Unit 10 Vocabulary

Unit 10
Acquiesce (verb)
to accept without protest; to agree
or submit
→Synonyms: comply with, accede, consent, yield
→Antonyms: resist, protest
• to entice, tempt; to be
attractive to
• A strong attraction; the
power to attract, charm
Askew (adj., adv.)
twisted to one side, crooked;
→Synonyms: awry, lopsided, cockeyed
→Antonyms: straight, symmetrical
Blithe (adj.)
cheerful, lighthearted; casual,
→Synonyms: carefree, nonchalant, indifferent
→Antonyms: glum, morose, despondent, depressed
Contentious (adj.)
quarrelsome, inclined to argue
→Synonyms: argumentative, disputatious, combative
→Antonyms: agreeable, amiable, affable, pacific
What Billy Madison thinks is a contentious topic…
What are some contentious topics/ issues?
Covet (verb)
to desire something belonging to another
→Synonyms: crave, yearn for, hunger for
→Antonyms: disdain, scorn, despise
Snoopy has a
yearning for
That ice cream looks
better than this
lousy popsicle. I
want it!
Crestfallen (adj.)
discouraged, dejected, downcast
→Synonyms: despondent, disconsolate
→Antonyms: elated, cheerful, self-satisfied, cocky
Disheveled (adj.)
rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder
→Synonyms: untidy, disarranged, tousled, unkempt
→Antonyms: tidy, neat, orderly, well-groomed
Exponent (noun)
one who advocates, speaks for,
explains, or interprets;
(math) the power to which a number,
symbol, or expression is to be raised
→Synonyms: defender, champion, interpreter
→Antonyms: critic, adversary, faultfinder, detractor
Garrulous (adj.)
given to much talking, tediously chatty
→Synonyms: talkative, loquacious, long-winded
→Antonyms: reticent, mum, taciturn, laconic, reserved
Insuperable (adj.)
incapable of being overcome
→Synonyms: invincible, insurmountable
→Antonyms: surmountable, conquerable
Lamentable (adj.)
to be regretted or pitied
→Synonyms: deplorable, regrettable, distressing
→Antonyms: praiseworthy, commendable, laudable
Misnomer (noun)
an unsuitable or misleading name
→Synonyms: misnaming, malapropism
Common misnomers
Transference of a well-known product brand name into a generalized trademark
◦ Xerox for photocopy
◦ Kleenex for tissue
◦ Jell-O for gelatin dessert
Can anyone think of a misnomer?
I have a few to show you…
“Shooting stars" look like falling
stars but are actually meteors
A koala "bear" looks and acts much
like a bear, but in actuality, it is quite
distinct and unrelated.
The "lead" in pencils is made of
graphite and clay.
Peanuts are not true nuts, even
though they look and taste like nuts.
Jellyfish and starfish are not fish
Profess (verb)
to affirm openly; to state belief in;
to claim, pretend
→Synonyms: assert, declare, proclaim, purport
→Antonyms: disclaim, disavow, repudiate
Respite (noun)
a period of relief or rest
→Synonyms: interval, intermission, lull, breather
Retribution (noun)
a repayment; a deserved punishment
→Synonyms: recompense, requital
Sinuous (adj.)
winding, having many curves; lithe and flexible
→Synonyms: twisting, convoluted, serpentine, supple
→Antonyms: direct, straight, unbending, stiff, rigid
**can anyone give an example of
something that is sinuous?
Sonorous (adj.)
Example: 2:10
full, deep, or rich in sound;
impressive in style
→Synonyms: resonant, resounding, grandiloquent
→Antonyms: tinny, reedy, harsh, grating
Vanguard (noun)
the foremost part of an army; the
leading position in any field
→Synonyms: forefront, cutting edge, trailblazers
→Antonyms: rear guard, stragglers, laggards
Wastrel (noun)
a wasteful person, spendthrift; a
→Synonyms: loafer, idler, squanderer, profligate
→Antonyms: skinflint, tightwad, miser
For your entertainment…