SWK510 SWK Practice with Families and Individuals

Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Office hours:
Class times:
Course Description
This introductory gero-infused practice course focuses on the practice theories and skills
that are needed in the helping process. Various interviewing techniques, assessment tools
and intervention strategies are taught within the strengths based perspective. The course
includes the following practice models: problem solving, solution focused, motivational
interviewing, and crisis intervention. Issues of human rights related to social and economic
justice are integrated throughout the course.
Course Prerequisite(s)
Currently enrolled in SWK 511: Field Practicum.
Dee Fink Model/Team Based Learning
Application in this Course
This course is based upon the Dee Fink Integrative Learning model and uses team-based
learning by integrating team activities, reflection and knowledge gained from the readings.
CSWE Competency Outcomes
Addressed in the course
Associated Practice
Identify as a
professional social
worker and
conduct oneself
2.1.1 (b) Practice
personal reflection and
self-correction to assure
continual professional
8 – 12
Measuring Practice
Role Play #1
Case studies
Role play #2
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Apply knowledge
of human behavior
& social
Engage Diversity
and difference in
2.1.1 Attend to
professional roles and
2.1.7 Utilize conceptual
framework to guide the
process of assessment.
Apply knowledge to
understand the person
and environment.
2.1.4 Gain sufficient selfawareness to eliminate
influence of personal
biases and values in
working with diverse
populations, with an
emphasis on older
Quiz 1
Ecomap and General
Systems Theory
Case Study #2
Ecomap and General
Systems Paper
Recognize and
communicate their
understanding of the
importance of difference
in shaping life
Engage in
2.1.6 Use research
research-informed evidence to inform
practice & practice- practice
informed research
Observation and DSM
5 diagnosis
assessment paper
Engage and Assess
Observation and DSM
5 diagnosis
Case Study #1
Case Study #2 a-d collect,
organize and interpret
client data; assess the
individual’s system’s
strengths and
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Course Learning Objectives
Reflected in Significant Learning Types
Course Learning Objectives
Significant Learning Type
Understand the stages of the helping process:
engage, assess, intervene, evaluate and terminate.
Identify principles of practice theories
Foundational knowledge
Use interviewing skills and psychosocial
assessment skills.
Make judgment about what theoretical approach
best fits the client’s needs.
Identify the interaction between client’s problems
and the use of practice models.
Become aware of one’s own interactional patterns
and their impact on clients
Value the importance of the helping relationship
in empowering diverse clients and affecting
Frame useful questions in which social work
theories are applied effectively in new practice
Learning How to Learn
Human Dimension
Set a learning agenda based on students’
assessment of their strengths, patterns and
growth opportunities.
Methods of Instruction
The course will be taught in the form of guided discussion, team activities and short
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Required Readings
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders – DSM 5 (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric
Hohman, M. (2012). Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice. New
York: The Guilford Pres.
Rosengren, D. (2009). Building Motivational Interviewing Skills. New York: The Guilford
Turner, F. (Ed.). (2011) Social Work Treatment (5th ed.). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Course Policies
A complete list of course policies can be found in the Student Handbook located online. Please
click on the link listed below:
Grading Policy
Grading will follow the Dominican University Graduate School of Social Work grading
system (current MSW Student Handbook) with percentage marks associated with
corresponding letter grades.
Grade Point Value
4.0 (96-100%)
3.67 (92-95%)
3.5 (88-91%)
3.0 (84-87%)
2.67 (80-83%)
2.5 (76-79%)
2.0 (72-75%)
1.67 (68-71%)
0 (below 68%)
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings. One absence is acceptable.
Absences will affect the final grade as follows:
One Absence: make up the work (Work assigned in class on that day will need to be
made up within 2 weeks.)
Two Absences: 5% will be deducted from the final grade (After the second absence you
should make an appointment with the professor to discuss your progress in the course and
any difficulties you may be having.)
Three Absences: 10% will be deducted from the final grade (The student should consider
withdrawing from the class.)
Four Absences: The student will receive an F for the course. (If a student misses 4 or
more classes per semester, it is recommended that the student withdraw from the course).
