Pegging For Memory

Pegging For Memory
The Pegging System uses association, visualization, and attachment for remembering. With
this system, you “attach” what you want to remember to something that is already familiar to
you. This is a visual method to remember lists, sequences, and even categories of
information. Most peg systems use numbers and rhyming words to correspond such as:
1 = sun
2 = shoe
3 = bee
4 = shore
5 = alive
6 = sticks
7 = heaven
8 = gate
9 = fine
10 = sin
To attach information to the number, you visually attach the word (sun, shoe, me, shore,
etc…) to the word you want to remember. For example if you wanted to remember a
shopping list that included ice cream, rice, milk, paper towels, water, and cookies, you might:
See ice cream melting in the sun
See rice filling a shoe
See bees flying around a roll of paper towels
See milk rushing to the shore
See water keeping you alive on a deserted island
See cookies being offered to you on a stick