ARTISTIC EDUCATION OBJECTIVES OF FIRST YEAR OF BACHELLOR The Art Area provides students with the opportunities to: -Perceive in a sensitive and critical way, the outside world and artistic creations, to assess individual cultural differences and to respond to them as an active citizen. -Explore his/her inner world to be more aware of their emotions and their reactions and of others to express their ideas conviction and conscience. -Apply various creative processes to develop a flexible mind that can innovate and creatively solve problems in other areas of life. -Appreciate the similarities, differences, and new proposals on personal artistic and cultural expressions through creative process execution and recovery of other works, to respond to them in an individual way, in an informed and meaningful way. -Create products that express their own artistic visions, sensitive and innovative through the conscious use of the elements and principles of art, to experience real transformation processes. -Understand and apply various materials, tools, concepts, techniques, and mental processes of artistic languages through the development of a rigorous process for creating works of art. 1 CONTENT CINEMA BLOCK 1 CONTENTS The key elements of a film Organization plans Types of visual and sound levels The assembly as basic process Managing framing, staging, assembly (visual and audible), storytelling, performances, music, and other resources Design of a story using storyboard The visual memory of an environment Evaluation of the artistic quality of the film OBJECTIVES Identify the essential elements of the film, function and interdependence in every scene, in order to understand of film language. Recognize the structure of the storyboard to develop graphical organizational skills, sequential and spatial ideas in order to produce a film. SKILLS Identify the relationship of artistic languages in the film structure. Use the storyboard appropriately as a resource for organizing images Identify elements to analyze a movie film. CROSS CURRICULUM To promote the creation, production, and dissemination of cultural events that promote appreciation and respect for diversity, in addition to non-discrimination and generic or ethno cultural inclusiveness, among others. 2 1 LESSON AND ART EDUCATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Art forms have always surrounded the daily lives of humans who throughout history have had to develop their perception, learning through artistic languages and their particular codes. The goal of Art Education seeks to promote imagination and creativity, developing participation and student communication, to achieve new capabilities based on their training and their social integration. That is, in summary Art Education pursues students to "learn, enjoy, appreciate, create, develop identity and criticize the artistic processes and personal appropriation, as mediators of social interaction pair emotional thinking and the development of creativity" . This new form of artistic experience has transformed in order to store, process, and transmit information and culture. It is therefore essential to find new ways to learn, to create and live an artistic experience that manifests itself in all aspects. Artistic production demands to master techniques and technologies that make individual and social learning through images, sounds, and stimuli that generate sensations and feelings changing educational environments. Art Education will enable young people to discover their artistic tendencies, which would enrich human beings whereas they would use those aesthetic skills in their professional and personal performance so necessary in today's world. 1.2 BASICS Art Education is closely related to other areas and skills that will be used throughout the text, these concepts are the basis for building more complex ideas that we will be dealing frequently, therefore it is very important to have them very well clarified. science that studies the set of values Aesthetics. - The science that studies the set of values related to what man finds beautiful in his surrounding world, whether created by him in his daily living or occurring naturally Aesthetic Education. - Educational process aimed at training and / or development of an aesthetic attitude in man, for all that it has aesthetic value in the world, contributing to the development of the personality in relation to their sociocultural context. Aesthetic Education is manifested through: a) b) c) d) e) Nature. – Can be appreciated through a sun set, in the song of a bird, etc.. Human relationships. - When sharing with your partner, with a gesture of solidarity from a friend, etc.. The objects created by man. - A civil engineering construction, new technological apparatus. Man himself. - In an external physical appearance from their dress, hairstyle, etc.., Internally and feelings and moral qualities. Art. - Enjoy, appreciation and creation of works of art, such as painting, sculpture and more. One of the main ways of Aesthetic Education is Art Education which educates people to understand, feel, appreciate. and make art, forming sentient beings to art and creators of their own works. Art Education. - It is a teaching method that helps people channel their emotions through music, art education (drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, film, television, etc..) And expressive education body (dance or theater). Art Education develops skills, attitudes, habits and behaviors, increase the skills and abilities, being a means of interaction, communication and expression of feelings, emotions, and attitudes that allow the integral formation of individuals. 