Attendance Means: The student is present at the beginning of the class. Professional
behavior is expected of all students in the classroom. When students leave class during the class
it disrupts the learning process. We will have a 15-minute break midway through the class.
Excessive Lateness: (more than 15 minutes late)
Arriving late for class 1-2 times will be overlooked.
Please be on time. Students who arrive late unintentionally disrupt the learning
Excessive lateness will have an impact on the attendance and participation portion
of the grade.
Academic Dishonesty and Integrity
All students of the GSSW are expected to observe high standards of academic honesty and
integrity. Any student whose conduct violates such standards may be subject to disciplinary
action as determined by due process.
Students are expected to follow the guidelines of the American Psychological
Association Publication (APA) Manual 6th Ed. All major assignments are to be
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
uploaded to SafeAssign or Turn-It-In via Canvas to check for Plagiarism.
Plagiarism is presenting material from any source as one’s own without proper
attribution, which is to include the use of quotation marks when another’s exact
wording is used and proper citation when another’s ideas are used but exact
wording is not used. Any material other than one’s own that is used in a paper must
be properly cited in order to avoid the plagiarism of another’s work. Plagiarism is
grounds for a grade of F on the assignment and will be referred to the Dean or
Assistant Dean for further disciplinary action.
A student suspected of cheating or plagiarism will receive an automatic F for that
particular paper, assignment or exam. A written incident report will be sent to the
Dean/Assistant Dean. A Student is given a waiver to one offense of Plagiarism. He or
she must meet with their academic advisor and develop a plan for resolution. If the
student offends a second time they will be referred to the Dean for further
disciplinary action and possible dismissal. If the student is dismissed he or she will
wait two years for re application to Dominican GSSW.
Student must sign Plagiarism Pledge in order to graduate.
ADA Compliance
Students with disabilities may request special accommodation. Students with special disabilities
must provide the professor with a copy of the verification of the disability from the Office of the
Dean of Students, Trudy Goggin, by the second week of class in order to receive special
accommodations. The Writing Center also provides services to students who need additional
reading, writing or computer skills: 708-524-6682. For more information click on the following
link: Disability Support Services
Course Requirements
Associated Practice
Possible Point
Due Date
Assessment Case Study
(Case Study 1)
Session 3
Psychosocial Assessment
(Case Study 2)
Session 11
and 12
Comparative Assessment
Paper of Older Adults and a 2.1.10b-a
Session 6
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Vulnerable Population
Quizzes (3) (TBL Activities)
Session 3
Session 7
Session 12
Environmental and
Systems Theory Reflection
Video or In-class Role Play
(and short summary)
Session 8
As Assigned
Observation and DSM–5
2.1.10a-c, b-a
Session 11
Peer Evaluations
Session 7
Session 15
Description of Assignments
1. Assessment Case Study (Case Study 1): Students will receive a case study and
each team will present assessment questions for the “client”. The team will also
present potential ethical, cultural and environmental factors to consider related to
this case study. After each team completes their questions they will present them to
the full class.
2. Psychosocial Assessment (Case Study 2): Students will spend two class sessions
on this project. After viewing the movie, Gran Torino, each team will complete a
psychosocial assessment and treatment plan using a format approved by the
instructor. In addition students will demonstrate their ability to apply critical
thinking concerning developmental and practice theory to the case selected.
Step One: Complete the assessment and develop a treatment plan (to be presented
on large sheets of paper (provided by instructor).
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Step Two: Discussion of the person in the environment as it applies to the client.
What strengths and challenges has the client experienced from their community?
Have there been themes of oppression and marginalization, which has impacted
the adaptive functioning of the client? In addition to the person in the environment
discussion, submit a completed Ecomap and genogram with the client. The
discussion of the person in the environment should contribute to the
understanding of the Ecomap and genogram.
Step Three: Select one or more theoretical orientation(s) from the selected texts,
readings and class work which influences the assessment and interventions at
all levels of practice of a particular client system. Theory discussion can be both
developmental and practice theory.
Step Four: Consider the NASW Code of Ethics and Standards for Practice and
discuss how this client has challenged and/or contributed to the student’s
professional development. Specific references to the Code of Ethics and Standards
are required.
