CV-NSF'99 - University of Memphis

First Tennessee University Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences, 373 Dunn Hall
Director, Center for Intelligent Optimization & Networks (CLION)
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152
Cell: 626-484-7036 / Office : 901-678-2497
Fax : 901-678-2480
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Ph.D. in Applied Physics
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (with Honors)
Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
M.Sc. in Power Engineering (with Distinction)
Moscow Institute of Power Engineering, Russia, Soviet Union
2009 – Present
Professor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis
Director, CLION – Center for Large-Scale Integration
Optimization & Networks
Visiting Positions:
 2012 – Consultant, US Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH
 2008-2011 – Visiting Professor, US Air Force Research
Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, Electromagnetic
Scattering Branch, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA
 2006-2008 – NRC Senior Research Fellow (Summer), US
Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate,
Hanscom AFB, MA
 2006, Spring – Visiting Professor, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory (LBL), UC Berkeley, CA
 2005, Fall –Consultant, Sarnoff Corp., Princeton, MA
 2005, Summer – Visiting professor, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
2005 – 2009
Professor of Computer Science, University of Memphis
Department of Computer Science
2003 – 2005
Professor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis
Division of Computer Science, Dept. Mathematical Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
2000 – 2003
Associate Professor, University of Memphis, Dept. of
Mathematical Sciences, Division of Computer Science, and
Institute for Intelligent Systems
1998 – 2000
Associate and Assist Researcher, University of California at
Berkeley, joint appointment at Division of Neurobiology and
Division Computer Science, Dept. EECE
1996 – 1998
Lecturer, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand,
Department of Information Sciences
1993 – 1996
Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Dept. of Quantum Science and Engineering
1993 Spring
Visiting Researcher, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering
1988 – 1993
Research Fellow, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The
Netherlands, Department of Applied Physics, Interfaculty
Reactor Institute
1982 – 1988
Research Assistant and Research Fellow, Central Research
Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary
Taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics,
computer science and engineering. Introduced new courses are marked by (*).
Measurements & Instrumentation
Intelligent Information Systems
Introduction to Algorithms
Advanced Data Structures
Soft Computing (*)
Soft Computing in Engineering (*) Tohoku University
Neural Networks and Fuzzy
Curriculum Vitae
Tohoku University
Otago University
University of Memphis
University of Memphis
University of Memphis
Dr. Robert Kozma
Tohoku University
Advanced Algorithms
University of Memphis
Topics in Algorithms
University of Memphis
Cognitive Science Seminar
University of Memphis
Neural Networks
University of Memphis
Computational Intelligence (*)
University of Memphis
Computational Neurodynamics (*) University of Memphis
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert
Spaces (*)
University of Memphis
Mathematical Learning Theory (*) University of Memphis
Stochastic Optimization &
Adaptive Dynamic Programming University of Memphis
Intelligent Prediction (*)
University of Memphis
Decision Support Systems (*)
University of Memphis
Miklos Ruszinko
Yusuke Uchiyama
Sanquing Hu
Joao G. Rosa
Giovanni Pazienza
Murat Demirer
Kausik Majumdar
Amaury Lendasse
Horatio Voicu
Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Tsukuba University, Ibaraki, Japan (20142015)
Hangzhou Dianzi University, Shanghai,
China (2014)
U Sao Paulo, Brazil (2013)
Pazmany Peter University, Budapest,
Hungary (2011-2012)
Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey (20072008)
Fulbright Fellowship, ISI, Chennai, India
Helsinki University, Finland (2003-04)
University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA,
Yury Sokolov
Curriculum Vitae
[C] Memphis (in progress)
Dr. Robert Kozma
Roman Ilin
Mark Myers
Marko Puljic
[C] Tulane U
Derek Harter
[C] Texas A&M
Sergi Consul
[M] U Memphis (in progress)
Annita Davis
[M] U Memphis
Anne Warlamount [M] UC Merced
Razvan Mezei
[M] Lenoir-Rhyne U
Balazs Montagh
[M] Szombathely, Hungary
Jonathan Cutler
[M] Montclair U
Angela H. Murdock [M] Middle Tenn. U
Hanif Azhar
[M] Montreal U
Arpad Kelemen
[M] U Maryland
Saktinil Roy
[M] Athabasca U
Sahidul Pramanik [M] UT Medical School
Nivendita Majumdar [M] Biotech, SF Bay Area
Q.S. Liu
[M, Chinese U, Hong Kong]
Colin Molter
[M, VUB, Brussels, Belgie]
Jay Swope
[M, Otago, New Zealand]
JaeSoo Kim
[M, Otago, New Zealand]
Mike Watts
[M, Otago, New Zealand]
Hiroshi Furukawa [M, Tohoku, Japan]
Masatake Sakuma [M, Tohoku, japan]
Shoichi Saito
[M, Tohoku, Japan]
Djen D Djainal
[M, Tohoku, Japan]
Gracielle Roston
[M, Tohoku, Japan]
Haiko Kok
[M, Delft, The Netherlands]
Heike Shoonewelle [M, Delft, The Netherlands]
At the University of Memphis, partial list: Srinivas Achunala, Rodrigo Silva, Igor
Beliaev, Derek Wong, Sangeeta Muthu, Sai Sudha Ganti, Asha Kalidindi, Jose
Rodriguez, Roman Ilin, Ravi Kumar Kondadadi, Hima Puppala, J Santosh Ankishetty,
Haizhon Li, Mark Myers, Jonathan Gomez, Prashant Ankaraju.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE, Fellow)
International Neural Network Society (INNS, Fellow)
American Mathematical Society (AMS, Member)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM, Member)
Society for Neuroscience (SfN, Member)
Associate Editor
Neural Networks (since 2009)
Associate Editor
Neurocomputing (since 2006)
Area Editor
New Mathematics & Natural Computation (2008-)
Associate Editor
Cognitive Neurodynamics (since 2008)
Associate Editor
Cognitive Systems Research (since 2009)
Editorial Board
Neural Computing & Applications (since 2011)
Associate Editor
Soft Computing (2009 - 12)
Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2005-09)
Guest Editor
Neural Networks, special issue on “Advances in
Neural Network Research” (2009)
Guest Editor
New Mathematics & Natural Computation, special
issue on “Neurodynamic Correlates of Higher
Cognition (2009)
Guest Editor
Neural Networks special issue on “Goal Directed
Neural Systems” (2009)
Guest Editor
International Journal of Intelligent Systems,
special issue “Intentional Dynamic Systems:
Fundamental Concepts and Robotics Applications”
Guest Editor
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, special
issue on “Temporal Coding for Neural Information
Processing (2005)
Guest Editor
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, special issue
on “Complex Nonlinear Neural Dynamics:
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Interpretations” (2003)
Guest Editor
Information Sciences, special issue on “Methods
and systems for intelligent human-computer
interaction (2000)
Guest Editor
International Journal of Intelligent Systems,
special issue on “Hybrid intelligent adaptive
systems (1998)
Acta Biotheoretica (Kluwer)
Autonomous Robots (Springer)
Applied Energy
Behavioral & Brain Sciences (Cambridge University Press)
Brain Research Bulletin (Elsevier)
Chaos – An Int. Journal (Inst. of Physics IOP)
Chemical Engineering & Processing (Elsevier)
Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier)
Fuzzy Sets and Systems (North Holland)
Hippocampus (Wiley)
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Computers
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Discovery & Engineering
IEEE Signals Journal
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos (World Scientific)
Int. J. Intelligent Systems (Wiley)
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Int. J. Multiphase Flow (Pergamon Press)
Information Science (Elsevier)
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence (Japan)
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (World Scientific)
Journal of Theoretical Biology (Elsevier)
Neural Information Processing – Reviews (KAIST, Korea)
Neural Processing Letters (Springer)
Neuroscience (Elsevier)
Neuroscience Research (Elsevier)
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier)
Physica A (Elsevier)
Physica D (Elsevier)
Physics Letters A (Elsevier)
Physics of Life Reviews (Elsevier)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Elsevier)
Member, U of Memphis Faculty Senate, 2009-2014
Member, Faculty Senate Standing Committee of Research Policies, 2013-2014
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, 2013-2014
Member, Graduate Committee, Department MSCI, 2012-2014
Faculty Senate Standing Committee of Faculty Policies 2012-2013
Member, T & P Committee, Department MSCI, 2009-2014
Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department CS, 2007-2008
Member, Teaching and Learning Advisor Committee, VP IT 2006-2008
Member, TAF Grant Evaluation Committee; 2006-2007
Member, Provost’s Task Force on Internationalization, 2005-2006
Member, Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee, 2005-2006
Chair, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department CS, 2005-2006
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Member, Colloquium & Travel Committee, Department CS, 2004-2005
Chair, Space and Equipment Committee, Department CS, 2002-2005
Coordinator of Internships, Department CS, 2001-2003
Member, College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Council, 2002-2005
Member of Dean’s Ad Hoc Comm. Multidisciplinary Studies, A&S, 2003-2004
Member, Chair’s Search Committee, Department of CS, 2002-2003
Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department CS, 2002-2005
Chair, Funding Allocation Committee, Institute for Intelligent Systems, 20012002
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE Fellow, 2014
International Neural Network Society, INNS Fellow, 2013
Gabor Award, International Neural Network Society, 2011
First Tennessee University Professor, since 2012
Distinguished Research Achievement Award by Alumni Association, University
of Memphis, 2010
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Research Award, College A&S,
University of Memphis, 2009
Dunavant Jr. University Professor, University of Memphis, 2009-2012
Senior Research Fellow, National Research Council (NRC), National Academies
of Sciences & Engineering, 2006-2009
Patron of the Year Award, Finalist, Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensory
Directorate AFRL/RY, 2007
Best Paper Award IROS2007, Runner up with T. Huntsberger, H. Aghazarian
(NASA, JPL) and W.J. Freeman (UC Berkeley), IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics &
Systems, San Diego, 2007
Best Paper Award DMIN06, jointly with A. Buczak (Sarnoff Co, Princeton, NJ),
International Data Mining Conference, Las Vegas, 2006
MTA-SOROS Fellowship Award, New York, 1986, 1988
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Higher Education Award, Ministry of Education, Budapest, Hungary, 1983
Diploma with Distinction ('red'), Moscow Energy University, Russia, 1982
1st Prize Award for Best Research Work of Graduate Students, Moscow, Russia
Fluent in English, Hungarian, and Russian.
Understands and speaks Dutch and basic Japanese.
Governor, Board of Governors, International Neural Network Society INNS,
2007-2009, 2010-2012
Fellow Committee Member, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society CIS, 2014
Advisory Committee Member, AdCom, IEEE Computational Intelligence
Society CIS, 2009-2012
Chair, University Curriculum Committee, Education Committee, IEEE CIS,
Chair, Distinguished Lecturers Program DLP IEEE CIS, 2010-2011
Chair, Technical Committee of Standards, IEEE Computational Intelligence
Society, 2008-2009
Chair, SIG Special Interest Groups, of International Neural Network Society
Member, Neural Networks Technical Committee IEEE Neural Networks/
Computational Intelligence Society NNTC, since 1996
Publications Chair, IEEE Symposium Series on Comp. Intelligence SSCI2014,
Dec, 9-12, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA.
Chair, Symposium on Independent Computing, at IEEE Symp. Series on Comp.
Intelligence SSCI2014, Dec, 9-12, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Symposium Co-Chair, Computational Intelligence in Brain Computer Interfaces,
at IEEE Symp. Series on Comp. Intelligence SSCI2014, Dec, 9-12, 2014,
Orlando, FL, USA.
Tutorial Chair: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
WCCI2014/IJCNN2014, June 8-13, 2014, Beijing, China.
Financial Chair, IEEE Symp. Series on Computational. Intelligence SCCI2013,
May 5-10, 2013, Singapore.
Program Co-Chair, IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks (June 10-15, 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Program Chair, 2012 International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive
Systems, July 11-14, 2012, Zhenyang, China.
Steering Committee Co-Chair, 3nd International Conference on Aware
Computing & Technology iCAST2012, August 21-24, 2012, Seoul, Korea.
Tutorial Chair, IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
(July 30 – Aug 4, 2011, San Jose, CA.