3 LESSON 1 EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES NAME:______________________________ CLASS:_____________ DATE:________________ 1. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: a. Write in your own words the relationship between Aesthetic Education and Artistic Education. Quote an example. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ b. Write 2 examples of how Aesthetic Education is related to: (do not copy from the previous text). With Nature _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ With other human beings _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Objects created by man _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Man himself _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Art _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ c. Write two similarities and two differences between Aesthetic Education and Artistic Education. SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES 1. 1. 2. 2. 4 LESSON 1 EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES NAME:______________________________ CLASS:_____________ DATE:________________ 1. Research and write about two (2) masterpieces and authors (if possible) of each one of the following branches of Artistic Education: a. Literature: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ b. Music: _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ c. Visual Arts: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ d. Dance: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Theater: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ e. Cinema (film): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Research and write ONE of a well-known Ecuadorian masterpiece and author (if possible) in each one of the following branches of Artistic Education: a. Literature: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. Music: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. Visual Arts: ___________________________________________________________ d. Dance: _______________________________________________________________ e. Theater: ______________________________________________________________ f. Cinema (film): _________________________________________________________ 5 CINEMA LESSON 2: HISTORY AND AESTHETIC OF CINEMA The convening power of movie phenomenon has been shown to overcome other cultural activities, social and religious in a very high degree. These productions in just over a century have achieved economic recognition, communication, and unprecedented aesthetic, especially with the momentum of the new technologies that have lined up to contribute to its development and show. 2.1. DEFINITION The cinema(short abbreviation of cinematography) is the technique of projecting frames in rapid succession to create the impression of movement, which is known by the name of video, movie, or film. CINEMA HISTORY The film makes its appearance on December 28, 1895, by the public display of French factory workers, demolition of a wall, the arrival of a train, and a ship leaving a port, by the Lumiere brothers. Then after creating about 500 films of this type and with viewers bored by the monotony of the shots, appears George Meliés who developed new cinematic techniques featuring the films "Journey to the Moon" in 1902 and "Journey through the impossible "in 1904, which the first special effects were used. Later appear what will be known as silent films, in which highlighted great directors like Alfred Hitchcock and Charlie Chaplin, until in 1927 appears “The Jazz Singer” as the first film with sound . It was not until 1935, that was the first color film appears with "Vanity Fair", showing a great improvement in 1939 with "Gone With the Wind". With the emergence of voices, in 1928 appears animated film with Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse. Animated film was a genre that incorporated children as spectators. With the arrival of the Second World War, films were based on national propaganda, war documentaries, or an escape product. At the end of the war, the film productions were related to humanistic themes, police, and with all the pains throughout the war. On the 50s with the appearance of television, film decreases in number of viewers so it becomes spectacular, therefore the screen grows, it is projected in color, and sound is turned into stereo. In the late '70s, after a film based on catastrophism, perhaps reflecting the nuclear threat, blockbusters are imposed from the point of view of quality