MUG shots - lindseylecroy

MUG shots
• in 1980, ronald reagan becomed the most
oldest president ever sworn into office.
Capitalization, adjective
(comparative/superlative), verb (irregular)
Creative Minds at Work
Thinking Outside of the Box
November 2, 2009
MUG shots
Vocabulary words and definitions
Mini-lesson: Interjections
Adverb worksheet
Reader Response
Painting Poetry
• You awaken one morning and find you
have turned into an animal. You have the
same mind but a different body. What
animal are you? Describe your day. (at
least 6 sentences)
TREPID: (Latin) afraid, disturbed
Intrepid: (adj) bold; unafraid; brave; courageous
Trepidation: (n) state of fear or alarm; dread
REV: (Latin) to fear, respect
Irreverent: (adj) not showing proper respect
Revere: (v) to hold in awe; worship; admire; respect
FORMID: (Latin) to fear
Formidable: (adj) difficult to overcome; intimidating;
SPEC/SPIC: (Latin) to see
Conspicuous: (adj) standing out; unusual; obvious
Despicable: (adj) deserving hatred or disgust; vile
Respective: (adj) corresponding to each person or
thing in a series; particular
word added to a sentence to convey emotion.
not grammatically related to any other part of
the sentence.
I heard one guy say to another guy, "He has a
new car, eh?"
I don't know about you but, good lord, I think
taxes are too high!
always followed by a comma
• Yes, I will make sure your request is approved.
• Ouch, that hurt!
• Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today.
**Though common in speech, interjections should
be used sparingly and never in formal papers. **
joins two sentences elements that have
identical functions.
not only…but
• **In what type of sentence is a
coordinating conjunction found?
• **In what type of sentence is a
subordinating conjunction found?
Excerpt from
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
• First paragraph is ALWAYS your opinion. Did you like
the reading? Did you understand it? Did you like the
character? Then, back it up! Why? Did a quote stick out?
Did you love the setting? There is no wrong or right
answer; this is simply your opinion!
• Second paragraph is does this relate to you or to the real
world? Are teenagers really like this? Do you think this is
realistic? Back it up! Remember, this is your opinion.
Who cares what your friend says, this is your paper and
your opinion.
• What would you do for a friend? What are some
characteristics of a good friend to you? Do you think any
of your friends would do something for you, even if it is
not that extreme?
The poem- “Rock Concert”
First paragraph is ALWAYS your opinion. Did you
like the reading? Did you understand it? Did you
like the character? Then, back it up! Why? There is
no wrong or right answer; this is your opinion!
Second paragraph is does this relate to you or to the
real world? Are teenagers really like this? Do you
think this is realistic? Why or why not? Back it up!
Remember, this is your opinion. Who cares what
your friend says, this is your paper and your opinion.
Third paragraph is what was your first rock concert?
Can you remember the smells, the people, the food,
etc.? Do you still have your ticket? When you read
this again, what do you see? A concert you went to
or something else like a music video?
Free Verse
• No rhyming, rhythm, tempo, line rules
• Can be how ever you want the poem
• My only rules are: at least three lines and
the title of the paint chip somewhere in the
Winter Sea Green
Dark ocean water on a wintry day
Color of a sea captain's hat in a portrait
Color of a boat through the fog
Depressing shade as the ship sinks to the depths of the ocean
• The color of the waves thrashing against the wood of the
ships foundation
• Color of the sea in a painting
• First sight of land through the fog
Winter sea green
is the dark ocean water
on a wintry morning,
the color of the thrashing
against the shipduring a wintry storm.
The shade of the ship
peaking through the
The color the ship turns
as it sinks to the depths
of the ocean floor,
And the dream of the first
sight of land that never was.
Frosted Gold
is the skeletal forms of golden rod
on a wintry morning
the color of yellowed love letters in an
of the crumbling pages of old books.
It’s the color of afternoon light
in February,
or the ochre- tinged wallpaper
in a farmhouse bedroom
MUG shots
• Fossils of fishes, insects, and reptiles can
bee found in many places.
Plurals, using the right word
November 3, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
MUG shots
Vocabulary check and exercise
Conjunctions/adverbs worksheet
Mini-lesson: sentence types/finish conjunction notes
Reader Response: “Rock Concert”
MUG shots Quiz (2/4)
SSR (2/4)
Painting Poetry
“It was blue and round. It resembled a
Fit this somewhere in at least 5 sentences
and underline it when you use it.
Sentence Types
• Simple: A simple sentence, also called an
independent clause.
• Compound: contains two independent
clauses joined by a coordinator.
• Complex: an independent clause joined by
one or more dependent clauses.
• Compound-Complex: at least two
independent clauses and one or more
dependent clauses
Sentences you should know but for
some reason you do not know…
• Some students like to study in the
• I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried
to speak English.
• When he handed in his homework, he
forgot to give the teacher the last page.
• The dog lived in the backyard, but the cat,
who thought she was superior, lived inside
the house.
