Teacher Hatton: Algebra EXPLORER Team Homework Monday Tuesday 1. New teams and textbooks 2. Individual Test questions 3. 7- 2 (pages 275276) HW: Finish 7-2 + Pages 276-277 #4-6, 8 WEEK OF January 16th – 20th Wednesday Thursday 1. HW questions 1. Complete Pages 2812. In teams: Page 280 282 #19-23 #13-18 HW: Page 284 #25-28, 3. If finished with class 30 work: Pages 281-282 #19-23 HW: Finish Page 280 #13-18 if not done in class Friday Comments: Hatton: Pre-Algebra 1. HW questions 2. Dilation Notes 3. Finish 6-56 and 57 HW: Handout #70, 71, and 72 (due tomorrow) 1. HW questions 2. 6-64 and 6-65 (pages 257-258) HW: Handout #73, 74, and 75 1. HW check & questions 2. Textbook pages 258259 #66-68 3. With time: Similarity Notes HW: None 1. Genetic “Freaks”? Animoto 2. Begin presentations -take notes during presentations for QUIZ No homework 1.Finish presentations -take notes during presentations QUIZ over individuals and their genetic disorders tomorrow 1. Genetics Quiz 2. Persuasive Techniques 3. Looking for techniques in MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech No homework Comments: Lamb: English 8 Comments: DS: Literacy Lab 1. Grade check 2. Empathy & MLK 3. Mango Street HW: Writing assignment-empathize with a character and write about a place using sound, a song using smell, a meal using color, etc. See 1. “Meme Ortiz” 2. Finish Sect. 1 & 2 theme connection and illustration HW: Complete Questions 1-3 for homework. Use your comp book summaries in place of the novel if you 1. Empathy 2. Section 3 questions with partners 3. Make sure comp book is caught up: Gil’s Furniture – Alicia Who Sees Mice HW: Sect. 3 questions will be due by the end 1.1.What’s What’sHappening Happening 2.2.Empathy Empathy 3.3.Turn TurnininSection Section33 4. Turn in Comp questions Books ARreading (Read, take 5.4.AR test) time/take test HW:Keep Keep reading reading HW: AR book your AR books! EXPLORER Team Homework WEEK OF January 16th – 20th paper need help. of the period Fri. No partners tomorrow Comments: Teacher Fountain: Social Studies 1. Warm-Up 2. Revamping the Articles 3. Acrostic Poem work time HW: Acrostic Poem due TOMORROW first thing – except per 1 1. Shays’ Rebellion reading & 2 column notes 2. Cause & Effect group work 3. Commentary on Shays’ Rebellion HW: Period 1 – Acrostic Poem due TOMORROW first thing! 1. Constitutional Convention: what changes to the government will YOUR state suggest? HW: None! Per. 1,2,5: Chromosome research to determine Chromosome pr for further study Period 1Use web, IF POSSIBLE, to continue researching % occurrence of simple traits Per 2-NO HW Per 5- No HW Per 7 & 8- Make sure you complete primary and secondary article knows and need to knows. Period 1- % occurrence of traits in the population…clear up the misconceptions. No HW Period 2Chromosome search No HW Period 5- Finish Chromosome search No HW Periods 7,8 – Small groups with CSA HW: Finish punnett squares for Hollin & White Comments: Calfee: Science COMMENTS: Per. 7 & 8: Genetic Disorder selection. Group Contract. Learn expectations for CSA project fair Leghorn: Reading Academy COMMENTS: EXPLORER Team Homework WEEK OF January 16th – 20th 1. Don’t Look 1. 1. 1. Back – Chapter 4 2. Answer Questions 3. Spelling Spelling – due Thursday Test Friday Spelling – due Thursday Test Friday Spelling – due Thursday Test Friday Spelling lesson due. Test Friday