DNA2: Aligning ancient diversity (Last week) Comparing types of alignments & algorithms Dynamic programming (DP) Multi-sequence alignment Space-time-accuracy tradeoffs Finding genes -- motif profiles Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for CpG Islands 1 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay, time-warping 2 Discrete & continuous bell-curves .10 .09 Normal (m=20, s=4.47) .08 Poisson (m=20, s^2=m) Binomial (N=2020, p=.01, m=Np) .07 t-dist (m=20, s=4.47, dof=2) .06 ExtrVal(u=20, L=1/4.47) .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 .00 0 10 20 30 40 50 3 gggatttagctcagtt gggagagcgccagact gaa gat ttg gag gtcctgtgttcgatcc acagaattcgcacca Primary to tertiary structure 4 Non-watson-crick bps -CH3 ref 5 Modified bases & bps in RNA 1 " ref 72 " 6 Covariance TyC 3’acc anticodon D-stem Mij= Sfxixjlog2[fxixj/(fxifxj)] xixj M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type see Durbin et al p. 266-8. 7 Mutual Information ACUUAU CCUUAG GCUUGC UCUUGA i=1 j=6 Mij= M1,6= M1,2= S= x1 x6 fAU log2[fAU/(fA*fU)]... =4*.25log2[.25/(.25*.25)]=2 4*.25log2[.25/(.25*1)]=0 Sfxixjlog2[fxixj/(fxifxj)] xixj M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type see Durbin et al p. 266-8. See Shannon entropy, multinomial Grendar 8 RNA secondary structure prediction Mathews DH, Sabina J, Zuker M, Turner DH J Mol Biol 1999 May 21;288(5):911-40 Expanded sequence dependence of thermodynamic parameters improves prediction of RNA secondary structure. Each set of 750 generated structures contains one structure that, on average, has 86 % of known base-pairs. 9 Stacked bp & ss 10 Initial 1981 O(N2) DP methods: Circular Representation of RNA Structure 5’ 3’ Did not handle pseudoknots 11 RNA pseudoknots, important biologically, but challenging for structure searches 12 Dynamic programming finally handles RNA pseudoknots too. Rivas E, Eddy SR J Mol Biol 1999 Feb 5;285(5):2053-68 A dynamic programming algorithm for RNA structure prediction including pseudoknots. (ref) Worst case complexity of O(N6) in time and O(N4) in memory space. Bioinformatics 2000 Apr;16(4):334-40 (ref) 13 CpG Island + in a ocean of First order Hidden Markov Model MM=16, HMM= 64 transition probabilities (adjacent bp) P(A+|A+) A+ T+ C+ G+ P(G+|C+) > A- T- C- G14 Small nucleolar (sno)RNA structure & function Lowe et al. Science (ref) 15 SnoRNA Search 16 Performance of RNA-fold matching algorithms Algorithm CPU bp/sec TRNASCAN’91 400 TRNASCAN-SE ’97 30,000 SnoRNAs’99 True pos. False pos. 95.1% 99.5% >93% 0.4x10-6 <7x10-11 <10-7 (See p. 258, 297 of Durbin et al.; Lowe et al 1999) 17 Putative Sno RNA gene disruption effects on rRNA modification Primer extension pauses at 2'O-Me positions forming bands at low dNTP. Lowe et al. Science 1999 283:1168-71 (ref) 18 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay 19 RNA (array) & Protein/metabolite (MS) quantitation RNA measures are closer to genomic regulatory motifs & transcriptional control Protein/metabolite measures are closer to Flux & growth phenotypes. 20 Integrating 8 regulon measures In vitro Protein fusions array binding A-B or selection A In vivo crosslinking & selection (1-hybrid) B Microarray data Coregulated sets of genes EC SC BS HI P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Phylogenetic profiles TCA cycle B. subtilis purM purN purH purD E. coli purM purN Metabolic pathways purH purD Conserved operons Known regulons in other organisms 21 Check regulons from conserved operons (chromosomal proximity) B. subtilis purE purK purB purC purL purF purM purN purH purD C. acetobutylicum purE purC purF purM purN purH purD In E. coli, each color above is a separate but coregulated operon: purE purK purH purD purM purN E. coli PurR motif purB purC purL purF Predicting regulons and their cisregulatory motifs by comparative genomics. Mcguire & Church, (2000) Nucleic Acids Research 28:4523-30. 