File - Mrs. Faith

Agenda: Monday, 8/10
Independent Reading
John Winthrop’s “Model of Christian Charity”
Video and Comments…find instructions on website
 > English 11H > Course Info >
“A Model of Christian Charity”
Paragraph 1
Determine the meaning of the first sentence of the first
What five suggestions are given as to how the Puritans can
succeed in New England?
What proof does Winthrop offer of how the Puritans will know
that they are being successful?
Read the rest of paragraph one, and write why this portion of
Winthrop’s sermon has become so important for generations
of Americans.
“A Model of Christian Charity”
Paragraph 2
Why does Winthrop quote Moses?
What prediction does he make about them following Moses
What was the alternative if they did not?
Agenda: Tuesday, 8/11
Bucket List
Create Your Bucket list…shoot for 10 or more
Share your bucket list
Choose 1 item from your list and circle it.
Trade your paper with someone…they will choose 1 item
from your list.
15 minutes of writing: write about the item your partner
Bucket List
 Create
a list of about ten things you’d like to
accomplish in your lifetime.
 They
can also be things that you have already
 Share
out in small group
 Choose
one of them to explore further.
Mrs. Faith’s Bucket List
England – Shakespeare and
Harry Potter
Europe – too many places to list! 
Road trip across USA
Niagara Falls
Ancient Rome/Greece
Take a spur of the moment
Build a tree house
Take a self defense class
Go on a haunted tour
Attend the Kentucky Derby
Hike a portion of the
Appalachian Trail
Meet Kelly Gallagher
Learn to scuba dive
Ride a zipline
Climb a volcano
Swim in a cenote
Visit/Stay in a castle
Meet Kim Zolciak Bierman
Take a hot air balloon ride
Run a 5K
Go to a World Series
Game…but only if it’s the
Write 1 page about the topic you circled (could be another if
you don’t like where that one leads you).
Remember…this may be fiction or nonfiction
If you have yet to sign up for Remind, I highly recommend it.
Text @fcfaith11 to 81010
Agenda: Wednesday, 8/12
Please get out your writing from last night.
Anne Bradstreet’s “Upon the Burning of Our House”
Prepping for Friday’s Discussion
Small groups
Leader in each
“Upon the Burning of Our House”
Anne Bradstreet
Text Structures
Figurative Language
Puritan Values
Discussion Prep
1 level 1 question for EACH reading
1 level 2 question for EACH reading
2 level 3 questions
Agenda: Thursday, 8/13
Writer’s Workshop
Status of the Class
What choices will you make as a writer?
Which will you focus on to help tell your story? Details,
Description, Dialogue?
Uninterrupted writing
Silent writing
You may listen to music if it helps you focus
The Assignment
Shooting for 3-4 pages
Questions to get you thinking:
Does your favorite mistake or bucket list item set out a problem,
situation, or observation?
What is the significance of your favorite mistake or bucket list
What narrative techniques will you use in order to convey a vivid
picture of the experience, event, setting, and/or characters?
Status of the Class
Raise your hand if you are:
Ready for Feedback
Post-It Reflection
Take 3 minutes to reflect on what you have so far.
What is one thing you want to accomplish today?
What is one barrier to accomplishing that goal?