Review Warm-ups

Review Warm-ups
Day 1
1. What is the mean of the following distribution of scores: 2, 3, 7, 6,
1, 4, 9, 5, 8, 2?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 4.7
d. 3.7
2. The procedure designed to ensure that the experimental and control
groups do not differ in any way that might affect the experiments’
results is called:
a. Variable controlling
b. Random assignment
c. Representative sampling
d. Stratification
Day 2
1. Which of the following exemplifies the issue of the relative
importance of nature and nurture on our behavior?
a. The issue of the relative influence of biology and experience
on behavior
b. The issue of the relative influence of rewards and
punishments on behavior
c. The debate as to the relative importance of heredity and
instinct in determining behavior
d. The debate as to whether mental processes are a legitimate
area of scientific study
2. Today, psychology is defined as the:
a. Study of mental phenomena
b. Study of conscious and unconscious activity
c. Study of behavior
d. Science of behavior and mental processes
Day 3
1. The existence of ___________reinforces the generally accepted
notion that intelligence is a multidimensional quality.
a. Adaptive skills
b. Mental retardation
c. General intelligence
d. Savant syndrome
2. Homeostasis refers to:
a. The tendency to maintain a steady internal state
b. The tendency to seek external incentives for behavior
c. The setting of the body’s “weight thermostat”
d. A theory of the development of sexual orientation
Day 4
1. Damage to __________ will usually cause a person to lose the
ability to comprehend language.
a. The angular gyrus
b. Broca’s area
c. Wernicke’s area
d. Frontal lobe association areas
2. Voluntary movements, such as writing with a pencil, are directed
by the:
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Somatic nervous system
c. Parasympathetic nervous system
d. Autonomic nervous system
Day 5
1. Which area of the brain is most important in the processing of
implicit memories?
a. Hippocampus
b. Cerebellum
c. Hypothalamus
d. Amygdala
2. Because of their lightning speed, computers can retrieve and
manipulate stored data faster than people can, but the human brain
beats the computer hands down when it comes to:
a. Using heuristics
b. Flowing algorithms
c. Serial processing
d. Simultaneous processing
Day 6
1. Which of the following is true?
a. The absolute threshold for any stimulus is a constant
b. The absolute threshold for any stimulus varies somewhat
c. The absolute threshold is defined as the minimum amount of
stimulation necessary for a stimulus to be detected 75% of
the time
d. The absolute threshold is defined as the minimum amount of
stimulation necessary for a stimulus to be detected 60% of
the time.
2. The study of perception is primarily concerned with how we:
a. Detect sights, sounds, and other stimuli
b. Sense environmental stimuli
c. Develop sensitivity to illusions
d. Interpret sensory stimuli
Day 7
1. The existence of ___________reinforces the generally accepted
notion that intelligence is a multidimensional quality.
a. Adaptive skills
b. Mental retardation
c. General intelligence
d. Savant syndrome
2. Homeostasis refers to:
a. The tendency to maintain a steady internal state
b. The tendency to seek external incentives for behavior
c. The setting of the body’s “weight thermostat”
d. A theory of the development of sexual orientation
Day 8
1. According to Freud, dreams are:
a. A symbolic fulfillment of erotic wishes
b. The result of random neural activity in the brainstem
c. The brain’s mechanism for self-stimulation
d. Transparent representations of the individual’s conflicts
2. Psychoactive drugs affect behavior and perception through:
a. The power of suggestion
b. The placebo effect
c. Alteration of neural activity in the brain
d. Psychological, not physiological, influences
Day 9
1. A major difference between the psychoanalytic and trait
perspectives is that:
a. Trait theory defines personality in terms of behavior;
psychoanalytic theory, in terms of its underlying dynamics
b. Trait theory describes behavior but does not attempt to
explain it
c. Psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the origins of personality
in childhood sexuality
d. All of the above are differences
2. Which neurotransmitter is present in overabundant amounts during
the manic phase of bipolar disorder?
a. Dopamine (overabundance in schizophrenia)
b. Serotonin (scarce during depression)
c. Epinephrine (not implicated in psychological disorders)
d. Norepinephrine
Day 10
1. In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, salivation to meat was
a. CS
b. CR
c. UCS
d. UCR
2. Which of the following has been proposed as a neurophysiological
explanation of infantile amnesia?
a. The slow maturation of the hippocampus leaves the infant’s
brain unable to store images and events
b. The deficient supply of serotonin until about age 3 makes
encoding very limited
c. The limited availability of association areas of the cortex
until about age 3 impairs encoding and storage
d. All of the above explanations have been proposed
Day 11
1. Which type of psychotherapy focuses on changing unwanted
behaviors rather than on discovering their underlying causes?
a. Behavior therapy
b. Cognitive therapy
c. Humanistic therapy
d. Psychoanalysis
e. Family therapy
2. Which theory describes how we explain others’ behavior as being
due to internal dispositions or external situations?
a. Social exchange theory
b. Reward theory
c. Two-factor theory
d. Attribution theory
Day 12
1. Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to:
a. Allow preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning
b. Cling to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which
they were formed has been discredited
c. Search randomly through alternative solutions when problem
d. Look for information that is consistent with one’s beliefs
2. You hear that one of the Smith children is an outstanding Little
League player and immediately conclude it’s their one son rather
than any of their four daughters. You reached your quiet possibly
erroneous conclusion as the result of:
a. The confirmation bias
b. The availability heuristic
c. The representative heuristic
d. Belief perseverance
Day 13
1. Which of the following depth cues creates the impression of a
visual cliff?