22 Predicting the PurR regulon by piecing together smaller operons E. coli M. tuberculosis P. horokoshii C. jejuni M. janaschii P. furiosus purE purK purM purN purM purF purH purN purH purD purF purC purQ purC purL purH purM purF purC purY purQ purL purY The above predicts regulon Y connections among Q these genes: L C F M N H K E D 23 (Whole genome) RNA quantitation objectives RNAs showing maximum change minimum change detectable/meaningful RNA absolute levels (compare protein levels) minimum amount detectable/meaningful Network -- direct causality-- motifs Classify (e.g. stress, drug effects, cancers) 24 (Sub)cellular inhomogeneity Dissected tissues have mixed cell types. Cell-cycle differences in expression. XIST RNA localized ( see figure) on inactive X-chromosome 25 Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) •Time resolution: 1msec •Sensitivity: 1 molecule •Multiplicity: >24 •Space: 10 nm (3-dimensional, in vivo) 10 nm accuracy with far-field optics energy-transfer fluorescent beads nanocrystal quantum dots,closed-loop piezo-scanner (ref) 26 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay, time-warping 27 Steady-state population-average RNA quantitation methodology experiment Microarrays1 ORF control • R/G ratios • R, G values ~1000 bp hybridization • quality indicators ORF Affymetrix 2 • Averaged PM-MM PM MM • “presence” 25-bp hybridization ORF SAGE Tag • Counts of SAGE SAGE3 sequence counting MPSS4 concatamers 14 to 22-mers sequence tags for each ORF 1 DeRisi, et.al., Science 278:680-686 (1997) 4 Brenner et al, Lockhart, et.al., Nat Biotech 14:1675-1680 (1996) 3 Velculescu, et.al, Serial Analysis of Gene Expression, Science 270:484-487 (1995) 2 28 Biotinylated RNA from experiment GeneChip expression analysis probe array Image of hybridized probe array Each probe cell contains millions of copies of a specific oligonucleotide probe Streptavidinphycoerythrin conjugate 29 Most RNAs <1 molecule per cell. Yeast RNA 25-mer array Wodicka, Lockhart, et al. (1997) Nature Biotech 15:1359-67 Reproducibility confidence intervals to find significant deviations. (ref) 30 (Public) RNA array analyses Image analysis dCHIP Wong/Affy ArrayTools NCI-BRB ArrayViewer TIGR F/P-SCAN NIH ScanAlyze Eisen GAPS HMS Statistics AFM AMiADA Churchill R-SMA SAM VERA-SAM ISB R-Bioconductor (1, 2) Database & management GeneX MAPS AMAD Cluster&Visualize CLUSFAVOR Cluster-TreeView Eisen GeneCluster WI J-Express Bergen PaGE Plaid SVDMAN LANL TreeArrange Waterloo XCluster Stanford Free vs Open:OSI FSF ISCB 31 Statistical models for repeated array data (RNA vs. experiment repeats) Tusher, Tibshirani and Chu (2001) Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response. PNAS 98(9):5116-21. Selinger, et al. (2000) RNA expression analysis using a 30 base pair resolution Escherichia coli genome array. Nature Biotech. 18, 1262-7. Li & Wong (2001) Model-based analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: model validation, design issues and standard error application. Genome Biol 2(8):0032 Kuo et al. (2002) Analysis of matched mRNA measurements from two different microarray technologies. Bioinformatics 32 18(3):405-12 “Significant” distributions .10 .09 .08 .07 .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 .00 Normal (m=0, s=4.47) t-dist (m=0, s=4.47, dof=2) ExtrVal(u=0, L=1/4.47) graph -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 t-test t= ( Mean / SD ) * sqrt( N ). Degrees of freedom = N-1 H0: The mean value of the difference =0. If difference distribution is not normal, use the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test. 33 Independent Experiments Microarray analysis of the transcriptional network controlled by the photoreceptor homeobox gene Crx. Livesay, et al. (2000) Current Biology 34 Condition A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 mean RNA1 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.44 RNA2 0.95 1 1 1.04 1.06 1.01 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.22 1 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.3 1.15 P= 0.15 0.03 TTEST(B2:B6,B10:B14,2,2) or Wilcoxon-rank if non-normal Are two means the same? Two-fold, but not significant 1.14-fold, statistically significant 2-tails= Interesting whichever is larger Homoscedastic = same variance. 35 RNA quantitation Is less than a 2-fold RNA-ratio ever important? Yes; 1.5-fold in trisomies. Why oligonucleotides rather than cDNAs? Alternative splicing, 5' & 3' ends; gene families. What about using a subset of the genome or ratios to a variety of control RNAs? It makes trouble for later (meta) analyses. 