General Co-Chair, 2nd International Symposium on Aware Computing (Nov. 1-4,
2010, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
General Chair, IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
IJCNN09 (June 15-19, 2009, Atlanta, GA)
Program Co-Chair at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
WCCI08 (June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong)
Program Co-Chair, Conference on Brain Network Dynamics (January 26-27,
2007, Stanford-Berkeley, CA, USA)
Chair for Finances/Treasurer, IEEE World Congress of Computational
Intelligence WCCI 2006 (July 16-20, 2006, Vancouver, Canada)
Program Co-Chair of NSF US-Hungarian Workshop on Large Scale Random
Graphs Methods for Modeling Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological and Physical
Systems, August 28 – September 4, 2006, Budapest, Hungary.
Program Co-Chair, IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks IJCNN’04 (July 25-29, 2004, Budapest, Hungary);
Program Committee Co-Chair, International Conference on Neural Information
Processing ICONIP'97 (November, 1997, Dunedin, New Zealand).
Program Committee member at international conferences:
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN2014 (July 8-13, 2014, Beijing, China)
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN2013 (Aug. 4-9, 2013, Dallas, TX)
Cyber Security Summit, CyberSci2013 (June 25-26, 2013, Arlington, VA)
Int. Joint Conf. Neur. Networks IJCNN201 (July 30 – Aug. 4, 2011, San Jose, CA)
Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybern. SMC 2011 (Oct. 2011, Anchorage, Alaska)
Int. Conf. Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics IWACIII2011 (Nov. 19-23,
2011, Suzhou, China)
Int. Conf. Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN09 (November 15-19, 2009, Zhejiang
U, Hangzhou, China)
Int. Workshop on Aware Computing IWAC09 (September 18-20, 2009, Aizu
Wakamatsu, Japan)
2009 Int. Symp. Learning & Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems (July 22-24,
2009, Iasi, Romania)
Symp. Comp. Intelligence for Security and Defense Appl. CISDA (July 8-10,
2009, Ottawa, Canada)
Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior SAB08 (July 7-12, 2008, Osaka,
Int. Symp. Learning & Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems (Aug. 6-8, 2008,
Edinburgh, Scotland)
International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN07 (Nov. 17-21,
2007, Shanghai, China)
Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference ANNIE07 (Nov. 11-14,
2007, St. Louis, MO)
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN’07 (Aug. 12-17, 2007, Orlando, FL),
Cognitive Science Conference CogSci’07 (Aug.1-4, 2007, Nashville, TN)
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conf. SMC’05 (October 8-11, 2006, Taipei,
International Symp. on Artificial Brain with Emotion & Learning (Aug. 24-25,
2006, Seoul, Korea)
Cognitive Science Conference CogSci’06 (July 26-29, 2006, Vancouver, Canada)
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN’05 (July 31-Aug.4, 2005, Montreal,
IEEE Int. Conf. On Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE 2005 (May 22-25, 2005, Reno,
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conf. SMC’05 (October 10-12, 2005,
2004 Symposium on Intentional Dynamic Systems IDS04 (April 24-26, 2004,
Memphis, TN)
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN'03 (July 14-19, 2003, Portland, OR),
IEEE Int. Conf. On Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE 2003 (May 28-30, 2003, St. Louis,
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN'02 (May 11-15, 2002, Honolulu, HI);
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN'01 (July 14-19, 2001, Washington DC);
Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN'99 (July 10-16, 1999, Washington DC);
North American Fuzzy Information Processing Soc. NAFIPS'99 (June 11-13,
1999, New York);
IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC'97 (October 1997, Orlando,
Kozmos Research Laboratories LLC, Memphis, 2013 – Present
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, HAFB, MA, 2006-2008
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 2005
Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ, 2005
“Methods of detection of propagating phase gradients using model field theory
of non-Gaussian mixtures,” US Patent, Co-Inventors, Kozma, R., L. Perlovsky,
2012. US Patent # 8,195,580.
“Integrated wireless radar system for surveillance and tracking of moving
targets,” Co-Inventors, Kozma, R., L. Wang, K. Iftekharuddin, R. Deming, U.S.
Patent Appl. #13/726,920, 2013.
"Methods of improved learning in simultaneous recurrent neural networks."
Inventors: Kozma, R., and P. J. Werbos. U.S. Patent Appl. # 12/156,164, 2009.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
“Cognition as a transient neuropercolation process – A complex systems
perspective,” R. Kozma and W.J. Freeman, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, (revised,
“Advances in Neuromorphic Memristor Science and Applications,” Kozma, R., R.
Pino, and G. Pazienza (Eds), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
“Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks,” B. Bollobas, Kozma, R., D. Miklos
(Eds) Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN:
978-3-540-69394-9, (2009).
“Neural Networks. 2009. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks IJCNN2009,” Kozma, R., S. Bressler, L. Perlovsky, K.
Venayagamoorthy (Eds) ISBN 978-1-4244-3548-7, pp. 1-3541, IEEE Press,
Piscataway, NJ (2009).
“Neurodynamics of Higher-Level Cognition and Consciousness,” L. Perlovsky,
Kozma, R., (Eds), in Springer Series: Understanding Complexity, Springer
Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN 978-3-540-73266-2 (2007).
“Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Processing,” Kasabov, N.,
Kozma R., (Eds) in Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 480 p.,
ISBN-3-7908-1187-4, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (1999).
“Progress in Connectionist-based Information Systems,” Kasabov, N., Kozma, R.,
Ko, K., O’Shea, R., Coghill, G., Gedeon, T., (Eds) Vol. 1-2, pp.1355, Springer
Verlag (1997).
“Noise Investigations on Boiling Effects in a Simulated MTR-Type Fuel Assembly,”
Kozma, R., Delft University Press, ISBN-90-73861-04-7 (1992).
1. Kozma, R. (2015) “Synchrony, Oscillations, and Chaos in Neural Networks,” in:
“Handbook of Computational Intelligence,” J. Kacpzyk, W. Pedrycz (Eds.),
Springer (in press).
2. Siegelman, H., R. Kozma (2014) “Associative Learning,” in UNESCO
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Vol. “Computational
Intelligence,” Ed. H. Ishibuchi, UNESCO EOLSS Press, New York (in press).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
3. Resconi, G., & Kozma, R. (2014). Geometric Synchronization by Multi-
pendulum and Electronic Models of Neurodynamics. In Computational
Intelligence, III, pp. 247-261. Springer Series Studies in Computational
Intelligence, 577, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-11271-8_16.
4. Kozma, R. (2014). Metastable Activity Patterns in Cortical Dynamics and the
Illusion of Localized Representations. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 4,
pp. 503-507. Springer, Netherlands.
5. Kozma, R., & Freeman, W. J. (2014). Modeling Cortical Singularities During the
Cognitive Cycle Using Random Graph Theory. Advances in Cognitive
Neurodynamics, 4, pp. 137-142. Springer Netherlands.
Freeman, W. J., Kozma, R., Li, G., Quiroga, R. Q., Vitiello, G., & Zhang, T. (2015).
Advanced Models of Cortical Dynamics in Perception. Advances in Cognitive
Neurodynamics, 4, pp. 127-136. Springer Netherlands.
7. Kozma, R. (2014) “Neuropercolation and Neural Population Models,” in
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, R. Jung and D. Jaeger (Eds.), DOI
10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_71-1, Springer Verlag, New York.
8. Kozma, R. (2014) “Neural Mass Action,” in Encyclopedia of Computational
Neuroscience, R. Jung & D. Jaeger (Eds.), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_68-3,
Springer Verlag, New York.
9. Kozma, R., M. Puljic, W.J. Freeman (2014) “Thermodynamic Model of Criticality
in the Cortex based on EEG/ECoG data,” in “Criticality in Neural Systems,” D.
Plenz (Ed.), , pp. 153-176, John Wiley & Sons.
10. Kozma, R., R. Pino, G. Pazienza (2012) “Are Memristors the Future of AI? –
Review of Recent Progress and Future Perspectives,” in “Advances in
Neuromorphic Memristor Science and Applications,” Kozma, R., R. Pino, and G.
Pazienza (Eds), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
11. Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R., with app: B. Bollobas, O. Riordan (2009) “Scale-free
Cortical Planar Graphs,” “ Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks,” B.
Bollobas, Kozma, R., D. Miklos (Eds) Bolyai-Springer Series on
Combinatorics, Springer Verlag, New York, 2009.
12. Kozma, R. (2007) “Neurodynamics of Intentional behavior Generation,” In:
Neurodynamics and Higher-Level Cognition and Consciousness, Kozma, R., L.
Perlovsky (Eds), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-54073266-2, pp. 129-159.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
13. Huntsberger, T., Tunstel, E., Kozma, R. (2006) “Onboard learning strategies for
planetary surface rovers,” Chapter 20 in: Intelligence for Space Robotics, A.
Howard, E.Tunstel (eds). TCI Press, San Antonio, TX, pp. 403-422.
14. Kelemen, A., Liang, Y., Kozma, R., Franklin, S. (2002) "Optimizing Intelligent
Agents’ Constraint Satisfaction with Neural Networks," In: Innovations in
Intelligent Systems (A. Abraham & B. Nath, Eds.), Springer Series "Studies in
Fuzziness and Soft computing," Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 255272.
15. Kozma, R., Kasabov, N. (1999) "Generic neuro-fuzzy-chaos methodologies and
techniques for intelligent time-series analysis," in: Ribeiro, R., Yager, R.,
Zimmermann, H-J., Kacprzyk, J. (eds) Soft Computing in Financial Engineering,
Physica-Verlag / Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN 3-7908-1173-4, pp. 125-141.
16. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R et al. (1999) "Hybrid connectionist-based methods and
systems for speech data analysis and phoneme-based speech recognition," In:
Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Processing, N. Kasabov and
R.Kozma, eds., Physica Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 241-263.
17. Kasabov, N., and Kozma, R., (1998) "Multi-scale analysis of time series based
on a neuro-fuzzy-chaos methodology applied to financial data," in A. Refenes,
A.N. Burgess, J.E. Moody (eds), Decision Technologies for Computational
Finance, Kluwer Academic, ISBN 0-7923-8308-7.
18. Kozma, R., Kasabov, N. (1997) "Chaos and Fractal Analysis of Irregular Time
Series Embedded into a Connectionist Structure," in: S-I. Amari, N. Kasabov
(eds) Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems, Springer
Verlag, pp. 213-237.
19. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R. (1997) "Neuro-fuzzy-chaos engineering for building
intelligent adaptive information systems," in: Da Ruan (ed), Intelligent Systems:
Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Kluwer Acad. Publ., pp.
1. Kozma, R., & Puljic, M. (2015). Random graph theory and neuropercolation for
modeling brain oscillations at criticality. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 31,
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
2. Rabinovich, M.I., Sokolov, Y., R. Kozma (2014) “Robust sequential working
memory recall in heterogeneous cognitive networks,” Frontiers in Systems
Neuroscience, 8, 220.
3. Sokolov, Y., Kozma, R., Werbos, L. D., & Werbos, P. J. (2015) “Complete stability
Automatica, (accepted, in press).
4. Davis, J.J., G. Gillett, R. Kozma (2015) “Revisiting Brentano on Consciousness: A
striking correlation with ECoG findings about the Action-Perception Cycle and
the Emergence of Knowledge and Meaning,” Mind and Matter (accepted, in
5. Hu, S., Wang, H., Zhang, J., Kong, W., Cao, Y., Kozma, R. (2015) “Causality from
Cz to C3/C4 or between C3 and C4 Revealed by Granger Causality and New
Causality during Motor Imagery,” IEEE Trans. Neur. Networks (accepted, in
6. Freeman, W.J., Capolupo, A., Kozma, R., Olivares del Campo, Giuseppe Vitiello,
G.A. (2015) “Bessel Functions in Mass Action Modeling of Memories and
Remembrances,” Phys. Lett. A. (accepted, in press)
7. Kozma, R. & M. Puljic (2015) “Neuropercolation model of pattern-based
computing in brains through cognitive phase transitions,” Theoretical
Computer Science C – Natural Computing (revised)
8. Jansen, S., R. Kozma, R. Miklos, Y. Sokolov (2015) “Activation process on a longrange percolation graph with power law long edge distribution,” (in progress)
9. Hu, S., Sokolov, Y., Kozma, R., Ohl, F., Schultz, A., Wanger, T. (2015) “Causality
Flow in Auditory Cortex during Gerbil Category Learning,” (in progress)
10. Kozma, R., J.J. Davis, W.J. Freeman, C.T. Lin (2015) “Spatio-Temporal EEG
Pattern Extraction Using High-Density Arrays,” J. Neurosci. Methods (in progress)
11. Ilin, R., J. Zhang, L. Perlovsky, R. Kozma (2014) “Vague-to-Crisp Dynamics of
Percept Formation Modeled as Operant (Selectionist) Process,” Cogn.
