2015. 9. 16 Hong-Tea Kim Advance of Geomorpho-hydrological aspects GIS technique the rainfall-runoff simulation system that developed using geomorpho-hydrological method lacks ⇒ Needs to be linked to the flood prediction and warning system of large river or build up flash flood prediction model of mountain river and prediction and warning system an automatic rain gauge and waring device are installed and being operated, but enough grounds for warning criteria for watersheds is no GCUH applied to sub-basin and mid-basin characteristics of the rainfall-runoff the ungauged mountain basin Trying to suggest a proper estimate method for the ungauged mountain basin Develop K-GCUH formula through a topography similarity process of the Korea mountain basin By excluding the complicated GCUH parameters , a geomorph-hydrological unit hydrograph can be estimated only using watershed area and river length data Study area: Andong-Dam The basin mean precipitation : using kriging method Hydrological data(B1): data for actual unit hydrograph Hydrological data(B2): long and short-term rainfall data for rainfall-runoff simulation Building data for watershed and hydrological data Review for rainfall-runoff model in watershed Building GIS and watershed data of study area Hydrological data collection and arrangement obs-1 Actual unit hydrograph - hydrological data: B1, B2 Existing report, Matrix method Review of unit hydrograph method GCUH, Clark, Snyder, SCS method case-1 case-2 Whether or not of flood routing method - hydrological data: B1,B2 Channel: Muskingum-Cunge, reservoir: modified-Puls method Case-2.1 Unit hydrological method: rainfall+Clark, linear GCUH, non-linear GCUH Case-2.2 Flood routing: rainfall+ {Clark, linear GCUH,non-linear GCUH}+flood routing Unit hydrological method, Flood routing method case-3 Case-3.1 Runoff review by flood event types - hydrological data: B2 Unit hydrological method: Clark, linear GCUH, non-linear GCUH Case-3.2 Flood routing method: Clark, linear GCUH, non-linear GCUH app-1 Fractal analysis and K-GCUH formula app-2 Flash flood prediction and warning system construction for mountain basin Examples of applied GCUH theory app-3 Topography and fractal analysis for mountain basin K-GCUH formula derivation Design flood estimation and analysis K-GCUH G2WMS F2PUB Division Flood event Period Duration day Runoff ratio e1 89/07/22~08/08 18 0.72 1987~2003 e2 90/09/08~09/17 10 0.88 Gosun 1987~2003 e3 99/07/31~08/15 16 0.88 4 Yeongyang 1987~2003 e4 00/09/06~09/24 19 0.75 e5 02/08/30~08/16 18 0.75 Long-term multiplex rainfall 5 Andong 1983~2003 e6 02/08/30~09/04 6 0.85 Short-term single rainfall 6 Bonghwa 1988~2003 e7 03/09/11~09/16 6 0.79 Short-term double rainfall 7 Andong-Dam 1995~2003 8 Dosan 1984~2003 9 Socheon 1985~2003 No. Station name Data period 1 Poongsan 1987~2003 2 Euichon 3 Rainfall Water-level (Discharge) < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Note < e4 > DEM & Rainfall·Water-level Station Subbasin classify Soilmap Land-use DEM Subbasi n Soilmap Landuse Mimic w1 R 1 w2 R 2 w3 Subbasin No. Area (km2) River Length (km) Ave. slope (m/m) Altitude Diff. (m) Lca (km) AMC-Ⅱ w1 649.05 65.1 0.020 1304 w2 508.90 47.7 0.024 w3 423.59 51.1 0.014 Sum 1590.85 171.6 0.0085 CN AMC-Ⅲ Branching ratio (RB) Extension