ESBI.15.Lect 1

In this course you will:
 Study Space Solar Power Systems (SSPS) – Satellites that transmit solar
power to the ground via microwave
 Learn about Power StarTM – A revolutionary SSPS concept
 Printed solar cells and microwave antennas on a flexible fabric combined with
Echo satellite technology
The only design that can produce an operational system with one launch!
 Learn useful background on optics, and cutting-edge RF technology
 Help design systems for multiple uses:
Power systems for interplanetary exploration
Rapidly deployable power for remote locations
Air and missile defense
Instructor: Prof. D. C. Hyland
Time: MWF, 8:00 – 8:50am
Location: Rm 204, HRBB
Electromagnetic Sensing for Space-Bourne
• Previous offerings have studied IR and Visible
imaging systems that can be used to obtain high
resolution imaging of space objects.
• As in last year, this semester will look at a new but
related interest: Microwave energy propagation.
• To provide examples, consider design applications
of Solar-Microwave Fabric and Power Star – Two
red hot inventions garnering lots of private
• Learn the needed background on optics, microwave
reception, transmission and phased arrays.
Electromagnetic Sensing for Space-Borne Imaging
Course output:
Mid-term exam: March 6, 2014.
Final Presentation: April 22, 2014
Final Report due April 29, 2014
Prof. D. C. Hyland
Course Textbooks:
Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition by Wiley J.
Larson and James R. Wertz
Two-Dimensional Imaging, by R. N. Bracewell, Prentice-Hall,
Principles of Optics, 7th Edition, by M. Born and E. Wolf,
Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Spring 2014 Design Challenge
• Design a space-based Solar Power System (SSP)
– One or more satellites that collect solar power
– Solar power is converted to microwave radiation
– Microwave radiation is beamed to several places on the
ground by means of a phased array
– At each reception station the power is converted to DC
via a rectifying antenna (rectenna) array
– Power is distributed locally, without long-distance
– Focus should be on a First Revenue System
• We will be assisted by DoD consultants and SSP
Design Project:
Power Star and Solar-Microwave Fabric
A Revolutionary Concept for Space Solar
Also contributed at the International
Conference on SBSP, Kobe, Japan, April 2014
So new it’s scarcely noticed, So old it’s
almost forgotten
Printed Solar
The New
Printed Patch
Conductive coating (ground)
Substrate layer
The Old: Echo Satellite Technology
Spring 2015 Design Challenges
• Explore the Power Star System design in
more depth (building on Last Year’s work)
• Study additional applications of the core
invention: Solar-Microwave Fabric.
– Portable power system for inaccessible locales
– Rapidly deployable air defense system
– Power and communication system for space
mid-microwave:30 cm
Once you learn how to do it, Space Solar Power might be more efficient...
Solar Constant
= rate of energy intercepted by
one square meter at normal
incidence in space at 1 AU
from the Sun
= 1367 W/m2
This means you can collect 12
MW-Hrs. in a year, in space
Source of Groundlevel attenuation
Attenuation Factor
(absorption & weather)
Average inclination
0.5 to 0.25
Net attenuation
~ 0.15 to 0.07
So, collecting solar power
in space (if you can do it)
could be much more
dependable and efficient.
… If you can field SSPS, market analysis shows
huge potential
• All previous SPS concepts
Involve gigantic, complex, articulated structures
Contain numerous, perhaps 1000s, of moving parts
Require numerous launches
Require on-orbit fabrication/construction, usually robotic
Involve serious dynamic stability issues
• Power StarTM combines very new and very old
technologies to obtain:
– The simplest possible structure
– No moving parts (except electrons and photons)
– One launch vehicle (A one-km system can fit into several
existing vehicles)
– No on-orbit construction
– Inherent dynamic stability and robustness
Heinlein Prize Trust Announces New Solar Power Concept at IAC
Heinlein Prize
Posted Friday, September 26, 2014
The Robert A. and Virginia Heinlein Prize Trust (HPT) will unveil a new space solar power
concept that it is assisting in developing at the 65th International Astronautical Congress
(IAC) held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Tuesday 10:30 a.m.
This new space solar power satellite was developed by Dr. Dave Hyland, Professor of
Aerospace Engineering and Physics at Texas A&M University and Dr. Haithem
Altwaijry, Director of the National Center for Remote Sensing Technology at King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). It uses a simple, robust structure,
requires no moving parts or on-orbit construction and only requires one launch vehicle
to deploy an operational system.
“Space solar power will be an important component of the new space economy,” said HPT
Trustee Arthur M. Dula. “This new space solar power concept can provide clean,
efficient and cost-effective way of supplying power to the Earth and development of
human civilization in space.”
The press are invited to a presentation and Q&A session regarding the new invention at the
HPT Exhibit at the IAC exhibitor hall (Booth #137) on Tuesday 10:30 a.m. For more
information regarding the event or to RSVP for the press announcement contact Buckner
Hightower +1 (512) 363-2279 or email
About the Heinlein Prize Trust: The Robert A. and Virginia Heinlein Prize Trust honors
the memory of Robert A. Heinlein, a renowned American author. The purpose of the
Heinlein Prize is to encourage and reward progress in commercial space activities that
advance Robert and his wife Virginia’s dream of humanity’s future in space.
Message from AIC-SVC CEO and Investment
Management Group -Excerpts
“…this is now the most promising idea – by far! We can now envision the
production of a first-revenue system in one launch. This closes the
business case!!”
“…my management group and I have been working with Dr. Hyland to
enlist private venture capital for his projects. So far we have been offered
$150 million for a five-year effort to develop and produce the first Power
Star satellite. Further, we are canvassing ten additional investment groups!!
“…you can be part of our team! I cannot exaggerate the benefits to you
that will result from your participation in the hottest, most advanced, and
most feasible solar power innovation so far conceived!
Very best wishes,
S. P. Boike, CEO and President,
American Industrial Consultants and Solutions Vehicles Company
Long Beach, California
Power Star Consortia
AIC-SVC Management Group
Power Star
Investment Group
Heinlein Trust Account
Power Star
Industry Consortium
Burch Consultants, Inc.
Power Star University
Prof. D. Hyland
Chief Scientist
Texas A&M
U. Of Illinois
U. Of Michigan
Cal. Tech.
M.I.T. ...
428 students?
• Syllabus review
• Introductory Power Star presentation
• M. J. Homitschek, Lt. Col. USAF. “War without Oil: A catalyst for
True Transformation” Paper No. 56, Center for Strategy and
Technology, Maxwell AFB, 17 Feb 2006.
• A.C.Charania, J. R. Olds, and D. Depasquale. “Operational
Demonstration of Space Solar Power (SSP) : Economic Analysis of a
First Revenue Satellite”, ISTS2011, 28th International Symposium on
Space Technology and Science, Okinawa, Japan, June 2011.
• A.C.Charania, J. R. Olds, and D. Depasquale. “Operational
Demonstration of Space Solar Power (SSP) : Economic Analysis of a
First Revenue Satellite”, ISTS2011, PowerPoint presentation.
• S. Divitt. “Rectifying Antennas for Energy”. Technical Report, The
Energy Center, KNUST, June 1, 2012