First Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restriction, Liens and Reservations of Easements for Hawthorne Meadows Subdivision Section One Whereas, the Declaration of Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restriction, Liens and Reservations of Easements for Hawthorne Meadows Subdivision Section One with attached Exhibits was recorded in OR Book 1239, Page 1224 of the Official Records of the Clermont County Recorder’s Office on 12/2/1999 (hereinafter the “Declaration”) and the By-Laws and Code of Regulations of Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association were attached as Exhibit D. Whereas, the Declaration, By-Laws, and their subsequent amendments are binding on the property described in Exhibit “A”; Whereas, Article XI, Section 11.3 of the Declaration and Ohio Revised Code Section 5312.05 provide the Declaration may be amended upon the affirmative vote of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the total voting power of the association; and Whereas, the Association wishes to amend the Declaration as follows and the requisite vote of the lot owners has been obtained; Now, therefore, the Declaration is amended as follows: Article IV Section 4.2 is hereby deleted and the following substituted in its place: 4.2 Residential. All of the Lots (except any Lot conveyed to the Association) shall be used for residential purposes exclusively, and for no other purpose. No Lot or Dwelling Unit thereon shall be used to provide shelter on a temporary, semi-permanent or permanent basis to more than three (3) persons unrelated to each other by blood, marriage or legal adoption. Further, no Lot shall be used, under any circumstances as a boarding house, group home or lodging house. Boarding house, group home or lodging house are defined to include the temporary, semi-permanent housing of any group of more than three (3) persons unrelated by blood, marriage or legal adoption. The Association hereby mandates the total dwellings which may be used for rental purposes shall be limited to five percent (5%) on a first notice basis. All owners are required to formally and in writing notify the Board of their intent to rent their dwelling. The owner(s) shall provide all contact information for tenant(s) and owners at the time of their notice of intent on an application to rent. If the notice/application is not properly fully completed it may be rejected by 1 the Board with no notice and have no effect on other notices/application properly filed subsequent. In the event the total rental dwellings at the time of notice would exceed five percent (5%) then the notice/application will be denied. No profession or customary home industry shall be conducted in or on any part of the Lot or improvement thereon without the written approval of the Board. These restrictions shall not apply to the Developer or Builders in connection with model improvements used as a sales office. In Witness Whereof, the President of the Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc., an Ohio non-profit corporation, has executed this First Amendment and certifies the requisite consent or vote to this amendment has been obtained from the members of the Association. Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc. an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation By __________________________________ President State of Ohio ) County of __________________ ) ) SS The forgoing First Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Liens and Reservation of Easements for Hawthorne Meadows Subdivision was sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed by _______________________________, President of Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc., an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation, by and on behalf of the Association of this _____ day of _________ , 2013. ___________________________ Notary Public 2 Presidents Affidavit Before me a notary public personally appeared _________________________________ President of Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc., an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation who first being duly cautioned deposes and says: 1. _____________________ has personal knowledge of the foregoing facts and is competent to testify as to such. Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc. 2.______________ is the duly elected President of the Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc. 3. As set forth in the Declaration, I attest the proceeding First Amendment to the Declaration was approved by seventy-five percent (75%) of the lot owners. ___________________________________ By _______________, President State of Ohio ) ) SS County of __________________ ) The forgoing was sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed by ___________________, President of Hawthorne Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc., an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation, by and on behalf of the Association of this _____ day of _________ , 2013. ___________________________ Notary Public This Document Prepared: Kenneth R. Reed, Attorney, PSC Kenneth R. Reed (015970) 241 Elm Street Ludlow, KY 41016 (859) 331-4443 Fax: (859) 291-2226 3