3. Comparative Assessment Paper of Older Adults and a Vulnerable
This paper assists students in making connections between the unique needs of
different populations and the assessment process. Students will describe
important issues impacting older adults (e.g., losses, relocation, chronic illness) and
the impact of those issues on the assessment process. Students will also choose
another at-risk/vulnerable populations and discuss how the assessment process
might be different considering the unique issues of that population. The paper will
 An understanding of the components included in an assessment (see
Compton, Galaway & Cournoyer reading on Canvas)
 The unique issues that impact older adults
 The unique issues that impact the second chosen population
 A minimum of three sources will be included in this paper
 Paper will follow APA format (5 pages of content)
4. Quizzes
Students will complete three (3) quizzes over the semester demonstrating an
understanding of the concepts and theories utilized for practice with families. The
quizzes will strongly incorporate information from the readings. Quizzes will be
completed individually and that grade will be recorded, a team score will then be
completed following the Team Based Learning model.
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
5. Environmental and Systems Theory Reflection Paper
Completing an MSW program impacts the ecosystem of students. For this
assignment students will integrate information from chapter 15 in the Turner text
and the reading on an Ecosystemic Approach to Assessment (on Canvas), upon
their own personal ecosystem. Students will then apply the Ecomap assessment
tool to evaluate their own social system at this time. This paper should integrate the
concepts of general systems theory (e.g., family structure, boundaries, role changes)
and environmental supports. Students may also decide to discuss the impact of
attending the MSW program on the family life cycle (McGoldrick). This paper will
be between 2–3 pages.
6. Video or In-Class Role-Play
Each student is expected to participate in one 10-minute video or live role–play
situation. In selecting the client system consider how individuals and families
present across the lifespan and crises, which present themselves at key stages. It is
also important to consider how persons who are marginalized by society engage in
the helping relationship. Therefore when considering possible role–play
demonstrations consider the following populations: LGBTQ, immigrants, refugees,
diverse ability levels, and survivors of violent crime, with a view to the gero–
infusion of the course (note: these are only suggestions but are intended to promote
creative thought in selecting the video topics).
Students will be placed in groups of three and each member will portray a client,
the social worker and if needed film the video resulting in three separate roleplays. Each member of the group will choose one of the following phases of
therapy: initial, middle or termination phase. This phase will be integrated into the
individual role-plays. Phases of therapy will be determined early in the semester
and each group will have members representing different phases of therapy.
The student role-playing the client will decide on one of the affective disorders
from the DSM-5 (review the symptoms/criteria before you begin your role play).
A. The role-play is an interview of a social work practitioner with an individual.
The role-play is conducted live or videotaped and submitted to the
professor. Role-plays will demonstrate individuals across the life span.
Students may also choose to complete the role-play in front of the class.
B. Students are expected to present their video in class. The video is to
demonstrate the individual or family interviewing skills. Students are to pay
close attention to issues of values/ethics, diversity, populations at risk,
human rights, strengths perspective and global context) demonstrating
intentional interviewing skills, the systems approach and clinical diagnosis.
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
The role-play is to demonstrate working with an individual or family.
C. The paper:
a. Students will write a short summary of their role-play situation – who
is the client and why are they seeking help?
b. Provide context as to the type of agency and where the client is at in
the treatment process, as the context of treatment varies depending
on the stage of the helping process
c. Provide a DSM-5 diagnosis for the client providing a rationale for the
d. Reflect and summarize the role play through critical evaluation of the
role play process and what steps you need to take in the future to
become a competent practitioner
e. And develop a treatment plan that will be handed in with the video
f. Using the DSM-5 text consider what diagnostic criteria is most useful
in understanding the client system
g. Students are to analyze their peer’s role-play presentation. A “Peer
Review” form will be provided. Completeness and analysis are part of
the class participation grade. There are no opportunities to make up
the peer review.
h. Please label your video with your name, and client name
i. It is the responsibility of the student to prepare a video of adequate
quality for class members and the instructor to hear and evaluate the
work being demonstrated
7. Observation and DSM–5 Diagnosis (5%)
Students will observe a role-play of a counseling session between the instructor
and a guest client. The students will take notes during the role-play observing the
behaviors, communication and reported problem. The students will then write a
DSM-5 diagnosis on all axes. Student will support their choice of diagnosis with the
symptoms and features in the DSM-5.