MUG shots
• Beutiful, fern-like plants been captured in
stone, to.
Verb, spelling, using the right word
November 4, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
MUG shots
Vocabulary sentence check/quiz
MUG shots Quiz (1)
SSR (1)
Grammar Review packet
Mini-lesson: Prepositions/sentence types
Finish painting poetry (1)
Picture writing
• What would the world be like if it was just
black and white?
(at least 5 sentences)
a word that relates a noun or
pronoun that appears with it to
another word in the sentence
MUG shots
• Beutiful, fern-like plants been captured in
stone, to.
Verb, spelling, using the right word
November 4, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
MUG shots
Vocabulary sentence check/quiz
MUG shots Quiz (1)
SSR (1)
Grammar Review packet
Mini-lesson: Prepositions/sentence types
Finish painting poetry (1)
Picture writing
• What would the world be like if it was just
black and white?
(at least 5 sentences)
a word that relates a noun or
pronoun that appears with it to
another word in the sentence
Objects of the
The storm
According to
Examples: near the tall, gently swaying trees
on account of the rain
in the stands
MUG shots
• Hole or partial skeletons can be useful to
Using the right word, end
Three Steps to Effective Definition
• Tell readers what term is being defined
• Present clear and basic information
• Use facts or examples readers will
words to choose from…
Choosing a Definition
• Choosing a definition is a key step in writing a
definition essay.
• You need to understand the term before you
can define it for others. Read the dictionary, but
don't just copy the definition. Explain the term
briefly in your own words.
– For example, you could write forever on the term
"love." To limit it, you would write about either
"romantic love," "platonic love," or "first love."
Personal Experience
The fear struck me
as the shadow was
Every light on in the
“The Grudge”
“The Ring”
It by Stephen King
Other ways of knowing
Thesis Statement of a
Definition Essay
• The thesis statement usually identifies the
term being defined and provides a brief,
basic definition.
– (term) (basic definition)
– Assertiveness is standing up for your rights.
MUG shots
• Athens, a city in greece named after
athena, the greek goddess of war and
Sentence fragment, capitalization
November 9, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 6.1, 6.2
MUG shots
Vocabulary words and definitions
HUGE grammar review
Go over
Chart for vocabulary tomorrow, POS test
Tuesday (4) and Thursday (1/2), Vocabulary
test Friday, Novel Pages due 11/19 or 11/20,
and wikispace by Sunday
OCUL: (Latin) eye
Inoculate: (v) to protect against disease, error, or harm
Ocular: (adj) having to do with the eye
TOL: (Latin) bring upwards; lift
Extol: (v) to praise; glorify
MISS: (Latin) send
Omission: (n) the act of leaving out or neglecting
Submissive: (adj) tending to obey or yield
CLOS/CLUD: (Latin) to close off; to shut
Cloister: (v) to shut away; isolate
Disclose: (v) to reveal; make known; divulge
Seclude: (v) to put in a private place; to hide
• Describe the picture on the next slide.
(at least 7 sentences)
MUG shots
• In Greek myth, centaurs were half man
and half horse apparently, that did not
seam totally weird too people back than.
Using the right word, run-on
• Most people are born with five sensessight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. If
you had to give up one sense the rest of
your life, which would you pick, and why?
(at least 6 sentences)
November 10, 2009
MUG shots
Vocabulary check and worksheet
Grammar review
4th period: test
• Describe the picture on the next slide
without telling the reader it is a tree.
(at least 9 sentences)
• Almond Branches in Bloom, San Remy,
• by Vincent van Gogh
MUG shots
• In japan its considered good luck to cross
the path of an black cat.
Capitalization, apostrophe, adjective
November 12, 2009
MUG shots
Parts of Speech test
SSR when finished with the test
MUG shots
• Wow people in the world drink more than
260,000,000 glasses of soda every day
Numbers, commas (interjections), end
November 13, 2009
MUG shots
Vocabulary Quiz
POS (4th)
Reader Response: “Decision Time, Mr.
• Finish notes and start writing paper
• Write essay!!
• Free write
(at least 10 sentences)
Decision Time Mr. Maxwell
• First paragraph is ALWAYS your opinion. Did you like
the reading? Did you understand it? Did you like the
character? Then, back it up! Why? Did a quote stick
out? Did you love the setting? There is no wrong or
right answer; this is simply your opinion!
• Second paragraph is does this relate to you or to the real
world? Are teenagers really like this? Do you think
this is realistic? Why or why not? Back it up!
Remember, this is your opinion. Who cares what your
friend says, this is your paper and your opinion.
• 3rd paragraph- What would you do in that situation?
How would you respond to the warnings? Would you
chance being called out for telling or was this
something to tell administration? Friends change as
you all progress through high school. You change too!
