Student Glossary - Springboro Community Schools





• A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things using the words LIKE or AS

– Picturing something in your mind helps you to understand it better, it shows us the qualities of an object or person by comparing it to something else.

She’s as sly as a fox.

Samantha is as light on her feet as a ballet dancer.

She was sobbing like a baby with an empty bottle.

It’s as cold as a meat locker in here.


• A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things. This is similar to a “simile” but the words LIKE and AS are not used.

When I was grounded for a week, my room was a prison of despair.

My room  prison

My dad is a polar bear when it comes to swimming in cold water.

Dad  polar bear


The technique of giving clues to coming events in a narrative.

– Encourages reader to read on

– Partially prepares reader for events to follow



• A topic of discussion or writing; a

MAJOR idea broad enough to cover the whole literary work.

– A theme can be STATED or IMPLIED



• The quality or state of offering reasonable grounds for being believed.

– ask: is this source reliable?

– Is this source believable?

– Is this website “professional”?


Open-ended Questions

• A type of question intended to produce a free response rather than a one or two word answer.

– Requires reader to “think” before they answer

– Requires reader to show support

– This type of question should be used while researching.



• Inference is using facts, observations, and logic or reasoning to come to an assumption or conclusion.

• It is not stating the obvious

– Example: (stating the obvious) that girl is wearing a fancy dress and carrying a bouquet of flowers. (inference) that girl is a flower girl in a wedding.

– It is not prediction, though the two are definitely related.

• inference asks "What conclusions can you draw about what is happening now?"

• Prediction asks, "What will happen next?"


• the attitudes or feelings associated with a word and not the word’s literal meaning.

– Feelings may be positive, negative, or neutral when associated with the word.


Laid-back: to have a relaxed attitude

Inactive; to do nothing

Lazy; does not want to work or do anything




• the literal meaning or “dictionary” definition of a word.

– D for denotation

– D for dictionary definition


• Thrifty; tending to save money


– “My thrifty aunt made unique picture frames for my graduation present.”

• Finds ways to save money


• Cheap; contemptible because of lack of any fine, lofty, or redeeming qualities


– “My cheap uncle bought me socks for graduation.”

• Doesn’t spend money



• Young; being in the first or an early stage of life, growth, or development Detonation

– “I was too young to join swim team this year.”

• wasn’t old enough(age)


• Immature; lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development


– “I was too immature to join swim team this year.”

• I couldn’t behave myself (attitude) Connotation


• Thin; not well fleshed(lean)


– “Runway models use to be thin and lean, now they are scrawny and gross.”

• Skinny


• Scrawny; exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size


– “My brother Matt is scrawny, he is a very picky eater.”

• Shrinking in size, very small Connotation

Plot Structure

Rising Action complication



Falling action


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• This is the introduction of the story

– Provides:

• Background information needed to understand story

• Characters such as protagonist & antagonist

– Who is your protagonist? Antagonist?

The setting of the story

– WHEN and WHERE does the story take place?

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Exposition: Elli Friedman and her family live in Somorja. WWII era, Germany is invading surrounding countries. Elli is our main character and protagonist, Germany is our antagonist.


• When does the first conflict/problem arise and develop? What other problems start to arise and continue to develop?

• Ask yourself: what was it that put everything in motion?

Complication: Elli Friedman, her family, and other Jewish households are forced to move to Nagymagyar (The Jewish

Ghetto) and leave their homes, most of their possessions, and their old lifestyle behind.

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Rising Action

• what occurs leading up to the climax.

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• Ask yourself: what did the author do to set up the most exciting scene?

Rising Action: Elli, Mommy, and Bubi are on a train, there are rumors of allied forces and liberation. They have been on the train for days.


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• considered the high point – the most exciting

part – of the story.

– This is where all the rising action and conflict building up in the story finally reaches the peak.

– It is usually the moment of greatest danger or decision-making for the protagonist.

Climax: Elli, Mommy, and Bubi have all been liberated. They are in terrible condition and Elli appears to be 62 years old. They have survived the Holocaust.

Falling Action

• The falling action deals with events which occur right after the climax. These events are usually the after-effects of the climax.