Neurodyn. 8(1), 71-80.
12. Kozma, R., M. Puljic (2013) “Learning effects in neural oscillators,” Cognitive
Comp., 5(2), 164-169.
13. Kozma, R., Puljic, M. (2013) “Hierarchical Random Cellular Neural Networks
for System-Level Brain-Like Signal Processing,” Neural Networks, 45, pp. 201110.
14. Kozma, R., Alippi, C. (2013). Nurturing the Future of Computational
Intelligence - CIS University Curriculum Subcommittee Report. Computational
Intelligence Magazine, IEEE, 8(3), 4-6.
15. Kozma, R. (2013) “Mathematical Theories of Physical Intelligence - Comment
on Dissipation of dark energy by cortex in knowledge retrieval," by Capolupo,
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Freeman, and Vitiello.,” Physics of Life Reviews, 10(1), pp. 110-111.
16. Khan, MMR, Iftekharuddin, K., McCracken, E., Islam, K., Wang, L., Kozma, R.
(2013) “Autonomous wireless radar sensor mote for target material
classification,” Digital Signal Processing, 23(3), 722-735, 2013.
17. Kozma, R., J.J.J. Davis, W.J. Freeman (2012) “Synchronization of DeSynchronization Events Demonstrate Large-Scale Cortical Singularities As
Hallmarks of Higher Cognitive Activity,” J. Neuroscience and Neuro-Engineering
JNSNE, 1(1), 13-23, 2012.
18. Werbos, L., Kozma, R., R. L. Silva, G. Pazienza, P.J. Werbos (2012)
“Metamodeling and Critic-Based Approach to Multi-Level Optimization,” Neur.
Netw., 32, 179-185 (2012).
19. Kozma, R., L. Wang, K. Iftekharuddin, E. McCracken, E. I. Khan, M., S. Bhurtel,
and R.M. Demirer, R.M. (2011) “Radar-Enabled Collaborative Sensor Network
Integrating COTS Technology for Surveillance and Tracking,” Special Issue on
20. Warlaumont, A., Oller, K., Buder, E., Dale, R., Kozma R. (2010) "Data-driven
automated acoustic analysis of human infant vocalizations using neural
network tools," J. Acoustical Soc. of America, 127(4), 2563-2577, 2010.
21. Puljic, M., Kozma, R. (2010) “Broad-Band Oscillations by Probabilistic Cellular
Automata,“ J. of Cellular Automata 5(6): 491-507, 2010.
22. Kozma, R. (2010) “Phase transitions and singular space-time dynamics in
cognitive processing,” Phys. of Life Reviews, 7(2), pp. 262-263, 2010.
23. Kozma R. (2010) “Complementary aspects of emotions and music,” Phys. of Life
Rev., 7(1), pp. 41-43, 2010.
24. Kozma, R., M. Puljic, L. Perlovsky (2009) “Modeling Goal-Oriented Decision
Making Through Cognitive Phase Transitions,” New Math. & Natural Comp.,
5(1), pp. 143-157.
25. Kozma, R., J. Caulfield (2009) “Neurodynamic Correlates of Higher Cognition
and Consciousness,” New Math. & Natural Comp. 5(1), pp. 1-6.
26. Kozma, R., S. Bressler, L. Perlovsky, G.K. Venayagamoorthy (2009) “Advances
in neural network research: An introduction.” Neural Networks, 22(5-6), pp.,
27. Kozma, R., W.J. Freeman (2009) “The KIV Model of Intentional Dynamics and
Decision Making,” Neural Networks, 22(3), pp. 277-285.
28. Kozma, R., D. Levine, L. Perlovsky (2009) “Introduction to the special issue on
goal directed neural systems,” Neural Networks, 22(3), pp. 197-199.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
29. Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R. (2009) “Brain neural activity patterns yielding
numbers are operators, not representations,“ Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 32,
pp. 336-337.
30. Kozma, R., W.J. Freeman (2008) “Intermittent spatio-temporal
desynchronization and sequenced synchrony in ECoG signals,” J Chaos, 18,
31. Kozma, R., T. Huntsberger, H. Aghazarian, E. Tunstel, R. Ilin, WJ Freeman
(2008) “Intentional Control for Planetary Rover SRR2k,” Advanced Robotics,
Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 1109-1127.
32. Puljic, M., Kozma, R. (2008) “Narrow-band oscillations in probabilistic cellular
automata,: Phys. Rev. E. 78026214.
33. Ilin, R., Kozma, R., and P. J. Werbos (2008) "Beyond Backpropagation and
Feedforward Models: a Practical Training Tool for a More Efficient Universal
Approximator", IEEE Trans. Neur. Netw., 19(3), 929-937.
34. Kozma, R. (2007) “Intentional systems: Review of neurodynamics, modeling,
and robotics implementations,” Physics of Life Reviews, 5(1), pp. 1-21.
35. Beliaev, I., Kozma, R. (2007) “Time series prediction using chaotic neural
networks: Case study of CATS Benchmark test,” Neurocomputing, 70(13), pp.
36. Kozma, R., Harter, D., Achunala, S. (2007) “Dynamical Aspects of Behavior
Generation Under Constraints,” J. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1(3), pp. 213-223.
37. Kozma, R., H. Aghazarian, T. Huntsberger, E, Tunstel, W.J. Freeman (2007)
“Computational Aspects of Cognition and Consciousness in Intelligent
Devices,” IEEE Comp. Intellig. Mag., 2(3), pp. 53-64.
38. Kozma, R. (2007) “Neuropercolation,” Scholarpedia, 2(8), 1360.
39. Kozma, R., Fukuda, T. (2006) “Intentional Dynamic Systems: Fundamental
Concepts and Robotics Applications,” Int. J. Intelligent Systems, 21, 875-879.
40. Harter, D., Kozma, R., (2006) “Aperiodic Dynamics and the Self-Organization of
Cognitive Maps in Autonomous Agents,” Int. J. Intelligent Systems, 21(9), 955972.
41. Ilin, R., Kozma, R. (2006) “Stability of coupled excitatory-inhibitory neural
populations & application to control multistable systems,” Phys. Lett. A, 360,
42. Balister, P, Bollobas, B, Kozma, R, (2006) "Mean field models of probabilistic
cellular automata", Random Structures and Algorithms, 29, 399-415.
43. Kozma, R., Puljic, M., Bollobas, B., Balister, P., Freeman, W.J. (2005) “Phase
Transitions in the Neuropercolation Model of Neural Populations with Mixed
Local and Non-Local Interactions,” Biol. Cybernetics, 92(6), 367-379.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
44. Harter, D., Kozma, R. (2005) “Chaotic Neurodynamics for Autonomous Agents,”
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 16(4), pp. 565-579.
45. Puljic, M., Kozma, R. (2005) “Activation Clustering in Neural and Social
Networks,” Complexity, 10(4), 42-50.
46. Kozma, R., Wong, D., Demirer, M., Freeman, W.J. (2005) “Learning intentional
behavior in the K-model of the amygdala and enthorhinal cortex with the
cortico-hippocampal formation,” Neurocomputing, 65-66, pp. 23-30.
47. Kozma, R., M. Puljic, P. Balister, B. Bollobas, W.J. Freeman, (2004)
”Neuropercolation: A Random Cellular Automata Approach to SpatioTemporal Neurodynamics,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3305, pp.
48. Wang, D.L., Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R., Lozowski, A.G., Minai, A.A. (2004) “Guest
Editorial – Special Issue on Temporal Coding for Neural Information
Processing,” IEEE Trans. Neur. Netw., 15(5), pp. 953-956.
49. Kozma, R., Wong, D., Freeman, W.J., Erdi, P. (2004) “Learning environmental
clues in the KIV model of the cortico-hippocampal formation,”
Neurocomputing, 58-60, 721-728.
50. Voicu, H., Kozma, R., Wong, D., Freeman, W.J. (2004) “Spatial navigation model
based on chaotic attractor networks,” Connection Science, 16(1), pp. 1-19.
51. Kozma, R., (2003) On the Constructive Role of Noise in Stabilizing Itinerant
Trajectories on Chaotic Dynamical Systems, Chaos, Special Issue on Chaotic
Itinerancy, 11(3), pp. 1078-1090.
52. Andras, P., Kozma, R., Erdi, P. (2003) “Complex Nonlinear Neural Dynamics:
Experimental Advances and Theoretical Interpretations,” Journal of Integrative
Neuroscience, 2(1), pp. 1-3.
53. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2003) Basic Principles of the KIV Model and its
application to the Navigation Problem, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience,
2(1), pp. 125-146.
54. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J., Erdi, P. (2003) The KIV Model – Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Primordial Vertebrate Forebrain, Neurocomputing,
52-54, pp. 819-826.
55. Roy, P.K., Kozma, R., Majumdar, D.D. (2002) "From Neurocomputation to
Immunocomputation: A Model and Algorithm for Fluctuation-Induced Phase
Transition in Biological Systems," IEEE Transactions in Evolutionary
Computation, 6(3): 292-305.
56. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2002) Classification of EEG Patterns Using Nonlinear
Neurodynamics and Chaos, Neurocomputing, 44-46, pp. 1107-1112.
57. Roy, P.K., Kozma, R. (2002) “A neurocomputational approach to neurooncology: programmed multi-modal therapy and neuroimaging brain tumors,”
Int. J. of Cancer, 91-91, Suppl. 13.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
58. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2001). "Chaotic Resonance - Methods and
Applications for Robust Classification of Noisy and Variable Patterns," Int. J.
Bifurcation & Chaos, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1607-1629.
59. Kozma, R., M. Alvarado, L.J. Rogers, B. Lau, W.J., Freeman (2001) "Emergence of
un-correlated common-mode oscillations in the sensory cortex,"
Neurocomputing, 38-40, pp. 747-755.
60. Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R., Werbos, P.J. (2001) "Biocomplexity - Adaptive
behavior in complex stochastic systems," BioSystems, 59, pp. 109-123.
61. Kozma, R. (2001) "Fragmented attractor boundaries in the KIII model of
sensory information processing — Evidence of Cantor encoding in cognitive
processes," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(5): 820-821.
62. Freeman, W.J. and Kozma, R. (2000) "Local-global interactions and the role of
mesoscopic (intermediate-range) elements in brain dynamics," Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 23(3): 401.
63. Kasabov., N., J.S. Kim, Kozma, R., T. Cohen (2001) “Rule extraction from fuzzy
neural networks FuNN: method and real world applications,” J. Adv. Comp.
Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics, 5(4), 193-200.
64. Kasabov, N. and Kozma, R. (2000) "Methods and systems for intelligent
human-computer interaction," Special Issue in: Information Sciences, 123(1-2),
pp. 1-2.
65. Kozma, R., Kasabov, N.K.; Kim, J.S.; Cohen, A. (1998) "Integration of
connectionist methods and chaotic time-series analysis for the prediction of
process data," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 13(6), pp.519-38.
66. Kasabov, N.; Kozma, R. (1998) "Hybrid intelligent adaptive systems: a
framework and a case study on speech recognition," International Journal of
Intelligent Systems, vol.13, (no.6), p.455-66.
67. Kasabov, N., Kim, J., Kozma, R., (1998) "A fuzzy neural network for knowledge
acquisition in complex time series," Control & Cybernetics, vol. 27(4), 593-611.
68. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R., Watts, M. (1998) "Phoneme-based speech recognition
via fuzzy neural networks modeling and learning," Information Sciences (110)
1-2, pp.61-79.
69. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R. (1998) "Introduction: Hybrid Intelligent Adaptive
Systems," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol.13, (no.6), pp.453454.
70. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R. (1998) “Self-Organization and Adaptation in Intelligent
Systems,” J. Adv. Comp. Intelligence, 2(6), pp. 177-178.
71. Kozma, R. (1998) "Intermediate-range coupling generates low-dimensional
attractors deeply in the chaotic region of one-dimensional lattices," Physics
Letters A, vol.244, (1-3), p.85-91.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
72. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, J.E. Hoogenboom (1997) Void Fraction Measurements
in Nuclear Reactors via Neutron Noise Methods, Nucl. Technol., Vol. 118, 242253.
73. Kozma, R. (1996) "Multi-Level Knowledge Representation in Neural Networks
with Adaptive Structure," Int.J. Syst. Res. Inf. Sci., Vol.7., pp. 1-21.