8. Peer Evaluation
At two times during the semester (midterm and final week) students will evaluate
the other students in their team. This evaluation is being completed on a structured
evaluation form and includes both quantitative and qualitative feedback. Students
will be asked to offer both positive feedback as well as suggestions on how to grow
in team activities.
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Course Outline
Sequence of Learning Activities
Session Date
In Class Topics and Activities
Overview of course goals
Introduction to team based learning
Creation of teams
TBL Activities:
Team project: Team “rules”
Out of class work/readings:
Sept 2
No class – Labor Day
Introduction to the Profession of Social Work
Common base for social work practice
The Life Model
NASW Code of Ethics, CSWE Social Work Values, IFSW Code of
Theory and Social Work Treatment
Social work and motivational interviewing
TBL Activities:
Teams review the Code of Ethics and motivational interviewing
and discuss whether Motivational Interviewing is “manipulative”
Out of Class work/readings:
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 1: Why Social Work and Motivational Interviewing?
Turner (2011)
Chapter 1: Theory and Social Work Treatment
Gitterman, A. in Turner, (2012)
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Chapter 18: Advances in the Life Model of Social Work Practice
NASW Code of Ethics available at:
Basic Interviewing Skills
The Helping Process: Three Phases
Client-centered Theory
Person-Centered Approach
Therapist roles
Social Work in different settings (individuals, families, groups,
communities, administration)
TBL Activities:
Quiz 1
Case study one
MI Worksheet
Out of Class work/readings:
Required Readings:
Rowe in Turner (2011)
Chapter 5: Client Centered Theory
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 2: The Heart of Motivational Interviewing
Hepworth, D., Rooney, R., Rooney, G. & Strom-Gottfried. (2010)
Social Work Practice (9th ed.). Chapter 3: Overview of the
Helping Process. pp 35 – 55 (on Canvas)
Basic Communications Skills and Helping
Problem Solving Theory and Steps
Helping relationship
Engagement process
Reflection – Use of OARS
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
TBL Activities:
Discussion of future Role play
Observation of reflective listening (simple, complex)
Each team member will present a short description of an
interaction they had with a challenging person in their life. Two
team members will “interview” and respond to the story. The
other team members will observe the type of reflective listening.
Team members will switch roles.
Out of class work/readings:
Required Readings:
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 3: Motivational Interviewing and the Engagement and
Assessment Process
Shier, M. Chapter 24: Problem Solving and Social Work (in
Turner). pp 364 – 373.
Langer, N. (2004.). Resiliency and spirituality: foundations of
strengths perspective counseling with the elderly.
Educational Gerontology, 30, 611–617.
Assessment of the individual
Types of Assessment
Assessment instruments
Strengths Assessment
TBL Activities:
Students will practice empathic responses in their teams
Out of class work/readings:
Required Readings
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 4: Supporting Self-efficacy, or What if they don’t think
they can do it?
Chapter 5: Expressing Empathy
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Hepworth, D., Rooney, R., Rooney, G. & Strom-Gottfried. (2010)
Social Work Practice (9th ed.).
Chapter 9: Assessment Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and
Environmental Factors pp. 215 - 249 (available on Canvas)
Hawkins, R. & Kim, E. (2012). The Socio-Economic
Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic
Distress in Clients. Clinical Social Work, 40: 194 – 202.
Attachment Theory
Systems Theory
Elements of the Social Worker/Client Relationship
TBL Activities:
Teams will create a theory grid to capture the differences
between client centered theory, attachment theory and systems
theory (additional theories will be added throughout the
Out of class work/readings:
Page and Goldstein in Turner (2011)
Chapter 3: Attachment Theory and Social Work Treatment
Chapter 15: General Systems Theory: The contributions to Social
Work Theory and Practice
Dupuis, S. (2010). Examining the Blended Family: The
Application of Systems Theory toward an Understanding
of the Blended Family System. Journal of Couple &
Relationship Therapy, 9: 239 – 251.