ratio (RL) Area ratio (RA) Main ch. length (LΩ,km) Main ch. slope (SΩ, m/m) Area for main ch. (AΩ, km2) Rough -ness (n) Ave. width of main ch. (bΩ, m) - 65 81 4.204 2.647 4.754 46.790 0.005 634.16 0.04 241 1157 - 64 80 3.501 2.073 3.942 20.670 0.003 511.16 0.03 205 726 - 65 81 3.373 1.932 3.731 22.229 0.002 430.29 0.025 180 1453 71.961 65 81 4.116 2.511 4.526 66.880 0.070 1590.85 0.027 481 Separation Flood wave Velocity ratio (Vw/V) Ave. width (B, m) Channel length (L, m) Channel slope (S, m/m) Roughness (n) Side gradient (xH:1V) R1 1.6 180 121642 0.001 0.04 0 1 R2 1.4 600 49946 0.0014 0.03 0 1 Cross section shape 1: rectangle 2: trapezoid 3: triangle Basin Area (A, km2) Length (L, m) Altitude Diff. (H, m) Ave. slope (S, H/L) Sogeumgang 24.871 8800 1114 0.127 TM coordinate Longitude and latitude coordinate Station name X coordinate Y coordinate Longitude Latitude No. 1 rain gauge 344409.810 476710.240 128˚38´33˝ 37˚46´40˝ No. 2 rain gauge 348594.470 475819.060 128˚42´14˝ 37˚46´04˝ CN River Length (km) AMC-Ⅱ 8.8 85 AMC-Ⅲ Branching ratio (RB) Extension ratio (RL) Area ratio (RA) Main ch. length (LΩ,km) Main ch. slope (SΩ, m/m) Area for main ch. (AΩ, km2) Rough -ness (n) Ave. width of main ch. (bΩ, m) 93 4.487 2.091 3.201 3.164 0.112 24.871 0.078 24 Existing geomorphohydrological unit hydrograph Horton order interaction formula 𝑄𝑃 = 𝑄𝑃 = Average width(bΩ) equation 1.101 𝑉 𝐿0.769 Ω 0.968𝐴0.138 Ω 𝐿Ω 𝑉 𝑡𝑃 = 0.47𝐿0.796 Ω 𝑉 𝑉𝐴0.0011 Ω 𝑡𝑃 = 0.535𝐿Ω 𝑉 𝑉𝐴0.122 Ω K-GIUH, K-GCIUH, K-GCUH (50KM2under, 50KM2 over) 𝑄𝑃 = 0.195 𝑄𝑃 = 0.145 𝑄𝑃 = 1.734 𝑡𝑃 = 0.921 𝑖𝑟1.4 𝐴0.575 𝑆Ω0.2 𝑡𝑟 Ω 𝑛𝐿0.785 Ω 𝑛𝐿0.871 Ω 0.5 0.4 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.07 Ω 𝑆Ω +0.75𝑡𝑟 1 − 0.121 0.2 𝑖𝑟0.4 𝐴0.07 Ω 𝑆Ω 𝑡𝑟 𝑛𝐿0.785 Ω 𝑄𝑃 = 1.538 𝑡𝑃 = 0.921 0.75 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.38 Ω 𝑆Ω 𝑉 𝑛1.5 𝐿1.962 Ω 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.702 𝑆Ω0.75 Ω 𝑛1.5 𝐿2.5 Ω 𝑉 𝑡𝑃 =3.519 𝑛1.5 𝐿2.5 Ω 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.702 𝑆 0.75 Ω 𝑡𝑃 = 2.608 0.2 𝑖𝑟1.4 𝐴0.575 𝑆Ω0.2 𝑡𝑟 𝑖𝑟0.4 𝐴0.07 Ω Ω 𝑆Ω 𝑡𝑟 1 − 0.121 𝑛𝐿0.872 𝑛𝐿0.872 Ω Ω 𝑛𝐿0.871 Ω 0.5 0.4 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.07 Ω 𝑆Ω +0.75𝑡𝑟 𝑛1.5 𝐿1.962 Ω 0.75 𝑖𝑟 𝐴0.38 Ω 𝑆 w1 w2 Start w1 w2 Simulation condition J1 Topographical variables data entry Rainfall data entry Estimation of GCUH parameters Estimation of effective discharge R1 w3 하도 channel w3 J2 Runoff hydrographs for watersheds R2 channel 하도 w4 w4 J3 RS 저수지 reservoir < G2WMS RS RS1 GCUH K-GCUH Clark Snyder SCS mimic > Base-flow estimation Synthesis of runoff hydrograph and base-flow category Estimation method Note GCUH parameter and Topographical variables Using GIS program w1, w2, w3, w4 Watershed runoff K-GCUH, GCUH, Clark, Snyder, SCS method w1, w2, w3, w4 Channel routing Muskingum, Muskingum-cunge R1, R2 Reservoir routing Puls, Modified-Puls RS1 Flood routing Input data for G2WMS simulation Runoff hydrograph estimation in outlet For i=1:niter if SS=CR Channel routing (Muskingum, Muskingum-Cunge) Elseif SS=RR Reservoir routing(Puls, modified-Puls) Elseif SS=HM Synthesis of runoff hydrograph End End End - Result derivation Save a file < Snyder > < Clark > < GCUH > < SCS > Actual unit hydrograph Non-dimension unit Actual representative unit hydrograph hydrograph