74. Kozma, R., M. Sakuma, Y. Yokoyama, M. Kitamura (1996) "On the Accuracy of
Mapping by Neural Networks Trained by Backpropagation with Forgetting,"
Neurocomputing, Vol. 13, No. 2-4, pp. 295-311.
75. Kozma, R., A. Malinowski, M. Kitamura, J.M. Zurada (1996) "On Performance
Measures of Artificial Neural Networks Trained by Structural Learning
Algorithm," Austral. J. Intell. Information Proc. Systems, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 10-15.
76. Konno, H., Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1996) CML Approach to Power Reactor
Dynamics I. Preservation of Normality, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 22, 119131.
77. Kozma, R., H. Kok, M. Sakuma, D.D. Djainal, M. Kitamura (1996)
"Characterization of Two- Phase Flows using Fractal Techniques, " Int. J.
Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, 953-968.
78. Sakuma, M., Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1996) Characterization of Anomalies by
Applying Methods of Fractal Analysis, Nucl. Technol., Vol. 113, No. 1, 86-99.
79. Kozma, R., M. Sakuma, S. Sato, M. Kitamura (1995) "Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
Signal Processing System Using Structural Learning with Forgetting."
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 1. , No. 4, 389-404.
80. Kozma, R., S. Sato, M. Sakuma, M. Kitamura, T. Sugiyama (1995)
"Generalization of Knowledge Acquired by a Reactor Core Monitoring System
Based on a Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm," Progress Nucl. Energy, Vol. 29, Nos. 3-4,
81. Kozma, R. (1995) "Studies on the Relationship between the Statistics of Void
Fraction Fluctuations and Parameters of Two-Phase Flows,’ Int. J. Multiphase
Flow, Vol. 21, No. 2. 241-251.
82. Kozma, R., K. Nabeshima (1995) Studies on the Detection of Incipient Coolant
Boiling in Nuclear Reactors using Artificial Neural Networks, Annals Nucl.
Energy, Vol. 22, No.7 483-496.
83. Kozma, R., S. Sato, M. Sakuma, M. Kitamura (1994) Detecting Unexperienced
Events via Analysis of Error Propagation in a Neuro-Fuzzy Signal Processing
System, Intelligent Engng. Syst. Artif. Neur. Netw., Vol. 4, 241-246.
84. Kitamura, M., H. Furukawa, M. Sakuma, Kozma, R., T. Washio (1994) Robust
Diagnosis of Nuclear Plant Anomalies Through Multiple Neuro Agent
Cooperation, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Vol. 70, No. 1,105-107.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
85. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, J.E. Hoogenboom, M. Sakuma (1994) Credibility of
Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Reactors Using Neural Network, , Trans. Am.
Nucl. Soc., Vol. 70, No. 1, 101-103.
86. Kozma, R., H. van Dam, J.E. Hoogenboom (1992) Identification of Flow Patterns
by Neutron Noise Analysis During Actual Coolant Boiling in Thin Rectangular
Channels, Nucl. Technol., Vol. 100, 97-110.
87. Kozma, R., J.E. Hoogenboom (1990) Flow Measurements Using Noise Signals of
Axially Displaced Thermocouples, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp.
88. Kozma, R., J.E. Hoogenboom, H. van Dam (1990) Investigation of the Field-ofView of Neutron Detectors, Kernenergie, Vol. 33, No. 4., pp. 191-199.
89. Katona, Kozma, R. (1988) Problems of Estimation of the Thermohydraulic
Parameters Using Neutron and Temperature Noise Signals, Progress in Nuclear
Energy, Vol.21, 431-445.
90. Kozma, R. (1988) Application of Reactor Noise Models for the Analysis of
Thermohydraulic Feedback, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.21, 309-317.
91. Kozma, R., L. Mesko (1985) Independent Numerical Studies Via a MultiVariable Coupled Neutron kinetic-Thermohydraulic Reactor Model, Progress in
Nuclear Energy, Vol.15, 699-705.
92. Kozma, R. (1985) Effect of Temperature Feedback on the Neutron-Noise Field
in PWRs, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.12, No.5, 247-258.
93. Mesko, L., Kozma, R., (1984) Investigation of Stochastic Reactor Noise Models
— A One-Variable Space-Time-Dependent Model, Nuclear Science &
Engineering, Vol.88, 88-93.
90. Davis, J.J., R. Kozma, W.J. Freeman (2015) “The Art of Encephalography to
Understand and Discriminate Higher Cognitive Functions Visualizing Big Data on
Brain Imaging using Brain,” INNS Int. Conf. Big Data, 8-11, Aug., 2015, San
Francisco, CA.
91. Dynamics Movies Sokolov, Y., Kozma, R., “Stability of dynamic brain models in
neuropercolation approximation,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
(SMC2014), Oct. 5-8, 2014, San Diego, USA, IEEE, pp. 2230-2233.
Dutta, J. K., Banerjee, B., Ilin, R., & Kozma, R. (2014) “Abnormal event detection
in EEG imaging-Comparing predictive and model-based approaches.” In Proc.
2014 IEEE Symposium Series SSCI2014, Computational Intelligence in Brain
Computer Interfaces (CIBCI), Dec. 9-12, 2014, Orlando, USA, pp. 10-15. IEEE.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
93. Davis, J.J.J., Kozma, R. (2014) “Sensitivity analysis of Hilbert transform with
band-pass FIR filters for robust brain computer interfaces,” in Proc. 2014 IEEE
Symposium Series SSCI2014, Computational Intelligence in Brain Computer
Interfaces (CIBCI), Dec. 9-12, 2014, Orlando, USA, pp. 16-21, IEEE.
94. Myers, M.H., Kozma, R., Ilin, R., Davis, J.J.J. (2014) “Phase Cone Detection
Optimization in EEG Data,” Proc. IEEE World Congress Comp. Intelligence
(WCCI2014), 6-11, July, 2014, Beijing, China, pp. 2504-2511, IEEE Press.
Kozma, R., Freeman, W. J. (2014). “On Neural Substrates of Cognition: Theory,
experiments and application in brain computer interfaces.” In Biomedical Science
and Engineering Center Conference (BSEC), 2014 Annual Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (pp. 1-4). DOI 10.1109/BSEC.2014.6867749, IEEE Press.
96. Sokolov, Y., Kozma, R., Rabinovich, M.I. (2014). “Noise effects in a dynamic model
of attentional switching.” In Biomedical Science and Engineering Center Conference
(BSEC), 2014 Annual Oak Ridge National Laboratory (pp. 1-4). DOI
10.1109/BSEC.2014.6867748, IEEE Press.
97. Kozma, R., Davis, J.J.J., Freeman, W.J., (2013) “Neurophysiological evidence of the
cognitive cycle and the emergence of awareness,” Int. Conf. Awareness Sci. &
Tech. (iCAST2013), pp. 149-157, Nov. 1-5, 2013, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, IEEE
98. Kozma, R., Sokolov, Y. (2013) “Improved Stability Criteria of ADP Control for
Efficient Context-Aware Decision Support Systems,” Int. Conf. Awareness Sci. &
Tech. (iCAST2013), pp. 41-46, Nov. 1-5, 2013, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, IEEE
99. Erdi, P., Kozma, R., Puljic, M., Szente, J. (2013) “Neuropercolation and Related
Models of Criticalities.” In Contents XXIX-th Eur. Meeting of Statisticians,
Hungary, Aug, 2013, pp. 106.
100. Davis, J.J.J., Kozma, R. (2013) “Creation of Knowledge & Meaning Manifested
via Cortical Singularities in Cognition,” IEEE Symp. Series on Comp. Intelligence
SSCI2013, Singapore, April 15-19, 2013, pp. 15-22, IEEE Press.
101. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2013) “Modeling cortical singularities during the
cognitive cycle using random graph theory.” Proc. Int. Conf. Cognitive
Neurodynamics (ICCN2013), Sigtuna, Sweden, June 20-25, 2013, Springer Verlag
(in press).
102. Kozma, R. (2013) “Metastable activity patterns in cortical dynamics and the
illusion of localized representations.” Proc. Int. Conf. Cognitive Neurodynamics
(ICCN2013), Sigtuna, Sweden, June 20-25, 2013, Springer Verlag (in press).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
103. Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R., Li, G., Quiroga, Q.R., Vitiello, G., Zhang, T. (2013)
“Advanced models of cortical processing in perception.” Proc. Int. Conf. Cognitive
Neurodynamics (ICCN2013), Sigtuna, Sweden, June 20-25, 2013, Springer Verlag
(in press).
104. Kozma, R. (2013) “The race to new mathematics of brains and computers,”
Proc. IEEE/INNS Int. Conf. Neur. Networks IJCNN2013, Aug. 4-9, 2013, Dallas, TX,
USA, pp. 21-23, IEEE Press, 2013.
105. Kozma, R., Ilin, R. (2013) “Detection of Spatiotemporal Phase Patterns in ECoG
Using Adaptive Mixture Models,” Proc. IEEE/INNS Int. Conf. Neur. Networks
IJCNN2013, Aug. 4-9, Dallas, TX, USA, pp. 1290-1296, IEEE Press.
106. Kozma, R., Rosa, J., Piazentin, D. (2013) “Cognitive Clustering Algorithm for
Efficient Cybersecurity Applications,” Proc. IEEE/INNS Int. Conf. Neur. Networks
IJCNN2013, Aug. 4-9, Dallas, TX, USA, pp. 471-478, IEEE Press.
107. Myers, M., Joure, C., Johnston, C., Canales, A., Padmanabha, A., Kozma R. (2013)
“Spatial Alignment of Scalp EEG Activity during Cognitive Tasks,” Proc.
IEEE/INNS Int. Conf. Neur. Networks IJCNN2013, Aug. 4-9, Dallas, TX, USA, pp.
1197-1204, IEEE Press.
108. Myers, M. H., & Kozma, R. (2013). “Modeling Dynamics of the Human Limbic
System.” In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III) (pp. 233-239), Springer,
109. Consul, S., Morshed, B. I., & Kozma, R. (2013). “Hardware efficient seizure
prediction algorithm,” In Proc. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+
Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (pp. 86911J-86911J).
International Society for Optics and Photonics.
110. Resconi, G., Kozma, R. (2012) “Geometry of intentionality in neurodynamics,”
Inf. Conf. on Adv. Cogn. Technologies COGNITIVE2012, France, July 27-27, pp.
107-114, 2012.
111. Hossain, G., M. Myers, Kozma, R. (2012) “Study of Phase Relationships in ECoG
Signals Using Hilbert-Huang Transforms,” Int. Conf. on Brain-Inspired Cogn.
Systems ISNN/BICS2012, Zhenyang, China, July 11-14, 2012, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence LNAI vol. 7366, pp. 174-182, Springer, 2012.
112. Kozma, R., J.J.J. Davis (2012) “On the Invariance of Cortical Synchronization
Measures Across a Broad Range of Frequencies,” Inf. Conf. Awareness Sci. &
Technology iCAST2012, Seoul, Korea, pp. 280-285, 2012.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
113. Freeman, W.J., Kozma, R., G. Vitiello (2012) “Adaptation of the Generalized
Carnot Cycle to Describe Thermodynamics of Cerebral Cortex,” Proc. IEEE
World Congress Comp. Intellig. WCCI/IJCNN 2012, Brisbane, Australia, June 1015, 2012, IEEE Press, pp. 3229-3236.
114. Davis, JJ. Joshua, Kozma, R. (2012) “Analysis of Phase Relationship in ECoG
using Hilbert Transform and Information Theoretic Measures,” Proc. IEEE
World Congress Comp. Intellig. WCCI/IJCNN2012, Brisbane, Australia, June 1015, 2012, IEEE Press, pp. 887-893.
115. Ilin, R., Kozma, R. (2012) “Cognitively Motivated Learning of Categorical Data
with Modeling Field Theory,” Proc. IEEE World Congress Comp. Intellig.
WCCI/IJCNN2012, Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012, IEEE Press.
116. Kozma, R., T. Tanigawa, O. Furxhi, S. Consul (2012) “Autonomous decision
support in heterogeneous sensor networks,” Proc. SPIE, 8408-21, pp. 1-9
117. Kozma, R. M. Myers (2011) “Modeling Normal/Epileptic Brain Dynamics with
Potential Application in Titration Therapy,” with M. Myers, in Proc. Int. Joint.
Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN2011, July 30 – Aug. 4, 2011, San Jose, CA, IEEE
118. Pazienza, G., Kozma, R., J. Jardis (2011) “Cellular Neural Networks and
Memristors,” in Proc. Int. Joint. Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN2011, July 30 – Aug.
4, 2011, San Jose, CA, IEEE Press.
119. Werbos, L.D., Kozma, R., R. L. Silva, G. Pazienza, P.J. Werbos (2011)
“Metamodeling for Large-Scale Optimization Tasks Based on Object
Networks,” in Proc. Int. Joint. Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN2011, July 30 – Aug.
4, 2011, San Jose, CA, IEEE Press.
120. Ilin, R., J. Zhang, L. Perlovsky, Kozma, R. (2011)“Dynamic Logic for Vague-toCrisp Perception and Dynamics of Operant (Selectionist) Learning,” Int. Conf.
Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN2011, June 9-13, 2011, Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan.
121. Myers, M., Kozma, R. (2013) ”Modeling Dynamics of the Human Limbic
System,” In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III) pp. 233-239). Springer
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
122. Kozma, R., & Puljic, M. (2011). Metastability of Mean Field Neuropercolation–
The Role of Inhibitory Populations. In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics
(II) (pp. 41-46). Springer Netherlands.
123. Kozma, R. (2011) “Neural Correlates of Awareness in Brains and in Man-Made
Devices,” 3rd Int. Conf. Awareness Science & Technology, iCAST2011, Dalian,
China, September 27-30, 2011, pp. 516-520, IEEE Press.
124. Kozma, R., M. Puljic (2011) “Neural Population Dynamics Modeled by Mean
Field Graphs,” Int. Conf. Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
ICNAAM2011, Sept. 19-25, 2011, Halkidiki, Greece, Vol. 1389, p. 1348. AIP
125. Pazienza, G., Kozma R. (2011) “Memristor as an archetype of dynamic datadriven systems and applications to sensor networks,” Proc. Int. Conf. Comp.
Science (ICCS) on the Ascent of Computational Excellence, Procedia Computer
Science, 4, pp. 1782-1787, 2011.
126. Iftekharuddin, K., Khan, M.M.R., McCracken, E., Wang, L., Kozma, R. (2011)
“Autonomous wireless radar sensor mote integrating a Doppler radar into a
sensor mote and its application in surveillance and target material
classification,: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8134, 813403.
127. Kozma, R., Ilin, R. (2010) “Optimization via Efficient Learning in CNNs” Proc.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA2010,
Berkeley, CA, Febr. 2-4, 2010, IEEE press.
128. Kozma, R., L. Wang, K. Iftekharuddin, E. McCracken, et al., (2010) “Multi-modal
sensor system integrating COTS technology for surveillance and tracking,”
IEEE Int. Radar Conf., RADAR2010, Arlington, VA, May 11-14, 2010 IEEE Press.
129. Kozma, R., Puljic, M. (2010) “Chaotic behavior in stochastic cellular neural
networks,” IEEE 2010 Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, IJCNN2010, World
Congress on Comp. Intell. WCCI2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23, 2010, IEEE
130. Kozma, R. (2009) “Metastability of Mean Field Neuropercolation–The Role of
Inhibitory Populations,” ICCN09, Nov. 15-19, 2009, Hangzhou, China.
131. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2009) “Neurodynamics of Cognition and
Consciousness,” ACM Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
(PERMIS), September 21-23, 2009, 2004, National Institute of Standards and
Technology. NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, pp. 147-148, ACM Press.
132. Ilin, R., Kozma, R. (2009) “Sensor integration in KIV brain model for decision
making,” Proc. Int. J. Conf. Neur. Netw., IJCNN09, 1328-1334, IEEE Press.
133. Demirer, R.M., Kozma, R., M. Caglar, Y. Polatoglu (2009) “A new nonlinear filter
for the detection of phase transitions in EcoG data,” Proc. Int. J. Conf. Neur.
Netw., IJCNN09, 671-676, IEEE press.
134. Myers, M., Kozma, R. (2009) “Seizure Prediction through Dynamic
Synchronization Measures of Neural Populations,” Proc. Int. J. Conf. Neur.
Netw., IJCNN09, 2195-2201, IEEE press.
135. Puppala, H., Kozma, R. (2008) “Identification of phase transitions in simulated
EEF signals,” Proc. Int. J. Conf. Neur. Netw., IJCNN08, 3511-3517, IEEE press.
136. Kozma, R., L. Perlovsky, S, J. Ankishetty (2008) “Detection of propagating
phase gradients in EEG signals using model field theory of non-Gaussian
mixtures,”, Proc. Int. J. Conf. Neur. Netw., IJCNN08, 3524-3529, IEEE press.
137. Kozma, R., T. Huntsberger, H. Aghazarian, W.J. Freeman (2007) “Implementing
intentional robotics principles using SRR2K platform,” Proc. IEEE/RSJ int. Conf.
on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS07, San Diego, Ca, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2007,
pp. 2262-2267. Runner-up for Best Paper Award of IROS07.
138. Myers, M., Kozma, R. (2007) “Modeling Brain Electrical Activity Involving
Vagus Nerve Stimulation,” Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks in
Engineering ANNIE2007, November 11-14, 2007, St. Louis, MO. Intelligent
Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 17, pp. 3-8. ASME
139. Rodriguez, J., Kozma, R. (2007) “Phase Synchronization in Mesoscopic
Electroencephalogram Arrays.” Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks in
Engineering ANNIE2007, November 11-14, 2007, St. Louis, MO. Intelligent
Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 17, pp. 9-14.
ASME Press.
140. Myers M.H., Kozma R, W.J. Freeman (2007) "Studies in Synchronization using
KIV Model", .Proceedings. International Conference on Cognitive
Neurodynamics '07, November, 2007, China.
Advances in Cognitive
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Neurodynamics ICCN07, R. Wang et al. (eds), Vol. II, pp. 207-211, Springer
Verlag, 2008
141. Kozma, R., R. Deming, L. Perlovsky (2007) “Estimation of Propagating Phase
Transients in EEG Data -Application of Dynamic Logic Neural Modeling
Approach,” Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'07,
Aug. 10-14, 2007, Orlando, FL, pp. 1602-1606.
142. Linnehan, R., J. Schindler, D. Brady, Kozma, R., R. Deming, L. Perlovsky (2007)
“Resolving Wall Ambiguities Using Angular Diverse Synthetic Arrays,” Proc.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'07, Aug. 10-14, 2007,
Orlando, FL, pp. 1721-1726.
143. Ilin, R., Kozma, R. (2007) "Control of multi-stable chaotic neural networks
using input constraints", Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, IJCNN'07, Aug. 10-14, 2007, Orlando, FL, pp. 1558-1563.
144. Kozma. R., Puljic, M. (2007) "Modeling Scale-free neurodynamics using
neuropercolation approach," Proc. 6th Int. Congress of Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, ICIAM07, 16-20, July, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland, PAMM Proc.
Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Wiley, Vol. 7, pp. 1122001-1122002.
145. Kozma, R. Perlovsky, R. Deming (2007) “Optimal Estimation of Parameters of
Transient Mixture Processes Using Dynamic Logic Approach,” Proc. Integration
of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems KIMAS 2007. , April 30-May 3,
2007, Waltham, MA, IEEE press, pp. 1-6.
146. Kozma, R., R. Linnehan, L. Perlovsky, D. Brady, John Schindler, (2007) Target
Localization Behind Walls Using Dynamic Logic-Based Autofocusing Approach,
IEEE 2007 Radar Conference, April 17-20, 2007, Waltham, MA, pp. 850-855.
147. Ilin, R., Kozma, R., P. Werbos (2007) “Efficient Learning in Cellular
Simultaneous Recurrent Neural Networks - The Case of Maze Navigation
Problem,” IEEE Int. Symp. Approx. Dyn. Prog. & Reinforcement Learning, April
2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE Press, pp. 324-329.
148. Kozma, R., (2006) “Influence of Criticality on 1/f^a Spectral Characteristics of
Cortical Neuron Populations,” Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE Press, pp. 632-637,
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
149. Ilin, R., Kozma, R., P.J. Werbos (2006) “Cellular SRN trained by extended Kalman
filter shows promise for ADP,” Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE Press, 506-510, 2006.
150. Beliaev, Kozma, R., (2006) “Studies on the memory capacity and robustness of
chaotic dynamic neural networks,” Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE Press, 3991-3998, 2006.
151. Majumdar, K.K., Kozma, R. (2006) “Studies on Sparse Array Cortical Modeling
and Memory Cognition Duality,” Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE Press, 4964-4967, 2006.
152. Kozma, R., Buczak, A. (2006) “Biomedical Hypothesis Generation & Testing by
Evolutionary Computation ,“ Proc. Int. Conference on Data Mining DMIN’06, Eds.
S. Crone et al., Recipient of Best Paper Award, June, 2006, Las Vegas, CSREA
Press, 97-106.
153. Kozma, R., M. Puljic (2006) “Noise-Mediated Intermittent Synchronization of
Collective Behaviors in the Probabilistic Cellular Automata Model of Neural
Populations,” 10th Artificial Life Conference ALIFEX, June 3-7, 2006,
Bloomington, IN, MIT Press, pp. 310-316.
154. Kozma, R., Tunstel, E. (2005) “A novel approach to distributed sensory
networks using biologically-inspired sensory fusion,” IEEE 2005 Syst. Man, &
Cyb. Conf., October 2005, Hawaii, Vol. 2, 1005-010.
155. Beliaev, I., Ilin, R., & Kozma, R. (2005) “Nonlinear neurodynamics tool for
system analysis and application for time series prediction,” IEEE 2005 Systems,
Man and Cybernetics Conf. Hawaii, Vol. 2, pp. 1011-1016.
156. Kozma, R., Myers, M. (2005) “Analysis of phase transitions in KIV with
amygdala during simulated navigation control,” IEEE/INNS Joint Conference on
Neural Networks IJCNN’05, July 30-Aug. 5, 2005, Montreal, Canada, pp. 125130.
157. Ilin, R., Kozma, R. (2005) ”Stability Conditions of the full KII Model of
Excitatory and Inhibitory Neural Populations,” IEEE/INNS Joint Conference on
Neural Networks IJCNN’05, July 30-Aug. 5, 2005, Montreal, Canada, pp. 31623167.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
158. Azhar, H., Iftekharuddin, K., Kozma, R. (2005) “A Chaos Synchronization-Based
Dynamic Vision Model for Image Segmentation,” IEEE/INNS Joint Conference
on Neural Networks IJCNN’05, July 30-Aug. 5, 2005, Montreal, Canada, pp.
159. Wong, D., Myers, M., Kozma, R., Thirumalainambi, R. (2005) “Intentional
navigation and phase transition analysis in amygdale of KIV model,” SAE 2005
Transactions Journal of Aerospace, 2005-01-3381, SAE International Publ., pp.
160. Wong, D., Kozma, R., Tunstel, E., Freeman, W.J. (2004) “Navigation in a
Challenging Martian Environment Using Multi-Sensory Fusion in KIV Model,”
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics & Automation ICRA’04, April 28 – May 1, 2004,
New Orleans, LA, IEEE Press, pp. 672-677.
161. Harter, D, Kozma, R. (2004). “Aperiodic Dynamics for Appetitive/Aversive
Behavior in Autonomous Agents,” Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics & Automation
ICRA’04, April 28 – May 1, 2004, New Orleans, LA, IEEE Press, pp. 2147-2152.
162. Harter, D., Kozma, R. (2004) “Aperiodic Dynamics and the Self-Organization of
Cognitive Maps in Autonomous Agents,” Proc. 17th Int. FLAIRS Conference, Eds.
V. Barr, Z. Markov, May 17-19, 2004, Miami Beach, FL, AAAI Press, ISBN 157735-201-7.
163. Harter, D., Kozma, R. (2004) “Navigation and Cognitive Map Formation using
Aperiodic Neurodynamics,” Proc. 8th Int. Conf.: From Animals to Animats Simulation of Adaptive Behavior SAB'04, July 13-17, 2004, Los Angeles, CA, The
MIT Press, Bradford Book, pp. 264-273.
164. Kozma, R. (2004) “On noise-induced resonances in neurodynamic models,”
IEEE/INNS 2004 Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’04, July 25-29,
2004, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 3041-3045.
165. Muthu, S., Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2004) “Applying KIV Dynamic Neural
Network Model for Real Time Navigation by Mobile Robot Aibo,” IEEE/INNS
2004 Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’04, July 25-29, 2004,
Budapest, Hungary, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1617-1622.