MUG shots
• Aesop the writer of such famous fables as
The Fox and the Grapes were a Greek
Quotation marks, commas (appositives),
s-v agreement
November 16, 2009
MUG shots
Vocabulary words and definitions
POS slide- name POS
Body slide
Reader Response
Peer edit/review
TERM: (Latin) end, limit
Indeterminate: (adj) not clear; not fixed; indefinite
Interminable: (adj) seeming never to end; endless; unceasing
LIM: (Latin) boundary; threshold
Subliminal: (adj) below the level of consciousness; unconscious
ARCH: (Greek) ruler; to be first
Anarchy: (n) lack of order or control; chaos
Archaic: (adj) dating back to a much earlier time; ancient;
Matriarch: (n) female head of a family
MERS: (Latin) to sink
Emergent: (adj) just coming into being; new
Immerse: (v) to completely cover with liquid; plunge
An epitaph is a sometimes humorous saying or poem
engraved on a headstone.
For example:
Here lies the body of our Anna
Done to Death by a banana;
It wasn’t the fruit that laid her low
But the skin of the thing that made her go.
What epitaph would you want on your headstone?
Would it be funny? Sweet? Serious? Write an epitaph.
• Darryl likes to frolic in the strawberry
fields in May.
• Kawane and Ricky jump rope together.
• The rushing train came out of no where
and arrived at the station very early.
• At the end of the day, Dylan tells us he
can, in fact, play football.
• Kaylin thinks he will be sent to the office.
• Kendra and Amber are talkative
• Darryl likes to frolic in the strawberry
fields in May.
• Kawane and Ricky jump rope together.
• At the end of the day, Dylan tells us he
can play football.
• Kaylin thinks he will be sent to the office.
• Kendra and Amber are talkative
HOOK – The Introduction
Techniques to begin a piece of writing:
• A thought-provoking question to make the reader
• A funny story or personal anecdote to set a
humorous or individual tone
• A list of main points to introduce the topic in a
serious, logical, and straightforward manner
• A dramatic or eye-opening statement
HOOK continued
• First sentence in the second paragraph
should be your thesis statement
• What are you trying to tell the reader?
Who is your reader? Purpose?
• Add a few sentences to explain the topic in
general terms and tie in the previous
paragraph so it all CONNECTS!
LINE – The Body of the Paper
Organizational Options:
• Organize by Content – List all the important
things you know about your topic (create
subcategories) and explain them in the order of
importance or logical sequencing
• Organize by Perspective – For a persuasive
piece, group all arguments in favor of an opinion
and then group all arguments against the
The Chocolate War
• First paragraph is ALWAYS your opinion. Did you
like the reading? Did you understand it? Did you
like the character? Why? Did a quote stick out?
Did you love the setting? This is simply your
• Second paragraph- does this relate to you or to the
real world? Are teenagers really like this? Do you
think this is realistic? Why or why not? Back it
up! Remember, this is your opinion.
• 3rd paragraph- Do you think something like this
could happen at our school? Was there a time
when you thought something silly may get out of
control or did get out of control? It may not be as
big as a ring fight, but something people could not
control? Explain.
Essay Revision Strategies
Identify the main idea in each paragraph.
Write it in the margins. Look at the order of
ideas in your essay. Do they CONNECT
from one to the next?
Identify the “thesis statement” in your
second paragraph. Is it specific enough?
the word “many” or “a lot.” These words are
VERY generic, and means you have
PLENTY of examples to back it up. Try to
be more specific with your information.
Essay Revision Strategies
Underline or highlight the first three
words of each sentence in your essay.
– Do you have the same words
starting sentences that are close
together? Does it sound like a
broken record?
– Revise sentences that have similar
beginnings so you have a variety of
sentence introductions.
Essay Revision Strategies
Read through your essay and circle these words:
– You
– Your
– My
– Me
– I
REMOVE these words from your essay!
Read through your essay and circle these words:
– Things
– Stuff
– A lot
REVISE your sentences so you are giving specific
information, not general statements.
The Small Shell Game
Write a Precise description and give an exotic name as
a title
(Ex: Boldly Beautiful)
You have 20 minutes to be as descriptive as possible
with your groups shell. (You don’t finish because you
are goofing off, then you don’t participate)
We will tape the descriptions to the board and each
team has to match the description with the correct
This is a competition. Which team is better at
precision? Which team is better at perception?
What type of apple?
• Write a Precise description and give an exotic name as a
(Ex: Luscious Red)
• You have 20 minutes to be as descriptive as possible
with your groups apple. (You don’t finish because you
are goofing off, then you don’t participate)
• We will tape the descriptions to the board and each team
has to match the description with the correct apple.
• This is a competition. Which team is better at precision?
Which team is better at perception?
MUG shots
• columbus discovered america sailing West
from spain in 1492 while trying to reach
Comma (to separate phrases and
clauses), capitalization, misplaced
November 17, 2009
• “How to” paper
• POS worksheet
• Sea Shell Game and Apple Game
• What is your opinion about the possibility of life
on other planets? Do you need to see it to
believe it, or do you believe that in a universe
as vast as ours, alien life must exist? Write on
the topic with the sentence,
I believe (don’t believe) there is life on other
planets because…
(at least 6 sentences)