第十六單元:歐盟法與生命對話 歐盟法研討會 THE ECONOMIC POSITION OF AUSTRIA AS A MEMBER STATE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 Taipei, 3 June 2014 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方 式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】 OVERVIEW 2 1. AUSTRIA’S UNIQUE POSITION 2. CRISIS MANAGEMENT FROM AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE CASE STUDY # 1: FINANCIAL AND SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS CASE STUDY # 2: ENERGY SECURITY 3. SUMMARY & OUTLOOK AUSTRIA’S UNIQUE POSITION 3 1804 1867 1914 1918 1938 1945 • Austrian Empire • Austro-Hungarian Empire • First World War • First Austrian Republic • Second World War (German annexation) • Second Austrian Republic 1955 • Austrian State Treaty > independent sovereign state • Declaration of Neutrality 1995 • Accession to EU • Bilateral agreement with NATO (Partnership for Peace) 4 Article I Declaration of Neutrality (Federal Constitutional Law 1955/10/26) (1) For the purpose of the permanent maintenance of its external independence and for the purpose of the inviolability of its territory, Austria, of its own free will, declares herewith its permanent neutrality which it is resolved to maintain and defend with all the means at its disposal. (2) In order to secure these purposes Austria will never in the future accede to any military alliances nor permit the establishment of military bases by foreign States on its territory. 1995 Accession to the EU popular referendum > 66% approval neutrality regarded as outdated concept resulting from World War II > not applicable after fall of iron curtain that divided East and West neutrality currently exists on paper > “post-neutral” in practice, neutrality has become flexible concept 5 Key lesson # 1: Austria is in a unique position to serve as “Bridge-Builder to the World”. GEOGR. LOCATIO N EU MEMBER UNIQUE POSITION BRIDGE BUILDER NEUTRAL HISTORY 6 CRISIS MANAGEMENT FROM AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE CASE STUDY # 1: FINANCIAL & SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS ECONOMIC INDICATORS GDP per capita 130 above EU average 100 REAL GDP growth rate 0.4 (2013) 0.1 (2013) DEBT over 80% (2014) below EU average, 60% limit 86.9% DEFICIT 2009 EDP expected to end 2014 2.5% below EU average , 3% limit 4% INFLATION 2.1% (2013) 1.5% (2013) UNEMPLOYMENT 4.9% (2014) lowest in EU 10.5% (2014) TAX RATE 44.3% of GDP above EU average 40.7% EU 7 ECONOMIC & FISCAL REFORMS FISCAL CONSOLIDATI ON National Reform Programme Stability Programme 2016 zero‐deficit 2011 Sixpack MIP, EIP > European Semester MTO 2012 Austrian Stability Pact (ÖStP) debt brake for government 2012 Fiscal Compact (TSCG) balanced budget rule 2013 Fiscal Council 2014 Draft Budgetary Plan 2013 Twopack national fiscal council budgetary timelines INVESTMENT education, universities, R&D, infrastructure STRUCTURAL REFORMS 2012 Stability Package pensions, health care, public admin., subsidies, labour markets TAX REFORM 2014 Tax Law Amendment Act [AbgabenänderungsG] close loopholes, eliminate distortive exemptions > distr. burden among priv. households, business, finan. inst. 2011 Euro Plus Pact goals for national economic policies to strengthen competitiveness and convergence 8 BANKING & FINANCIAL REFORMS BANKING UNION Single rulebook Single Supervisory Mechanism Single Resolution Mechanism 2013 CRD / CRR IV no global systemically important bank (G-SIB) 2013 Reg. conferring tasks on ECB Hypo Bank restructuring/liquidation; in addition to domestic bank tax banks must contribute to EU resolution fund 2014 Bank Restructuration and Resolution Directive (BRRD) 2014 SRM Regulation Deposit Guarantee Scheme TRANSPARENCY OF BANK ACCOUNTS FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAX (FTT) 2014 Directive (recast) EU agreement with 3rd countries, 2003 / 2014 Savings Directive last MS to allow scrutiny of foreigners' fight cross-border tax evasion accounts, keeping bank secrecy for autom. exchange of bank account data Austrians > tax savings income strongly supports common approach hopes to levy tax starting 2016 2011/2013 Commission prop. harmon. financial transaction tax enhanced cooperation EU 9 ENHANCED COOPERATIO N TEU TITLE IV: PROVISIONS ON ENHANCED COOPERATION at least 9 MS Article 20 TEU 1. MS which wish to establish enhanced cooperation between themselves within the framework of the Union's non-exclusive competences may make use of its institutions and exercise those competences by applying the relevant provisions of the Treaties ... Enhanced cooperation shall aim to further the objectives of the Union, protect its interests and reinforce its integration process. Such cooperation shall be open at any time to all MS ... 2. The decision authorising enhanced cooperation shall be adopted by the Council as a last resort, when it has established that the objectives of such cooperation cannot be attained within a reasonable period by the Union as a whole, and provided that at least nine MS participate in it … 3. All members of the Council may participate in its deliberations, but only members of the Council representing the MS participating in enhanced cooperation shall take part in the vote ... 