166. Ilin, R., Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2004) “Studies on the Conditions of Limit
Cycle Oscillations in the KII Models of Neural Populations,” IEEE/INNS 2004
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’04, July 25-29, 2004, Budapest,
Hungary, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1511-1517.
167. Beliaev, I., Kozma, R. (2004) “Time series prediction using chaotic neural
networks: Case study of IJCNN CATS benchmark test,” IEEE/INNS 2004 Int.
Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’04, July 25-29, 2004, Budapest,
Hungary, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1609-1613.
168. Lendasse, A. , G. Simon , Kozma, R. , V. Wertz , M. Verleysen (2004) Fast
Bootstrap for Least-square Support Vector Machines, 12th European Symp.
Neural Networks, ESANN 2004, Brugge, Belgium, April 28-30, 2004, pp. 525530.
169. Kozma, R., Wong, D., Tunstel, E., Freeman, W.J. (2004) “The role of amygdala
on the behavior of intentional autonomous agents,” 1st Intelligent Systems
Technical Conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astr. AIAA.
170. Gomez, J. Kozma, R. (2004) “Fuzzy Class Binarization using Coupled Map
Lattices,” North American Fuzzy Information Processing Conference NAFIPS’04,
June 27-30, 2004, Banff, Alberta, Canada, IEEE Press, pp. 973-978.
171. Harter, D. and Kozma, R. (2004). Complex Systems Approaches to the
Ontogenetic Development of Behavior.” 1st Intelligent Systems Technical
Conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA.
172. Kozma, R., Muthu, S. (2004) “Implementing Reinforcement Learning in the
Chaotic KIV Model using Mobile Robot Aibo,” 2004 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on
Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS’04, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 2004, Sendai, Japan,
IEEE Press, pp. 2337-2342.
173. Parra, C. A., K. Iftekharuddin, and R. Kozma. "Automated Brain Tumor
segmentation and pattern recognition using ANN." Computational Intelligence
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (2003).
174. Kozma, R., Voicu, H., Wong, D., Freeman, W.J. (2003) “A Dynamical Neural
Network Algorithm for Autonomous Learning and Navigation Control,” IEEE
2003 International Conference on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics SMC'03,
Washington D.C., Oct. 5-8, 2003, IEEE Press, pp. 2132-2137.
175. Kozma, R., Ankaraju, P. (2003) Learning Spatial Navigation Using Chaotic
Neural Network Model, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
IJCNN’2003, Portland, OR, July 14-19, 2003, pp. 1476-1479.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
176. Li, H., Kozma, R. (2003) A Dynamical Neural Network Method for Time Series
Prediction Using the KIII Model, International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks IJCNN’2003, Portland, OR, July 14-19, 2003, pp. 347-352.
177. Puljic, M., Kozma, R. (2003) Phase Transitions in a Probabilistic Cellular Neural
Network Model Having Local and Remote Connections, International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’2003, Portland, OR, July 14-19, 2003, pp.
178. Kozma, R., Li, H., Freeman, W.J. (2003) “Learning environmental clues in the
KIV model,” Computational Neuroscience Conference CNS*2003, July 4-9, 2003,
Alicante, Spain.
179. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J., Erdi, P. (2002) "The KIV-Model: Spatio-Temporal
Dynamics of the Cortico-Hippocampal System," 2002 Computational
Neuroscience Conference CNS*2002, Chicago, IL, July 21-25, 2002.
180. Harter, D., Kozma, R. (2002) "Simulating the Principles of Chaotic
Neurodynamics," in the Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002), July 15-17, 2002, Orlando,
Florida, Vol. XIII, pp. 598-603.
181. Kozma, R., Harter, S., Achunala, S. (2002) "Action Selection Under Constraints:
Dynamic Optimization of Behavior in Machines and Humans," International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’02, World Congress on
Computational Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002,
pp. 2574-2579.
182. Pramanik, S., Kozma, R., Dasgupta, D. (2002) "Dynamical NeuroRepresentation of an Immune Model and its Application for Data
Classification," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’02,
World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii,
May 12-17, 2002, pp. 130-135.
183. Kozma, R., P. Balister, B. Bollobas (2002) "Self-organized development of
behaviors in spatio-temporal dynamical systems," International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’02, World Congress on Computational
Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002, pp.2261-2265.
184. Kozma, R., Majumdar, N.S., Dasgupta, D. (2002) "Optimum Complexity Neural
Networks for Anomaly Detection Task," International Joint Conference on
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Neural Networks IJCNN’02, World Congress on Computational Intelligence
WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002, pp.1138-1142.
185. Kondadadi, R., Kozma, R. (2002) "A Modified Fuzzy ART for Soft Document
Clustering," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN’02, World
Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May
12-17, 2002, pp. 2545-2549.
186. Kelemen, A., Kozma, R., Liang, Y. (2002) "Neuro-Fuzzy classification for the job
assignment problem," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
IJCNN’02, World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2002,
Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002, pp. 1831-1836.
187. Gonzalez, F., D. Dasgupta, Kozma, R. (2002) "Combining Negative Selection and
Classification Techniques for Anomaly Detection," International Conference on
Evolutionary Computation, ICEC’02, World Congress on Computational
Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002, pp. 705-710.
188. Garzon, M.H., P. Ankaraju, E. Drumwright and Kozma, R. (2002) "Neurofuzzy
Recognition and Generation of Facial Features in Talking Heads," IEEE
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy-IEEE’02, World Congress on
Computational Intelligence WCCI’2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002,
pp. 926-931.
189. Kozma, R., Balister, P., Bollobas, B., Freeman, W.J. (2001) "Dynamical
Percolation Models of Phase Transitions in the Cortex," in: Proc. NOLTA’01
Nonlinear Theory and Applications Symposium, Miyagi, Japan, Oct. 28-Nov. 1,
2001, Vol. 1, pp. 55-59.
190. Kozma, R., Freeman, W.J. (2001) "Control of Mesoscopic/ Intermediate-Range
Spatio-Temporal Chaos in the Cortex," Proc. 2001 American Control Conference
ACC01, June 25-27, 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 263-268.
191. Kozma, R., D. Harter, W. Freeman, S. Franklin (2001) "Self-Organizing
Ontogenetic Development for Autonomous Adaptive Systems," IEEE/INNS Int.
Joint Conf. Neural Networks, Washington D.C., July 14-19, 2001, pp. 633-637.
192. Kozma, R., W.J. Freeman (2001) "Analysis of Visual Theta Rhythm Experimental and Theoretical Evidence of Visual Sniffing," IEEE/INNS Int. Joint
Conf. Neural Networks, Washington D.C., July 14-19, 2001, pp. 1118-1123.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
193. Kozma, R., W.J. Freeman (2001) "Use of nonlinear dynamics and chaos for
classification of EEG patterns," Int. Conf. Computational Neuroscience
CNS*2001, June 30-July 5, Asilomar, CA.
194. Harter, D., Kozma, R., Franklin, S. P. (2001) " Task environments for the
dynamic development of behavior," International Conf. Computer Science
ICCS/ISDA, May 28-30, 2001, San Francisco, CA; "Lecture Notes in Computer
Science", Springer Verlag, LNCS 2047, pp.
195. Harter, D., Kozma, R., Graesser, A.C. (2001) "Models of ontogenetic
development for autonomous adaptive systems," in: Proceedings of the 23rd
Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2001), Edinburgh,
U.K., August 1-4, 2001.
196. Harter, D., Kozma, R. (2001) "Ontogenetic development of behavior for simple
tasks," Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
Conference (ASC 2001), Cancun, Mexico, May, 2001, pp. 410-413.
197. Harter, D., Kozma, R., Franklin, S. P. (2001) "Ontogenetic development of skills,
strategies, and goals for autonomously behaving systems ," World Conference
on Systemic, Cybernetics, and Informatics, SCI’2001. July 22-25, 2001. Vol. III,
pp. 178-182.
198. Kozma, R. and W.J. Freeman (2000) "Encoding and recall of noisy data as
chaotic spatio-temporal memory patterns in the style of the brains," Proc.
IEEE/INNS Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks IJCNN2000, July 24-27, Como, Italy,
Vol. 5, pp. 33-38.
199. Kozma, R. and W.J. Freeman (2000) "The effect of external and internal
additive noise on the pattern classification performance of chaotic neural
networks," Proc. Int. Conf. on Systemics, Cybernetics, & Informatics SCI2000,
Orlando, Fl, July 23-26, Vol. 10, pp. 407-412.
200. Roy, P.K., Kozma, R., D. Dutta Majumdar, J. Biswas (2000) "From neurocomputing to immuno-computing: Tumor stability analysis as a new anticancer strategy," In: Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques,
Eds: N.R. Pal, A.K. De, J. Das, Proc. 4th Internat. Conf. Advances in Pattern
Recognition and Digital Techniques, ICAPRDT'99, Calcutta, India, pp. 372-376,
Narosa, London, 2000.
201. Kozma, R. and W.J. Freeman (1999) "A possible mechanism for intermittent
oscillations in the KIII model of dynamic memories — the case study of
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
olfaction," Proc. IEEE/INNS Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, July 10-16,
Washington D.C., Vol. 1, pp. 52-57.
202. Roy, P.K., D.D. Maiumdar, Kozma, R., J. Biswas (1999) "A cybernetic approach
to spontaneous cancer remission," Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Of Cybernetics & Systems,
ICCS’99, Brunel Univ., London.
203. Kozma, R., N. Kasabov (1998) "Rules of chaotic behavior extracted from a
fuzzy-neural network," Proc. WCCI’98, Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE,
Anchorage, AK, May 5-9, 1998, Vol. 2, pp.1159-1163.
204. Kasabov, N., Kozma, R. and Duch, W. (1998) Rule extraction from linguistic
rule networks and from fuzzy neural networks: propositional versus fuzzy
rules, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Networks and Their
Applications NEURAP’98, Marseilles, France, 11-13 March (1998) 403-406.
205. Kozma, R., Kasabov, N.K., J.A. Swope, M.J.A. Williams (1997) Combining NeuroFuzzy and Chaos Methods for Intelligent Time Series Analysis — Case Study of
Heart Rate Variability, Proc. Of the 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. On Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Orlando, October 12-15, 1997, Vol. 4, pp. 3025-3029.
206. Kozma, R., J.A. Swope, M.J.A. Williams, Kasabov, N. (1997) A multi-agent
realisation of fractal analysis by fuzzy neural networks, Proc. Int. Conf. Neural
Information Processing ICONIP97, Dunedin, November 24-28, 1997.
207. Kozma, R., (1997) On the Conscious and Subconscious Components of
Knowledge Representation in Neural Networks, Proc. IEEE 1997 Int. Conf.
Neural Networks, June 8-12, 1997, Houston, USA, IEEE Press, 1997.
208. Kasabov, N. and Kozma, R. (1997) Chaotic adaptive fuzzy neural networks and
their applications for phoneme-based spoken language recognition, Proc. Of
Int. Conf. Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machines,
Boston University, p. 109, 1997, May 28-31.
209. Takei, S., Kozma, R., Konno, H., Kitamura, M. (1996) Stability Studies in
Physical Systems Using Coupled Map Lattice Method, Methodologies for the
Conception, design, and Application of Intelligent Systems, Proc. IIZUKA96, Vol.
2, 696-699, Publ. World Scientific.
210. Roston, G., Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1996) Monitorng the State of the Coolant
in a Boiling Water Reactor, Proc. OECD Specialist Meeting on In-core
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment, 1996, Mito, Japan, Oct. 16-17,
211. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, S. Saito, (1996) Monitoring of NPP state using
structural adaptation in a neural signal processing system, Proc. ANS 1996
Topical Meeting on "Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and HumanMachine Interface Technologies" PennState, PA, May 6-9, 1996.
212. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1996) The Virtue of Partial Skeletonization in Neural
Networks, Proc. IEEE 1996 Int. Conf. Neural Networks, June 3-6, 1996, Wash.
D.C.,USA, Publ.: IEEE Press.
213. Ishige, T., Sato, S., Kozma, R., Kitamura (1996) Elaboration of Structural
Learning for Rule Elicitation and Understanding by Neural Networks,
Methodologies for the Conception, design, and Application of Intelligent Systems,
Proc. IIZUKA96, Vol. 2, 941-944, Publ. World Scientific.
