Higher Education Programs Preview Swiss Management Centre University (SMCU) Zug, Switzerland http://www.smcuniversity.com/ & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 1 of 36 About SCMU • Established in 1985 • A legally registered private institution of learning (not funded by gov’t) in the Kanton of Zug, Switzerland. • Initially offered executive training courses. • Currently with students from over 130 countries. • Now offers Bachelor’s, Masters & Doctoral online programs. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 2 of 36 & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 3 of 36 History & Milestones Year Milestones 1985 • Established in Zug, Switzerland as executive training provider 2002 • Transforms into institution of higher education 2004 • Launched Master & Doctorate Programs 2006 • Newsweek: “SMC is a leading Swiss global University” • Enrolment of students from 70 countries 2007 • Obtains ACBSP Accreditation 2008 • New Learning Centre in Zurich • First Doctoral Residency in Vienna, Austria 2009 • Introduces PhD. In Economics program • Enrolment of students from 116 countries & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 4 of 36 Accreditation (Masters & Doctorate) The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), is the leading specialized accreditation association for business education supporting, celebrating, and rewarding teaching excellence. ACBSP is a programmatic accreditation body in the U.S., recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation, CHEA. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 5 of 36 Compliance • Compliance with the Bologna Declaration • Recognizing the importance of the European and International dimensions in education, SMC underwent the process of adapting to the criteria of the Bologna Declaration, which regulates the standards and transferability of credits and degrees in Europe. SMC fully complies with the criteria set forth in this international convention. http://www.relex.espol.edu.ec/ingles/bolonia.php & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 6 of 36 Membership • Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB) • SVEB is the Swiss national umbrella organization for adult education, it groups about 175 institutions. Its main activities include representing adult education / learning in Swiss educational policies and educational legislation, quality certification and publications. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 7 of 36 Approvals • In Malaysia, the SMCU Bachelor, Masters & Doctorate programs are approved as e-learning programs claimable under the Prolus scheme of the HRD Fund from the Ministry of Human Resources & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 8 of 36 Recognition & Rankings • Listed in Financial Times 2012 online MBAs: http://rankings.ft.com/businessschoolrankings/online-mba-2012-listing • Listed as among top 41 online MBAs in Financial Times 2011: http://rankings.ft.com/exportranking/online-mba-2011/pdf • Newsweek article on October 9 2006: http://www.tepper.at/content/e20/e24/e67/e94/download116/file/file/ger/N ewsweek10_06.pdf & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 9 of 36 Academic Philosophy Academic Excellence • • • • • • Pragmatic Approach • • • • • Personalization High Interactivity Practice Oriented Continuous Updates Modern Tools & Intelli-Zen Resources International Partners Acknowledged Faculty Quality courseware Online Library Case Study approach NetAcademy online support & study materials • • • • • Continuous Support Updated courses Faculty support Personal Counselling Alumni Networking Professional courses upgrade Topic 1: Slide 10 of 36 MBA Program Structure No. Course Code Course Credits 1 MBA501 Marketing Management 6 2 MAB502 Managerial Finance and Accounting 6 3 MBA503 Business Research 6 4 MBA504 Project Management 6 5 MBA505 Managerial Economics 6 6 MBA506 Human Resource Management 6 7 MBA507 International Business and Trade 6 8 MBA508 Management 6 9 MBA509 Business Development Management 6 10 MBA510 Operations Management 6 11 MBA511 Strategic Management 6 12 MBA512 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 6 13 MBA513 Capstone Project 48 TOTAL & Intelli-Zen Resources 120 Topic 1: Slide 11 of 36 MBA Program Progression 12 courses x 6 weeks/course: • 72 weeks + 6 weeks for submission of last course assignment = • Capstone project starting concurrently with 11th course lasting = • Total recommended duration = Wk 1 - 6 1 2 3 4 MBA501 Wk 7 - 12 5 6 7 8 Wk 13 - 18 Wk 19 - 2 4 Wk 2 5 - 3 0 Wk 2 6 - 3 6 Wk 3 7 - 4 2 Wk 4 3 - 4 8 Wk 4 9 - 5 4 78 weeks 24 weeks (6 months ) 84 weeks Wk 5 5 - 6 0 Wk 6 1 - 6 6 Wk 6 7 - 7 2 Wk 7 3 - 7 8 T S MBA502 T S MBA503 T S MBA504 T S MBA505 T S MBA506 T S MBA507 T S MBA508 T S MBA509 T S M B A 5 10 T S M B A 5 11 T S M B A 5 12 T M B A 5 13 C a p t so n e P r o j e c t Le ge nd: Wk 7 9 - 8 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S t udy P e r i od T - Online Test in Week 6 of st udy per iod & Intelli-Zen Resources S S S - Submission of Assignment on Week 12 of st udy per iod Topic 1: Slide 12 of 36 MBA Program Delivery No. Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 1 Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures 3 6 18 2 Video Case studies 2 6 12 3 Online tutorials to discuss assignment & revision for test 2 6 12 4 Participation in discussion forums (facilitated) 2 6 12 9 6 54 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions Expected Self Study 5 Independent research for assignment 9 6 54 6 Self study 7 6 42 Subtotal of expected self study 16 6 96 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS 25 6 150 & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 13 of 36 MBA Assessment Structure No. Assessment Mode Type Weightage (%) 1. Online Test (30 multiple choice questions) Summative 30 2. Coursework Assignment - will be a business report of 4,000 (+/-10%) words Formative 70 Total 100 • 1 Credit = 25 contact hours • Each course = 6 credits (25 contact hrs / wk x 6 wks = 150 contact hrs.) • 12 courses = 72 credits (6 credits / course x 12 courses) • Capstone Project = 48 credits • Total credits 120 credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) = & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 14 of 36 MBA Grading Structure Grade Marks (%) Grade Point Status Remarks A+ 98 - 100 4.00 Passing None A 93 - 97 3.80 Passing None A- 90 - 92 3.70 Passing None B+ 88 - 89 3.30 Passing None B 83 - 87 3.00 Passing None B- 80 - 82 2.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C+ 78 - 79 2.30 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C 73 - 77 2.00 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C- 70 - 72 1.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D+ 68 - 69 1.30 Failure Improvement assigned D 63 - 67 1.00 Failure Improvement assigned D- 60 - 62 0.70 Failure Improvement assigned F 0 - 59 0 Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning) & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 15 of 36 MBA Admission Criteria • Undergraduate degree from an internationally recognized academic institution. • Minimum 3 years of work experience in middle management (or equivalent, respective to the profession) • Proficiency in English & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 16 of 36 MBA Graduation Requirements • obtain a passing grade in all courses, • successfully complete their capstone project. • achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SMCU. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 17 of 36 MBA Program Summary Item Description Award & Validation SMCU, Switzerland No. of modules 12 courses + 1 Capstone Project (8K words) Duration 84 weeks (1 years 8 months) Assessment 70% coursework + 30% quiz Entry Requirement Recognised Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Fees (NOT including graduation ceremony fees) & Intelli-Zen Resources • Study guides • Video links • Virtual classroom • Power point slides • Online library • Personal tutor • Application Fees: • Program Fees: • Total Fees: = RM 800 = RM 24,000 = RM 24,800 Topic 1: Slide 18 of 36 DBA Program Structure • Core Stage: two (2) courses • Specialization Stage: five (5) courses • Dissertation & Defense stage: thesis of at least 20K words No. Course Code 1 2 DBA601 DBA602 3 4 5 6 7 DBA603 DBA604 DBA605 DBA606 DBA607 8 DBA608 Course CORE STAGE Research Methodology & Design I Research Methodology & Design II SPECIALISATION STAGE Corporate Finance and Governance Strategic Leadership International Marketing Management Managerial Economics Performance Management DISSERTATION STAGE Dissertation Thesis & Dissertation Defense & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 19 of 36 DBA Program Progression 7 courses x 10 weeks/course: • 70 weeks + 13 weeks for submission of last course assignment • Dissertation thesis starting concurrently with 7th course lasting • Dissertation thesis defense to be scheduled for weeks: 101 -104 • Total recommended duration: 2 years 1- 10 We e k s 1 2 3 4 5 6 11- 20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21- 30 18 19 31- 40 41- 50 = 83 weeks = 40 weeks. = 4 weeks = 104 weeks 51- 60 61- 70 71- 80 81- 90 91-100 101-104 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 9 7 0 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 7 7 7 8 7 9 8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 0 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 8 9 9 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 C o urs e s D B A 601 S t udy P e rio d D B A 602 S S t udy P e rio d D B A 603 S S S t udy P e rio d D B A 604 S t udy P e rio d D B A 605 S S t udy P e rio d D B A 606 S S t udy P e rio d D B A 607 S t udy P e rio d D B A 608 S S t udy P e rio d D B A 609 Le ge nd S S D is s e rt a t io n P ro je c t ( 4 0 we e k s ) S t udy P e rio d D e f e n se S Submissio n o f assignment fo r each co urse in Week 13 fro m start o f that co urse & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 20 of 36 DBA Program Delivery No. Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 2 10 20 1 Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures 2 Video Case studies 1 10 10 3 Online tutorials to discuss assignment 2 10 20 4 Participation in discussion forums (facilitated) 1 10 10 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions 6 10 60 Expected Self Study 5 Independent research for assignment 4 10 40 6 Self study 3 10 30 Subtotal of expected self study 7 10 70 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS 13 10 130 & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 21 of 36 DBA Assessment Structure • Assessment for the SMCU DBA program for all courses will be 100% by coursework. • All assignments will consist of a mini research on topic given by the lecturer. • The assignments will be presented in the form of a business report of 7,000 ( +/- 10%) words on a real world organisation. • Each assignment will be accompanied by a comprehensive assessment rubric (marking criteria) • Candidates are given 10 weeks from the commencement of a particular course to complete and submit their assignments. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 22 of 36 DBA Grading Structure Grade Marks (%) Grade Point Status Remarks A+ 98 - 100 4.00 Passing None A 93 - 97 3.80 Passing None A- 90 - 92 3.70 Passing None B+ 88 - 89 3.30 Passing None B 83 - 87 3.00 Passing None B- 80 - 82 2.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C+ 78 - 79 2.30 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C 73 - 77 2.00 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C- 70 - 72 1.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D+ 68 - 69 1.30 Failure Improvement assigned D 63 - 67 1.00 Failure Improvement assigned D- 60 - 62 0.70 Failure Improvement assigned F 0 - 59 0 Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning) & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 23 of 36 DBA Admission Criteria • Master degree from an internationally recognized academic institution. • Min. 4 years of work experience in executive or senior management positions • Proficiency in English & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 24 of 36 DBA Graduation Requirements • obtain a passing grade in all courses, • successfully complete their capstone project. • achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SMCU. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 25 of 36 DBA Program Summary Item Description Award & Validation SMCU, Switzerland No. of modules 7 courses + 1 Dissertation (20K words) Duration 104 weeks (2 years) Assessment 100% coursework Entry Requirement Recognised Master’s degree or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Fees (NOT including graduation ceremony fees) & Intelli-Zen Resources • Study guides • Video links • Virtual classroom • Power point slides • Online library • Personal tutor • Application Fees: • Program Fees: • Total Fees: = RM 800 = RM 36,000 = RM 36,800 Topic 1: Slide 26 of 36 BBM Program Structure • Bachelor of Business Management No. Course Code Course Credits 1 BBM401 Financial Management 6 2 BBM402 International Business Management 6 3 BBM403 International Marketing Strategies 6 4 BBM404 Management Information Systems 6 5 BBM405 Electronic Business 6 6 BBM406 Managing Organizational Change & Developments 6 7 BBM407 Business Research 6 8 BBM408 Human Resource Training and Development 6 9 BBM409 Project Paper and Case Study 12 TOTAL 60 Note: ALL Bachelor programs are NOT accredited by ACBSP & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 27 of 36 BAF Program Structure • Bachelor of Applied Finance No. Course Code Course Credits 1 BAF401 Management Accounting 6 2 BAF402 Financial Accounting 6 3 BAF403 Corporate & Business Law 6 4 BAF404 Taxation 6 5 BAF405 Financial Reporting 6 6 BAF406 Audit & Assurance 6 7 BAF407 Financial Management 6 8 BAF408 Business Analysis 6 9 BAF409 Project Paper & Case Study 12 TOTAL & Intelli-Zen Resources 60 Topic 1: Slide 28 of 36 BHM Program Structure • Bachelor of Hospitality Management No. Course Code Course Credits 1 BHM401 Front Office Operations 6 2 BHM402 Food and Beverage Service 6 3 BHM403 Services Marketing 6 4 BHM404 Human Resource Management 6 5 BHM405 Management Accounting 6 6 BHM406 