4. Acts adopted in the framework of enhanced cooperation shall bind only participating MS. They shall not be regarded as part of the acquis which has to be accepted by candidate States for accession to the Union. TFEU TITLE III: ENHANCED COOPERATION 10 Article 326 TFEU Any enhanced cooperation shall comply with the Treaties and Union law. Such cooperation shall not undermine the internal market or economic, social and territorial cohesion. It shall not constitute a barrier to or discrimination in trade between MS, nor shall it distort competition between them. Article 327 Any enhanced cooperation shall respect the competences, rights and obligations of those MS which do not participate in it. Those MS shall not impede its implementation.. Article 328 1. . enhanced cooperation … shall be open to all MS ... 2. The Commission and, where appropriate, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall keep the European Parliament and the Council regularly informed ... Article 329 11 1. MS which wish to establish enhanced cooperation … in one of the areas covered by the Treaties, with the exception of fields of exclusive competence and the common foreign and security policy, shall address a request to the Commission, specifying the scope and objectives of the enhanced cooperation proposed. The Commission may submit a proposal to the Council to that effect. In the event of the Commission not submitting a proposal, it shall inform the MS concerned of the reasons for not doing so. Authorisation to proceed with the enhanced cooperation … shall be granted by the Council, on a proposal from the Commission and after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament. 2. The request of the MS which wish to establish enhanced cooperation .. within the framework of the common foreign and security policy shall be addressed to the Council. It shall be forwarded to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who shall give an opinion on whether the enhanced cooperation proposed is consistent with the Union's common foreign and security policy, and to the Commission, which shall give its opinion in particular on whether the enhanced cooperation proposed is consistent with other Union policies. It shall also be forwarded to the European Parliament for information. Authorisation to proceed with enhanced cooperation shall be granted by a decision of the Council acting unanimously. Article 330 All members of the Council may participate in its deliberations, but only members of the Council representing the MS participating in enhanced cooperation shall take part in the vote. … Article 334 The Council and the Commission shall ensure the consistency of activities undertaken in the context of enhanced cooperation and the consistency of such activities with the policies of the Union, and shall cooperate to that end. Key lesson # 2: 12 Despite challenges resulting from “bad banks” in the financial sector and the need to consolidate its fiscal household, Austria has remained one of the economically most stable members in the EU. The need to respond to the crisis may have even served as a good “excuse” for the government to tackle necessary, long outstanding structural reforms. Austria’s proactive stance with regard to the introduction of a common financial transaction tax highlights the fact that Austria is not passively complying with EU target objectives but even willing to assume a leading role among EU MS. Therefore this case study may be regarded as a positive example, evidencing how economic and financial challenges can become a driving force for transformation and renewal. ECONOM . & FISCAL ENHANCE D COOPERA T. BANKING & FINANCIA L INVEST FINANCIAL & SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS TAX CASE STUDY # 2: ENERGY SECURITY 13 2007 South Stream project one of the largest infrastructure projects in the world natural gas pipeline from Russia under the Black Sea through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary to Austria > alternative route of gas imports to Europe bypassing Ukraine! signing of intergovernmental agreements 14 2009 EU’s Third Energy Package Directive 2009/73/EC common rules for the internal market in natural gas; Regulation 715/2009 conditions for access to natural gas transmission networks liberalization of energy sector > prevent monopolistic supply chain ownership unbundling > network operator vs. producer/supplier third parties access to pipeline infrastructure transparent, objective, non-discriminatory tariffs 2013/12/4 European Commission director for energy markets > bilateral agreements are all in breach of EU law (1) Gazprom owns both transmission network and gas (2) Gazprom has not allowed third parties non-discriminatory access (3) tariff structure links oil and gas prices 2014/3 European Commission placed project approval process on hold (following Russian annexation of Crimea) > calls for joint purchase of Russian gas and uniform gas price in EU market 15 2014/3/5 European Commission > €11 billion economic package to support Ukraine Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA II) exceptional EU crisis-response instrument, complementing IMF assistance €1 billion loan > help Ukraine finance stabilisation and reform programme Association Agreement (AA) political provisions signed 21 March 2014 Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) Trade measures > (temporary) removal of customs duties Regulation on reduction/elimination of customs duties on goods originating in Ukraine (effective 23 April 2014), granted for limited period (until 2014/11/1) 2014 EU sanctions against Russia asset freezes and travel bans on individuals and companies neither Gazprom nor its managers have been targeted TFEU Part V: External action 16 Art 205 General provisions Art 206f Common commercial policy > trade agreements Art 208ff Cooperation with third countries (development/economic/financial/technical cooperation), humanitarian aid Art 215 restrictive measures (“interruption or reduction, in part or completely, of economic and financial relations with one or more third countries … the Council may adopt restrictive measures … against natural or legal persons and groups or non-State entities.”) Art 216ff International agreements Art 220f relations with international organizations, third countries and union delegations Art 222 Solidarity clause 1. The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster. … 2. Should a Member State be the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster, the other Member States shall assist it at the request of its political authorities. … 3. The arrangements for the implementation by the Union of the solidarity clause shall be defined by a decision adopted by the Council acting on a joint proposal by the Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. … 2014/3/21 European Council Conclusions 17 19. … completing the internal energy market by 2014 and developing interconnections so as to put an end to any isolation of Member States from European gas and electricity networks by 2015 remain a priority … effective and consistent implementation of the Third Energy Package by all players in the European energy market … 20. …Efforts to reduce Europe's high gas energy dependency rates should be intensified … calls on the Commission to conduct an in-depth study of EU energy security and to present by June 2014 a comprehensive plan for the reduction of EU energy dependence. The plan should reflect the fact that the EU needs to accelerate further diversification of its energy supply, increase its bargaining power and energy efficiency, continue to develop renewable and other indigenous energy sources and coordinate the development of the infrastructure to support this diversification in a sustainable manner, including through the development of interconnections … further action should be taken to support the development of the Southern Corridor, including further spur routes through Eastern Europe … 29. … agrees to expand the list of individuals to be subject to visa ban and asset freeze … decides to cancel the next EU-Russia Summit and notes that Member States will not hold bilateral regular summits for the time being … support the suspension of negotiations over Russia's joining the OECD and IEA. 32. … any further steps by the Russian Federation to destabilise the situation in Ukraine would lead to additional and far reaching consequences for relations in a broad range of economic areas between the European Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Russian Federation, on the other hand. In this respect, the European Council asks the Commission and the Member States to prepare possible targeted measures. Article 36 TEU 18 The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall regularly consult the European Parliament on the main aspects and the basic choices of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy and inform it of how those policies evolve. He shall ensure that the views of the European Parliament are duly taken into consideration. … The European Parliament may ask questions or make recommendations to the Council or the High Representative. Twice a year it shall hold a debate on progress in implementing the common foreign and security policy, including the common security and defence policy. 