WMS PE Dear Parents, I want to welcome your child to PE. Physical education is a state requirement, and it is a very important part of keeping our youth fit and healthy. It is a nice break from classroom activities. Students will be participating in activities that promote the five components of physical fitness: muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition and cardiovascular fitness. CLASS RULES: LOCKER ROOM RULES: *Be on time, dressed out, & prepared for class *No running, horse playing, or standing on benches/ chairs *Listen to and follow directions *No spray deodorant/perfumes or glass containers *For safety reasons, only touch the equipment when told by the teacher *No dressing in the bathroom stalls *No loitering in the locker room – 5 minutes to change *Follow all other school rules & policies outlined In the discipline handbook. The tardy policy Is outlined on the back. *Do not enter the PE office without permission *PE lockers are for PE clothes, school clothes, and valuables only – no books, etc. *No backpacks in locker room or bathroom POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES: ABSENT/MAKE-UP WORK POLICY: (1 per day) *Loss of points and/or detention *Summarize/comment on an article related to PE (2 paragraphs) *Removed from the activity *Participate in 20+ minutes of activity; then write 2 paragraphs *Clean up campus/trash duty *Make-up mile runs after school or sometimes during class *Parent phone call or email *Suspended students may do make-up work. *Referral to assistant principal *Travel study: complete an exercise log and write 2 paragraphs GRADING POLICY: *Complete school learning packets *Referral for Extreme Defiance or Dangerous Behavior *Averaged Daily Grades based on participation; Pillars of Character; dressing-out; and fitness DRESS CODE & NON-DRESS POLICY: 100 – 90=A’s; 89 – 80=B’s; 79 - 70=C’s; 69 - 60=D’s; 59 - 0=F’ *Students are required to dress out daily. *PE uniforms may be purchased at school: $7/shirt - $13/shorts. *PE clothes should be washed weekly. *Parents may purchase generic clothes for PE: grey, blue, or green. *Sweat shirts and sweat pants should be purchased for cold weather – school sweatshirts are $20 or buy generic . *Students must wear appropriate and supportive athletic shoes; i.e. No flat soled shoes like Converse or Vans *PE clothes (each item) must be neatly labeled (Including Shoes) *Non-dresses result in a loss of points and will also be subject to with the student’s first and last names – names must be visible other discipline consequences (above column). and readable from a distance. T-shirts should be labeled on the front and back. Contact Information: (209) 830-3345 Extensions: Mrs. Dituri 5539 Ms. Coursey 5537 Ms. Carniglia 5547 Mr. Rice 5580 Mr. Moore 5574 Mr. Corral 5536 Email: ddituri@tusd.net; jcoursey@tusd.net; scarniglia@tusd.net; jrice@tusd.net; gmoore@tusd.net; lcorral@tusd.net Please complete the bottom portion of this slip and return to your PE teacher as soon as possible. Student’s Name: Period: Print Father’s (Guardian’s) Name: Father’s Email: Signature: Cell Phone # Print Mother’s (Guardian’s) Name: Mother’s Email: Home Phone# Signature: Cell Phone # Home Phone# Please list below or on the back any medical conditions that your son or daughter may have for which we should be aware: