cp physics - Brookwood High School

Chapter 25 – Waves Reading Guide
Name: ____________________________
___ period
What is a wiggle in time called? What is a wiggle in space and time called?
2. What is the period of a pendulum?
3. What happens to the period of a pendulum as it length increases?
4. What is simple harmonic motion?
5. Distinguish among these different parts of a wave: amplitude, crest, trough, and
6. Distinguish between the period and the frequency of a vibration or a wave. How do
they relate to one another?
7. Does the medium in which a wave travels move along with the wave itself? Explain.
8. How does the speed of a wave relate to its wavelength and frequency? Give its
9. As the frequency of sound is increased, does the wavelength increase or decrease?
Give an example.
10. Distinguish between a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave.
CP PHYSICS, Chapter 25 – Waves Reading Guide, page 2
11. Give examples of a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave.
12. Distinguish between constructive interference and destructive interference.
13. Is interference a property of only some types of waves or all types of waves?
14. What causes a standing wave?
15. When a wave source moves toward a receiver, does the receiver encounter an
increase in wave frequency, wave speed, or both?
16. Does the Doppler effect occur for only some types of waves or all types of waves?
17. How fast must a bug swim to keep up with the waves it is producing? How fast must
a boat move to produce a bow wave?
18. Distinguish between a bow wave and a shock wave.
19. What is a sonic boom? How fast must an aircraft fly in order to produce a sonic
20. If you encounter a sonic boom, is that evidence that an aircraft of some sort
exceeded the speed of sound moments ago to become supersonic? Explain.