McCarthy, G. & Davis, S. (2003). Some implications of Attachment
Theory for Understanding Psychological Functioning in
old age: An illustration from the Long-Term psychological
effects of World War Two. Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy, 10, 144-155.
ASSIGNMENT DUE: Comparison Assessment Paper
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Assessment of the Environment
TBL Activities:
Peer Evaluation – mid term
Students will role play identifying change talk (worksheet) and
Techniques for Responding to Resistance (worksheet)
Quiz 2
Out of class work/Readings:
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 6: Developing Discrepancy: Using Motivational
Interviewing in a group setting to increase ambivalence
Gilgun, J. An Ecosystemic Approach to Assessment found in
Compton, Galaway & Cournoyer (2005) Social Work Processes
(pgs. 349 – 360). (on Canvas)
Cross Culture and Social Work
Assessment and culture
Multiple Contextual Perspectives
Role plays
TBL Activities: Role Plays
Out of class work/Readings:
Aisenberg, E. (2008). Evidence-based practice in mental health care
to ethnic minority communities: Has its practice fallen short
of its evidence? Social Work, 53(4), 297-306. Retrieved from
Miu Ha, K. (2009). Applying cultural competency in clinical
practice: Findings from Multicultural experts' experience.
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work,
18(1/2), 146-165. doi:10.1080/15313200902875000
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Hodge, D. & Limb, D. (2011). Spiritual Assessment and Native
Americans: Establishing the Social Validity of a
complementary set of assessment tools. Social Work,56 (3),
213- 223
Hinrichsen, G. (2006). Why multicultural issues matter for
practitioners working with older adults. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice, 37(1), 29-35. Retrieved
August 23, 2008, doi:10.1037/0735-7028.37.1.29.
ASSIGNMENT DUE: Ecomap and systems reflection paper.
Student role plays
Using the DSM 5
Examples of Theoretical Approaches in an Interview
TBL Activities: Role Plays
Practice DSM Case Study
Out of class work/readings:
Zalaquett, Fuerth, Steing Ivey & Ivey (2008). Reframing the DSMIV-TR From a Multicultural/Social Justice Perspective. Journal of
Counseling & Development, 86, 364 – 371.
APA DSM 5 Page
Student role plays
Resistance and the client
Managing resistance
Techniques for resistance
Strengths Perspective
In-Class role play (guest)
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
TBL Activities:
Out of class work/readings:
Hohman (2012)
Chapter 7: Rolling with Resistance: Motivational Interviewing
with Adolescents, or “You can’t make me”
Saleeby in Turner, (2011)
Chapter 33: Some Basic Ideas about Strengths Perspective
Student role plays
Treatment Plans
TBL Activities:
Case study #2: Assessment project begins
Out of class work/readings:
Thomlison & Thomlison in Turner (2011)
Chapter 6: Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work
ASSIGNMENT DUE: DSM-5 assessment paper (guest role
play) due
Student role plays
Solution Focused Theory
TBL Activities:
Quiz 3
Case Study #2: Assessment project (Case study #2) continued
Out of class work/readings:
Lee in Turner (2011)
Chapter 32: Solution –focused theory
Bannink, F. (2006). Chapter 3: The First Session in 1001 solution
focused questions, pp 49 – 75. New York: W.W. Norton &
Student role plays
Dominican University
Graduate School of Social Work
SWK 510: Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families
Treatment Plans
Your Own Reaction to Endings
TBL Activities: Teams share Case Study #2
Out of class work/readings:
Franklin, C. & Jordan, C. (2005) Reading 16: The Clinical Utility of
Models and Methods of Assessment in Managed Care. In
Compton, B., Galway, B. & Cournoyer, B. Social Work Processes.
(7th ed). pp.422 – 432
Seibold, C. (2007). Every time we say Goodbye: Forced
Termination Revisited, a commentary. Clinical Social Work,
MI and Social Work Practice - summary
TBL Activities:
Out of class work/readings:
Hohman (2012)
Chap. 9: Integrating Motivational Interviewing into Social Work
Chap 10: Final Thoughts
Review of Class Goals
TBL Activities:
Peer Evaluation