Prominence: refers to the importance given to an idea in a
sentence. Prominence is achieved both by placement and
repetition. Sometimes an idea is isolated in a short sentence
where it is given sold prominence. If a word is ever set off
alone as a fragment, it is being given prominence that you’d
best not ignore. Instead ask the question, “why is this word
• Position: means where the key idea is located. It will most
often come at the beginning of the sentence (loose sentence)
or at the end of the sentence (periodic sentence). But
sometimes, writers use nonstandard syntax, or inverted word
order, to draw attention to certain words or ideas.
• Pace: is when the speed of the text generally complements the
author’s purpose.
• Short choppy sentences- fast, harried pace, perhaps manic?
• Long languid sentences- intelligent, contented
• Rapid, numerous questions- uncertain, panicked
Prose Syntax Analysis:
Darl’s chapters in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying are presented primarily
in stream of consciousness. In earlier chapters, the sentences are
languid with complex sentence structure that represent his intuitive
nature and intelligence. In later chapters, as Darl’s mental state
deteriorates, the structure changes to a fast-paced narration that
emphasizes the character’s fragile state of mind.
Poem Syntax Analysis:
In Maya Angelou’s poem, Woman work, the first stanza in which
she describes all the tasks to be done is meant to be read so
fast that the reader actually feels tired after reading it. The
rest of the poem is composed of 4-line stanzas that read
much, much slower. The pacing of the latter half of the poem
supports and enhances the imagery in these stanzas, evoking
peace, coolness, and rest.