GCUH unit hydrograph Clark unit hydrograph Snyder unit hydrograph SCS unit hydrograph GCUH Clark Snyder Timd of concent ration (TP, hr) Peak discharge (QP) m3/sec 12.0 20.5 Timd of concent ration (TP, hr) Peak discharge (QP) m3/sec 11.5 20.8 Timd of concent ration (TP, hr) Peak discharge (QP) m3/sec 13.0 21.4 Timd of concent ration (TP, hr) Peak discharge (QP) m3/sec Timd of concent ration (TP, hr) Peak discharge (QP) m3/sec 15.3 20.5 15.9 20.8 SCS < Comparison of unit hydrographs > < Strength and weakness of unit hydrographs > Estimation methods Assessment category GCUH Clark Snyder SCS Ungauged mountain basin applicability good good common common GIS technique applicability good common common common Optimization process simple complexity common common Rainfall proportion non-linear linear linear linear Estimation method of input variables complexity simple simple simple Hydrograph type triangle time-area curve curve SCS dimensionless curve Considering of topographical variables lot common few few Adjustment parameter - Storage coefficient Watershed characteristic and storage coefficient Lag time Correlation : 0.81 Correlation : 0.69 Correlation : 0.76 Correlation : 0.76 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.79 Correlation : 0.79 Correlation : 0.78 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Correlation : 0.85 Correlation : 0.77 Correlation : 0.85 Correlation : 0.86 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.96 Correlation : 0.83 Correlation : 0.82 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Correlation : 0.66 Correlation : 0.89 Correlation : 0.76 Correlation : 0.71 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.40 Correlation : 0.73 Correlation : 0.68 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Correlation : 0.68 Correlation : 0.88 Correlation : 0.81 Correlation : 0.41 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.62 Correlation : 0.76 Correlation : 0.66 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Correlation : 0.68 Correlation : 0.42 Correlation : 0.69 Correlation : 0.84 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.86 Correlation : 0.55 Correlation : 0.67 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > Correlation : 0.90 Correlation : 0.88 Correlation : 0.94 Correlation : 0.91 < e1 > < e2 > < e3 > < e4 > Correlation : 0.90 Correlation : 0.88 Correlation : 0.89 < e5 > < e6 > < e7 > < Input data of K-GCUH unit hydrograph for Estimation of Runoff in Watershed > Mimic w1 R1 R2 w2 w3 < G2WMS mimic of Andong-dam watershed> Sub -basin River Lengt h (km) Main ch. length (LΩ,km) Main ch. slope (SΩ, m/m) Area for main ch. (AΩ, km2) Rough -ness (n) Ave. width of main ch. (bΩ, m) CN W1 65.1 46.79 0.005 634.16 0.04 241 85 W2 47.7 20.67 0.003 511.16 0.03 205 85 W3 51.1 22.229 0.002 430.29 0.025 180 85 < Input data of G2WMS model > 5 HC 1 0 0 0 0 KK H1 CR H1 Muskingum-Cunge 1.6 180 121642 0.001 0.04 0 1 KK C1 HM C1 NaN NaN NaN NaN 2 0 0 0 0 KK H12 CR H12 Muskingum-Cunge 1.4 600 49946 0.0014 0.03 0.1 KK C12 HM C12 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3 0 0 0 0 KK H123 ZZ Collection of geomorphological and hydrological data Probability precipitation estimation for duration-frequencies in rainfall point Mean areal rainfall estimation Time