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Falling Action: The Friedman family returns to their hometown.

Elli returns to school as does Bubi. Mommy makes a living by sewing dresses. Daddy passed away two weeks before

Liberation in Bergen-Belsen.


• Here is the end of the falling action and the conclusion to the story.

• reveals the final outcome of the conflict

Items in

BOLD optional

– Keep in mind, that sometimes stories have endings with a lot of unanswered questions. It is up to your discretion on whether you want to identify a resolution, or argue that a resolution in the story was never fully developed.

Resolution: Elli, Mommy, and Bubi travel to America to begin a new life. The memoir ends as soon as they arrive. It was not fully developed.


• The repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words

The fluffy feline furrowed her fuzzy brow.

Babbling brook

Student Glossary Quiz

• Includes:

– Simile

– Metaphor

– Foreshadowing

– Theme

– Credibility

– Open-ended questions

– Inference

– Connotation

– Denotation

– Exposition

– Complication

– Rising action

– Climax

– Falling action

– Resolution

– alliteration

• Students should be able to define all of the words, show their comprehension through example

• Quiz will consist of fill in the blank, true/false, and short answers for your examples.

– 80 points

– 2 points for correct definition

– 3 points for providing correct example.

Quiz on 10/31/12


• Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts

– A symbol may have more than one meaning. In fact, the most significant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings.

• What symbols do you see in your literature circle novels?


• A two or three word phrase that contains

opposite words or ideas.

• Examples?


That quality of a literary work that makes the reader or audience uncertain or tense about the outcome of events.

– Suspense makes the reader ask "What will happen next?".

– greatest when it focuses attention on a character you like.

– Examples:


• Irony is the difference between the way things seem and the way they really are.

– Verbal

– Situational

– dramatic

Verbal irony

Verbal irony is when a speaker or writer says one thing but actually means the opposite.

– “Is that really what is being said?”

– Example: Your parents give you about 2 hours of chores to do before you can leave and you reply,

“Wow, thanks mom and dad, I can’t wait to do all these wonderful chores!”

Situational Irony

• In situational irony the outcome of a situation is inconsistent with what we expect would normally occur.

– Ask yourself…“What were you expecting to happen?”

– Ask yourself…“What did you expect it to be?”

– Example: Your convertible top is stuck in the open position and you are on the way to the shop and it begins to pour.

Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is when the audience or the reader is aware of something that a character does not know.

– Example: In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo believes

Juliet to be dead, but the audience knows she has only been given a potion to sleep.

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

If you had a phobia of long words, you must tell people that you are

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedali ophobic.


• It is ironic that people who have a fear of long words must say such a long word. It seems as if the people who made up the word did it on purpose!

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

A rat infestation at the

Department of Sanitation


You do not expect an agency that works to keep things clean having a rodent infestation.

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

• Mother: “I see you ironed your shirt.”

• Boy: “But I just dug it our of the bottom of the hamper.”


The mother is being ironic in that she is pointing out that the boy’s shirt is terribly wrinkled. She is being sarcastic in order to make her point.

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

A person Tweets about how

Twitter is a waste of time and energy.


It is ironic that someone who hates Twitter so much would use the Twitter platform to share with others how useless Twitter is.

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet stabs through a curtain thinking his traitorous murdering uncle is there, only to learn that he actually stabbed and killed the father of the women he loves, and a man for whom he had the utmost respect and admiration.


Hamlet expected to stab his uncle, who he hated, instead ended up stabbing and killing the one person he trusted and admired.

Practice: is this verbal, situational, or dramatic irony?

• You comment on the beautiful weather you have been having moments before a tornado rips through your house.


• Hello, a tornado just destroyed your house right after you said the weather was wonderful!

What is ironic about this image?

Situational Irony

Situational Irony

Situational Irony

Situational Irony

Situational Irony

Situational Irony


• A reference made to a famous person, place, or event.

• Allusion’s in The Outsiders

– Paul Newman

– Robert Frost

– Great Expectations

– Gone With the Wind

– The Beatles

– Elvis Extra credit to those who show Allusions found in their independent novel until end of this quarter. Max TWO entries.