214. Kozma, R., H. Konno, M. Kitamura (1995) “Coupled Map Lattice Approach to
the Stability of Power Reactors,” Proc. 7th OECD Symposium on Nuclear Reactor
Surveillance and Diagnosis (June 19-23, 1995, Avignon, France) Ed. P. Nagel,
Publ.: OECD Nucl. En. Agency, Vol. 1, 211-218.
215. Kozma, R., H. Konno, T. Sugiyama, M. Kitamura (1995) Application of Coupled
Map Lattices to the Investigation of Power Oscillations in BWRs, Proc. 9th
Power Plant Dyn., Testing Symp. (May 24-26, 1995, Knoxville, TN, USA) Ed. B.R.
Upadhyaya, Publ.: Univ. Tennessee, Vol. 2, 80.01-80.09.
216. Kozma, R., Kitamura, M., Malinowski, A., Zurada, J.M. (1995) On Performance
Measures of Artificial Neural Networks Trained by Structural Learning
Algorithms, Proc. 2nd New Zealand International Two-Stream Conference on
Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, November 20-23, 1995,
Dunedin, NZ, Publ. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 22-25.
217. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1995) Dynamic Structure Adaptation in FeedForward Neural Networks — An example of Plant Monitoring, Proc. IEEE 1995
Int. Conf. Neural Networks, Nov. 27 — Dec. 1, 1995, Perth, Australia, Publ.: IEEE
Press, USA, Vol. 2, 692-697.
218. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, M. Ishikawa (1995) Selecting Optimum Neural
Network Architecture Using Structural Learning Algorithm with Forgetting,
Proc. 1995 Annual Conference of Japanese Neur. Network Soc. (October 18-20,
1995) Ed.: R. Futami, Publ.: JNNS, pp. 303-304.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
219. Kozma, R., Y. Yokoyama, M. Kitamura (1995) Intelligent Monitoring of NPP
Anomalies by and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Signal Processing Methods, Proc. ANS
Topic. Mtg. On Computer-Based Human Support Systems: Technology, Methods &
Future (June 25-29, 1995, Philadelphia, PA, USA) Ed. A. Poucet, pp. 449-456.
220. M. Sakuma, H. Schoonewelle, Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, J.E. Hoogenboom (1995)
Boiling Anomaly Detection by Various Signal Characterization Methods, Proc.
7th OECD Symp. On Nuclear Reactor Surveillance an Diagnosis (June 19-23,
1995, Avignon, France) Ed. P. Nagel, Publ.: OECD Nucl. En. Agency, Vol. 1, 391399.
221. M. Kitamura, H. Furukawa, Kozma, R., T. Washio (1995) Guiding Rules for
Development of Intelligent Monitoring System of Nuclear Power Plants, Proc.
7th OECD Symposium on Nuclear Reactor Surveillance and Diagnosis (June 1923, 1995, Avignon, France) Ed. P. Nagel, Publ.: OECD Nucl. En. Agency, Vol. 1,
222. M. Sakuma, Y. Yokoyama, T. Washio, Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1995) Integrated
Multi-perspective Monitoring of Incipient Anomalies in Nuclear Power Plants,
Proc. 9th Power Plant Dyn., & Testing Symp. (May 24-26, 1995, Knoxville, TN,
USA) Ed. B.R. Upadhyaya, Publ.: Univ. Tennessee, Vol. 2, 58.01-58.12.
223. Kozma, R., Y. Yokoyama, M. Kitamura (1995) Predictive Acquisition of
Knowledge by a Hybrid NPP Monitoring System, Proc. 9th Power Plant Dyn., &
Testing Symp. (May 24-26, 1995, Knoxville, TN, USA) Ed. B.R. Upadhyaya, Publ.:
Univ. Tennessee, Vol. 2, 59.01-59.08.
224. Djainal, D.D., M. Sakuma, Kozma, R., M. Kitamura (1995) Characterizing TwoPhase Flow Patterns Using Fractal Techniques, Proceedings of 2nd Int. Conf.
Multiphase Flow (April 3-7, 1995, Kyoto, Japan) Ed. A. Serizawa, Vol. 3 FT 1.311.36.
225. Kozma, R., M. Sakuma, S. Sato, M. Kitamura. (1994) Evaluating the Consistency
Between Input Uncertainty and Learning Accuracy in Neural Networks,
Proceedings of 3rd Int. Conf. On Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets and Soft Computing
(Aug. 3-7, 1994, Iizuka, Japan) Publ.: FLSI, Fukuoka, Japan, 69-70.
226. Kozma, R., M. Kitamura, M. Sakuma, Y. Yokoyama (1994) Anomaly Detection
by Neural Network Models and Time Series Analysis, Proc. IEEE World
Congress on Comput. Intelligence, IEEE International Conference on Neural
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Networks (June 28 — July 2, 1994, Orlando, USA) Publ.: IEEE Press, USA, Vol. 5,
227. Nabeshima, K., Kozma, R., E. Turkcan (1994) Analysis of the Response Time of
an On-line Boiling Monitoring System in Research Reactors with MTR-Fuel,
Proc. 16th Int. Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
(Oct., 1993, Oarai, Japan) Publ.: JAERI-M 94-042.
228. Kozma R. (1991) Interpretation of Velocities Measured by Neutron Noise in
BWRs, Proc. 6th Symp. On Nuclear Reactor Surveillance and Diagnostics (May
1991, Knoxville, USA) Publ.: OECD, Paris, France, Vol. 2, 38.01-38.11.
229. Kozma, R., J.E. Hoogenboom, H. van Dam (1989) Boiling Detection Using
Signals of Self-Powered Neutron Detectors and Thermocouples, Proc. Of OECD
Specialists’ Meeting on In-Core Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment
(June 1988, Cadarache, France) Publ. By OECD, Paris, France, pp.390-398.
230. Kozma, R., (1986) Analysis of Noise Phenomena Caused By Thermo-hydraulic
Processes in PWRs, Proc. 6th Power Plant Dynamics, Control and Testing
Symposium, April 1986, Knoxville, USA, Editors: B.R. Upadhyaya et al., Vol.1,
231. Kozma, R. (1984) Analysis of Thermophysical Feedback Effects on the Noise
Field of Nuclear Power Reactors, Proc. IAEA Seminar Diagnosis of and Response
to Abnormal Occurrences at NPPs, June 1984, Dresden, G.D.R., IAEA-TECDOC334, 479-492.
Special Symposium Talk: ”Experimental Evidence of the ‘Aha’ Moment in
Conscious Experience,” Int. Conf. Towards the Science of Consciousness
(TSC15), Aug. 8-13, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
Invited Talk: Transient Spatio-Temporal Dynamics as Modus Operandi of
Large-Scale Networks, Antofagasta University, December 18, 2014, Chile.
Plenary Talk: Transient Spatio-Temporal Dynamics as Modus Operandi of
Large-Scale Networks, Xth IEEE Latin-American Summer School on
Computational Intelligence, Dec. 16, 2014, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Featured Talk: Phase Transitions in the Auditory Cortex of Gerbils During
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Reinforcement Learning Indicating Strategy Change, 2014 NSF Collaborative
Research on Computational Neurosciences (CRCNS) PI Meeting, October 16-18,
2014, Tempe, AZ, USA.
Invited Talk: Transient Dynamics of the Intentional Action-Prediction Cycle Theory, Experiments & Applications, at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Division of Robot Autonomy, October 9, 2014, Pasadena, CA.
Invited Talk: Transient Cognitive Dynamics Modeled through Criticality in
Brains, School of Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California at
Merced, October 21, 2014, Merced, CA.
Invited Talk: Neuropercolation Models of Cortical Neurodynamics – Interpretation of Transient Cognitive Dynamics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
October 2, 2014, Amherst, MA.
Plenary Talk: Neural Substrates of Cognition - Theory, Experiments &
Applications in Brain Computer Interfaces, at Biomedical Science and
Engineering Conference BSEC14, May 6-8, 2014, ORNL, TN, USA.
Invited Talk: The role of extreme events in natural phenomena: From solar
flares and earthquakes to brains, Department of Risk Engineering, Tsukuba
University, November 6, 2013, Japan.
Invited Talk: Critical Phase Transitions in the Cerebral Cortex as Part of the
Intentional Cognitive Cycle, Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University, Nov.
5, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.
Keynote Talk: Emergent awareness in large-scale biological and technical
networks, Nov. 1, 2013, Opening Session the Int. Conf. Awareness Sci. &
Technology, University Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan.
Panel Organizer and Chair: Computational Intelligence and Cognition in
University Curricula, Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, Aug. 6, 2013, Dallas, TX,
Invited talk: Criticality and noise in brains and reactors – Similarities and
differences. Goteborg University, June 28, 2013, Sweden.
Invited Talk: “Metastable activity patterns in cortical dynamics and the illusion
of localized representations.” At Dynamic Brain Forum, Int. Conf. Cognitive
Neurodynamics, Sigtuna, Sweden, June 22, 2013.
Invited Plenary Talk: at Dynamic Brain Forum, September 3-6, 2012, Cardona,
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Invited Talk: “Neuropercolation in Brains and in Cognition Models and Control
Applications,” Tong Ji University, July 9, 2012, Shanghai, China.
Invited Talk: “Critical Behavior in Brains – EEG Experiments and
Thermodynamic Models,” Hangzhou University, July 10, 2012, Hangzhou,
Plenary Talk: “High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Neurodynamics –
Experimental Studies and Cognitive Relevance,” Neural Engineering Workshop,
December 21-22, 2011, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.
Plenary Talk: Neural Correlates of Awareness in Brains and in Man-Made
Devices, Int. Conf. Awareness Sci. & Technol., iCAST2011, September 27-30,
2011, Dalian, China.
Invited Talk: Intentional Neurodynamics in Animals and Implications for
Building Autonomous Devices,” Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Automation, September 26, 2011, Beijing, China.
Invited Talk at Mini-Symposium on Neurodynamics “Neural Population
Dynamics Modeled by Mean Field Graphs,” Int. Conf. Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics ICNAAM2011, Sept. 19-25, 2011, Halkidiki, Greece.
Tutorial: “Neuropercolation + Neurodynamics: Dynamical Memory Neural
Networks in Biological Systems and Computer Embodiments,” Inf. Joint. Conf.
Neural Networks IJCNN2011, with W.J. Freeman, July 30, 2011, San Jose, CA.
Plenary Talk: “Neuropercolation approach to singular space-time dynamics of
cortical processes,” Int. Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN2011,
June 9-13, 2011, Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan.
Keynote Talk: “Dynamical Aspects of Awareness and Intentionality in
Biological and Man-made Systems,” 2ns Int. Symp. On Aware Computing
ISAC2010, Nov. 1-4, 2010, Taiwan.
Plenary Talk: “Metastability of Mean-field Neuropercolation – The Role of
Inhibitory Populations,” at International Conference on Cognitive
Neurodynamics ICCN09, Hangzhou, China, November 15-19, 2009.
Invited Lecturer of Short Course (1 week) on “Noise and Intelligence:
Mathematical Foundations, Biological Background, and Computational
Models,” Institute of Mathematics, Wroclaw University of Technology,
Wroclaw, Poland, October 19-23, 2009.
Plenary Keynote Talk “Phase Transitions in Brains and Brain Models – Neural
Substrates of Cognition and Awareness in Man and Machines, AizuWakamatsu, Japan, September 18-19, 2009.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Invited Talk “Learning and Adaptation in Cellular Neural Networks,” Pazmany
Peter University, Budapest, Hungary, September 10, 2009.
Invited Speaker “Neuropercolation Models of Cognitive Phase Transitions,” at
Workshop on Advances in Neurodynamic Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 1718, 2009.
Invited Talk “Phase Transitions in Large-scale random graphs for cognitive
modeling,” Dept. ECE, MST Missouri Science & Technology University, Rolla,
MO, March 30, 2009.
Invited Talk “Intentional Systems – Neural Principles, Modeling, and Robotic
Implementations,” Seminar Talk at Biomedial Engineering Dept, The U of
Memphis, February 27, 2009.
Invited Speaker “Virtual Communities – Large-Scale Human-Computer
networks,” NSF Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning
for Virtual Organizations,” October 24, 2008, George Mason U, Fairfax, VA.
Invited Workshop Talk: “NSF Workshop on Emerging Models and Technologies
in Computing (EMT): Bio-Inspired Computing and the Biology and Computer
Science Interface,” July 24-25, 2008, Princeton University, NJ.
