MESTRADO EM ENGENHARIA CIVIL MESTRADO EM URBANISMO E ORDENAMENTO DO TERRITÓRIO MESTRADO EM PLANEAMENTO E OPERAÇÃO DE TRANSPORTES Main lecturer: Prof. Rosário Macário Assistent: Engª Camila Garcia Practice Lectures Session 1: Group work Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Urban Mobility Management 1 The practical lectures of the GMU Course consist in the development of a work group in which some functionality of the urban mobility system in a specific neighborhood of the Lisbon City are analyzed. The work is comprised by three phases: observation, understanding and intervention. The functionalities considered are accessibility, parking and loading and unloading. The neighborhoods considered are Santo Condestável (4), Lapa (5) e Alcântara (6). The groups should be formed by 2 or 3 students. Total workload: 10h/week for 11 weeks 4 6 5 Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Work description 2 Work phases The objective of this phase is to observe the study area and identify the main problems that it is facing in relation to the functionality chosen. For this collection of information about the socio-economic characteristics as well as the urban mobility system of the study area is essential in order to characterize it. It is expected that each group visit the study area and make the collection of information needed. Additional data can be found in governmental institutions websites and in previous studies developed for the Lisbon City: INE – National Institute of Statistics ( EMEL - Parking and Mobility Company of Lisbon ( Carris ( / Metro Lisboa ( Lisbon Master Plan ( Lisbon Mobility Plan ( urbanismo/ livros/mobilidade.pdf) For this phase 6 hour of working class + 4 hour of extra working class are predicted (4 weeks of work) The results of this phase should be presented in a seminar during which all the group members are expected to participate. Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Phase 1 - Observation A presentation of no more than 10 slides should be prepared and delivered in this day. Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures 3 Work phases The objective of this phase is to deepen the analysis of the problems identified in the observation phase. For this the analysis of the cause and effects of each problem should be carry out in order to make a diagnostic of the study area. An systematic analysis of the problems should be developed with possible use of specific software (GIS, optimization software, etc.). The application of methodologies already developed for similar cases can be also explored. For this the search of papers, thesis or others works is advised (see the Science Direct website) For this phase 6 hour of working class + 4 hour of extra working class are predicted (4 weeks of work) The results of this phase should be presented in a seminar during which all the group members are expected to participate. A presentation of no more than 10 slides should be prepared and delivered in this day. The presentation must include at least one slide containing a summary of the previous stage Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Phase 2 - Understanding 4 Work Phases The objective of this phase is to propose solutions for the problems diagnosed in the previous phase. The group should propose a set of solutions ranging from operational to strategic measures. Moreover the proposal must taking into account the measures adopted by the others groups in theirs respective study areas, as they may have some levels of influence on each others. The possible use of software to address the problems and perceive the effect of what is intended/propose is also expected. For this phase 6 hour of working class + 4 hour of extra working class are predicted (3 weeks of work) The results of this phase should be presented in a seminar during which all the group members are expected to participate. A presentation of no more than 15 slides covering all phases of the work should be prepared and delivered in this day together with a writing report of no more than 30 pages (figures and tables included). Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Phase 3 - Intervention 5 Deadlines Semana Semana apresentação de técnicas e (data 3ºFeira, (data 6ºFeira, softwares na aulas práticas 14:30h) 22:00h) (Limitado a 50 minutos) 1 16-fev-16 19-fev-16 2 23-fev-16 26-fev-16 3 1-mar-16 4-mar-16 GEODA - CG 4 8-mar-16 11-mar-16 TransCad - CG 5 15-mar-16 18-mar-16 6 29-mar-16 1-abr-16 7 5-abr-16 8-abr-16 8 12-abr-16 15-abr-16 9 19-abr-16 22-abr-16 10 26-abr-16 29-abr-16 Trabalho em grupo (TG): Preparação da apresentação e relatório 11 3-mai-16 6-mai-16 Trabalho em grupo (TG): Preparação da apresentação e relatório 12 10-mai-16 13-mai-16 Trabalho em grupo (TG): Preparação da apresentação e relatório 13 42507 42510 14 42514 42517 Matéria - aulas práticas Introdução, organização de grupos e selecção de temas a tratar Aula (3ªF e 6ªF) Trabalho em grupo (TG): Entendimento genérico do problema, identificação de intervenientes. Identificação dos aspectos a Trabalho em grupo (TG): Recolha de informação para caracterização dos aspectos a observar Trabalho em grupo (TG): Recolha de informação para caracterização dos aspectos a observar Trabalho em grupo (TG): Síntese da observação, apresentação e discussão Trabalho em grupo (TG): Compreensão da dimensão funcional (relações causais) e fisica do problema Trabalho em grupo (TG): Compreensão da dimensão funcional (relações causais) e fisica do problema Trabalho em grupo (TG): Compreensão da dimensão económica, institucional e política do problema Trabalho em grupo (TG): Compreensão da dimensão económica, institucional e política do problema Trabalho em grupo (TG): Síntese da análise do problema, apresentação e discussão Trabalho em grupo (TG): Entrega do relatório e Trabalho em grupo (TG): Apresentação final e discussão em turma Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Anylogic/Vensim (VR) Work Group – Urban Mobility Management observar e as variáveis associadas 6 As the work consist in a simulation of the reality, the groups effort will be considered in the final evaluation. The following criteria will considered: Comprehensive analysis: including the largest number of possible problems Complexity analysis: learning new software Creativity: proposal of original interventions. The final seminar evaluation is given by S = 0.75R +0.25D Where Seminar evaluation (S) Presentation and discussion (D) Summary report (R) Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Evaluation rules 7 Contacts Work Group – Urban Mobility Management Camila Garcia Room 4.24 - 2nd floor Instituto Superior Técnico – MEC/MUOT/MPOT – GMU – Practice Lectures 8