Authenticity and Reliability of the Bible The Material for this presentation is primarily derived from Meekness and Truth Ministries. The NUS Navigators is grateful for their generous sharing of presentation resources with us in our ministry. Questions of the Bible are…. What some “There is no history written at the time Jesus Christ is said to have lived, that speaks of the existence of such a person, even as a man.” Thomas Paine, Age of Reason, p. 234 “Historically it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all, and if he did we do not know anything about him.” Bertrand Russell, Why I am not a Christian, p.16 When people question the authenticity and reliability of the Bible, what are they really asking about? Is the Bible Reliable? Possible Questions Behind the Question... 1. How do you know if Bible we have today is the same as the original? (Issue of accuracy of translation and copying) 2. Assuming that the translation/copying is accurate, how do we know if the writers did not make up the stories? To discover whether the Bible is reliable, you need • • • • M.A.P.S. Manuscripts Archaeology Prophecy Statistics (M.A.P.S. was developed by Hank Hanegraaff) How do you know if Bible we have today is the same as the original? (Issue of accuracy of translation and copying) Manuscript Evidence Three Tests: Bibliographical External evidence Internal evidence Bibliographical Test It examines how well the texts are transmitted to us. 1. 2. 3. The number of copies of the original The time gap between the original and the existing copies The degree of accuracy of the copies The Number of Copies • • • • There are: 5,686 hand written Greek N.T. manuscripts 10,000 Latin Vulgate Close to 25,000 manuscript copies of portions of the New Testament (N.T.) exist today Taken from Norman Geisler, Unshakable Foundations, p. 257 The Time Interval The N.T. has earlier manuscripts closer to the time of original composition. For example: John Ryland fragment (117-138 A.D.) - one generation Bodmer Papyrus (150-200 A.D. ) - whole books Chester Beatty Papyri (250 A.D.) - most of the N.T. Codex Vaticanus (325-350 A.D.) - nearly all the Bible Comparing Ancient Manuscripts Author Book Event Date Homer Illiad 800 BC Herodotus History 480-425 BC Thucydides History 460-400 BC Plato 400 BC Demosthenes 300 BC Julius Caesar Gallic Wars 100-44 BC Livy Hist of Rome 59 BC-17 AD Tacitus Annals Pliny Nat History N.Testament 100 AD 61-113 AD 50-100 AD Earliest Copy of Manuscripts Gap No. of in Yrs Copies 400 BC 400 900 AD 1350 900 AD 1300 900 AD 1300 1100 AD 1400 900 AD 1000 4th C (partial) 400 10th C (almost complete) 1000 1100 AD 1000 850 AD 750 130 AD (fragments) 50 200 AD (books) 100 250 AD (most of NT) 150 325 AD (complete NT) 225 643 8 8 7 200 10 1 partial 19 20 7 5686 Ref: Josh McDowell, New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, p. 38 Degree of Accuracy Even with 25,000 - NT manuscripts, they are so close that we are virtually certain of 97% - 98% of the New Testament. For the remaining 2-3%, almost ½ are 1 and 2 word variants for spelling, adding “the”, etc. None of these affect doctrine. For details: External Evidence Test Do other historical material confirm or deny the internal testimony of the New Testament? The test asks: What other sources are there, apart from the documents under analysis, that substantiate its accuracy, reliability and authenticity Extra-Biblical Christian Sources Quotations from early Church Fathers concerning the New Testament Writer Justin Martyr Irenaeus Clement (Alex) Origen Tertullian Hippolytus Eusebius Grand Totals Gospels Acts Pauline General Revelation Totals 268 10 43 6 3 330 1,038 194 499 23 65 1,819 1,107 44 1,127 207 11 2,406 9,231 349 7,778 399 165 17,992 3,822 502 2,609 120 205 7,258 734 42 387 27 188 1,378 3,258 211 1,592 88 27 5,176 19,368 1,352 14,035 870 664 36,289 Taken from Josh McDowell, New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, p. 43 External Evidence Test “Indeed so extensive are these citations that if all other sources for our knowledge of the text of the New Testament were destroyed, they would be sufficient alone for the reconstruction of practically the entire New Testament.” Bruce Metzger, The Text of the New Testament, p. 86 Extra-Biblical Secular Sources Writer Date Cornellius Tacitus 112 AD Lucian 2nd C Flavius Josephus 66 AD Suetonius 120 AD Pliny 112 AD Thallus 52 AD Philegon 1st C Mara Bar-Serapion 73 AD Subject Death of Jesus at the hands of Pilate The new cult of Christianity Life/Death of Jesus Christ-The reason for Jews expulsion from Rome Christians bound not to sin - Jesus Histories-Darkness at Christ’s death (eclipse) Darkness (Eclipse) Calamities brought by deaths of Socrates, Pythagorus and Jesus Roman Source: Josephus Josephus says, “At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and (he) was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly He was perhaps the Messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.” As cited in Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, p. 85 (Arabic text, 10th Century) The Significance of Josephus The significance of this passage by Josephus: Makes reference to Jesus’ claim to be the Christ Speak of His miracles Points out that people perceived Jesus’ teachings as the truth Indicates the historicity of Pilate and the event of the cross Records the claim by His disciples that Jesus was resurrected Documents that Jesus had many converts Jewish Source: The Talmud “On the eve of Passover Yeshua was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, ‘he is going to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. Any one who can say anything in his favor, let him come forward and plead on his behalf.’ But since nothing was brought forward in his favor he was hanged on the eve of the Passover.” The Talmud, Sanhedrin, 43a (cf. John 11:8, 16) The Significance of the Talmud The significance of Jewish writings about Jesus: Confirms the historicity of Jesus’ life. Confirms His death by the method of crucifixion (The Jewish method of execution would have been stoning) Indicates that Jesus did do miraculous things but attributed his power to the devil (similar to Mark 3:22; Matthew 9:34; 12:24) Indicated that Jesus gathered many converts from the Jewish community Accuracy Established Conclusion from bibliographical and external evidence test “The interval then between the dates of the original composition and the earliest extant evidence becomes so small as to be in fact negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established.” Sir Frederic Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology, p. 288 Conclusion: New Testament Documents have been Reliably translated/copied and can be regarded as Authentic Assuming that the translation/copying is accurate, how do we know if the writers did not make up the stories? Manuscript Evidence Three Tests: Bibliographical External evidence Internal evidence Internal Evidence Test Is written record believable? To what extent? Are the authors telling the truth? Criteria for Establishing Credibility Internal Evidence Test David Hume’s criteria for testing the credibility of witnesses: 1. 2. 3. 4. Do the witnesses contradict each other? Are there a sufficient number of witnesses? Were the witnesses truthful? Were they non-prejudicial? David Hume, Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, p. 120 Internal Evidence Test 1 The witnesses did not contradict each other on all major themes and/or principles. To be sure, there are minor discrepancies but does not change the theme / principle: One account (Matt. 28:5) mentions only one angel at the tomb. John says there were two angels at the tomb (John 20:12). But they both testified the key theme - that JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Internal Evidence Test 2 There was a sufficient number of witnesses. There are nine different people who wrote the N.T., all of whom were eye witnesses or contemporary to the events they recorded. Six of them are most important to establishing Jesus’ claim of miracles (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and 1 Corinthians). All of these books bear witness to the miracle of the Resurrection. In 1 Cor. 15:6, Paul mentions there were 500 people who saw Jesus after the Resurrection. Internal Evidence Test 3 The witnesses were truthful. Most of them even died for what they taught about Christ (2 Timothy 4:6-8; 2 Peter 1:14). Internal Evidence Test 4 The witnesses were non-prejudicial Jesus not only appeared to believers; He also appeared to unbelievers like James. (John 7:5;1 Cor. 15:7) He appeared to the greatest unbeliever of the day—a Jewish Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus. (Acts 9:5) Internal Evidence Test 4 (cont.) The witnesses to the resurrection had nothing to gain personally. They were persecuted and threatened with death for their stand. (cf. Acts 4, 5, 8) The witnesses wrote things that didn’t reflect favorably on themselves or their cause: Disciples arguing about positions of honor in heaven; who would have a seat at Jesus right hand Peter not eating with those who were uncircumcised Women found the tomb empty first Jesus calling Peter Satan Did the Writers Use Primary Sources? Luke 1:1-4 says, “In as much as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word have handed down to us, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write [it] out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you might know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.” Did the Writers Use Primary Sources? 2 Pet. 1:16 says, “For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we make known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.” I John 1:3 says, “What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” Did the Writers Use Primary Sources? John 19: 35 says, “And he who has seen has borne witness, and his witness is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe.” To discover whether the Bible is reliable, you need • • • • M.A.P.S. Manuscripts Archaeology Prophecy Statistics (M.A.P.S. was developed by Hank Hanegraaff) The Testimony of the Stones 1. 