distribution of rainfall data Initial and base-flow estimation Base flood discharge estimation using rainfallrunoff model Design flood discharge estimation Critical duration decision Design flood decision 결정 < Design flood estimation procedure > < Compare of design flood discharge frequencies for Andong-dam watershed (48 hours) > Classify Location Flood discharge frequency (m3/sec) Area of watershed (km2) 50 yr. 80 yr. 100 yr. 200 yr. Note Nakdongriver flood plan (2004) Before joining Banbyeoncheon 1628 2350 2562 2713 3014 HECHMS Result of this study Andong-dam 1591 2420 2752 2879 3379 G2WMS Kriging System Watershed division Decision of duration Duration : 10, 20, 30,…,120 min Critical depth decision(Yb) of outlet cross-section 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 m Critical discharge(Qd) of outlet cross-section - Assuming a rectangular section - Manning’s formula Calculation of effective rainfall using K-GCUH (QP= Qd) 𝑖𝑟 ∙ 𝑡𝑟 = 𝑅𝑒 𝑅𝑒 𝐴Ω 0.218𝑡𝑟 𝑄𝑑 = 2.42 0.4 1 − Ⅱ𝑖 Ⅱ0.4 𝑖 CN calculation by landuse and soilmap Construction of Kriging System Grid weights calculation for each point Areal average rainfall calculation of rainfall data by durations Thiessen Polygon method Calculation of total rainfall(Rt) by SCS method 𝑅𝑒 = (𝑅𝑡 − 𝐼𝑎 )2 𝑅𝑡 − 𝐼𝑎 + 𝑆 Watershed division Design of Thiessen polygon Thiessen rates calculation for each point Areal average rainfall calculation of rainfall data by durations Decision of rainfall duration Warning criteria system Decision of warning criteria Areal average rainfall(Ravg) > warning criteria rainfall(Rt) Warning < Dangerous flow rate based on duration time at the Sogeum-stream watershed > Time (min) Effective discharge Reffective (mm) Critical rainfall RT(mm), d=0.5m Critical rainfall RT(mm), d=0.7m Critical rainfall RT(mm), d=1.0m Ia=0.2S Ia=0.1S Ia=0 Ia=0 Ia=0 10 2.47 12.17 10.22 8.27 8.74 9.26 20 3.07 13.32 11.37 9.42 9.97 10.58 30 3.52 14.12 12.17 10.22 10.82 11.51 40 3.89 14.76 12.81 10.87 11.52 12.26 50 4.22 15.32 13.37 11.42 12.12 12.91 60 4.53 15.82 13.87 11.92 12.66 13.50 70 4.81 16.28 14.33 12.39 13.16 14.05 80 5.09 16.72 14.77 12.82 13.64 14.58 90 5.36 17.14 15.19 13.24 14.10 15.08 100 5.62 17.54 15.59 13.64 14.54 15.58 110 5.88 17.94 15.99 14.04 14.98 16.06 120 6.14 18.33 16.38 14.43 15.41 16.55 Qd (m3/sec) 17.07 19.40 22.22 Note Warning Evacuation warning 1 Evacuation warning 2 RT=(0.32XP1+0.68XP2) < Warning criteria plan in Sogeum-stream basin (duration 20min) > Watershed division Warning warning Sogeumstream basin reset Existing plan 4mm/10mim -RT : Total rainfall of duration 20 min -P1 : Rainfall of duration 20 min in first rainfall gauge station Improvement plan Content Note 9mm/20mim Duration 20 min, rainfall causing water-depth of 0.5m 9.42 Evacuation warning 1 6mm/10mim 10mm/20mim Duration 20 min, rainfall causing water-depth of 0.7m Evacuation warning 2 8mm/10mim 11mm/20mim Duration 20 min, rainfall 10.58 causing water-depth of 1.0m 2mm/10mim - 9.97 -P2 : Rainfall of duration 20 min in second rainfall gauge station Total rainfall estimation <1st warning station> : warning <2nd , 3rd warning> station: warning Warning (RT>9mm) Warning : 9mm/20min Evacuation warning 1 : 10mm/20min Evacuation warning 2 : 11mm/20min < Flash flood warning criteria and warning procedure >