MULVANE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 15, 2014 7:30 p.m. The Mulvane City Council convened at the City Building at 211 N. Second at 7:30 p.m. Presiding was Mayor James P. Ford, who called the meeting to order. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Terry Richardson, Joe Johnson, Doug Hatfield, Jenean Keck and Shelly Steadman OTHERS PRESENT: Kent Hixson, J.T. Klaus, Patty Gerwick, Mike Robinson, Chris Young with Young & Associates, Jeremy Gilson with Gallagher Benefit Services, Stu Vosburg and Valerie Mayfield PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION: All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation led by Mayor Ford. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES DATED 12-1-14: MOTION by Hatfield, second by Johnson to approve the Regular minutes dated 12-1-14. MOTION approved unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: None at this time. REVIEW AND CLOSING OF THE AGENDA: Mayor Ford declared the agenda closed. APPOINTMENTS, AWARDS AND CITATIONS: Appointment to Library Board – MOTION by Keck, second by Johnson to approve the appointment of April Gardner to the Mulvane Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Monica Turner (2018). MOTION approved unanimously. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. NEW BUSINESS 1. ANNEXATION PETITION – 10651 S. ROCK ROAD: Property owners Stu Vosburg and Valerie Mayfield are requesting annexation of their property located on the west side of Rock Road, just to the north of the Woodlands Addition. After some discussion about livestock within the city limits not being allowed, the petitioners asked to withdraw their petition. 2. MULVANE RECREATION COMMISSION – O.K. KIDS DAY EVENT: The MRC is requesting permission to host an event that would include a competition in shooting BB guns and Archery, of which neither are allowed within the city limits. After discussion and concerns about liability issues it was the consensus of the Council to deny permission for this event. 3. HEALTH INSURANCE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT: Mike Howell with Gallagher Benefits Services has been our health insurance consultant for many years and has been paid a 4% commission for his services. Traditionally the consultant’s fees have been built into the health insurance providers premiums. In 2015, the consultant’s fees have been reduced to 3% and must be dealt with separate from the premiums. MOTION by Steadman, second by Richardson to approve the consulting agreement between Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. and the City of Mulvane and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. MOTION approved unanimously. 4. CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE AND LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: MOTION by Richardson, second by Hatfield to approve a “cereal malt beverage” license for FasTrip Mulvane, Inc. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Richardson, second by Hatfield to approve a “cereal malt beverage” license for Pizza Hut, Inc. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Richardson, second by Keck to approve a “cereal malt beverage” license for Dillon Store #32. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Richardson, second by Johnson to approve an “on-premise” liquor license for Kansas Star Casino. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Richardson, second by Hatfield to approve a “retail liquor off premise” license for Mulvane Liquor, LLC. MOTION approved unanimously. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE: No action needed as petition was withdrawn. ENGINEER’S REPORT 1. Project Review and Update: Young gave a brief review on the status of City Projects. CITY CLERK Nothing at this time. CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1. SET SPECIAL MEETING DATE TO AMEND THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROVE BOUNDARY RESOLUTION: A “Request for Special Meeting” was signed by the Council requesting a Special Council meeting for Monday, December 22, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. CITY ATTORNEY 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION - MOTION by Richardson, second by Keck to recess at 8:20 p.m. for a period not to exceed 10 minutes to discuss matters under attorney-client privilege with the Mayor, Council, City Administrator and City Attorney to attend. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Johnson, second by Richardson to return to open session. MOTION approved unanimously. Mayor Ford announced that no binding decisions or agreements were made during the executive session. CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION by Richardson, second by Keck to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Employee Payroll dated 12-5-14 ($200,474.16) 2. Warrant Register for November ($992,390.63) 3. Legal Fees – Triplett, Woolf & Garretson – ($8,332.40) 4. Water Tower – Phoenix Fabricators Pay App #11 ($23,121.00) MOTION approved unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, MEETINGS AND NEXT AGENDA ITEMS: No December School Board-Council Breakfast ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Richardson, second by Keck to adjourn at 8:37 p.m. MOTION approved unanimously. Patty Gerwick City Clerk