2. No archaeological evidence has ever refuted the Bible. Thousands of archaeological finds support the Bible. Dr. Norman Geisler Archaeology (N.T.) Archaeological Discoveries: Moab’s revolt against Israel (2 Kings 3:4-27) confirmed by the Mesha Inscription. Archaeology (N.T.) Archaeological Discoveries: In the 19th C, the Bible was accused of being fictitious because no non-Biblical texts have been written about the Hittites. In 1906, digs at Hattushash proved that it was the capital city of the Hittites, silencing the skeptical scholars and archaeologists. Dead Sea Scrolls • Discovered in 1947 (hidden in cave of Qumran) • Jews books, mainly Old Testaments (dating 3rd C BC) • Not the ‘earliest Christian record’ • Demonstrates accuracy of the Bible • Includes many prophecies of the Messiah Ref: “Shrine of the book” in Jerusalem, Israel Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah Scroll dated about 100 BC Location: ‘Shrine of the Book’ Jerusalem Quaram Caves Ref: “Shrine of the book” in Jerusalem, Israel “Pontius Pilate Prefect of Judea” 26-37 AD (Discovered 1961) Cyrus Cylinder 539 BC, Persian troops entered the city of Babylon. Cyrus who the Bible predicted in Isaiah 45:1-4 (approx 100+ years before it happened) will over throw Babylon. ‘Cyrus Cylinder’ discovered in Babylon confirms this. Location: The British Museum, London, England Another Skeptic’s Conclusion Archaeology (N.T.) “As a matter of fact, however, it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible.” Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert, p. 31 A Reporter’s Conclusion Archaeology (N.T.) “In extraordinary ways, modern archeology has affirmed the historical core of the Old and New Testaments--corroborating key portions of the stories of Israel’s patriarchs, the Exodus, the Davidic monarchy, the life and times of Jesus.” Jeffrey Shelter, “Is the Bible True?”, US News and World Report, Oct. 25, 1999, p. 52 A Scientist’s Declaration “The grand old Book of God still stands; and this old earth, the more its leaves are turned over and pondered, the more it will sustain and illustrate the sacred Word.” James Dana, Yale professor, President of the Geological Society of America and the American Association for the Advancement of Science” quoted in The Bible: Fact or Fiction? by Dr Robert G. Witty, p 91 To discover whether the Bible is reliable, you need • • • • M.A.P.S. Manuscripts Archaeology Prophecy Statistics (M.A.P.S. was developed by Hank Hanegraaff) Daniel 2 - Prophecy Messianic Prophecy J. Barton Payne in his Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecies (P. 665-670) lists 191 Prophecies that were literally fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Place of birth (Mic. 5:2) Time of birth (Dan. 9:25) Manner of birth (Is. 7:14) Sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12) Manner of death (Ps. 22:16) People’s reactions (mocking, spitting, staring, etc.) (Ps. 22:7,8, 17) His side pierced (Zech. 12:10) Burial in a rich man’s tomb (Is 53:9) To discover whether the Bible is reliable, you need • • • • M.A.P.S. Manuscripts Archaeology Prophecy Statistics (M.A.P.S. was developed by Hank Hanegraaff) Statistical Probability 8 prophecies all being fulfilled in the life of Christ: 17 I X 10 157 48 Prophecies: I X 10 (more atoms than there are in the Universe) Taken from Peter Stoner, Science Speaks Statistical Probability Affirmed H. Harold Hartzler, of the American Scientific Affiliation writes, “The manuscript for Science Speaks has been carefully reviewed by a committee of the American Scientific Affiliation members and by the executive Council of the same group and has been found, in general, to be dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented. The mathematical analysis included is based upon principles of probability which are thoroughly sound and Professor Stoner has applied these principles in a proper and convincing way.” In Forward to Science Speaks by Peter Stoner Why do we study the Bible? 2 Peter 1:20-21 - Reliable & Credible book Can other religious book be validated with similar evidences? John 5:39 – the centre focus is on Jesus; leads us to Jesus What promise is given? Romans 15:4 Major Themes in the Bible God is Love (1 John) God’s Love Gives us Freedom to Choose God’s Law = God’s Character SABBATH SANCTIFICATION SANCTUARY SALVATION SECOND COMING 1000 Years The Cross Life Death & Resurrection of Jesus War in Heaven Creation and Fall of Man Today Jesus Second Coming - Our Choice? Jesus came to be Man Death = Sleep STATE OF THE DEAD SANCTUARY Service 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC 34 AD 1844 AD New Heaven and New Earth