study questions/mini

Introduction to the cell biology course (3MB002/5MO021)
The course is divided into three parts:
1. The theory part, 8 ECTS-credits, comprises comprehensive theoretical knowledge of the most central
parts of modern Molecular Cell Biology. The main areas are described under the heading "expected study
2. Practical
Professional Training (PPT), 2 ECTS-credits, comprises oral
presentation of mini-case and study questions (mandatory exercises!).
3. Lab course, 5 ECTS-credits, which includes 1 ECTS-credit lab report writing is an application of the
theoretical part. The experimental exercises include work in model systems and methodology for cell
biological studies. A consistent theme during part 3 of the course is that participants will receive training in
independently planning experiments and analyses. Moreover, there will be an emphasis on how to compile
an individual laboratory report to be presented in the same format as a scientific article.
The students will be trained in good laboratory practice with respect to keeping
dated notes in a laboratory journal
i) Each student will be provided with a note book in which laboratory protocols
and results should be clearly documented
ii) The course assistants will provide continuous feed-back on how experiments
are documented
iii) At the end of the course, these note books will be collected by the course
assistants for assessment
iv) A clear and dated laboratory record is required for the student to pass the
laboratory course
Cell biology 15hp - course outline
Lecture course
Lab course
The theoretical part of this course covers 5 weeks and ends
with a written exam. It involves four mandatory study
questions/mini-case case sessions (2 ECTS-credits), which
covers all central topics of this cell biology course.
The practical part of this course covers 4.5 weeks and
involves writing a lab report in a format corresponding to a
scientific publication.
Students need to both pass the written exam and to have their
practical work and lab reports approved
Pedagogic principle – section 1 to 4
Literature studies etc
Introductory lectures on section 2
De-briefing of study questions/mini-cases
section 1 Mandatory, 2 ECTS-credits
Study questions/mini-cases
Literature studies
lectures on
section 1
Alberts et al. 5th edition
The study questions/mini-cases
The cases
•“Mini-cases” that requires knowledge from the introductory
lectures, “Albert et al.” and previous course segments
• Individual studies or in groups
• Optional ”open office” according to schedule
• Serve as a detailed study-guide
Discussion session
• You will discuss each mini-case with a randomly selected peer (5-10 min)
• Each mini-case is thereafter presented by a randomly selected pair of peers
”Utbildning på grundnivå skall utveckla studenternas:
- förmåga att muntligt och skriftligt redogöra för och diskutera information,
problem och lösningar i dialog med olika grupper”
Högskolelagen (SFS nr: 1992:1434 uppdaterad t.o.m SFS 2006:173)
Topics of the course  a complete overview of cell biology
Lecture 1: How to study cells
Lecture 2: Membrane biology and cellular organelles
Lecture 3: Cell organelles and intracellular trafficking
End section 1/week 1: study questions/mini-cases
Lecture 4: Cellular communication I
Lecture 5: Cellular communication II
End section 2/week 2 : study questions/mini-cases
Lecture 6: Cell cycle I
Lecture 7: Cell cycle II and cell death
End section 3/week 3 : study questions/mini-cases
Lecture 8: Cytoskeleton I
Lecture 9: Cytoskeleton II
Lecture 10: Cell adhesion and ECM
End section 4/week 4 : study questions/mini-cases
Lecture 11: Cytoskeleton, cell cycle & disease
Lecture 12: Summary lecture with a tumor biology perspective
Week 5: end of the theoretical part of the course  exam
An undergraduate's view of cell biology
A more productive view of cell