and profitability with productions such as "The Star Wars" (1977) George Lucas. From the 80s, the emergence and introduction of video and the increase of television channels allows many moviegoers, to stay at home, so the films start to look spectacular again thanks to new procedures to create effects. Special productions are performed based on the comic book heroes such as "Superman". In the 90s comics as well as comedies, dramas, cartoons, and successful television series created for the big screen continue to fill movie theaters. With the emergence of computers and the ability to manipulate images, a new era of film emerges, in which men of flesh and blood are easily transformed into Cybermen, the dinosaurs and dead characters for decades are revived. In 1995 "Toy Story” is released as the first film created entirely on computer. It is considered the first film created entirely with digital animation effects in film history. Currently the film has upturned again thanks to 3D technology that allows viewers to see the film production as if it were seem in the real world, which has increased the number of moviegoers once again to the seventh’s art cinema rooms. 6 EXTRA ACTIVITIES TO DO: Suggestions: watch the following movie list in youtube, You don't need to watch the entire time of the video. Watch 3- 5 minutes max. Observe the characteristics of the movies. Early movies: "Journey to the Moon" 1902 "Journey through the impossible " 1904 “The Jazz Singer” 1927 "Gone With the Wind". 1939) "Mickey Mouse: Steamboat Willie" 1928 Silent movies with: Charles Chaplin and Harrold Lloyd Black and white Exaggeration of facial expressions and gestures. Text is added later so no need of narrator. Actions were exaggerated if they were meant to make people laugh. Animated Films: Watch their trailers or short scenes. Toy Story (1995) Toy Story 2 Epic (2013) Trailer Science Fiction: Watch battleship fight scenes and compare their development. Star Wars (1977) Star Wars: Episode 3 Digital Animation: watch the difference between Toy Story 1995 and Epic 2013 films. Science Fiction Special Effects: The same themed movies but a barrier of years between them. Observe the development and differences on the effects, which look more life-like. Example the Star Wars Saga. 7 CINEMA BLOCK 1: HOMEWORK HISTORY OF CINEMATOGRAPHY ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ON ANOTHER PAPER OR ANSWER AND PRINT. 1. What is precinema? 2. What is a kinestoscope? 3. Who were the most well-known actors and actresses of the silent movies era? Name two actors and two actresses. 4. Name 2 movies created with the help of the computer. 5. Find information about the following: (do not copy paste) a. The Lumière Brothers. Origins, what were their contributions to cinematography. List their most important films. Write the name of the source(s). If each source is from internet, write the complete link. b. George Méliès. Origins, what were his contributions to cinematography. List his most important films. Write the name of the source(s). If each source is from internet, write the complete link. 6. During the weekend, try to rent the movie “Hugo” 2011, with Ben Kingsley. a. The plot of the movie is about two characters. Who are they? b. Who is the older character? Name. What does he work in when he meets the younger character? c. What did this older character used to do before meeting the young boy? d. How did the boy influence the older character? e. What was the resolution of the movie’s plot? 8 2.3 RECOMMENDATIONS TO FORM FILM VIEWERS IN THE CLASSROOM One of the key tasks in the XXI century education is to form viewers (from the classroom) who have a basic culture-related movies, as well as elements of analysis, criticism and better enjoy this visual art. Among the objectives to be achieved when forming movie views are: a. To educate students to watch movies in a calm and thoughtful way and to enjoy their visual proposals, ideas, and lessons. b. To be conscious and civic spectators, to adopt a film behavior of observing the movie silently , to be previously informed about the filmmaking, synopsis, and criticism; to refrain from eating during the movie, to read the credits at the end of the movie as a sign of respect to the professionals involved in the production of the film, and to recognize them in later productions. c. To strengthen the students’ visual communication skills. 