Appearance vs. Reality - Nicole Pung's Portfolio

Kateri Smith
Mike Haworth
Nicole Pung
Tessa Palmiter
Appearance vs. Reality
Appearance vs. Reality in Hamlet
Appearance vs. Reality is a theme shown throughout the entire plot in
Hamlet. Every character in Hamlet is constantly trying to figure out what the
other characters are thinking, as opposed to what they are pretending to think.
They try to figure this out by using deception of their own, such as spying and
Appearance vs. Reality in Gatsby
One of the main examples of Appearance vs. Reality in The Great Gatsby
is in the name itself. Jay Gatsby (James Gatz) is known as the wealthy man
who has everything. He gives off the impression that he has been wealthy all of
his life, when in reality, he grew up in poverty and is only wealthy because he
was in the right place at the right time. Another example of Appearance vs.
Reality in Gatsby is Daisy Buchanan. She gives off the impression that she is
dumb and unaware of the obvious, when in reality, it is all a show that she puts
on to ensure the fact that she won’t have to worry about what really matters.
Appearance vs Reality In Comics
A major part of many of us growing up was the
superheroes we looked up to. One superhero that
lives a less than exciting life is Superman. Clark Kent
appears to be a normal journalist, but in reality he’s
technically an unstoppable alien from a different
planet that saves Earth a few times over.
Appearance vs Reality in The Hunger
The Hunger Games is a more recent piece of literature that contains the
theme of appearance vs reality. Katniss is one of the main characters of the
book. She volunteers for her sister and is thrown into the crazy artificial world of
the Capital. There they make her look and act beautiful and strong in order to
make her appealing to everyone around her. When in reality she is scared and
not at all the fancy person they make her out to be. Later in the story they
throw her into the games where she has to pretend to be a star crossed lover to
survive the games. Overall we see how appearance vs reality is shown in this
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Appearance vs. Reality in Regards to Celebrities
❖ Appearance vs. Reality can be taken literally or figuratively when speaking of celebrities. Many
people think that because they are rich, celebrities live a simple and happy life. This is far from
true in most cases. There are many things that make their realities harder than they appear.
Although they may have life better than most, they still have hardships to deal with like gossip,
paparazzi, and other personal troubles.
❖ Makeup and surgery may also make celebrities look different than they really are. Like anybody,
they use makeup to cover up their imperfections, they just take it to a new level. If you add in the
amount of makeup that they wear, and how much pictures have been photoshopped, celebrities
look different in magazines and movies than they do in real life.
Appearance vs Reality In Current Events
❖ According to current news events, Ebola is going to kill us all, and
Africa is good as dead. But is it really that bad? According to the
CDC, there has been 13,268 total cases, only 8,168 lab confirmed
cases 4,960 confirmed deaths from Ebola. There are only 3
countries in West Africa with wide spread infection and only 3
confirmed cases in the US. It’s not as scary as the news made it
Appearance Vs Reality in Current Events
Election season comes around and everyone starts to get a little
crazy. Our television screens and radio stations are filled with campaign
commercials. Most of them are slandering the competition or boosting the
candidate. The candidates give promises of what is to come, but did you know
on average only 47% of those promises are brought to light. We have to learn
how to see past the fake appearance they give off and look at the reality of
what they have to offer.
Appearance vs. Reality in Psychology
❖ According to John H. Flavel a psychologist at Stanford University, says that we go
through a regular progression in our ability to distinguish between superficial
appearances and reality. He showed this theory through the car test. He would
show a red toy car to a three year old and a six year old. He asks them the color
and they both say red. He then puts it behind a black lens giving it the appearance
of black. He asks again what color the car is. The six year old said red, but the three
year old said black, falling for the fake appearance. Proving that as we age our
sense of detecting perception of appearance becomes stronger.
Appearance vs Reality In Life
❖ We all at some point have had a teacher that stares at the class
on the first day of school and gives everyone a syllabus and
goes over it in a monotone voice. But once the school year is in
full swing they are one of the more fun teachers you have. Or
we all may know a person who does all of this extravagant so
that they appear to be extravagant themselves, but in reality we
all know they aren’t who they want to appear to be.