a. Interposition
b. Relative height
c. Linear perspective
d. Texture gradient
e. Relative clarity
2. Which of the following is not a stimulant?
a. Amphetamines
b. Caffeine
c. Nicotine
d. Alcohol
Day 14
1. Which of the following is a difference between a drive and a need?
a. Needs are learned; drives are inherited
b. Needs are physiological states; drives are psychological
c. Drives are generally stronger than needs
d. Needs are generally stronger than drives
2. Increases in insulin will:
a. Lower blood sugar and trigger hunger
b. Raise blood sugar and trigger hunger
c. Lower blood sugar and trigger satiety
d. Raise blood sugar and trigger satiety
Day 15
1. Homeostasis refers to:
a. The tendency to maintain a steady internal state
b. The tendency to seek external incentives for behavior
c. The setting of the body’s “weight thermostat”
d. A theory of the development of sexual orientation
2. The brain area that when stimulated suppresses eating is the:
a. Lateral hypothalamus
b. Ventromedial hypothalamus
c. Lateral thalamus
d. Ventromedial thalamus
Day 16
1. Gender refers to:
a. The biological and social definition of male and female
b. The biological definition of male and female
c. One’s sense of being male or female
d. The extent to which one exhibits traditionally male or female
2. In a hypothetical world where all schools are of uniform quality, all
families equally loving, and all neighborhoods equally healthy, the
heritability of person-to-person differences would be:
a. Large
b. Small
c. Zero
d. Unpredictable
Day 17
1. In preconventional morality, the person:
a. Obeys out of a sense of social duty
b. Conforms to gain social approval
c. Obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards
d. Follows the dictates of his or her conscience
2. According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about abstract
propositions in indicative of the stage of:
a. Preoperational thought
b. Concrete operations
c. Formal operations
d. Fluid intelligence
Day 18
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The predictive validity of intelligence tests is not as high as
their reliability
b. The reliability of intelligence tests is not as high as their
predictive validity
c. Modern intelligence tests have extremely high predictive
validity and reliability
d. The predictive validity and reliability of most intelligence
tests is very low
2. Current estimates are that ______ percent of the total variation
among intelligence scores can be attributed to genetic factors.
a. Less than 10
b. Approximately 25
c. Between 50 and 75
d. Over 75
Day 19
1. The Flynn effect refers to the fact that:
a. White and black infants score equally well on measures of
infant intelligence
b. Asian students outperform North American students on math
achievement tests
c. The IQ scores of today’s better fed and educated population
exceed that of the 1930s population
d. Individual differences within a race are much greater than
between-race differences
2. If a test designed to indicate which applicants are likely to perform
the best on the job fails to do so, the test has:
a. Low reliability
b. Low content validity
c. Low predictive validity
d. Not been standardized
Day 20
1. According to Rogers,, three conditions are necessary to promote
growth in personality. These are:
a. Honesty, sincerity, and empathy
b. High self-esteem, honesty, and empathy
c. High self-esteem, genuineness, and acceptance
d. High self-esteem, acceptance, and honesty
e. Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy
2. Id is to ego as ____ is to _____.
a. Reality principle; pleasure principle
b. Pleasure principle; reality principle
c. Conscious forces; unconscious forces
d. Conscience; “personality executive”
Day 21
1. Which perspective on personality emphasizes the interaction
between the individual and the environment in shaping
a. Psychoanalytic
b. Trait
c. Humanistic
d. Social-cognitive
2. The behavior of many people has been described in terms of a
“spotlight effect.” This means that they
a. Tend to see themselves as begin above average in ability
b. Perceive that their fate is determined by forces not under
their personal control
c. Overestimate the extent to which other people are noticing
d. Do all of the above
Day 22
1. Phobias and obsessive-compulsive behaviors are classified as:
a. Anxiety disorders
b. Mood disorders
c. Dissociative disorders
d. Personality disorders
2. The fact that disorders such as schizophrenia are universal and
influenced by heredity, whereas other disorders such as anorexia
nervosa are culture-bound provides evidence for the _______
model of psychological disorders.
a. Medical
b. Bio-psycho-social
c. Social-cultural
d. Psychoanalytic
Day 23
1. The antipsychotic drugs appear to produce their effects by
blocking the receptor sites for:
a. Dopamine
b. Epinephrine
c. Norepinephrine
d. Serotonin
2. Which type of psychotherapy emphasizes the individual’s inherent
potential for self-fulfillment?
a. Behavior therapy
b. Psychoanalysis
c. Humanistic therapy
d. Biomedical therapy
Day 24
1. The mere exposure effect demonstrates that:
a. Familiarity breeds contempt
b. Opposites attract
c. Birds of a feather flock together
d. Familiarity breeds fondness
2. Which of the following is most likely to promote groupthink?
a. The group’s leader fails to take a firm stance on an issue
b. A minority faction holds to its position
c. The group consults with various experts
d. Group polarization is evident
Day 25
1. One effect of stress hormones is to:
a. Lower the level of cholesterol in the blood
b. Promote the buildup of plaques on the artery walls
c. Divert blood away from the muscles of the body
d. Reduce stress
e. Decrease the amount of fat stored in the body
2. During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is a person
especially vulnerable to disease?
a. Alarm reaction
b. Stage of resistance
c. Stage of exhaustion
d. Stage of adaptation
Day 26
1. The basic units of cognition are:
a. Phonemes
b. Concepts
c. Prototypes
d. Morphemes
2. Syntax refers to the:
a. Sounds in a word
b. Rules for grouping words into sentences
c. Rules by which meaning is derived from sentences
d. Overall rules of a language