PSY 413 - Social Psychology II

PSY 413 – Social Psychology II
Spring 2012
Dr. Heidi Dempsey
102 Ayers Hall
Office Phone: (256) 782-5895
Office Hours: M/W/F 9-9:30 & 1:30-3:30, M 3:30-4:30
Tu 1:00-2:30 or by appt.
Cialdini, R. B. (2009). Influence: Science and Practice (5th ed). Allyn & Bacon. ISBN: 9780205609994
There will also be other readings which will be placed on Blackboard.
The study questions are located at the end of each chapter in the Cialdini Influence book. Students are responsible
for both the Content Mastery and Critical Thinking questions for each chapter in the Influence book. Questions
are due at the beginning of class on the day we discuss those chapters. Answers should be typed and clearly
numbered. Each chapter’s questions are worth 2.5% of your final course grade.
In this course you will also write reflection papers which integrate the readings, points from the film,
and things brought up during class discussion (thus you are encouraged to take notes on interesting
points brought up in class discussion). Papers are due the week after we watch the movie. The assigned
readings must be done before class so that we can discuss them during class. Papers will be collected at
the beginning of class and no papers will be accepted after that initial collection (no late papers). Papers
must be typed, doubled-spaced, and 3-5 pages long. There will be 12 movies we watch in class and you
will write papers on 8 of them. Each of the 8 papers is worth 6% of your final course grade.
Attendance is mandatory at each class meeting and you will earn up to 2% of your total course grade
each class period for attending and participating. I expect that every student will participate every class
period with a comment, question, or tie-in to the reading. I will also assign discussion leaders for each
week to help guide the discussion. On those weeks, you will be responsible for getting the class
discussion going and help keep everyone on topic. On that week, you will earn up to 10 points (2%)
based on the quality of your discussion leading. Thus, if you miss class, you will lose 2% of your total
course grade for each class period missed, regardless of the reason.
If you find yourself in need of extra credit for this class, you may write a 20-30 page paper, typed and doublespaced, summarizing the major themes of this course. It is due on April 28 and will be worth 30 points (6% of
your final course grade).
ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY (From the JSU Student Handbook)
In this course, the penalty for academic dishonesty may range from a minimum of a zero on the given assignment or
exam to a maximum of a failing grade in the course, depending on the severity of the infraction. Be sure you are not
plagiarizing on your reflection papers!
First, because we will be watching “R” rated movies in this class, I cannot allow anyone to bring children into the class.
Second, these topics are of a sensitive nature, so I expect everyone to respect everyone else’s opinions. I want everyone
to be able to talk freely in class. Finally, I expect everyone to pay attention during the movies and class discussions.
Points (500 points possible):
Study Questions (12.5 per chapter x 8)
Reflection Papers (30 points per paper x 8)
Attendance/Participation (10 per class x 15 + 10 discussion lead) 160
500 points
Letter Grades:
Above 450.00 points
Above 90.00%
400.00 – 499.99 points
80.00% - 89.99%
350.00 – 399.99 points
70.00% - 79.99%
300.00 – 349.99 points
60.00% - 69.99%
00.00 – 299.99 points
0.0% - 59.99%
**If a student has a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act and requires accommodation,
he/she should contact the Disability Support Services at 139 Daugette Hall,
or (256) 782-8380 (Voice/TTY). Documentation from DSS is required before any accommodations can be made
(accommodations cannot be made retroactively).
Social Psychology II Schedule
Thurs 1/12
Syllabus, Cialdini video, & Pay it Forward
Thurs 1/19
Influence Chapter 1 & 2
Thurs 1/26
Influence Chapter 3
Thurs 2/2
Influence Chapter 4; Goodbye Lenin
Thurs 2/9
Influence Chapter 5; Wag the Dog
Thurs 2/16
Influence Chapter 6; Obedience & The Wave
Thurs 2/23
Influence Chapter 7 & 8; 12 Angry Men
Thurs 3/1
Readings on Stereotype Threat; The Believer
Thurs 3/8
Readings on Anti-Semitism; The Boy in Striped Pajamas
Thurs 3/15
Readings on Genocide; Hotel Rwanda
Thurs 3/22
Readings on Genocide in America; Skins
Thurs 4/5
Readings on Racism; The Help
Thurs 4/12
Readings on Heterosexism; Milk
Thurs 4/21
Readings on Sexism; That Girl (or Billy Elliot)
Thurs 4/28
Schindler’s List (or Life is Beautiful)