DRAFT From reproductive freedom and gender equality to

From reproductive freedom and gender equality to
immigration reform, healthcare access and beyond, we
stand for social justice. We achieve our goals through
Philanthropy, Advocacy, Community Service and Education
Minutes for September 9, 2015 NCJW Board Meeting
Presiding: Beryl Michaels
The meeting was called to order at 6:54 p.m.
Present: Barbara Baran, Lindie Henderson, Claire Lipschultz, Beryl Michaels, Vicki
Rand, Michelle Stern, Pat Sturdevant, and Sheila Wolfe
The minutes of August 12, 2105 were approved unanimously.
Questions/comments on committee or officers’ reports
 Community Service:
 The committee is just underway and has had two meetings. The next meeting
will be 9/29 or 9/30. Exciting possibilities are being considered. One of them is
a Health Conference, Healthy Women-Healthy Lives, organized by Hadassah.
NCJW needs a Conference Coordinator, as well as a committee to work on the
 The Board discussed and commented on projects under consideration. Claire
suggested one of the Mitzvah in a Minute activities could be involvement in the
next activity of SacPost regarding posting of human trafficking flyers.
 The opening meeting will be on October 26th at Congregation Beth Shalom, with
Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, Executive Director of the California Commission on
the Status of Women and Girls as the speaker.
 The Chanukah Party will be on December 7th at 11:30 a.m.
 Joint event with KOH scheduled for Dec. 13, 2015
 The Committee requests that the paid up membership event be in the fall
rather than summer. Spring would not be good because the paid up
membership deadline is 7/1, so the meeting should be after that. They also
suggest a new location since attendance at Nepenthe is down.
 Board members commented that the Board meeting and installation of officers
in June could be a draw for members, especially if we include as speakers
someone from National or a local politician; others suggested this would be a
good opportunity to showcase the good work we do and highlight reasons to get
involved, and that pictures of events at prior membership meetings would be
appealing and interesting.
Family Shalom:
 SEVEN. Beryl reported that 215 tickets have been sold, 40 seats reserved, and
55 comp’d for participating groups for the October 4th staged reading. Outreach
and publicity are underway. Women’s Empowerment sent to its mailing list of
1500 as did Renaissance. Board and committee members should generate
attendance by looking at the video and forwarding it to friends, colleagues and
contacts. Beryl will resend the flyer, information, and link to the video again for
ease in forwarding. Vicki reported that there have been press releases, it is
noted in the News & Review free calendar section, and that Marcus Crowder did
an interview. Claire commented that we need to confirm the count of tables.
Beryl and Claire will get together on that. Sheila reported that assisted listening
devices are being pursued.
The Committee has worked on defining responsibilities, considering interface
with other committees, and how issues get assigned. (This will be part of our
policies and procedures.)
Communications needs a paragraph on each event or speaker from the
relevant committee to use in publicity. Lindie will draft a paragraph on the
speaker for the October 26 opening event.
Barbara drafted a flyer for the NCJW table at SEVEN showing what we do.
In the absence of the Treasurer, Beryl reported that we have the following
amounts in these accounts:
 US Bank
 Wells Fargo Bank
Other accounts are essentially unchanged
There will be a full financial report at the November meeting
Board Responsibility Reminder
o Beryl asked Board members to copy her on anything relating to doing Section
business, and to ask members of their Committees to do this as well. She is
legally responsible for whatever goes on so needs to be kept informed.
Capital Stage Vouchers
 We have been given 40 vouchers thanks to a donor program sponsored
by Capital Stage.
 We will sell them for $20 and will have them available at SEVEN and the
Opening Meeting.
Next Board Meeting: Einstein, TUESDAY November 10, 2015 6:45 NOTE SPECIAL
On the agenda for the November Meeting:
Discuss Planning Session Work Group Reports; Decide Actions to Implement;
Divide Responsibilities among Board Members
Board members are tasked to come with ideas and suggestions.
Committee Reports are due at least two days in advance of the Board meeting
The meeting ended with an announcement from Claire that she has been invited to Oprah
Winfrey’s house for dinner and conversation following the screening of a new series Oprah is
premiering in December to discuss how faith based community leaders can respect each
other’s religions and work better together. Beryl closed with encouraging words and wishes
for a good and sweet year to each of us.
Patricia Sturdevant, Recording Secretary