Summary of Purdue Engineering Self

College of Engineering
Engineering Education
Exploring Engineering Education
Heidi Diefes-Dux, ENE Graduate Chair
ASEE Student Chapter – November 15, 2005
Take a minute…
What are three questions or
concerns you have about educating
future engineers?
Complex Question in Need of a Research Base
 What knowledge and abilities do our engineering graduates need
to possess to be leaders in the 21st century?
 How will we approach educating our students so that they
acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities?
 How do we assess students' development of these abilities?
 How should engineering participate in informing and reforming
the K-12 pipeline?
About the knowledge and abilities that are needed to be successful
in engineering?
About the opportunities and potential of careers in engineering?
Answering the Complex Questions
The Department of Engineering Education
is about finding research-based answers
to these kinds of questions!
Purdue Engineering Education
ENE is Making History!
 Department of Engineering Education (ENE) established in April
2004 with goals to:
Forward the First-Year Engineering Program to preeminence
Establish a coherent research base focused on student learning and
learning environments by developing a graduate program
Establish a research-based K-12 Engineering and Outreach Program
 World’s first graduate degree programs in Engineering Education
approved in February 2005 by ICHE
 First ENE Graduate Cohort Admitted in Fall 2005
Purdue Engineering Education
ENE Research Thrusts
Science of learning engineering
Differences due to gender, race, ethnicity (diversity equity)
Problem solving, design
Innovation and creativity
Social and global issues
Experiential learning (e.g., service learning)
Learning for life
Technology- and communication-enhanced pedagogies
Assessment methods
Research capacity building
ENE Graduate Education Philosophy
"What is the purpose of doctoral education? […] to
educate and prepare those to whom we can entrust the
vigor, quality, and integrity of the field.”
We call such a person a “steward of the discipline."
The Carnegie Foundation
Overview of the ENE Ph.D. Curriculum
 Engineering Technical Coursework (15 cr. hrs)
 Research Preparation Coursework (12 cr. hrs)
Education Research Methods
Education & Learning Theory
Instruction & Curriculum Development
 Engineering Education Coursework (10 cr. hrs)
Bring Knowledge of Education to the Engineering Context
 Graduate Level Elective (3 cr. hrs)
 Thesis Proposal & Defense
 Demonstration of Achievement of 10 ENE Graduate Competencies
Purdue Engineering Education
Demonstration of Achievement
of 10 ENE Graduate Competencies
 Synthesize Knowledge
 Create Knowledge
Portfolio Development
 Communicate Knowledge
 Select an Artifact
 Reflective Narrative
 Think Critically and Reflectively
 Apply Engineering Education
Principles to the Solution of
Instructional or Curricular Problems
 Demonstrate Engineering Skills
 Engage in Professional Development
 Participate Actively in Profession
WHAT? - The artifact and
why it is included in the
SO WHAT? – Your person
growth related to the
NOW WHAT? - What you
will do now based upon
your personal growth and
future goals
 Explain and Critique Education Policy
 Teach Engineering
Overview of the M.S. ENE Curriculum
 Curriculum Under Development
 Expected Emphasis
Engineering Technical Coursework
Research Preparation Coursework
Engineering Education Coursework
 Thesis Defense
 Portfolio Development
Demonstration of Achievement of ENE Graduate Competencies
Purdue Engineering Education
Funding Opportunities
 Fellowships
 Research Assistantships
Talk with individual ENE faculty
To gain experience, consider engaging in ENE research in Spring
and / or Summer 2006
 Teaching Assistantships
First-Year Engineering Program
Potential Careers for ENE Graduates
 Schools
K-12, community colleges, universities
 Non-Profit Organizations
Foundations and government agencies
 For-Profit
Education research and testing organizations, corporations
 Job Types
Faculty members, researchers, assessment or accreditation
coordinators, policy makers, program officers, corporate trainers,
directors of teaching/learning centers, diversity programs, outreach
Purdue Engineering Education
ENE Graduate Courses – Spring 2006
 ENE 695B – Theories of Development and Engineering Thinking
3 credit hour
Students will study fundamental theories of development and
knowledge construction and their impact on pedagogy and research of
engineering “thinking”. They will explore behaviorist, interactionist, and
sociocultural theories of development.
 ENE 695C – Problem Solving & Design for Diverse Learners
3 credit hour
Students will learn about engineering students’ educational pathways,
issues of attraction and retention in the major, the impact of diversity
upon the learning environment, and the ways in which students are
brought into a fundamental feature of the engineering profession –
design and problem solving.
Purdue Engineering Education
ENE Graduate Courses – Spring 2006
 ENE 590 – Special Problems in Engineering Education
1-3 credit hour
Engineering Undergraduate Teaching and/or Curriculum Development Practicum
ENGR 100 Cross-Cultural Communication & Diversity Paper Analysis
Technology in the Classroom - ENGR 106
Gaming Software for Undergraduate Student Recruitment and Outreach
Longitudinal Study of the Impact of the Summer Mathematics Bridge Program
The Impact of the Engineering Learning Environment on Student Self-Efficacy
Internet-Based Distance Education
What could design learning look like?
Investigations into multidisciplinary thinking and learning
Purdue Engineering Education
ENE Graduate Courses – Fall 2006
 ENE 695A – Seminar in Engineering Education
1 credit hour
Students have an opportunity to interact with one another and with
members of the engineering education community at local and national
 ENE 595A – Introduction to Engineering Education
3 credit hour
Students are introduced to the field of engineering education.
Emphasis is placed on students’ development of a personal identity
within engineering & engineering practice, teaching engineering, and
the scholarship of engineering education.
Purdue Engineering Education
Application to ENE Graduate Program
 Graduate School Requirements:
GRE Test
TOEFL Test - for degree-seeking whose native language is not English
Recommendation letters (3)
Statement of Purpose
 ENE Requirements:
Engineering Education Supplemental Application Form
Curriculum Vitae
Engineering Education Research and Teaching Statement
American Society for Engineering Education
 Purdue ASEE Student Chapter
 ASEE National Society