Agenda Operating Reliability Subcommittee



Operating Reliability Subcommittee

September 11, 2012 | 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Central)

September 12, 2012 | 8:00 a.m.–Noon (Central)

We Energies

333 W. Everett Street

Room A233

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Conference: 1-866-740-1260; Access code: 5247004; Security code: 097745

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement



Administrative Matters a.

Arrangements – Secretary b.

Announcement of Quorum – Secretary i.

Operating Reliability Subcommittee Roster* c.

Parliamentary Procedures* – Secretary d.

Balancing Authority-to-Reliability Coordinator Mapping* – Secretary e.

Future Meetings – Secretary i.

November 13 – 14, 2012 – Little Rock, AR (hosted by SPP) ii.

February 12 – 13, 2013 – Miami, FL (hosted by FRCC) iii.

May 7 – 8, 2013 – Kansas City, KS (hosted by KCPL/SPP) iv.

Schedule future meetings


Meeting Minutes* – Approve – Chair Frosch a.

Minutes of May 8–9, 2012 Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting


Reliability Plans* – Chair Frosch a.

Periodic Review of Reliability Plans b.

New or Revised Reliability Plans for Endorsement


Operations Review* a.

Operations Review – All b.

Use of Proxy Flowgates – All


Interconnection Frequency Monitoring* a.

Frequency Monitor Reports and Frequency Excursions i.

Eastern Interconnection – Vice Chair Wise ii.

ERCOT – Chair Frosch iii.

WECC – Mike Cassiadoro iv.

HQT – Richard Mailhot


Performance Analysis Subcommittee – Jessica Bian and Elliott Nethercutt a.

Post Summer/Winter Assessment Data Template b.

2012 Assessment Analysis c.

Discussion – Situation Awareness Metric Proposals i.

ALR3-6 (Unforecasted System Operating Limit Violations)* ii.

ALR3-7 (Emergency Rating SOL Exceedances)*


Roundtable Discussion – PRC-001 (System Protection Control)* – Requirement 1 –

Chair Frosch

Objective: The OC will have an open discussion of each member’s and each sub-committee’s perspectives on the PRC001 discussion questions. The OC will then review the perspectives/practices shared and determine whether there is enough to potentially publish a reliability guideline on this topic.

Background: The ORS/EAS/PS share their perspective on Familiarity as it relates to PRC-001.

Requirement 1: “Each TOP, BA, and GOP shall be familiar with the purpose and limitations of protection system schemes applied in its area.”

The committee will discuss the how entities work to achieve “familiarity.” Discussion questions:


Does your organization see this requirement applying to your organization in a registered role or to system operators or to both?


Depending on how your organization sees the requirement, how do you define “familiar?”


Based on your definition – what processes, controls, or training do you implement to ensure you meet your definition of familiarity?

ORS Meeting Agenda

September 11-12, 2012



TVA Reliability Coordinator Requirement that all IPPs be a Pseudo Balancing

Authority in the IDC – Vice Chair Wise

Background – It is a known issue with the IDC where the impacts of IPPs within a balancing authority (BA) are ignored if they are sinking within the BA in which they reside, since the IPP is seen as a BA serving its own load.

To address these reliability and IDC accuracy issues, the TVA reliability coordinator is requiring all IPPs in its footprint, without a power purchase agreement of two years or longer with the BA in which they reside, be represented as a Pseudo BA in the IDC in order to properly identify their impacts. TVA is also requesting that this change be made as an IDC base case change to represent the generation of each IPP and a corresponding code change to map tags with specified generators as the source to those pseudo BA areas in the base case. This implementation would make it possible to keep the naming up-to-date easier for system operator reference as

IPP ownership may change.

IDCWG Recommendation – By consensus, the IDCWG agreed to support TVA’s request to the Operating

Reliability Subcommittee to implement an IDC change order that addresses IPPs within the TVA reliability coordinator area.


Potential IDC Requirements to Implement Parallel Flow Visualization* – Yasser


Background – A sub teams of the IDCWG (Chair Yasser Bahbaz, Hugh Francis, Raja Thappetaobula, Ben Taylor, and Mike Lowman) and the BPS will jointly draft IDC requirements to implement the Parallel Flow Visualization business practices. A draft summary of the potential required IDC changes are shown in the attachment to this agenda topic. Highlights of those changes are:

Book of Flowgates to capture information related to flowgate coordination agreements.

Credit for Re-Dispatch for assigning relief to each balancing authority based on the GTL (forward) impact. The IDC would need logic to measure 1) excess in relief provided, 2) shortfall in relief provided and 3) if relief is exactly met during the hour.

Implementation of first to curtail and last to curtail TLR logic.

Balancing authority can choose to tag all non-firm or provide generator prioritization.