Resort Operations and Management 6 7 BHM407 Hospitality Procurement, Purchasing and Selection 6 8 BHM408 Introduction to Club and SPA Management 6 9 BHM409 Project Paper and Case Study 12 TOTAL & Intelli-Zen Resources 60 Topic 1: Slide 29 of 36 BIT Program Structure • Bachelor of Information Technology No. Course Code Course Credits 1 BIT401 Systems Analysis and Design 6 2 BIT402 Network and Distributed Systems 6 3 BIT403 Social and Organisational Issues in Computing 6 4 BIT404 Management Information Systems 6 5 BIT405 Internet Security Management 6 6 BIT406 Java Business Programming 6 7 BIT407 Database Design and Management 6 8 BIT408 Web Development 6 9 BIT409 Project Paper and Case Study 12 TOTAL & Intelli-Zen Resources 60 Topic 1: Slide 30 of 36 Bachelor Program Progression 8 courses x 6 weeks/course: • 48 weeks + 7 weeks for submission of last course assignment • Project Paper & Case Study starting concurrently with 5th course lasting • Total recommended duration WEEKS 1-6 7 - 12 13 - 18 19 - 24 25 - 30 31 - 36 = 55 weeks = 31 weeks = 55 weeks 37 -42 43 - 48 49 - 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 COURSES BBM401 Study Period BBM402 T S Study Period BBM403 T Study Period BBM404 S T Study Period S T BBM405 Study Period BBM406 T S Study Period BBM407 T Study Period BBM408 S T S Study Period T S Project Paper & Case Study BBM409 Legend: S Study Period T Online Test in Week 7 for each course & Intelli-Zen Resources S Submission of assignment for each course in Week 13 from start of that course Topic 1: Slide 31 of 36 Bachelor Program Delivery No. Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 1 Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures 3 6 18 2 Video Case studies 2 6 12 3 Online tutorials to discuss assignment & revision for test 2 6 12 4 Participation in discussion forums (facilitated) 2 6 12 9 6 54 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions Expected Self Study 5 Independent research for assignment 9 6 54 6 Self study 7 6 42 Subtotal of expected self study 16 6 96 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS 25 6 150 & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 32 of 36 Bachelor Assessment Structure No. Assessment Mode Type Weightage (%) 1. Online Test (30 multiple choice questions) Summative 30 2. Coursework Assignment - will be a business report of 4,000 (+/-10%) words Formative 70 Total 100 • 1 Credit = 25 contact hours • Each course = 6 credits (25 contact hrs / wk x 6 wks = 150 contact hrs.) • 12 courses = 72 credits (6 credits / course x 12 courses) • Capstone Project = 48 credits • Total credits 120 credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) = & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 33 of 36 Bachelor Grading Structure Grade Marks (%) Grade Point Status Remarks A+ 98 - 100 4.00 Passing None A 93 - 97 3.80 Passing None A- 90 - 92 3.70 Passing None B+ 88 - 89 3.30 Passing None B 83 - 87 3.00 Passing None B- 80 - 82 2.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C+ 78 - 79 2.30 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C 73 - 77 2.00 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C- 70 - 72 1.70 Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D+ 68 - 69 1.30 Failure Improvement assigned D 63 - 67 1.00 Failure Improvement assigned D- 60 - 62 0.70 Failure Improvement assigned F 0 - 59 0 Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning) & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 34 of 36 Bachelor Admission Criteria • 2-year Diploma, Higher Diploma or Advanced Diploma from an internationally recognized academic institution of higher learning. • Minimum 3 years of work experience in middle management (or equivalent, respective to the profession) • Proficiency in English & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 35 of 36 Bachelor Graduation Requirements • obtain a passing grade in all courses, • successfully complete their capstone project. • achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SMCU. & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 36 of 36 Bachelor Program Summary Item Description Award & Validation SMCU, Switzerland No. of modules 8 courses + 1 Capstone Project (8K words) Duration 55 weeks (1 year 2 months) Assessment 70% coursework + 30% quiz Entry Requirement Recognised 2-year Diploma or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Fees (NOT including graduation ceremony fees) & Intelli-Zen Resources • Study guides • Video links • Virtual classroom • Power point slides • Online library • Personal tutor • Application Fees: • Program Fees: • Total Fees: = RM 800 = RM 15,000 = RM 15,800 Topic 1: Slide 37 of 36 End of Preview Thank you very much for your time & Intelli-Zen Resources Topic 1: Slide 38 of 36