2.4 FILM MAKING Generally the film industry requires five steps for implementation: development, preproduction, shooting, postproduction, and distribution. The technical team consists basically: Film producer is primarily responsible for the organizational and technical aspects of film making. Film director is responsible for the shooting of the film and to give instructions to actors and staff to ensure the quality of the film. The scriptwriter is in charge of creating the script from either an original story, an adaptation of another script, or a literary work. The sound technician is in charge of the sound during the shooting and who then along with the sound editor, composer of the music, artists, sound effects artists and dubbing , will generate the original soundtrack. The cinematographer is responsible for framing, lighting, optics, and all visual production. The film editor is in charge of film editing, in other words to choose, sort, and assemble a selection of shots, once shot the film according to the view of the Director and Editor himself. Likewise, the production will also involve a Director of Art, theatrical, makeup, props, doubles, etc. 9 UNIDAD EDUCATIVA BILINGUE JEFFERSON NAME: __________________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ LESSON 2: EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES 1. Research and answer the following questions about the History of Film, circle the correct answer. a. Which is the official date of the birth of Film? December 28, 1885 May 14, 1896 December 28, 1895 b. Which of these cinematographers invented fiction genre? The LumièreBrothers Georges Méliès Alfred Hitchock c. David W. Griffith is considered: The father of modern film The creator of 3D movies The creator of horror films d. Sound film was born on October 6, 1927 with the movie: The Black Singer The Jazz Singer Star Wars e. One of the most important actors of silent movies was: Charles Chaplin Chespirito Marilyn Monroe f. An Ecuadorian film is: Casablanca La Tigra The inferno g. The brilliant images stay for fractions of a second in the retina of our eyes, due to the phenomenon called: Optical Nerve Retinal Persistance Datltonism 10 UNIDAD EDUCATIVA BILINGUE JEFFERSON NAME: __________________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ LESSON 2: EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES 1. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS, THE DEFINITION OF CINEMATOGRAPHY (FILM). _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. WRITE FIVE (5) RECOMMENDATIONS TO APPROPIATELY APPRECIATE A FILM. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. WRTIE THE NAME OF 5 MOVIES THAT YOU ENJOY, AND ALSO ADD THE REASONS WHY YOU ENJOY EACH ONE OF THEM. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11 LESSON 3: KEY ELEMENTS OF A FILM The cinema as art is considered the seventh art, for this reason each year that passes without visual culture being taught in schools, without reflecting on it, without the development of a critical analysis of the audiovisual aspect without which students can express themselves through images, the problems of interpretation and understanding of contemporary analysis of society become serious. The illiteracy of our times no longer implies not reading nor writing, but the digital and media literacy, for these reasons we want to contribute to the formation of viewers, then work in the technical and human resources necessary for the development of film in schools and perhaps having Cineclubs1 or Film Societies at schools. 3.1 VISUAL LANGUAGE ELEMENTS From the viewpoint of the film image, there are various components, which will be briefly described below: A) THE FRAME. - Each of still photographs (slides or images) that form the set of a film shot on celluloid. It is the smallest element of the film. It is practically impossible for a viewer to perceive a frame because a normal projection takes between 18 to 24 f.p.s. (frames per second). B) THE SHOTS. – Set of images that are the same form. There are different types depending on the camera angle. The different types of shots used in the film depend on the distance between the camera and the subject photographed, and the focal length of the lens used. Later we will work more closely as it is essential both in the shooting and in the mounting of a film. C) CAMERA MOVEMENTS. - The camera movements can be optical or physical, among which physical movements and movements of the camera optics outstand. Later we will extend these movements. D) LIGHTING. - The use of light and shadow on the recordings allows to create a certain atmosphere, distinguish different aspects of a performance, helps to express feelings and emotions and highlights the depth of the environments. Light can be natural or artificial and its style can be realistic or dramatic. Light creates the necessary environment for the film, for which lamps and glare screens are used. They are necessary even in outdoor environments in order to reduce shadows. Also see: (in Spanish) 1 A film society is a membership club where people can watch screenings of films which would otherwise not be shown in mainstream cinemas. In Spain and Ireland they are known as "Cineclubs," and in Germany they are known as "Filmclubs". They usually have an educational aim, introducing new audiences to different audiovisual works through an organized and prepared program of screenings. 12 E) COSTUME DESIGN.