IDC will be required to have sub-priorities for firm

Other items (e.g., EAR modeling, market area external generation)

The IDCWG also discussed BPS’s request for the creation of commercial metrics, which in general would only represent aggregated data.


Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD) Task Force (Phase 2) Status Report – Frank Koza a.

EPRI GMD Research Program and Status of Geomagnetically Induced Current Monitoring*

– Rich Lordan, EPRI

ORS Meeting Agenda

September 11-12, 2012



Operating Reliability Subcommittee Input to the Operating Committee Strategic

Plan – Reliability Drivers – Chair Frosch a.

Draft Annual Reliability Priorities Planning Process* b.

2012 Long-Term Reliability Assessment and Emerging Issues* c.

2012 LTRA Emerging Issues Presentation at Member Representatives Committee*

Objective: In line with the OC’s process to determine its reliability drivers, the OC and subcommittees will propose, discuss and agree upon inputs of the top reliability issues facing the industry.


ICTE TLR Level Event Analysis Report – Flowgate 1966* – Don Shipley


Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 Reports* – Chair Frosch a.

Louisiana Energy and Power Authority (LEPA) for May 23, 2012 Event b.

Louisiana Energy and Power Authority (LEPA) for June 2, 2012 Event c.

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC) for June 5, 2012 Event d.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for June 29, 2012 Event e.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for June 30, 2012 Event f.

City of Benton, Arkansas (BUBA) for July 6, 2012 Event g.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for July 7, 2012 Event h.

Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) for July 9, 2012 Event i.

Oklahoma Gas and Electric (OKGE) for July 15, 2012 Event j.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for July 16, 2012 Event k.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for July 17, 2012 Event l.

City of Benton, Arkansas (BUBA) for July 19, 2012 Event m.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for July 20, 2012 Event n.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (AEC) for July 26, 2012 Event


July 19, 2012 Reliability Coordinator Information System Outage – Vice Chair Wise


Requests for Research – Howard Gugel a.

Project 2012-01 (Equipment Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices)* b.

Project 2009-04 (Phasor Measurements)*


North American SynchroPhasor Initiative Operations Implementation Task Team –

Kevin Frankeny


Transitioning Geomagnetic Disturbance Notification Responsibilities – Mike

McMullen a.

Geomagnetic Disturbance Reference Document – Red-line*

ORS Meeting Agenda

September 11-12, 2012



Impact of IDC Model Swing Location on Network/Native Load Calculations – Yasser



FERC Order 764 (Integration of Variable Energy Resources) – Mike Oatts a.

FERC Order 764 b.

15-Minute Scheduling

Section IV – Proposed Reforms

Subsection A – Intra-hour Scheduling

Paragraph 51 – The first of the two reforms adopted in this Final Rule relates to the intervals at which transmission customers may submit transmission schedules under the pro forma OATT. As discussed below, the Commission amends the pro forma OATT to provide all transmission customers the option of using more frequent transmission scheduling intervals within each operating hour, at 15-minute intervals.

The Commission concludes this change to existing operational practices is necessary in order to ensure that charges for generator imbalance service under Schedule 9 of the pro forma OATT and for generator regulation service, as relevant, are just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory.


Roundtable: U.S. Energy Information Administration – Proposal for RTO/Balancing

Authority Enhancements a.

Balancing Authority Related Proposals for EIA Surveys*

Background – The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Office of Electricity, Renewables, and

Uranium Statistics, is considering introducing a new survey that would be directed to balancing authorities . This survey would be effective as of January 1, 2014 and through 2016. EIA is currently requesting informal comments on this and other proposed changes to electric power surveys. The attached document describes the proposed survey changes. In the case of balancing authorities, the new data collection would consist, in brief, of the following:

Balancing authorities would be required to post the next day on a public website the following hourly operating statistics:


net generation


net energy for load (system demand)


day-ahead demand forecast


net actual interchange with each directly interconnected balancing authority area

An alternative proposal would be to replace next day posting of today's hourly demand with a requirement to post hourly demand the same day soon after the reported hour.

We would appreciate your feedback, which will be used to help determine a revised set of proposed changes that will then undergo the formal Office of Management and Budget clearance process next year.

Please send your comments to our mailbox at

. If there is enough interest, we will set up a meeting sometime in July that can be attended here at the U. S. Department of Energy

Headquarters in Washington, or via teleconference, or by WebEx. If such a presentation would be of interest please let us know by July 9, 2012.

ORS Meeting Agenda

September 11-12, 2012



IDC Working Group Status Report – Yasser Bahbaz


Data Exchange Working Group Status Report – Keith Mitchell


Telecommunications Working Group Status Report – Clifton Johnson

*Background materials included.

ORS Meeting Agenda

September 11-12, 2012