2014/4/17 European Parliament resolution on Russian pressure on Eastern Partnership countries and in particular destabilisation of eastern Ukraine 6. … EU and its Member States to speak to Russia with one united voice … 7. .. measures against Russian companies and their subsidiaries, particularly in the energy sector, as well as Russian investments and assets in the EU, and for all agreements with Russia to be reviewed with a view to their possible suspension; 11. … introduction of economic, trade and financial restrictions … 19. … welcomes … adoption of the unilateral trade measures; calls for the signing of the full AA/DCFTA as soon as possible and before the expiry of the unilateral trade measures; 20. … welcomes the decision of the international financial institutions and the EU to provide Ukraine with substantial short- and long-term financial aid … 19 27. … expects the quick implementation of the autonomous trade preferences adopted by the EU to bridge the gap until the signing of the remainder of the agreement, which includes the DCFTA; 28. Welcomes the initial measures adopted by the Commission to enable Ukraine to tackle an energy crisis should Russia cut gas supplies to the country, and urges the Council and the Commission to assist and support Kyiv in its efforts to resolve the long-standing gas dispute with Moscow; stresses the urgent need for a strong common energy security policy (an Energy Union), with the aim of reducing the EU’s dependency on Russian oil and gas, including the diversification of energy supply, the full implementation of the Third Energy Package and the possibility of suspending gas imports when necessary; takes the view that the South Stream pipeline should not be built, and that other sources of supply should be made available; is convinced that EU assistance to Ukraine in securing reverse-flow supply through further diversification, enhanced energy efficiency and effective interconnections with the EU will strengthen Ukraine against political and economic pressures; recalls, in this connection, the strategic role of the Energy Community, of which Ukraine holds the presidency in 2014 20 2014/4/29 Memorandum of Understanding signed between Austrian energy company OMV and Russian gas exporter Gazprom implement South Stream project OMV central gas hub for CEE > Hungary, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, France security of gas supply (30% from Russia, ½ flowing through Ukraine pipelines > need other pipelines!) Austrian Economy Minister (Reinhold Mitterlehner) supports deal “we not only have to diversify our energy sources, but also our supply routes” Other EU MS interested in joining the deal with Russia Germany (current 15% stake) Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia (not MS), Croatia, Slovenia, Greece 21 Key lesson # 3: This case study demonstrates the complex functioning of the EU as a whole, in particular the diverse interactions between different actors and legal competences when it comes to the Union’s external relations. Even though the example primarily concerns the private business sector, it is clear that the affected enterprises are backed by their respective governments. The Austrian position in response to political turmoil in the Ukraine highlights the difficulty of achieving a coherent position among different stakeholders, especially when vital interests – such as those related to economy and energy security – are affected. CFSP special (Art 24 TEU) ENERGY shared COMPETITIO N exclusive (Art 4 TFEU) (Art 3 TFEU) Article 3 TFEU 22 The Union shall have exclusive competence in the following areas: … (b) competition rules necessary for the functioning of the internal market; … (e) common commercial policy … Article 4 TFEU The Union shall share competence with the MS … (i) energy … Article 24 TEU 1. The Union’s competence in matters of common foreign and security policy shall cover … foreign policy and … the Union’s security, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy .... The common foreign and security policy … shall be defined and implemented by the European Council and the Council acting unanimously … The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and by MS …. The Court of Justice of the European Union shall not have jurisdiction … 2. … achievement of an ever-increasing degree of convergence of MS’ actions. 3. The MS shall support the Union’s external and security policy actively and unreservedly in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity and shall comply with the Union’s action in this area. … The MS shall work together to enhance and develop their mutual political solidarity. They shall refrain from any action which is contrary to the interests of the Union or likely to impair its effectiveness as a cohesive force in international relations. The Council and the High Representative shall ensure compliance with these principles. 23 EXTERNAL ACTION CFSP CSDP •21f TEU (general) •205ff TFEU (specific) •21f TEU (general) •23ff TEU(specific) •21f TEU (general) •42ff TEU(specific) TEU Title V: General provisions on external action and specific provisions on CFSP 24 Art 21f TEU > General provisions on external action Article 21 TEU 1. The Union's action … shall be guided by the principles …: democracy, the rule of law, … human rights … solidarity, and respect for the principles of … international law… 2. The Union shall … (a) safeguard its values, fundamental interests, security, independence and integrity (b) .. support democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the principles of international law (c) preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security … (g) assist populations, countries and regions confronting natural or man-made disasters … 3. The Union shall respect the principles and pursue the objectives set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 in the development and implementation of … the Union's external action covered by this Title and by Part Five of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and of the external aspects of its other policies. The Union shall ensure consistency between the different areas of its external action and between these and its other policies. The Council and the Commission, assisted by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, shall ensure that consistency … Article 22 TEU 1. …, the European Council shall identify the strategic interests and objectives of the Union. … The European Council shall act unanimously on a recommendation from the Council. … 2. