Jorge Alvarez Landon Ankerholz Tyren Brauer Willa Bryant Diego Cabral Nolan Coble Ashley Duarte Kathleen Elliott Mya Fierro Edgar Landeros Carmen Lopez de Lara Ethan LUck Lilianna Miranda Zane Moore Chesley Murray Joliette Pennington Karson Peter Julio Ruiz Deryk Self Angel Tarango Jocelyn Vargas Mrs. McGuire, teacher Mrs. Peterson, Resource Room Mrs. Bulleigh, Counselor Mrs. Peak, Music Mr. Moore, P.E. Mrs. Rowley, Resource Room Ms. Nichols, Rdg. Specialist Mrs. Sarver, Wr. Lab Mrs. Crow, Librarian Mrs. Beaver, Speech Mr. Comley, Title Math Mr. Turner, Principal Mrs. Boroughs, Secretary 7:15 Breakfast available 7:20 Supervision begins 7:50 Flag salute in gym, business 8:00 Class begins Party invitations, gum, candy – for all or none, please. 8:00 Math/Mr. Comley rotation 8:35 Math/Mr. Comley rotation (small group Math instruction with me/rotates with Title Math instruction with Mr. Comley) 9:10 Whole Class Math 9:45 Tier Math 10:15 Music w/ Mrs. Peak 10:45 P.E. w/ Mr. Moore 11:15 Word Work (spelling, phonics) Thursday – Library w/ Mrs. Crow 11:45 Lunch/Recess 12:25 Science 1:00 Reading/Writing Lab rotation 1:35 Reading/Writing Lab rotation (small group Reading instruction rotates with Writing Lab class – Mrs. Sarver) 2:10 Social Studies ** Fridays – dismiss at 2:30 ** 2:30 Recess 2:45 Tier Reading 3:15 Cursive/Projects 3:32 Dismissal (bus riders only – east door; all other students – front door) At home Reading Goal 2nd; Aug./Sept. – two books by Oct. Oct. – th two books by Oct. 29 ; Nov.- one book/Dec. – one book by Dec. 18th; Jan. – two books by Jan. 29th; Feb. – two books by Feb. 26th; Mar. – two books by Apr. 1st; Apr. – two books by Apr. 29th; (May’s goals will be done at school) Students will be expected to read two books (one fiction and one non-fiction) per month (except in Nov., Dec., and May) that are at their independent reading level. Upon completion, they will take an Accelerated Reader test at school over those books. A score of 80% or higher will be considered passing. (A non-passing score will require the book to be reread and the test retaken.) Those who complete both books and receive passing scores for each by the due date will be able to attend each month’s “Third Grade Reading Party”! Students who meet the goal each month will be recognized at our May Awards Assembly. A Top Reader will also be awarded. Expect a “HOMEWORK PACKET” from me every Friday!! It will include the homework for the coming week (due Tuesday and Thursday – MUST be signed), spelling lists, lunch menu and office letter for the month, any important notices, and other assorted surprises and information. Helpful Suggestions: *make sure Friday homework packets make it home *set a daily 20 - 30 minute “study time” for Reading, Spelling, homework, Math practice *support at-home Reading goals *practice basic math facts, telling time, counting money, computation Mrs. McGuire’s Class Motto: “You’ll never rise above others if you always put them down.” ****************************************************************************** Our Character Education focuses on: *Self-discipline *Compassion *Honesty *+ Attitude *Responsibility *Respect *Perseverance Character Education assemblies and activities take place every month. ******************************************************************************* Pat on the Back will reinforce good behavior and our Character Education traits! (more details coming) ******************************************************************************* Every Friday, a Star of the Week will be drawn for the class. This student is given many privileges during that week and will be asked to bring some photographs from home to display in class. Please be watching every Friday to see if your child’s name was drawn! A letter will explain more at that time. ******************************************************************************* Students have a chance to earn points every day for a class-selected goal . Two points can be earned each day – one by a “Mystery Person” who shows good behavior throughout the day and one for whole class good behavior. A letter will be sent home to announce the achievement of goals! Have fun working with your child on these projects (Memory Makers!!). They do need to be at school by the deadline and are a part of their grade! ****************************************************** • September 30th (Wednesday) “Soap Box” Car Make a car out of a soap box for our Force & Motion unit • November 18th (Wednesday) “Gorgeous Gobbler” Turkey Decorate a turkey pattern (I will send it home) as a family project to display at school. • April 27th (Wednesday) Insect Make an insect model – real or make-believe – for our classroom rainforest. Over the years that “project making” has been included in the 3rd grade, I have seen some amazing creations here at Central. The BEST part is the pride the children have in sharing their projects. The second best is the wonderful memories they will have in working so closely with you, a sibling, or grandparent. They do not have to be works of art – just special times with your child! I will include reminders in the Friday packets. - Mrs. McGuire August September * Ancient Egypt * Color Study * Force * Motion * Magnets October * Halloween Parade * Skeletons *Landforms * Continents * Multiplication November December * Pilgrims * Friends of Central Day * Communities * Rules/Laws * Economics *Winter Program January February March April May * Fossils * Valentine Party * Fractions *Weather/Climate *Habitat Studies – oceans, deserts, polar regions, rainforests * Biographies *Finish Habitat Studies *Field Day STATE READING TESTS STATE MATH TESTS Birthdays: We love to celebrate birthdays in third grade! We have a few summer birthdays in our class this year. These can be celebrated at any time in the year. Please contact me a few days ahead of time if you would like to bring treats to celebrate. A time at the end of the day will work best. We will have two recesses each day. We go out in hot and cold weather, so please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. Indoor recess only happens when there is falling rain, snow, or below freezing temperatures. Coats, hats, and gloves/mittens are needed during the winter months. Please put your child’s name in his/her coat during winter. There is a lost and found area in the building if your child is missing any clothing or other items. “Pat on the Back” is a special program made for each child in third grade to follow rules. Each child is given a paper hand and five “chances” to follow the rules each month. All rules were made by the students and discussed as a class. •If a child breaks a rule, the date of the problem will be written on a finger, and he/she will have a conference with the teacher. A behavior report will be filled out to tell what happened, which character traits were not used, and the consequence of that choice. This form will be sent home to be signed and returned. The object of this program is to follow the rules without losing all of the paper fingers. If this is done, the child earns a “Pat on the Back” and is allowed to participate in the Character Education activity. The “Pat on the Back” is given on the child’s t-shirt from a special guest. (These t-shirts will be worn at various times during the year.) If the child loses all five chances, though, he/she has lost the opportunity for a “Pat on the Back” and has to sit out during the Character Education activity. • All children begin each month with a clean slate (five new chances)! Our ultimate goal is to follow rules! Central School “Block Schedule” 8:00 Midmorning Lunch Early Late Times for afternoon afternoon all 3rd Grade 3rd Grade Music, Math PE, Spelling 3rd Grade Teacher’s Reading Choice 4th Grade Music, 4th Grade PE, Reading Spelling 4th Grade Teacher’s Math Choice 5th Grade 5th Grade Reading Math 5th Grade Music, Teacher’s PE, Choice Spelling Pat on the Back (Clean) White or Gray T-Shirt (that will still fit in May) is needed by midSeptember. Wear blue on Fridays – GO LIONS! Central 257-5612 Ext. 335 for 3M E-mail: If your student brings a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and left in the backpack. ********************************* Students may NOT wear flip flops to school. Sandals should have a strap around the backside. Third graders will be learning cursive writing, multiplication, division and much more! Please talk to your child about all of the new content he/she is learning! Spelling Rewards: If your child achieves 100% on five spelling tests, he/she may then take one “free” week of spelling with no test. He/she will still participate in the weekly spelling activities but will not be tested that week. Students will have a Homework Punch Card. For every homework assignment that is signed and returned on time, a punch will be given. When the punch card is full (20 punches), the student can use the punch card to “pass” on one homework assignment.