Invited Talk “Chaotic Dynamical Neural Networks: Models and Applications,”
Seminar at Dept. Mech. & Control Engng, Chinese U of Hong Kong, May 30,
2008, Hong Kong
Invited talk “Phase Transitions and the Dynamics of Cognitive Attractor
Landscapes,” Parmenides Workshop by invitation only, May 22-23, 2008, Isle
Elba, Italy
Plenary talk: “Mathematical Models of Metastable Brain Dynamics,” Chaos &
Complex Systems Conference, May 7-10, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
Workshop Talk and Organizing: “Use of Mathematical Physics to Model Neural
Correlates of Brain Activity,” Conference on Towards the Science of
Consciousness, April 7-12, 2008, Tucson, AZ.
Plenary Speaker: “Cognitive Phase Transitions in Brains: Models and
Applications,” Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference ANNIE07
(November 11-14, 2007, St. Louis, MO)
Special Session Organizer: “Neurodynamics: from neurons to higher cognitive
functions,” jointly with P. Andras (Newcastle), IJCNN 2007 (Aug. 12-17, 2007,
Orlando, FL).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Workshop Organizer: “Nonlinear Brain Dynamics for Computational
Intelligence,” 10th Joint Conference on Information Science JCIS07, July 19-24,
2007, Salt Lake City, UT.
Symposium Organizer: “Dynamical Systems Approaches in Neuroscience:
Theory, Experiments, and Applications,” Symposium organized at 6th
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics ICIAM’07 (1620, July, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland).
Panelist: “SBIR/STTR Phase I, Tools for Collaboration Panel,” NSF Industrial
and Innovation Partnerships,” (February, 2007, September 2007, Arlington,
Invited Talk: “Modeling Cortical Phase Transitions,” at NSF Conference on
Brain Network Dynamics (January 26-27, 2007, Berkeley, CA).
Invited Talk: “Phase Transition Models of Intentional Cortical Dynamics,”
Conference on Goal-Oriented Neural Systems (November 3-4 2006, Arlington,
Panelist: Computer Modeling and Mathematics Panel at NSF Workshop “Large
Scale Random Graphs Methods for Modeling Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological
and Physical Systems,” Renyi Institute of Mathematics (August 29, 2006,
Budapest, Hungary).
Special Track Organizer: "Neurodynamics of Higher-level Cognitive Behavior,"
jointly with Leonid Perlovsky at the IEEE 2006 World Congress on Computational
Intelligence (July 16-20, 2006, Vancouver, Canada).
Workshop Organizer: “Neurodynamics Methods for Analysis and Control of
Cognitive Behaviors,” jointly with A. Seth (NSI, CA) J. Tani (RIKEN, Japan) at 10th
Artificial Life Conference ALIFEX (June 3-7, 2006, Bloomington, IN).
Keynote Talk: “Neuropercolation Model of Cortical Phase Transitions –
Dynamics of Cognition and Intelligence,” Chaos & Complex Systems
Symposium (May 12-13, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey).
Invited Talk: “Dynamical Systems Approach to Intentional Robots,” At Dept. EE
& CS, UC Berkeley, BISC Berkeley Initiative on Soft Computing Seminar Series
(February 28, 2006, Berkeley, CA).
Invited Talk: “Dynamical Systems and Intelligent Behavior,” at Florida Atlantic
University, Complex Systems and Brain Sciences Institute (January 16, 2006,
Boca Raton, FL).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Invited Talk: “SODAS – A Dynamical Systems Approach to Robot Intelligence
and Autonomy Applied to Sample Return Rover SRR Platform,” at JPL Robot
Autonomy Division (Sept. 15, 2005, Pasadena, CA).
Invited Talk: “Neuropercolation – Dynamical Approach to Autonomy,”
Neuroscience Institute NSI Seminar (Sept. 8, 2005, La Jolla, CA).
Invited Talk: “Self-Organized Development of Autonomous Adaptive Systems,”
Distinguished Lecturer at Navy Center of Applied Research in Artificial
Intelligence NCARAI, Navy Research Laboratory NRL (May 9, 2005, Arlington,
Special Session Organizer: “Neurodynamics and Intentional Dynamic Systems,”
at IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, IJCNN’05 (August 4, 2005, Montreal,
Workshop Chair: “Nonlinear Spatio-Temporal Neural Dynamics,” at Int. conf.
Computational Neuroscience CNS*2004 (Baltimore, MD, July 21, 2004).
Plenary Talk: “Nonconvergent Neural Memories for Robust Encoding of Noisy
Sensory Data,” at ANNIE’2003 Conference (November 2-5, 2003, St. Louis,
Invited Talk: “Biologically Inspired Computing – Past, Present, & Future,” at
Institute of Complex Systems (Kalamazoo, MI, October 13, 2003).
Panelist: “Biologically Inspired Computational Models,” Discussion Panel at
IJCNN’03 (July 20-24, 2003, Portland, OR).
Tutorial Speaker: “Neuropercolation: Dynamical memory neural Networks –
Biological Systems and Computer Implementations,” Tutorial at IJCNN’03 with
W.J. Freeman (July 14, 2003, Portland, OR).
Special Track Organizer: “Temporal Aspects of Information Encoding in NNs,”
Special Track with 3 sessions, co-organizer with Deliang Wang and Ali Minai,
at IJCNN'03 (July 14-19, 2003, Portland, OR).
Workshop Organizer: “Nonlinear Spatio-temporal Neurodynamics,” organized
with Peter Andras and Peter Erdi at Computational Neuroscience Conference
CNS*2003 (July 4-8, 2003, Alicante, Spain).
Invited Talk: “Dynamical Cognitive Principles, Models, and Implementations,”
at NSF Conference on Advanced Computation Inspired By Biological Processes
(April 6-8, 2003, Arlington, VA).
Special Session Organizer: “Nonlinear Neurodynamics,” co-organized with
Walter Freeman, at IJCNN'02 (May 11-15, 2002, Honolulu, HI).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
Panelist: "Your Method is Connectionist Too", at World Congress on
Computational Intelligence WCCI'02/IJCNN'02 (May 11-15, 2002, Honolulu,
Special Session Organizer: “Noisy Chaotic Neural Networks for Information
Storage and Retrieval,” at IEEE Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks
IJCNN2001 (July 24-27, 2000, Como, Italy).
Panelist: “Facing up to the 'AI Problem': Neural Networks and High-level
Intelligence and Cognition,” Panel at IEEE International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks (July 10-16, 1999, Washington DC).
Panelist: “Grand Challenges to Neural Networks Community,” Panel at IEEE
World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI98 (May 5-9, 1998,
Anchorage, AK).
Invited Session: “Integration of Hybrid Methods for Artificially Intelligent
Neural Networks,” at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
(May 5-9, 1998, Anchorage, AK).
Invited Session “Hybrid Connectionist Systems for Knowledge Monitoring,” at
IEEE Int. Conf. Syst. Man Cybern. SMC'97 (October 12-15, 1997, Orlando, FL).
Special Session Organizer: “Knowledge Monitoring by Neuro-Fuzzy Methods,”
at IEEE Int.Conf. Neural Networks, ICNN'97 (June 8-12, 1997, Houston, TX).
Center for Large-Scale Integrated Optimization and Networks (CLION)
Dr. Kozma is the founding Director of the Center for Large Scale Integrated
Optimization and Networks (CLION), established in close collaboration with
CLION Co-Director Paul J. Werbos. The mission of CLION is the development
of innovative solutions to large-scale networks and optimization problems in
various defense and civilian applications, and in biomedical research areas.
CLION aims at becoming a center of excellence in large-scale networks and
advanced intelligent optimization research, and facilitating the
commercialization of the research outputs.
CLION involves an interdisciplinary research team comprising University of
Memphis faculty and students including Mathematical Sciences (MSCI),
Computer Sciences (CS), Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
(EECE), as well external collaborators from academia and governmental
agencies. CLION provides University of Memphis students with research
expertise in cutting-edge technologies, which provides them with a
competitive advantage in the job market.
1. PI (with Co-PI F. Ohl, Leibnitz Institute of Neuroscience, Germany) US-German
Collaboration on the Computational Neuroscience of Strategy Change in
Cognitive Biological and Technical Systems, NSF-NIH Collaborative Research
in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) DMS, $428,000, 2013-2016.
2. PI, Emergence of Near-Critical Regularity in Brain Network Dynamics, AFOSR Mathematics & Cognition Program, $375,791, 2015-2017 [White Paper,
revision in progress].
3. PI, Intentional Action-Perception through Random Graph Theory, Physical
Intelligence Research Thrust, Phase II DARPA DSO, $384,000, 2011-2013.
4. PI, CIEDETS - Radar Imaging of Occluded Artifacts, MAV6 Inc. $10,000 2012.
5. PI, Mathematical Models of Cognition and Decision Making [award unused],
AFOSR/ Intergovernmental Personal Agreement (IPA), $139,840, 2012.
6. Director, High-Performance Imaging: Collaboration Agreement between U of
Memphis and AFRL Sensors Directorate [in kind equipment support] WPAFB,
Sensors Directorate, $500,000, 2011-2012.
7. PI, CLION Center for Large-Scale Integrated Optimization and Networks STC, U
of Memphis, matching funds, $205,000, 2011-2013.
8. PI, First Tennessee Entrepreneurship Award, First TN Foundation, $22,500,
9. PI, Distributed Sensing and Decision Systems, Solid State Scientific, NH,
$95,047, 2010-2011.
10. PI, Complex Warfare Systems (CWS), FedEx Institute of Technology, $105,000,
11. PI, Bionic Eye Recurrent Neural Network Training, UoM Foundation, $14,000,
12. PI, Neurodynamics of Perception and Cognition, AFOSR/General Dynamics IT,
$72,000, 2008-2009.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
13. PI, Dynamic Logic for Information Fusion using Distributed and Multi-Modal
Sensory Agents with Emergent Cognitive Behaviors, National Research
Council, $83,500, 2007- 2008.
14. Co-PI (with V. Menon/Stanford and S. Bressler, Florida AU), Brain Network
Dynamics, NSF Cognitive and Behavioral, Sciences Program $49,900, 20072008.
15. PI, Biologically-Inspired Control and Navigation Center of Advanced Robotics,
FedEx Institute of Technology, seeding grant, $20,000, 2007-2008.
16. Co-PI (with B. Bollobas) Large Scale Random Graphs Methods for Modeling
Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological and Physical Systems, NSF International
Office, $40,000, 2005-2007.
17. PI, A Model Field Theory Based Approach to Emergent Intelligence Through
Communication of Cognitive Agents with Evolving Intentional Dynamic
Behaviors, National Research Council, with US Air Force Research Laboratory,
Sensors Directorate, $26,500, 2006.
18. PI, Dynamical Approach to Behavior-Based Robot Control & Autonomy
[funded, not used], NASA, through JPL Intelligent Robot Control Laboratory,
Caltech, Pasadena, CA, $95,425, 2006-2007.
19. PI, REU: Percolation models of spatio-temporal dynamics during sensory
induced phase transitions in the cortex, NSF, Research Experience for
Undergraduates Program, $12,000, 2005-2006.
20. PI, (with Terry Huntsberger) Dynamic Approach for Robot Intelligence and
Autonomy Applied to SRR Platform NASA/JPL Advanced Projects Office
$22,500, 2005.
21. PI, (Co-PI B. Bollobas, P. Balister) Percolation models of spatio-temporal
dynamics during sensory-induced phase transitions in the cortex NSF,
Quantum and Biologically Inspired Computing $759,053, 2002 – 2006.
22. Consulting (PI: J. Zurada) Modeling of spatial and temporal dynamics in
biological olfactory systems, ONR-DEPSCOR, $240K (5% share), 2001-2004.
23. PI, (with Co-PI W.J. Freeman, and S. Franklin) SODAS: Models of Selforganizing Ontogenetic Development of Autonomous Agents, NASA,
Computing, Information and Communicating Technology CICT Program,
Revolutionary Computation Project $729,000, 2001-2004.
24. Co-Researcher (with W.J. Freeman, UCB), Use of EEG Attractor Reconstruction
to Analyze Nonlinear Brain Dynamics, ONR, Cognitive and Neural Sciences,
$34,000, 1999-2000.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma
25. Co-PI (with N. Kasabov, Otago U) Connectionist Based Intelligent Information
Systems CBIIS (moved from NZ), New Zealand Foundation for Research,
Science and Technology FoRST, NZD 1,440,000, 1998-2002.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robert Kozma