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for the area of common foreign and security policy, and the Commission, for other areas of external action, may submit joint proposals to the Council. Art 23ff TEU > CFSP 25 Article 26 TEU 1. The European Council shall identify the Union's strategic interests, … define general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy… 2. The Council shall frame the common foreign and security policy and take the decisions necessary for .. implementing it on the basis of the general guidelines and strategic lines defined by the European Council. The Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall ensure the unity, consistency and effectiveness of action by the Union. 3. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the High Representative and by the Member States, using national and Union resources. Article 27 TEU 1. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who shall chair the Foreign Affairs Council, shall contribute through his proposals towards the preparation of the common foreign and security policy and shall ensure implementation of the decisions adopted by the European Council and the Council. 2. The High Representative shall represent the Union for matters relating to the common foreign and security policy. He shall conduct political dialogue with third parties on the Union's behalf and shall express the Union's position in international organisations and at international conferences. 3. … the High Representative shall be assisted by a European External Action Service. … Article 29 TEU 26 The Council shall adopt decisions which shall define the approach of the Union to a particular matter of a geographical or thematic nature. MS shall ensure that their national policies conform to the Union positions. … Article 31 TEU 1. Decisions under this Chapter shall be taken by the European Council and the Council acting unanimously ... The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. When abstaining in a vote, any member of the Council may qualify its abstention by making a formal declaration ... In that case, it shall not be obliged to apply the decision ... the MS concerned shall refrain from any action likely to conflict with or impede Union action. ... Article 32 TEU MS shall consult one another within the European Council and the Council on any matter of foreign and security policy of general interest in order to determine a common approach. Before undertaking any action on the international scene or entering into any commitment which could affect the Union's interests, each MS shall consult the others …. MS shall ensure, through the convergence of their actions, that the Union is able to assert its interests and values on the international scene. MS shall show mutual solidarity. When the European Council or the Council has defined a common approach of the Union …, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the MS shall coordinate their activities within the Council. … Article 37 TEU The Union may conclude agreements with … States or international organizations … Art 42ff TEU > CSDP 27 Article 42 TEU 1. The common security and defence policy shall be an integral part of the common foreign and security policy. It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on civilian and military assets. The Union may use them … for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security …. The performance of these tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the MS. 2. The common security and defence policy shall include … a common Union defence policy. This will lead to a common defence .. the European Council … shall in that case recommend to the MS the adoption of such a decision in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements. The policy of the Union … shall … respect the obligations of certain MS, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) … 4. Decisions relating to the common security and defence policy … shall be adopted by the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy or an initiative from a MS. … 7. If a MS is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other MS shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance … Article 43 TEU 1. The tasks referred to in Article 42(1), in the course of which the Union may use civilian and military means, shall include joint disarmament