• the language peculiar to a people or to a district, community, or class

– An expression that means something different from what it says. (The meaning cannot be decided on by looking up all the words in the phrase)

“Sam is a real cool cat. He never blows his stack and hardly ever flies off the handle. What’s more, he knows how to get away with things…well, of course, he is getting on, too. His hair is pepper and salt, but he knows how to make up for lost time and take it easy. He gets up early, works out, and turns in early.

He takes care of the hot dog stand like a breeze until he gets time off. Sam’s got it made, this is it for him.”

“Sam is a real cool cat. He never blows his stack and

(loses control)

(Sam is a really calm person) hardly ever flies off the handle. What’s more, he knows

(becomes too angry) (Also) how to get away with things…well, of course, he is getting

(getting older) on, too. His hair is pepper and salt, but he knows how to

(beginning to turn gray) make up for lost time and take it easy. He gets up early,

(knows how to compensate for lost time by relaxing) works out, and turns in early. He takes care of the hot dog

(goes to bed early) stand like a breeze until he gets time off. Sam’s got it

(without visible effort) (successful) made, this is it for him.”

(reached his life goal)

“Sam is a real cool cat. He never blows his stack and hardly

(not very warm domestic animal) (exhales his pile of material objects) ever flies off the handle. What’s more, he knows how to get

(propel oneself into air using part of an object designed to hold by hand) away with things…well, of course, he is getting on, too. His hair is pepper and salt, but he knows how to make up for lost time and take it easy. He gets up early, works out, and turns in early. He takes care of the hot dog stand like a breeze until he gets time off. Sam’s got it made, this is it for him.”


Blow my mind: to become wildly enthusiastic about something as if understanding it for the first time in a new light

Blue in the face: very angry, upset

Coast is clear no danger or enemy in sight

Curiosity killed the cat: getting too nosey may lead a person into trouble

In your glossary: Write a sentence using one or two of the idioms correctly.


• A struggle between two opposing forces in a novel, short story, or play.

• A Story’s plot is developed around one or more of the five basic conflicts.

– Character vs. character

– Character vs. nature

– Character vs. society

– Character vs. fate

– Character vs. self


Character vs. Nature

• Examples:

– In Life as We Knew It the characters had to survive after the moon is knocked closer to the earth and the natural disasters that occur as a consequence.

– In The Cay, Timothy and Philip must survive the wrath of the hurricane while stranded on an island in the Caribbean.


Character vs. Self

• Examples:


Character vs. Character

• Examples:

• Harry Potter Vs. He Who

Must Not Be Named

• Percy Jackson Vs. Whoever he is up against at the moment…(Luke?)


Character Vs. Society

• Examples:

– In The House of the Scorpion,

Matteo has to endure the cruelties of the world as life as a clone. Society looks down on clones and believes them to be animals.

– The Hunger Games?

– Any others?


Character vs. Fate

• Example:

– In HP and the Order of the

Phoenix our main character is learns of a prophecy in which is needs to fight against to survive.


Tone is the author’s attitude toward the writing.

– can have more than one tone

– set by the setting, choice of vocabulary and other details.

Words That Describe Tone

Amused Simplistic Humorous Pessimistic Angry Informal

Playful Youthful Cheerful Ironic Pompous Melodramatic

Horror Light Sad Clear Matter-of-fact Serious Slangy

Formal Resigned Suspicious Gloomy Optimistic Witty

Example: tones in The Outsiders?

“witty” “matter-of-fact” “Youthful”; “melodramatic”;

“slangy”; “simplistic”


Mood the feeling the reader gets from reading those words.

Words That Describe Mood

Fanciful Melancholy Frightening Mysterious Frustrating

Romantic Gloomy Sentimental Happy Sorrowful Joyful


Example? What feeling do you get as you read The


Frustrating, sentimental

Student Glossary Quiz (2)

• Includes:

– Symbol

– Oxymoron

– Suspense

– Irony (all 3)

– Allusion

– Idiom

– Conflict (all 5)

– Tone

– Mood

• Students should be able to define all of the words and show their comprehension through example, some of which will relate to The


• Quiz will consist of fill in the blank, true/false, and short answers.

• 75 points

Quiz on Tuesday, Jan.

29 th