- The use of costumes in films is not different from the costumes used for theater, but in a film its importance is more marked, due to: For the realistic costume, the designer designs it according to the historical reality of the script, through investigating documents of the time to have dressing accuracy. For the fantasy costumes the designer is inspired by the documents of the time, but looking for a spectacular look redesigns clothing above its historical accuracy. In the symbolic costume, historical accuracy is not important and the clothing mainly helps characterize the nature of the characters, and their social class or mood. (SEE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION) D) DECORATION/SCENERY.- It is the space prepared to shoot the scenes of the film, built with different materials and allows to simulate real places. The difference scenery or decoration can be interior or outdoors. G) COLOR IN THE MOVIES. - color is the impression a body produces with respect of the light rays reflected by the object in our senses and are captured by the retina of the eye. In addition to the primary colors: yellow, blue and red, secondary colors orange, green and violet, we can distinguish 18 complementary or intermediate colors. Color in film, provides better adaptation to reality and a wide freedom to play creative character. Additionally, color plays a role in the sense of closeness or distance of a film, for example, warm colors (red, orange, yellow) give a proximity impression, whereas cold colors (green, blue, violet) give an impression of remoteness, also by the proper use of color can increase or decrease the expression of a film, managing to create a proper atmosphere for the reception of the message, hence the importance of using colors as a guideline considering the symbolism of each one. Color Symbolism Chart Black: formality , style, Power, wealth, sophistication, elegance, evil, Blue: tranquility, cold, Peace, calm, stability, trust, truth, confidence, sky, water, depression Gold: Love, royalty, wealth, imperial Red: Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, blood, hate, all things intense and passionate. Pink: love and romance, caring, tenderness. Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, happiness, health Yellow signifies betrayal, summer, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, , deceit, embarrassment, maturity, brightness. Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, youth, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, envy, vigor. White: purity, birth, cleanliness, peace, humility, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage, virginity Purple: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, arrogance, 13 CAMERA SHOTS A mid shot full shot Group shot American shot Medium Close Up Medium Shot close-up extreme close-up 14 extreme wide shot wide or full shot Point of view shot 15 STORYBOARD It is also called graphis script. It is formed by a series of illustrations shown in a sequence that serves to guide a story in order to understand the story, visualize an animation, or to follow the structure of a film before filming. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A STORYBOARD: a. It has captions or squares in which the most important illustrations are drawn. b. The images are specific shots of each scene divided by the person who makes the storyboard. This person must have knowledge of basic visual film and television language specially of shots, frames, and camera movements. c. It should be designed to read from left to right. d. Next to each caption, it is written: number of scene, identification of scene, number of shot, brief audio description, brief description of the image to film etc. INSTRUCTIONS TO DESIGN A STORYBOARD: It helps plan your video/film. If a storyboard is not done there might be scenes that do not have to go with the narrator. a. Narration: the text should be ready before the storyboard. Divide the text into fragments. b. Shots, frames, and camera movements show/describe how the image will explain the text. Usually the images last longer. c. Illustration or image: Drawing of the shot described. Clip No. Narration (copy here the fragment of the narration that will be placed in the storyboard) Shots, frames, and camera movements/angles,etc. Drawing/Illustration ACTIVITIES TO DO AT HOME: 1. Watch this Disney documental about “The Purpose Of Storyboarding” 2. Check these links to see the storyboards of famous movies. 16 EXAMPLES OF STORYBOARDS Spiderman 2 (2004) Director: Sam Raimi Storyboard Artist: Chris Buchinsky 17 UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR BILINGUE JEFFERSON NAME_________________________________ _________________ CLASS HOMEWORK. Using this model of storyboard, describe a personal event (a trip, a birthday, a good/bad day, etc.) Clip No. Narration (copy here the fragment of the narration that will be placed in the storyboard) Shots, frames, and camera movements/angles,etc. Drawing/Illustration 18 ARTISTIC AND TECHNICAL RECORD OF A FILM NAME OF THE MOVIE: PICTURE OF THE MOVIE POSTER PRODUCING COMPANIES: YEAR AND COUNTRY: NOT ANY PICTURE OF THE MOVIE PRODUCERS: SCRIPWRITER(S): DIRECTOR: ACTORS: GENRA: MUSIC: CINEMATOGRAPHY: FILM DATES: FILM LOCATIONS: RELEASE DATE: WEEKEND BOX MONEY: (MONEY MADE ON WEEKEND OF RELEASE) FILM FORMAT SINOPSIS: REVIEW: (ONE OFFICIAL REVIEW) YOUR VIEWER REVIEW: Source:….. 19