36 37 (Whole genome) RNA quantitation methods Method Advantages Genes immobilized labeled RNA RNAs immobilized labeled genesNorthern gel blot QRT-PCR Reporter constructs Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Tag counting (SAGE) Differential display & subtraction Chip manufacture RNA sizes Sensitivity 1e-10 No crosshybridization Spatial relations Gene discovery "Selective" discovery 38 Microarray to Northern 39 Genomic oligonucleotide microarrays 295,936 oligonucleotides (including controls) Intergenic regions: ~6bp spacing Genes: ~70 bp spacing Not polyA (or 3' end) biased Strengths: Gene family paralogs, RNA fine structure (adjacent promoters), untranslated & antisense RNAs, DNA-protein interactions. E. coli 25-mer array Protein coding 25-mers Non-coding sequences (12% of genome) Affymetrix: Mei, Gentalen, Johansen, Lockhart(Novartis Inst) HMS: Church, Bulyk, Cheung, Tavazoie, Petti, Selinger tRNAs, rRNAs 40 Random & Systematic Errors in RNA quantitation • Secondary structure • Position on array (mixing, scattering) • Amount of target per spot • Cross-hybridization • Unanticipated transcripts 41 Spatial Variation in Control Intensity 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Intensity Intensity 1 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 Y X 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Experiment 1 Selinger et al 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 Y X 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 experiment 2 42 Detection of Antisense and Untranslated RNAs Expression Chip Reverse Complement Chip b0671 - ORF of unknown function, tiled in the opposite orientation Crick Strand Watson Strand (same chip) “intergenic region 1725” - is actually a small untranslated RNA (csrB) 43 Mapping deviations from expected repeat ratios Li & Wong 44 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay, time-warping 45 Independent oligos analysis of RNA structure Intensity (PM - MM) / Smax 2 1.5 1 Known Hairpin 0.5 Log Stationary Genomic DNA 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -0.5 Known Transcription Start (position -33) Translation Stop (237 bases) -1 Bases from Translation Start Selinger46et al Predicting RNA-RNA interactions Human RNAsplice junctions sequence matrix http://www-lmmb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/sequencelogo.html 47 of the human genome using microarray technology. Shoemaker , et al. (2001) Nature 409:922-7. 48 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay, time-warping 49 Time courses •To discriminate primary vs secondary effects we need conditional gene knockouts . •Conditional control via transcription/translation is slow (>60 sec up & much longer for down regulation) •Chemical knockouts can be more specific than temperature (ts-mutants). 50 Beyond steady state: mRNA turnover rates (rifampicin time-course) Fraction of Initial (16S normalized) 1.4 cspE Chip lpp Chip cspE Northern lpp Northern 1.2 lpp Northern 1 0.8 lpp Chip 0.6 0.4 half life 2.4 min 2.9 min lpp chip Northern half life >20 min >300 min cspE Chip cspE Northern 0.2 cspE chip Northern Chip metric = Smax 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (min) 12 14 16 18 51 TimeWarp: pairs of expression series, discrete or interpolative a b c ... t5 t0 t2 t3 t4 3 u3 u4 t1 series b series a 4 t6 u2 u1 series b j+1 2 j 1 u0 0 d 2 3 series a 1 4 5 ... e t0 t2 t3 4 t4 u3 u4 t1 u2 u1 series b u0 t6 series b series a f ... t5 i+1 i 0 †1 3 † j+1 * †2 2 j 1 i i+1 0 0 1 2 3 series a 4 5 ... Aach & Church 52 TimeWarp: cell-cycle experiments 53 TimeWarp: alignment example 54 RNA1: Structure & Quantitation Integration with previous topics (HMM & DP for RNA structure) Goals of molecular quantitation (maximal fold-changes, clustering & classification of genes & conditions/cell types, causality) Genomics-grade measures of RNA and protein and how we choose and integrate (SAGE, oligo-arrays, gene-arrays) Sources of random and systematic errors (reproducibilty of RNA source(s), biases in labeling, non-polyA RNAs, effects of array geometry, cross-talk). Interpretation issues (splicing, 5' & 3' ends, gene families, small RNAs, antisense, apparent absence of RNA). Time series data: causality, mRNA decay, time-warping 55