Individual Assigment- Krispy Kreme -Ioana Cimpan

Semester 2 – Module 1
Student: Ioana Cimpan
Lectures: Henning Christensen
Karen Fink
Nr. characters: 4214
Promotion Activity
Krispy Kreme is an American global doughnuts company and coffeehouse really
developed in USA and other areas in the world. In Europe this company has only few
stores and our team made research to find out if it could be possible and profitable to
open Krispy Kreme in Denmark. According to our results this company has chances
to develop its activity in this country because they already have potential customers
and different target groups but they should apply an integrated strategy in this area.
I consider that one of the most important thing for opening of this company is the
marketing, the promotion of Krispy Kreme because eventual customers should to
find about the brand and products so my objective is making Krispy Kreme a wellknown brand in Denmark.
My idea for promotion is to make
posters which introduce a new game
of Krispy Kreme and also Sale for
“Grand opening”. I found out that the
company has already developed some
games and kids could be one of the
principal targets for Krispy Kreme.
The poster should contain the logo
and details about sales and game. I`ve
estimated a number of posters which
should be put in special places for
advertising, especially in stations of
train or bus. I consider that the costs
budget should be higher for this first
promotion of activity so the company
must to invest money at the beginning.
I was thinking that maximum 2500
posters should be enough to cover the
main points from Copenhagen and
people will find out about Krispy
Kreme. The format of the poster could
be electronic or printable so the costs
are different, it depends of place and
possibility. Also it could be like a
banner in function of size.
I`ve applied the AIDA Model to create the poster and these four elements will
attract the customers. I used the graphics with donuts, the colours for Attention then
the messages “Sale “and “New game” to keep the Interest. If we`re talking about
Desire I think the illustrative graphics helps again and also the message “Buy 5
doughnuts= 1 free coffee/ juice “could attract clients. On the poster will be a QR code
for scanning and the connection with the customers will be guaranteed. This code is
the element which influences the Action of the potential customers and will make the
transfer on the website company which introduces the game. In right corner on the
poster I put 3 buttons for media networks and research: Facebook, Youtube and
Google+ so these are other possibilities to find about Krispy Kreme keeping the
contact. I purposed this type of poster especially for kids who are more attracted by
colours and games so I have established first target group.
If we take into consideration the game I was thinking that kids will be excited to
try this type of game. I was inspired by another game but I though the concept
related with a mini Blue-print model. As you can see in followed illustrations, the
game introduces the kids in the production system and make them to imagine selling
process of doughnuts. Even if in real life the process is a little bit different and more
complex I think that little customers will be happy to play this type of game. Also I
was thinking that if this game would be developed and integrated for Krispy Kreme
the company can decide a system for prizes. For example if somebody win a specific
number of points or more he/ she will receive a code or a coupon for a free
doughnut/ coffee etc. In this way kids will have an extra reason to play the game and
they`ll be motivated. I see this game a real opportunity of promotion for Krispy Kreme
and the poster helps to make the company well-known for people in Copenhagen.
The client orders- details of products
(doughnuts, milk and coffee)-other
details (time, level score, mission) etc.
First page- Krispy Kreme logo-play and
instructions button-coloured graphic.
The order is ready.
Happy client!