Research notes - some points to consider

Some points to consider...
 Jewish people:
-Racist/anti-Semitic attitudes in Nazi publications (25
points of the NSDAP, propaganda leaflets and
posters, Mein Kampf)
-Volkisch movement (German nationalist movement
from the late nineteenth century that promoted a pure
German culture and Germanic race – Anti-Semitism
was part of this)
-1933 National Boycott Against Jewish Business,
Nuremberg Laws,
-Aryanisation (transfer of property from Jewish to
non-Jewish ownership),
-Pogroms (organised attacks on the Jewish
-The Holocaust (also known as the Shoah to the
Jewish people and dubbed ‘The Final Solution’ by the
 Women
-Nazi documents propagating party views towards
women (see propaganda posters of the ‘ideal’ Aryan
woman and family; speeches by Adolf Hitler, Joseph
Goebbels and Rudolph Hess; National Socialist
Welfare Organisation pamphlets;
-1921 Nazi Party resolution banning women from the
-Girls’ education under the Nazis
-The League of German Maidens
-Geburtenschlacht (‘Battle for Births’ policies)
-Kinder, Kirche, Kuche slogan (Children, Church,
-Awards for having children, such as the ‘Honour
Cross of the German Mother’ (Mutterkreauz)
-The German Women’s League
-Lebensborn or ‘Spring of Life’ centres (centres
where unmarried Aryan women could go to mate with
elite males to increase the German birth rate) and
‘Giving a child to the Fuhrer’ campaign
-Taxes on single women, compared to taxes on
married mothers
-Workforce restrictions on women under the Nazi
-Compulsory sterilisation of women considered ‘unfit’
to have children
-Treatment of foreign women
-Moringen Concentration Camp for women
 Youth
-Nazi attitudes to youth (propaganda posters, 1936
law making Hitler Youth a state organisation, Nazi
schoolbooks, speeches by Adolf Hitler, Joseph
Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler regarding youth,
Guidelines for teachers from the National Socialist
Teachers’ Federation handbook 1937)
-Nazi educational reform
-Hitler Youth, Little Fellows, The German Young
-League of German Maidens, League of Young Girls
-Nuremberg rallies
-‘Blood and Honour’ dagger
-Youth resistance: Edeilweiss Pirates, White Rose,
Swing Movement
 Dissenting Germans
-Nazi terror state structure
-Burning books
-White Rose Resistance
-The Kreisau Circle
-Edeilweiss Pirates
-War time opposition from the army
-Attempts to assassinate Hitler, including the July Plot
of 1944
-Bertolt Brecht
-Albert Einstein
-Religious resistance: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin
Niemoeller, Maximillian Kolbe
-Migration from Nazi Germany
-Joshua Abraham (Jewish synagogue leader and
teacher from the town of Sonderburg)
 Gypsies (the Roma)
-Nazi attitudes to gypsies (untermenschen – ‘interfering
people’, Volkgemeinschaft –National community ideal,
Mein Kampf)
-Deportation of gypsies
-Gypsies sent to concentration camps
-Centralisation of Nazi police forces under Heinrich
-1938 Himmler circular: ‘to establish the racial affinity of
every Gypsy living in Germany’
 People with Disabilities
-Nazi attitudes to people with disabilities/mental illness
in documents (eg: propaganda posters, ‘life unworthy of
living’ slogan – lebensunwertes leben, Social
Darwinism, Alfred Ploetz’s views)
-Eugenics (the science of improving the standing of a
race by selected breeding)
-Nazi Euthanasia program, 1939 (Operation T4)
-Nazi sterilisation policy
 German workers or business owners
-Attitudes to workers and business in Nazi
publications (25 points of the NSDAP, Hitler’s
conception of socialism in his speeches)
-Deutsche Arbeitsfront policies (DAF – German Work
Front – controlled every aspect of working life from
wages to hours)
-The Bureau of the Beauty of Labour
-Hereditary Farm Law
-Nazi public works program
-Nazi public holidays declared after 1933
-Nazi loans and tax concessions to business
-Unemployment figures 1933-1945
-Nazi elimination of trade unions
-Autarky (economic self-sufficiency)
-Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude)
-Reichsarbeitsdienst (The Reich Labour Service)
 ‘Asocials’
- Nazi attitudes regarding national community – who is
included/excluded (speeches by Adolf Hitler, party
- Preventative Police Measure to Combat Crime 1937
- The Gestapo
- Night of the Long Knives
- Section 175 of the Criminal Code
- General von Fritsch 1938, accusations of homosexuality
- Concentration camps