The Global Crisis: U.S. Foreign Policy 1931-1941 APUSH - Unit 7, Lecture 3 (covering Chapter 27) Ms. Kray Japanese Attack Manchuria (Sept. 1931) 5 League of Nations condemned the action. 5 Japan leaves the League. 5 Hoover wanted no part in an American military action in the Far East. Hoover-Stimson Doctrine, 1932 5 US would not recognize any territorial acquisitions that were achieved by force. 5 Japan was infuriated because the US had conquered new territories a few decades earlier. 5 Japan bombed Shanghai in 1932 massive casualties. Hoover & Latin America 5 Pursued friendly relations 5 1929 Goodwill Tour 5 Ended interventionist policies Arranged U.S. troop withdrawal from Nicaragua in 1933 Negotiated a treaty with Haiti removing all U.S. troops by 1934 Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Policies, 1933-1938 FDR to Herbert Hoover: “Just leave them Herb. I'll do it all after March 4th. “ FDR’s “Good Neighbor” Policy 5 Important to have all nations in the Western Hemisphere united in lieu of foreign aggressions. 5 FDR The good neighbor respects himself and the rights of others. 5 Policy of non-intervention and cooperation. 5 Examples: 5 Pan-American Conferences 5 Persuaded Congress to nullify Platt Amendment FDR’s Bombshell 5 1933 World Economic Conference held in London Hoover had agreed to attend the conference but Election of 1932 happened 5 FDR attended but repudiated the orthodox views of most of the delegates Refused to agree to plan to stabilize currency Wanted the U.S. off the gold standard Abandoned U.S. commitment to settle war debts with international agreements 5 What does this show? FDR is an internationalist but puts the interests of the U.S. before the world FDR Recognizes the Soviet Union (late 1933) 5 FDR felt that recognizing Moscow might bolster the US against Japan. 5 Maybe trade with the USSR would help the US economy during the Depression. Nye Committee Hearings (1934-1936) 5 The Nye Committee investigated the charge that WWI was needless and the US entered so munitions owners could make big profits [“merchants of death.”] 5 The Committee did charge Senator Gerald P. Nye [R-ND] that bankers wanted war to protect their loans & arms manufacturers to make money. 5 Claimed that Wilson had provoked Germany by sailing into warring nations’ waters. 5 Resulted in Congress passing several Neutrality Acts. FDR’s “I hate war” Speech (1936) Ludlow Amendment (1938) 5 A proposed amendment to the Constitution that called for a national referendum on any declaration of war by Congress. 5 Introduced several Congressman Louis Ludlow [D-IN] times by Congressman Ludlow. 5 Never actually passed. Neutrality Acts: 1935, 1936, 1937 5 When the President proclaimed the existence of a foreign war, certain restrictions would automatically go into effect: Prohibited sales of arms to belligerent nations. Prohibited loans and credits to belligerent nations. Forbade Americans to travel on vessels of nations at war [in contrast to WW I]. Non-military goods must be purchased on a “cash-andcarry” basis pay when goods are picked up. Banned involvement in the Spanish Civil War. 5 This limited the options of the President in a crisis. 5 America in the 1930s declined to build up its forces! US Neutrality Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) The American “Lincoln Brigade” Fascist Aggression 5 1935: Hitler denounced the Versailles Treaty & the League of Nations [re-arming!] Mussolini attacks Ethiopia. 5 1936: German troops sent into the Rhineland. Fascist forces sent to fight with Franco in Spain. 5 1938: Austrian Anschluss. Tripartite Pact between Berlin, Rome & Tokyo [AXIS POWERS created] Munich Agreement APPEASEMENT! 5 1939: German troops march into the rest of Czechoslovakia. Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact. 5 September 1, 1939: German troops march into Poland blitzkrieg WW II begins!!! FDR’s Quarantine Speech, 1937 5 1937 – Japan attacked China’s five northern provinces 5 In a speech in Chicago FDR forcefully warned of the dangers that Japanese aggression posed to world speech Aggressor nations should be “quarantined” by international community 5 Public response was hostile, so FDR backs down Panay Incident (1937) 5 December 12, 1937. 5 Japan bombed USS Panay gunboat & three Standard Oil tankers on the Yangtze River. 5 The river was an international waterway. 5 Japan was testing US resolve! 5 Japan apologized, paid US an indemnity, and promised no further attacks. 5 Most Americans were satisfied with the apology. 5 Results Japanese interpreted US tone as a license for further aggression against US interests. 1939 Neutrality Act 5 In response to Germany’s invasion of Poland. Non-Aggression Pact: Germany & USSR 5 FDR persuades Congress in special session to allow the US to aid European democracies in a limited way: The US could sell weapons to the European democracies on a “cash-and-carry” basis. FDR was authorized to proclaim danger zones which US ships and citizens could not enter. 5 Results of the 1939 Neutrality Act: Aggressors could not send ships to buy US munitions. The US economy improved as European demands for war goods helped bring the country out of the 1937-38 recession. 5 America becomes the “Arsenal of Democracy.” “America First” Committee Charles Lindbergh Will We Go to War? THE U.S. BECOMES “THE ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY” Destroyers-for-Bases Deal, 1940 5 Sept. 1940 Britain under constant assault by German bombing raids Britain was last Allied Power left 5 FDR could not sell U.S. destroyers to British outright without alarming isolationists 5 Arranged trade without consulting Congress! “Four Freedoms” Speech 5 Jan. 6, 1941 5 Proposed lending money to Britain for the purchase of U.S. war materials 5 Justified policy because it was in defense of “four freedoms” 5 U.S. must support nations that support the 4 freedoms “Lend-Lease” Act, March 1941 5 Opposed by America First Committee 5 By now, however, most Americans supported aiding Britain Great Britain.........................$31 billion Soviet Union...........................$11 billion France......................................$ 3 billion China.......................................$1.5 billion Other European.................$500 million South America...................$400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000 Atlantic Charter, Aug.1941 5 Secret meeting between FDR & Winston Churchill, P.M. of Britain 5 Affirmed what their peace objectives would be when the war ended Self-determination for all people No territorial expansion Free trade Shoot-on-Sight, July 1941 5 FDR extended U.S. support for Britain even further Ordered U.S. navy to escort British ships carrying lendlease materials from U.S. to as far as Iceland Goal: protect ships from Uboat attacks 5 Sept 4 American destroyer Greer attacked FDR’s ordered the Navy to attack all German ships on sight Undeclared naval war against Germany Pearl Harbor Why the Japanese Attacked 5 1940-1941 – U.S. relations with Japan increasingly strained Japan’s invasion of China Ambitions to extend conquests into Southeast Asia 5 Sept. 1940 – Japan joined Axis Powers FDR responded by prohibiting the export of steel & scrap iron to all countries except Britain & nations of Western Hemisphere 5 July 1941 – Japan occupied French Indochina FDR responded by freezing all Japanese credits in the U.S. Oil embargo 5 Neutrality vs. Interventionism 5 FDR’s re-election in 1940 made him feel he was in a stronger position to end American neutrality & give direct aid to the British. Four Freedoms Speech (Jan. 1941) Lend-Lease Act (March 1941) Atlantic Charter (August 1941) Shoot-on-Sight (July 1941) FDR and Churchill meet and create Atlantic Charter Sept. 1940 – Japan joins Axis Powers FDR froze all Japanese credits in U.S. and cut off Japanese access to vital materials (oil) U.S. prohibits the export of steel and scrap iron to Japan July 1941 – Japan occupied French Indochina 2,400 Americans killed 1,200 wounded 20 warships sunk or severely damaged 150 airplanes destroyed