operations, humanitarian and rescue tasks, military advice and assistance tasks, conflict prevention and peace-keeping tasks, tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peace-making and post-conflict stabilisation. …. EUROPEAN COUNCIL identify strategic interests 28 define general guidelines for CSFP (FOREIGN AFFAIRS) COUNCIL propose decisions to implement ensure compliance/unity/effect COMMISSION HIGH REPRESENTATIVE propose put into effect, represent ensure compliance/unity/effect MEMBER STATES put into effect, consult, converge loyalty, solidarity, aid 2013/12/11 Joint Communication 29 High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy + Commission EU comprehensive approach to conflict prevention and crisis resolution CONFLICT PREVENTION PEACEBUILDING REINTEGRATI ON EARLY WARNING JUSTICE REFORM STABILISATI ON DISARMAME NT CRISIS RESPONSE & MANAGEME NT SUMMARY & OUTLOOK 30 Throughout the entire history of European integration the idea of achieving peace and stability by employing a dual strategy of politics and economics has served as a constant source of inspiration. Despite such high objectives and ideals, the European continent continues to face conflicts arising from both external and internal sources, between East and West, North and South, between the EU and its MS and even among the MS. NORTH / SOUTH EURO MS / NONEURO MS WEST / EAST EU / MS INTERNAL/ EXTERNAL CONFLICT S EU/ CHINA 31 East vs. West (Cold War) Traditionally, borderlines were drawn between the East and the West, with Austria located right at the center between these two separate blocs. Under this constellation Austria’s legal status as a permanently neutral territory was of great importance, and in fact even a precondition for gaining full independence after the Second World War. A new era began with the fall of the iron curtain in 1991. Now, Austria was free to interpret its “neutrality” flexibly under new perspectives and thus able to join the EU in 1995. The external frontiers of the EU reached new dimensions, when 10 new MS acceded to the EU in 2004. Looking back at the past decade, the Eastern enlargement has resulted in great transformation of these formerly Communist countries. As a major foreign investor, Austria has contributed much but also profited remarkably from these new business opportunities. Nevertheless, social and structural inequalities still exist and more needs to be done to resolve traditional tensions between the East and the West. Austria’s role as a “bridge builder” therefore continues to play an important role. 32 Euro MS vs. Noneuro MS (EMU) The realization of an EMU along with the adoption of a single currency at the beginning of the second millennium has resulted in a “hard core” made up of euro MS on the one side, and on the other side EU MS not belonging to the euro area. North vs. South (Sovereign Debt Crisis) In the wake of the sovereign debt crisis even the “hardliners” forming the Eurogroup turned out to be more divided than expected in terms of economic productivity and financial stability, thus leading to a gap between north and south. Based on case study # 1 (financial & sovereign debt crisis) it seems that Austria has, at least so far, successfully managed to survive the crisis. 33 EU vs. MS (energy security) Also case study # 2 (energy security) indicates a geographic division, notably in the form of two pipeline projects, one running north (“Nord Stream”) and the other to be constructed in a southern direction (“South Stream”). Several MS having substantial interests in the project wish to implement the gas deal with Russia, despite the EU’s opposition. EU vs. China (Russia) It has been argued that mutual interdependence – notably the EU’s need for gas supply and Russia’s need for gas demand – should be regarded as a positive development. The idea of mutual dependence as a driving force for further integration whereby peace and stability are achieved is certainly worth reflecting. Nevertheless, the premise that Russia depends on the EU as a major destination for its gas exports must be revised since Russia has recently signed a huge gas deal with China. Ultimately, the emergence of new Super Powers and their mutual cooperation will, without doubt, have far-reaching implications not only for Europe, but also for Asia and the entire world as well. 34 So what does all this mean for Taiwan? In certain respects comparable to Austria, Taiwan also is a small but wealthy nation with a unique position on the global stage. Due to its history, geographic location and language it can serve as a bridge to mainland China. Enhanced crossstrait relations certainly entail great economic potential, but on the other side require thorough deliberation and preparation with regard to conflict prevention and resolution. Considering the above two case studies, economic and financial challenges, as well as energy security also constitute major key issues for Taiwan. It is crucial for Taiwan’s future development to find adequate responses to these domestic and global challenges. 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